Layered Map Theory. Help me Sleuths...


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Jun 14, 2012
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Ok, I dont lnow if its legal to use copyrighted material to show my point, so I made a map. Its crude and only shows my theory.
The Zodiac sent several letters containing his Zodiac sign. On several are markings or show marking in one of the quadrants. On this map, the Blue Zodiac sign with are one layer.
The numbers depicted in one of the letters is 11,10,9,8,6
thus I marked them in the middle on the zodiac sign, is another layer.
6:30 and 7:30 are the broken radians I drew from the times on the car door(3rd layer).
The purple radians depict 8:30 and 10:30, two radians between marked areas on the Zodiac circle. This I find interesting as they are crime scenes and the 4th layer.
Now I dont have a map of where all the crimes occured and could use some help here. I would like to actually get this down to precise measurements and to see if the Lompoc crimes and other crimes appear anywhere near these x's I marked in yellow circles.
The green circles are areas where bodies were found. One particular crime, not sure if its Zodiac, left a young girls body on top of Diablo(the center of the Zodiac sign on my map)
Can anyone, or is anyone interested in helping me fill in the map. or even make a better one thats mathmatically correct on this scale and theory. All the lines and locations are as Zodiac suggested in coupling them together.
Please help of you have the means . Thanks.
Ps. If anyon can help me determin the exact measurement from Diablo to each crime scene would be of extra help. I also need help determining the distance from Oakland to Diablo, to Pleasanton back to Oakland. I suspect an area sw of the peak where they all are exact distance apart maybe. Any help?
ANy one know a better way to do this? Maybe someone can do it from google, I can not, my comps too slow.
here is a Public domain map from this page I will use since it seems legal. It is the second map. It is Approximately 14 miles to Pleasanton California from Mt Diablo according to other maps. still not sure exact distance. It appears to be about 20 miles from Mt Diablo to Oakland.
The green X;s are areas of crime scenes that I know of. Please feel free to add crime scenes in the bay area to this map.


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As you know, I am convinced my POI is the guy, and here is one of the reasons I think the map is important:
I think the Pythagorean Theorem is of great importance. My POI has a fascination with these triangles and I noticed when I place my POI's highschool town(Pleasanton,where a Zodiac leter was mailed from) on the map and Oakland (listed as where my POI is from) on the map as well. in plain site is a triangle between the two and Mt, Diablo.
I am ignorant on the Pythagorean Theorem, so please, I need some mathmatical help. Is it possible this triangles matmatical center is of importance?
What is in that location when its found?
Whats its location within the triangle on my map?
PS, Something tells me this center of the triangle is exactly where my POI lived. If I can figure out this location precicesly with the help of you sleuths out there, maybe it will give me a lead to go after to see if I can find a connection there, If it turns out there is a connection, this proof of pythagoren math would be a high mathmatical likelyhood that my POI was aware of this math and the Zodiac map, and the letters with these layers as well. It would be beyond coincidence would show he was aware of the pythagorean anyways to some extent. I think this is important. I hope someone out there has the tools to find this centers exact location.


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Here are the three Halloween card keys overlayed I have added the AMADOR EMBLEM and PLEASANTONS LOCATION to this map. What a nice fit ehhh?
Not to mention once again, My suspects full name can be seen in this map when you overlay Staveless runes from the excorcist card to this map.
Notice when I reversed the halloween card /V/ key(or KEN rune) it made a larger TENT RUNE?

this is mathmatically correct unless someone sees something different here. The symetry of PAIRS is outstanding.


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I did not quite overimpose the Amador Emblem properly, but if you see, it does not matter, I just need to lower the peak of the emblem to fit into the Zodiac circle, then it is precise.
So I was thinking after realizing that Pleasanton is the 6:30 of the clock face when the map keys all overimpose each other:
Being that my POI is from Oakland and went to school at Pleasanton, I thought I would see if there was a connection that connects the three(Oakland,Mt,Diablo,Pleasanton)
SO knowing that there must also be a way to apply the NAME key of the Halloween card to Oakland as well as Pleasanton. I tried imagining an ariel vire of Mt. Diablo and any relation to the three peak like mounts on the KEY.
Well, as soon as I hit this page:
My artist rendition of photo from wikipedia(to show Zodiac Key)
[ame=""]Mount Diablo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
I got the idea to draw it once I saw it. You can compare to see my exactness. I think now we have established an AMADOR emblem connection, a Pleasanton connection and an Oakland connectiion to the HALLOWEEN CARD keys. Pleaanton on the Map using Mt Diablo as true north(and a PI movement away-using Mt.Diablo as a vista from Oakland). Amazing find if you ask me.


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I also think that this view of Mt. Diablo is more telling of the Zodiac than what we see. He may have a spiritual connection to this place.
The inportance of the keys from the halloween card and the layers imposed over the area may be telling a story. I see that if we were to take the (1/2 Pi) radians from theories of other persons, we can rotate it 4 times and get 4 locations, one of which on the east side could have been the Bus Bomb location. I also see the Yin Yang sign develop in the maps, can you see it? This is a birds eye view the best I could perform.
Make sure to read the Pi,AMADOR,Occult thread to see the relationship of symbols here.


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The use of tent runes,other runes and symbols was (in my honest opionon) a way for the Zodiac to sign his signature with every crime. Having claimed to kill (or wanting to Kill) 14 teens when the Halloween card was mailed suggests that he was planning to kill people and place them where we could find them if we were to inderstand his keys.
I notice that the SanFrancisco murders and the Vallejo murders are spaced apart and each scene is just beyond the scope of 20 miles and close to 30 miles between the two scenes.
I think if he was using Diablo from a view in Oakland as a portrait of his name, then the two scenes are variables to the Pythagrean Triangle.
Maybe these two scenes (areas each with 2 crimes) are a movement on the map that identifies his HOME location when the Triangle is moved in such a way to connect the crime scenes in a way that Oakland would connect with Pleasanton, or Sanfrancisco would connect with Pleasanton.
Any ideas for online tools or programs I could use to better mark these maps would be of help. if anyone knows of any.
TC, how do you think that this is connected to American Indian Mythology/Culture? Is your POI AI?
He iis not AI, He may be Scandinavian. I am working on the Hopi connection, buts its down the road a ways. I did mention in the other thread, but see you have seen that.
Any Help?
Is there a 4 eyes in the indian culture that you know of?
is Hopi connected to celtic or norse views?
What about scalping? Zodiac makes reference to peeling off the skin. Is this of any meaning to you? Your help is appreciated in bringing up this . I will start a thread soon on this subject. Back to the map of California
He iis not AI, He may be Scandinavian. I am working on the Hopi connection, buts its down the road a ways. I did mention in the other thread, bit see you have seen that.
Any Help?
Is there a 4 eyes in the indian culture that you know of?
is Hopi connected to celtic or norse views?
What about scalping? Zodiac makes reference to peeling off the skin. Is this of any meaning to you? Your help is appreciated in bringing up this . I will start a thread soon on this subject. Back to the map of California

BBM The French were the first to do scalping on tis continent, the Indians followed suit. Maybe Zodiac hates the French but then so many people do.

No connection between Hopi and Celtic/Norse ideaology.

Entrance into the Fourth World

Two main versions exist as to the Hopi's emergence into the present Fourth World. The more prevalent is that Spider Grandmother caused a hollow reed (or bamboo) to grow into the sky, and it emerged in the Fourth World at the sipapu. The people then climbed up the reed into this world, emerging from the sipapu. The location of the sipapu is given as in the Grand Canyon.

The other version (mainly told in Oraibi) has it Tewa destroyed the Third World in a great flood. Before the destruction, Spider Grandmother sealed the more righteous people into hollow reeds which were used as boats. Upon arriving on a small piece of dry land, the people saw nothing around them but more water, even after planting a large bamboo shoot, climbing to the top, and looking about. Spider Woman then told the people to make boats out of more reeds, and using island "stepping-stones" along the way, the people sailed east until they eventually arrived on the mountainous coasts of the Fourth World.

[ame=""]Hopi mythology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

The hopi use kivas in ceremony, with the sipapau, it is recreation of the Emergence Theory.
I guess I will go start a thread on what I beleive to be the connection. Give me 24 hrs as I've got to dig up some old stuff from my file.
Using the Pythagorean theorem, don't think of the triangle in a flat dimension buit rather in Underworld terms. The apex is where the sipapau is and the other 2 points are descending, rather than lateral.
Using the Pythagorean theorem, don't think of the triangle in a flat dimension buit rather in Underworld terms. The apex is where the sipapau is and the other 2 points are descending, rather than lateral.

Can you relate more on this please. There is a descending slope(a stone with drawing) of the Hopi. Is this what you mean, the interpretation of that stone? What do you mean?
Can you also let me know what the terms mean: sipspau. I do not recall that word in my book of the Hopi.
Can you relate more on this please. There is a descending slope(a stone with drawing) of the Hopi. Is this what you mean, the interpretation of that stone? What do you mean?
Can you also let me know what the terms mean: sipspau. I do not recall that word in my book of the Hopi.

The Kiva is the underground ceremonial chamber for Hopi, Pueblan Indians.

[ame=""]Kiva - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

The sipapu, picture at link, is an indentation or hole in the floor of the kiva. Hopi have an emergence theory at the core of their belief system and the sipapu is where their ancestors came from the underworld to this one.

[ame=""]Sipapu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

If you take the visual of the Pythagorean theorem, the white triangle in the center, and, instead of it lying flat [laterly], move it so that the apex [point where it is narrowest, top of triangle] is just under the sipapu and the other 2 corners of the triangle go down into the earth. In effect, this could be a burial chamber area.
So I was thinking how Zodiac pairs everything. It still did not make sense to set N to zero(0) as Zodiac suggests in the Phillips 66 map he sent to police. Thinking on how zero must have a double meaning such as 'O' in the alphabet, I quickly tried that by setting N to O using a 26 mark wheel(to represent letters) and I realized that by setng N to O,I get a radian at true north(well. off by a little more than 1 .5 degrees because I divide the circle in 26 parts) This also right away jumped out at me. Setting N to O gives every letter 2 values on the alphabet circle. So I looked at the Paul stine crime scene, the Blue Rock Springs crime scene and the true north radian and I get this:
Blue Rock Springs = J or K according to the radian
Stine murder crime scene= E or F accordiang to the radian
True North (the new setting) points to N or O.
Easily right away I can spell Ken:
j K/ E f/ N o = KEN
This to me suggests that I probably need to use the map layers to figure out the date values as I have shown in the other post.
look again....KEN.
( I am currently having problems with my paint program, so the photo is very small. You can save photo and open with paint to see it enlarged)

I wil try to correct the imaging problems I have and post a larger copy later. If you ask me, this is just another confirmation we are looking for a guy named 'KEN'.


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I was confident I had found something in the Photo of D, Ferrin and the two males in front of I hop. The source of that photo suggests it is A.L. Allen but I am also thinking it does look like Her first husband Dean or A. ALlen, Now, Why does the photo claim it is Allen unless it isn't Dean Ferrin? Its not Allen.
I am pretty confident it is someone else, possibly my POI.
My POI has in Common: The Amador SYmbol
If the man in the cooks outfit is not Dean Ferrin or A.Allen, it is likely my POI( though I can not prove it, and regardless, I thing that LATTICE, a common SYMETRY found in DIAMOND TUC patternes of fabric, I was thinking about the Paradice thingy in my mind and came up with this:
Since Arlis Perry(One I suspect was a Z crime) was Killed 10 months after the Excorcist letter that was loaded at the bottom with STAVELESS RUNES (some upside down and pieced together weird Staves), then most likely that symetry of her body position with her pants was a clue to the secret of the Dice. (Pair of Dice)(piar a Dice)
then it hit me. It was A. Crowleys (crow)STAR *attempt to discredit the hexogram star of David)
SO I started playing with the dice and discovered this pattern, which now plays into the MAP PARRALEL.or Pair Allele. The Airies sign is an Air E and a reference to the movement of the map(aires symbol suggests SILENT*removed E) in the Name code so this probably is a clue to MOVE the lines to the right,(double it, then down,double again (123 or 1234). The Allele symbols Z used are from these sources. I discovered a way using a type of Square simalar to Z;s usage to target a BLOOD TYPEs and figured that by aranging Crime Scenes to this Allele MAP I created from the PAIR OF DICE map, it resembles MUSICAL NOTES patterns and the Phoenix (not all scenes are Z definately, but rather those as well that I suspect were his) (there were many not tied to Z(or Z's and Z's and Z's and Z's ) I believe, all in the area) .
Since I Hop symetry is important, as is IHOP,*HOPI) because the Halloween card is EYES watching a Skeleton HOP, I figured there was a connection. So help me here for LE to solve this FREEMASON puzzle using a Compass and Square. Is Music his compass and Blood his square? Read thes links and see if you can get a grasp in the idea he(Z) used Musical notes(keys) like the striped lines of STINES shirt, matching compass rose colors and Musical Tones and AB blood types to Create a dimensional rift in the Universe(a warp? Second Dimension? See the NEW KIND OF SCIENCE link). You have to see what I worked on in my map here to understand what I am trying to DUMBLY say. I am not a reader of music, but discovered a PHOENIX pattern on the Map when laying Down the Crime scenes that I believe fit the order of the Phoenix patterns depicted in Phoenicx art. I think the Phoenix is a compass crow and the allignment changes, thus making the LINES shift down and right or up and left, Its alot to grasp, but read the links, get educated a little on these subjects and see if you can help me solve which HENDRIX song was being built here. Is it "if 6 were 9'? I will explain later how I discovered the Hendrix Key being important, but on my map are the Arlis Perry And the other muder that happened that nite in San Jose that resembles that murder. These murders I believe are the Tail oif the Phoenix....

A New kind of science: (5)Two Dimensions and beyond(see these charts)

Wolfram, the writer of the book sells Posters that resemble his Musical work. Notice the similarity to Freemason work such as the Zodiacs Pair of Dice...Planetary Grid:
What is a GAMETE?
Gamete - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What is a Prunnette Square? Did Zodiac choose victims this way?
Punnett square - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See my Maps
These are not exactly acurate, but best to my ability. Notice when Computing these out it opens all kinds of solutions for the 123 1234 223 codes he(Z) leaves throughout the letters.

Also Note the SW quadrant and HOPI (I HOP) reference in the WEB of the Halloween Card. Look what happens when matching it up in 4 pieces. Since I believe the TISOTGH treasure Hunt was either a ruse to Capture Zodiac or a conspiracy of a coven to depict secret texts, I come to the conclusion here, that if this is indeed the MAp to Zodiacs work, it is a SATANIC CONSPIRACY of great proportion that started with ONE CELL and grew to Thousands of cells. Mansons Artwork and his fellows Billy B seem to be telling something on these lines if you consider thier art as well.. I get a feeling Z was a FRANKENSTEIN of a sorts and Linked to PHOENIX project and his CELLS were warped when he JUMPED TIME. Think about it. Is this possible?.
Here are some Web additions as well to the DIAMOND Z was building.


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I also think that this view of Mt. Diablo is more telling of the Zodiac than what we see. He may have a spiritual connection to this place.
The killer left shoe prints in the dirt. The print matches military issued shoes. Lets say hes in the Navy. If you go to youtube and type How Sonar Works, then you might consider that the Zodiac sign may have nothing to do with astrology. Its a RADAR SCREEN used on Navy ships. Its the Zodiacs clue that hes a Navy man. Also the killer wanted to taunt police. In one of his letters he said he wanted to kill school kids as they bounced off the bus. The word bounced may be another clue. Sonar signals or waves bounce. These are the reasons I believe the Zodiac Sign was really the image of a Radar Screen.It was a clue that was overlooked. IMO

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