UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #4

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This morning, I happened to be in West Valley visiting a friend. I drove by Susan Powells residence and it looked almost dead. No lights on, driveway wasn't shoveled (there's tons of snow here), newspapers looked to be on the doorstep still, no trashcan outside (it's trash day), etc. It really appeared vacant, or that people haven't lived there in the past few weeks. Just thought I'd share with everyone who isn't here in Utah..

No disrespect - but if someone says something on line, in a blog, in a link, why is it redacted? Freedom of speech and all, and copying what said subject said.

Thanks so much.

With Josh being gone for 17 hours and then 24 hours the next day, there was plenty of time to take Susan to anywhere.
It is 13-14 hours from his home to his fathers home, my guess is he went nothwest with Susan's body.

No kidnapper. Just her loving hubbie whom she was about to send home to Dad anyways. He just wanted to be there WITH his boys.

So, wrap her up good, maybe she'd fit into a camping gear bag... and someplace on the way oops there goes the container.

PLENTY of time to do it alone or with Dads help. PLENTY of time to go back in daylight to check for visible signs. When does snow melt in the mountains? Like May?
By then it's a cold case, life goes on for Josh if he hid her well.

IMO, and I am so cynical.

click this link then when it gives the article click on "MAPS" upper left and the route comes up.
There is really no huge mystery about this case. Josh killed Susan in the house, hence the wet spot on the rug from the cleanup. He then packaged her body and put it in the trunk of his car. The boys were then awakened and told they were going camping. They were loaded into the car where they promptly fell asleep (it was the middle of the night after all). Josh dumped the body in a spot far from home. He returned with the rental car to check on the safety of the dump spot, or move it to a better location. Thanks to the negligence of LE, Susan's remains might not be recovered for months, if at all. This really gets my goat.
There is really no huge mystery about this case. Josh killed Susan in the house, hence the wet spot on the rug from the cleanup. He then packaged her body and put it in the trunk of his car. The boys were then awakened and told they were going camping. They were loaded into the car where they promptly fell asleep (it was the middle of the night after all). Josh dumped the body in a spot far from home. He returned with the rental car to check on the safety of the dump spot, or move it to a better location. Thanks to the negligence of LE, Susan's remains might not be recovered for months, if at all. This really gets my goat.

I agree. It seems what happened is very obvious. Now, the question is..where is Susans body?
I posted a comment on Kiirsi's blog entry entitled "The Dark Side of the Search for Susan Powell". Kiirsi replied to my comment and asked that I relay her thanks to those of us at WS who are sleuthing for the truth about Susan's disappearance. I copied that part of her reply and will post it below, hoping it won't be deleted by mods since it is per Kiirsi's request.

TGI, thank you–please tell your friends at WebSleuths that I appreciate the work they’re putting into actually finding out what happened.

I think that there has been some confusion about who Kiirsi is referring to as "haters". I don't think she is referring to us...more likely it is people posting on local blogs. As for those who want her to be out searching...thats awfully hard to do in the snow and ice when there is no specific area to search and you have three little ones of your own to care for.

What searchers need is more specific info as to where Josh went. Kiirsi seems to be supporting us in sleuthing that out. Maybe we should try to be a bit more understanding of her difficult position at this time.
Most of them wife-disappearing-and-leaving-purse-and-cell-behind guys had a lady-love on the side, who was waiting for her man to become "unattached."

Most were on the verge of divorce, thus loosing kids, home, and facing child support payments for years to come.

In Susan's case, it seems like the divorce situation was the main motive, but one should never keep the mind closed to other reasons.

(bbm) Well I could be proven wrong but IMO there was no lover-on-the-side, no homewrecker competing for JP's attention, except daddy that is...

Do you think it's possible they met halfway with her body? Maybe a route they would be familiar with on the way to Puyallup, but not all the way? Seems logical that the boys would be sleeping and probably not seen "grandpa". I'm off to do a little mapping......

Yes this possibility was discussed back a ways (will attempt to find) I did a radial circumpherence of estimated distance, and we speculated concerning whether JP may have increased the distance Susan's body could've traveled by enlisting the help of his father. I believe this is exactly what happened, and if we knew more re his father's whereabouts in the days following SP's disappearance it will help. Did his father's arrival in West Valley coincide w Josh's return the first time, or w his return in rental car eg... I am trying to recall, need to go back and look into the exact timing. Maybe dad followed Josh back to WVC but was laying low. LE needs to sieze and process daddy's car (or w/e he was driving) and analyze his pings, card purchases etc...

Josh's father sent him anti - LDS literature ...interesting, Do we know what religon if any Josh's dad is ?

The other thing that is eating at me is why would Susans friend Kiirsi not want anyone to search for her ? Is it denial or something else ....

Are some of us thinking that, perhaps, Josh and Kirsii were/are a bit more than friends? I'm only asking because that certainly turned out to be the case with Tara and Chris (in the Coleman case)...:waitasec:

No disrespect - but if someone says something on line, in a blog, in a link, why is it redacted? Freedom of speech and all, and copying what said subject said.

Thanks so much.


My thought was copywright issues...?
If it wasn't entirely clear, I speculated this would have enabled JP to have only driven anywhere up to six hours one way (12 total round trip), while Susan's body could have continued farther... clever way of defying LE if dad had his cell disabled or left it in WA eg... meanwhile Susan could've been transported considerably outside the parameters it would be estimated that *JP* himself could travel w/in the time for which he was unaccounted. Would daddy do this? IMO "You betcha..." :( Personally I'm starting to question the extent of this meddlesome father's role in the entire chain of events, beginning w it's inception...

Just checkin in here...looks like Josh is stonewalling still...and still has those boys !!

All of our ranting and raving won't do much...what we do need is new laws, new ways of thinking IMHO

when a parent is a POI in the case of a missing/murdered spouse, the children of the couple should be removed from the home until some determination is made

there ought to be some law like that....call it "Susan's Law" if you wish

there has to be some way to get those kids from that jerk JMO

Isn't taking those young kids "camping" in middle of night, freezing weather, some sort of endangerment?? I think someone needs to get creative legally..put those boys first

Good idea. I really thought there was some law already in place to protect the people around the POI more. I don't believe I would want to trust the POI is being watched enough. The two little boys were left with a man that is under serious questioning by LE - it's not right to just trust him until we find out different. There definitely needs to be a Susan's Law now that we see what happens without one. I hope LE is as worried about those two little boys as we are.
If it wasn't entirely clear, I speculated this would have enabled JP to have only driven anywhere up to six hours one way (12 total round trip), while Susan's body could have continued farther... clever way of defying LE if dad had his cell disabled or left it in WA eg... meanwhile Susan could've been transported considerably outside the parameters it would be estimated that *JP* himself could travel w/in the time for which he was unaccounted. Would daddy do this? IMO "You betcha..." :( Personally I'm starting to question the extent of this meddlesome father's role in the entire chain of events, beginning w it's inception...



I completely agree. He seems more concerned about his son, himself and his family being "villified" than finding his missing daughter-in-law. There's hardly a doubt in my mind that he has some type of involvement.
Are some of us thinking that, perhaps, Josh and Kirsii were/are a bit more than friends? I'm only asking because that certainly turned out to be the case with Tara and Chris (in the Coleman case)...:waitasec:

Honestly, I don't think they are more than friends. I feel it's more of a case of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer.

ETA: If she maintains an open line of communication with him, she has anywhere from 0%-100% chance of getting *some* type of information from him. If she goes on the record, as many already have, and says she thinks he's responsible, she has a 0% chance of finding anything out. I imagine, if this is the case, it's a hard line to tow.
I hope I can put an end to the questions about Kiirsi and the searching so we
can move on and sleuth about Josh's dad... because I think that is where any clues may be.

But being local... the police have not asked anyone to search.... in fact
I would say that all reports I have seen have actually discouraged it!
If anyone is from this area and want to search they are being directed
by Kiirsi as well as other friends to contact the WV police and organize with
them so that they can advise on procedures as to not ruin any evidence!

I have not seen Kiirsi tell people not to search. I have seen her defend herself
when other ask why she is not... my guess... and I have a good reason
for my guess......the police have asked them not to search!

One thing I know for fact is that Kiirsi wants Susan found! She is hurting
more than anyone can know and she is doing all that she can to help find Susan!
Others many not think so ... but I do!

There are reasons behind everything that is going on and we need to
let the police do their investigation!

It makes me sad to see all the horrible things being said about Susan's
friend and I hope that one day none of us are in her position.

Lets try to remember at this time that Kiirsi is Susan's friend and treat
her with the respect that I'm sure Susan would want us to!

We may not know the reasons for the things Kiirsi is doing/ saying but I know
she is working with the police so I imagine what she is doing is
under their direction!

JMO... IMO...
Published: December 30th, 2009 09:33 EST

Susan Powell Case Stalls, Social Media Picks Up the Pieces

New information in the missing persons case of Susan Powell is scarce. Speculation on the internet and TV suggests that the West Valley Police are carefully making their case. This kind of media blitz is nothing like anything that they have ever experienced. They feel the pressure and must get it right, a picture perfect investigation.
State court
clerks confirmed on Monday that search warrants in the Powell case have been sealed. The Salt Lake Tribune has filed a motion to have the warrants opened. Michael O`Brian, a Tribune attorney, said: Access is especially important in prominent cases, such as the Powell case, because the public is paying more attention to how well court and law enforcement systems work in such cases. " (Warrants sealed in Susan Powell case, newspaper plans challenge by Nate Carlisle and Brooke Adams-The Salt Lake Tribune-12/29/2009).
The police had issued three search warrants, two were at the Powell home and one was to draw blood and other biological samples from "the person of interest,` husband Joshua Powell. The contents of the warrants should be made public after 20 days, but the tension is mounting to make an arrest. (ibid-The Salt Lake Tribune)

The DNA tests and other tests from the lab will take a long time to produce results. I read that the Salt Lake City lab is understaffed, and they are under pressure to "get it right.` Remember how Johnny Cochran nailed the L.A. prosecutors when he proved that the chain of evidence was tainted? Prosecutors must be able to demonstrate every move, every change in the providence of evidence

How long would Josh be able to travel with Susan (corpse) in the car before decomposition would set in and dogs would pick up on it? TIA

I realize that with it being cold out it may help in the decomposition rate, But if the children were in the car I would imagine that the heat would have been on...IMO
How long would Josh be able to travel with Susan (corpse) in the car before decomposition would set in and dogs would pick up on it? TIA

I realize that with it being cold out it may help in the decomposition rate, But if the children were in the car I would imagine that the heat would have been on...IMO

This question had been discussed at length in the Haleigh forum. I believe it is around 1 1/2 to 2 hours after death that the dogs will pick up the scent in a vehicle , house etc....
So this is what we've heard re JP's father thus far (bbm)...

Puyallup WA Joshua Powell's father said Sunday he believes his son is being "vilified" as questions swirl around the disappearance of his daughter-in-law, Susan Powell, who has now been missing for two weeks.

"The whole thing has just turned into a vilification of Josh and it will turn into a vilification of me, my ex-wife and my other kids," said Steven Powell, who spoke to The Salt Lake Tribune briefly through the partially open front door of his home Sunday.

"I'm not making any statement because it doesn't matter how benign it is or how supportive it is. Somebody will twist it around."

It's unclear whether Joshua Powell was at his father's home Sunday.

West Valley City police Capt. Tom McLachlan said Joshua Powell left Utah on Friday or Saturday and is spending the holidays in Washington, his home state.

Powell's attorney, Scott C. Williams, said Joshua took the couple's two children, Charlie, 4, and Braden, 2, with him on the trip. Williams declined to answer further questions Sunday.

Steven Powell's home is located in a gated community called Country Hollow in South Hill, a community just outside of Puyallup, Wash. Joshua and Susan Powell both attended high school at nearby Rogers High school. Susan's parents, Chuck and Judy Cox, also live in Puyallup.

On Friday, the Coxes told The Salt Lake Tribune that Steven Powell isn't actively helping in the search for their daughter. The Coxes said they've had "issues" with Steven Powell in the past and aren't comfortable being around him.

Little other information about Joshua and his family has been available so far.

His mother and sister who live in Utah have declined comment on the case. Kirk Graves, who is married to Joshua Powell's sister, Jennifer, has said in previous media interviews he wouldn't be surprised if Joshua Powell is arrested in connection with the case.

In Washington, many in the Puyallup area are familiar with Joshua's brother, Michael Powell, an Army veteran elected to be a national delegate for President Barack Obama. Powell ran as a Democrat for a seat in the Washington State House of Representatives this fall and lost.

According to Michael Powell's campaign Web site, michaelcpowell.org, Joshua Powell served as a "technical coordinator" during his brother's campaign.

Steven Powell asked The Salt Lake Tribune to not publish his comments after he spoke to reporters. Powell said his house and the subdivision around it are private property and said he worries if media discover where he lives, they will "camp out" near his house.

He told Tribune reporters to "please just go and please do not come back." Asked whether he wants a chance to speak on behalf of Joshua Powell and explain the reasons why he thinks his son has been unfairly vilified, Steven Powell said, "I don't need to explain anything. There is nothing to explain."

Wokiedokie then... the only other thing we know re Steven (and ex-wife Terrica) is their embittered divorced was in 1992, per court records from Spokane Superior Court. Records show case dragged on for years (in court through 2003). Court docket gives minimal info re proceedings but states at least one RO (restraining order) filed during proceedings (no more info re restraining order given.) And observations re Susan's FIL in the interim, since Susan's disappearance, aren't terribly reassuring either. :rolleyes: Here are some snippets...

'They also had "issues" with Joshua's father, Steven Powell, who could not be reached for comment for this story. A man who answered the door of a Puyallup home believed to belong to Steven Powell refused to speak to a Salt Lake Tribune reporter. The Coxes said Steven Powell isn't actively helping with the search for Susan...'(snip)

'"The whole thing has just turned into a vilification of Josh and it will turn into a vilification of me, my ex-wife and my other kids," father Steven Powell told the Salt Lake Tribune, before asking reporters to leave...' (snip)

'"One of the biggest problems Susan had was that (Josh) talked to his dad for hours, more than he talked to her," said Tim Peterson, a friend and member of the Powells' ward who has been vocal in the past about Josh Powell and once called police on him.' (snip)

There's your "other woman." I'm sorry daddy, but you're really just not makin a stellar impression at all. Can anyone else help me to pinpoint when SP (formally) "arrived" in WVC?


I think daddy taught Joshy everything he knows... re how to maintain the upper hand and come out a "winner"--at all costs. JMO

I saw these youtube videos, one with Susan's sister talking about how she dreams about her and misses her so much. It's a good interview in that she makes it clear how hard it is to imagine anyone you know, your sister's husband, doing something so horrible. Accepting that there is that degree of evil in a person takes some time. The sister says she knows Josh must be having dreams of Susan and seeing her face. Hope so, hope he is haunted until he finally snivels his confession.

The videos are posted on the WS Forensic Astro Site:

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