Light bulb moments

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What I thought was really funny was the fact that there was NO baby sitter!

Where was the baby when kc was **working**?????
Casey wasn't working so there was no need for a sitter at all.
Hi and welcome, yep you did it right.:dance:
IIRC the pants didnt smell of smoke but decomp, because by then the smell had permeated everything in the car . I know the A's complained about the clothes etc that LA brought back from tonys smelt smokey though.
Great 1st post btw.
One of the many light bulb moments for me was when she did not accept limited immunity. Not that I thought she would accept it, but when it became clear that she did not, I felt like I knew for sure at that point that it was not an accident.
One of them for me was when Casey said in one of those taped calls
"All they care about is finding Caylee"
very telling
:bang:Ugh! That might explain the grandparent's support. Then JB could use the "severe-pregnancy-hormonal-imbalance" defense. But I doubt it.

Unfortunately, this case is entirely made up from "huh" moments. The one that bothers me the most is how GA goes to pick up the car....and tells the tow guy the story of the missing granddaughter as they are walking to the car (as if to explain the smell in advance), and then when they do smell it and the tow guy says it smelled like another car (death) and then they see maggots in the trunk (more hints of death) and they throw away evidence and then George drives this foul vehicle home. And the tow guy lets him.
Neither of them suggests that the police should be called to check it out before the car leaves the lot. (Remember, at this point GA doesn't know who had been decomposing in the trunk, it could have been anyone and not necessarily involving Casey--Caylee wasn't officially missing yet, just unavailable to him and Cindy--he didn't have a reason at this point to suspect involvement with KC or Caylee--he hadn't even heard Casey's side of the story yet, allegedly. But he doesn't think to call LE to investigate the obvious signs of death in the car?
I can understand the tow guy might not have wanted to get involved, but the police should have been called before the car left the lot. And then GA drove it home (eww!) I can't fathom why he would do that unless he was involved and needed to dispose of evidence. Who knows what evidence could have been removed that nobody will ever know was in the car. Then Lee smells the car but tries to make peace between Casey and mom so they can avoid calling the police.
And of course Cindy smells it and it worries her enough to report it to the police. Thank goodness!!! If she hadn't, KC might have been forever free and Caylee never missed by anyone. I will always respect Cindy for that. What she says and does now is irrelevant to this fact and should not be judged because she's the only one who loved Caylee enough to report her missing.

ITA! Yet lest we forget, there's that quick "undoing" when CA discovers KC's pants--reeking, like the car, of her granddaughter's death and decomposition--she launders them.

I sad this in the very begining. My mother may not know my sitter's telephone number, but she knows her name and she knows where her house is.

I could never go a month without my mom seeing her grandchildren or talking to them on the phone, she would freak out.

If Cindy was worried about KC taking care of Caylee on her own, she sure as heck did not do anything about it. I again ask the question - HOW LONG would have the lying gone on had they not found the car? How long would CA go without seeing her grandchild? How long would KC go making exxcuses?

I think CA and KC fought and Cindy told her to raise her own child. All of this love for Caylee and wanting Caylee for herself came after. I again say - I have never seen Cindy cry for her grandchild - she only shows anger, jealousy and bitterness. Caylee was a pawn used by the two women to hurt each other and it finally got to a dangerous and deadly point.

If I fought with my mom (I had my son at 15) and left the house with my son, my mother would have tracked me down and taken him back and left me to my partying. HE would have been her MAIN concern, NOT forcing me to be a better parent.

Great post, I agree. It has become obvious to me that CA was trying to force KC to be a good Mom. Calling her at midnight to come home, not keeping Caylee when KC wanted to go bonk the cop. You can't force someone to become a good parent. CA was pushing her to take responsibility or else. And while CA might have thought the "or else" was her getting custody of Caylee, KC figured that giving her mom that satisfaction was just not going to happen.
Turbo: Her parents would not keep Caylee and she did not have the money. She kept stringing everyone along until the last minute telling them she was going and then said GA had a stroke and was in the hospital and she could not go. (of course that was a lie too).

Thanks, but does not actually answer my question. If the point of killing Caylee was supposedly to be "free" to party and travel w her childless friends, in particular travel to PR as some are reportedly linking the computer hit to missing kids website (as far back as March when Amy and everyone start planning the PR trip) then once her "mission" has been accomplished and she was "rid" of Caylee why didn't she GO??

IMO, she didn't have the money to go. As soon as Amy left, she is stealing her checks, and doing lots of shopping with them, but we haven't heard she was spending anyone else's money during that time. I think she was scrambling for money leading up to getting access to Amy's checks, at which point it was too late to go. Also, she was pretty tight with TonE by this time, so probably didn't care so much anymore.
My lightbulb moment was when I saw the title of this thread, right at the very beginning. "Not reported missing for a month after she was last seen." To me, that was an instant 'parental involvement' moment, and I have yet to see anything in this case to change my mind.
Turbo: Her parents would not keep Caylee and she did not have the money. She kept stringing everyone along until the last minute telling them she was going and then said GA had a stroke and was in the hospital and she could not go. (of course that was a lie too).

Thanks, but does not actually answer my question. If the point of killing Caylee was supposedly to be "free" to party and travel w her childless friends, in particular travel to PR as some are reportedly linking the computer hit to missing kids website (as far back as March when Amy and everyone start planning the PR trip) then once her "mission" has been accomplished and she was "rid" of Caylee why didn't she GO??

IMO she didn't go because she still didn't have enough money and also she was done with RM and had moved on with TL. I think she preferred hanging with TL at the moment. I also believe that once she got a hold of Amy's checkbook that she planned to leave town soon. I think she was trying to con MH into a ticket to CA.
Hello All. This is in response to throwing away the donated stuffed animals. The Anthony family wasn't under as much scrutiny back then as they are now and I wonder what else they might have thrown away that LE and us sleuthers may have missed before they hit everyone's "hinky" meters.

have been wondering about this, too!...and just had a "flicker" of a thought that might there possibly have been a stuffed animal (or maybe something else) that they had found that might have been in the car and still had some of the bad odor and they put it in the midst of the s. animals to throw away and used the the excuse of the "cigarette smoke" as a "camouflage"?????
CA never raised KC to accept responsibility. She bailed her out of every consequence, sparing her from discipline of any sort. Despite KC's admissions she would be a rotten mother, CA insists she keep Caylee. This is all fine--when it is convenient for CA. But there are times when the selfishness and irresponsibility of the daughter she's raised begin to naturally wear on CA. When they fight (about the stealing from grandfather) CA threatens to kick out KC but tells her to leave Caylee. This infuriates KC as Caylee's been (as others have said) her meal ticket, and a pawn between these women vying for power and control. Things reach a boiling point--but KC has no intention of changing. If she refuses CA custody of Caylee she figures her mom will not really put her out, and we see she is right back at the house. But then within 24 hours she has done the very thing her mother has constantly beraded her about and allowed harm to come to Caylee--proving her mother right that she IS, just as CA repeatedly told her, an "unfit" mother (and which is what she tells both LE, and LA). She must NEVER admit this though. LE be damned alright, who CARES what LE thinks or HOW many years she rots in prison, or whether she gets the needle or the chair because above all, her mother must never know the truth or EVER have the satisfaction of being RIGHT! Twisted, but true IMO
When did that happen? That is VERY intersting.....

It was when she was on HC the last time. It was on the webcam, we saw her come out with Lee, get into his car and they sat in the driveway for quite a while IIRC together. I'm assuming it was because they knew the house was bugged and didn't want to talk in there. I think that's when most people following the webcam figured that she told Lee the truth. He started being MIA a lot more after that incident.

have been wondering about this, too!...and just had a "flicker" of a thought that might there possibly have been a stuffed animal (or maybe something else) that they had found that might have been in the car and still had some of the bad odor and they put it in the midst of the s. animals to throw away and used the the excuse of the "cigarette smoke" as a "camaflouge"?????

I think I lurve you :blowkiss:

From the moment I heard about the toss out I thought the ame thing you just said!
oh oh oh.... I have another one!

What about when KC made a point to say that when Caylee called "from a private number" KC tried to call her back but the number was disconnected. Aside from the obvious problems with this senario, I don't know of any phone company working THAT FAST disconnecting a number. sheeesh. We all know the call didn't happen despite CA's phone bills to prove it did but still, you have to wonder how stupid that sounded to the police before they obtained those phone records.
How can cigarette smoke smell stronger than decomp?
Lanie: IMO, she didn't have the money to go. As soon as Amy left, she is stealing her checks, and doing lots of shopping with them, but we haven't heard she was spending anyone else's money during that time. I think she was scrambling for money leading up to getting access to Amy's checks, at which point it was too late to go. Also, she was pretty tight with TonE by this time, so probably didn't care so much anymore.

Thanks Lanie :)
I guess it is possible that money prevented her. I'm still thinking of all the $ she got from GP's eg and why this would not have paid for the trip to PR. Let's face it if she racked up thousands on her mom's credit card she could have paid for the trip with that. Guess I'm just not buying it, and thinking she would've found a way to get to PR w her friends IF this was supposed to be the reason for killing Caylee and she put her mind to it. JMHO
I sad this in the very begining. My mother may not know my sitter's telephone number, but she knows her name and she knows where her house is.

I could never go a month without my mom seeing her grandchildren or talking to them on the phone, she would freak out.

If Cindy was worried about KC taking care of Caylee on her own, she sure as heck did not do anything about it. I again ask the question - HOW LONG would have the lying gone on had they not found the car? How long would CA go without seeing her grandchild? How long would KC go making exxcuses?

I think CA and KC fought and Cindy told her to raise her own child. All of this love for Caylee and wanting Caylee for herself came after. I again say - I have never seen Cindy cry for her grandchild - she only shows anger, jealousy and bitterness. Caylee was a pawn used by the two women to hurt each other and it finally got to a dangerous and deadly point.

If I fought with my mom (I had my son at 15) and left the house with my son, my mother would have tracked me down and taken him back and left me to my partying. HE would have been her MAIN concern, NOT forcing me to be a better parent.

Your post rang so true to me. My granddaughter was born during my son's senior year of high school and they sort of split living between our home and the other grandparents' home. If my granddaughter was not with them, I ALWAYS asked where she was, who had her, where do they live, etc. If I knew they had plans, my first question was "who is keeping the baby?" As the other grandmother works, I was the primary "baby sitter" when they were at school/work and you'd better believe that, if she wasn't with them or me, I knew exactly where she was. There was never a formal "nanny, but yes, I have picked her up from sister's home, cousin's home, etc. I also had phone numbers to reach these people. I could never imagine that CA wouldn't have wanted this information also.
After my divorce, when my children were still young, I briefly moved back home with my parents. My own mother also asked these questions. She also picked my children up from the babysitter's if I had to work late or took them if I had to be at work early. There was always a list of important numbers available and the babysitter was on that list.
Sorry so long,:blushing: but this has always been a big ? moment to me. Another is when someone, I believe it was JG or LA, stated that CA referred to Caylee once as "KC's mistake". My granddaughter was certainly a surprise, but never once, not for one single moment, would I have ever thought of this beautiful angel as anyone's "mistake". This family is more than dysfunctional.
Besides... that still shoots this theory down because if she couldn't afford to travel to PR anyway, why the need to kill Caylee? Menara and Momto5, my first child was before marriage and my granddaughter as well, and I cringe at the mere thought of EVER referring to a child as a "mistake."
The 31 days (first and foremost) and then when listening to her interview with LE and how much she lied about everything!
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