GUILTY FL - James Maxwell for kidnapping, rape of 9yo girl, Port Orange, 2011

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"...A Volusia County man took his neighbor's 9-year-old daughter from her bed, sexually battered her, and then dropped the girl off at a police station, investigators said.
James Maxwell, 43, was charged with capital sex battery and abduction, said police."

As much as I hate to say it, I do commend him for dropping her off at the station, as opposed to dropping her off a bridge. He may be sick, but at least he has a conscience it seems. He needs to be locked up for sure, but deserves some credit for the humanity he showed after his horrid, evil actions.
Definitely a thread with a "Wait, what?" title. Ye gods.
As much as I hate to say it, I do commend him for dropping her off at the station, as opposed to dropping her off a bridge. He may be sick, but at least he has a conscience it seems. He needs to be locked up for sure, but deserves some credit for the humanity he showed after his horrid, evil actions.

I agree with you 110%. :seeya: Let the tomatoes begin... :doorhide: :escape::
This man could have stabbed her, beaten her, strangled her, drowned her, burned her, buried her alive or any combination of the above.
Instead he not only left her alive, he dropped her off at a "safe" location and ensured his own capture.

It may be sad that it has come to this, being grateful that the bad guy was not as bad as the other guy... that he didn't kill her.
It has come to that though. That's where we are at. If this was MY daughter I would be thanking this man for bringing her back.

I bet Somer Thompson's Mom wishes that her daughter had been dropped off at a police station.
I bet Jessica Lunsford's Dad does too. And Amber Dubois and Chelsea King. And Jorelys and Destiny and Skyler and Samantha and Rachael.
And my cousin's parents. I have heard more than once "Why couldn't he have just left her tied up? Why did he have to kill her?"

There are a ton of parents out there who would give anything if this had been the outcome.

Many abuse survivors go on to become advocates, or simply to live successful lives.
Yes some victims wish that they had died... and some commit suicide later. But at least it was their choice to do so.
9 year olds are resilient. I'm pretty sure if he had asked her at the time, "Do you want me to kill you now or take you to the police so they can take you home?", I'm pretty sure she would have wanted to go home. Those that would wish for death instead probably need to seek help through therapy or medication. It's a long road, but she'll make it.

I don't know if he should receive any kind of consideration that would allow him less time in prison, but I would definitely hope that he is offered help while incarcerated. It certainly isn't commonplace for a pedophile to assault a child and then take her to the police, so he may not be a normal, commonplace pedophile. I'd cut him a little slack, but I'd make sure that it was cut to him while he was safely locked up somewhere away from kids.
This entire conversation makes me sad....angry....disgusted. What in the hell has this world come to, when we have to be GRATEFUL that the people who kidnap and rape our children are kind enough not to finish them off? I just cannot stand it.
I'm not grateful to him that he dropped her off because he should've never taken her to begin with. I am, however, grateful for her that she has another chance at life, and grateful for her parents that they now (hopefully) know how important it is to keep our children safe.
This is so sad. I am not going to lecture, but please let's watch our emotions and be respectful of each other, okay?

There are so many things wrong with this. How was he able to be with her up to 12 hours? Why did they allow him in their home when they knew of his criminal past? And why was he even walking the streets after attempting to kill someone.
I, too, am glad she is alive but why wasn't she better protected?
This is so sad. I am not going to lecture, but please let's watch our emotions and be respectful of each other, okay?


I didn't mean any disrespect to any posters or their opinions. I was really only commenting on the sad state of the world. I wish we lived in a world where we were all shocked and appalled, eyes wide and mouths open, when we read of children being snatched from their beds. It seems to happen every other day now. My brain knows that calmly discussing it is the only thing we can do. My heart wants to run screaming through the streets. It makes me look at my beloved son and niece and want to cry.
Even pond scum can hide a fish from a larger predator-- this guy, for a moment, made a right decision to spare her life. He's still scum, and I hope he serves the rest of his life behind bars. (I think he acted in his own self-preservation (avoiding the death penalty), as much as hers, but I'll take it.

Oh, and may he add to the rot in he11.

This entire conversation makes me sad....angry....disgusted. What in the hell has this world come to, when we have to be GRATEFUL that the people who kidnap and rape our children are kind enough not to finish them off? I just cannot stand it.

ITA. I don't even want to go there.
9 year olds are resilient. I'm pretty sure if he had asked her at the time, "Do you want me to kill you now or take you to the police so they can take you home?", I'm pretty sure she would have wanted to go home. Those that would wish for death instead probably need to seek help through therapy or medication. It's a long road, but she'll make it.

I don't know if he should receive any kind of consideration that would allow him less time in prison, but I would definitely hope that he is offered help while incarcerated. It certainly isn't commonplace for a pedophile to assault a child and then take her to the police, so he may not be a normal, commonplace pedophile. I'd cut him a little slack, but I'd make sure that it was cut to him while he was safely locked up somewhere away from kids.

The suspect has already served time for attempted murder. How more slack is he supposed to get now? As for commonplace pedophile or not a commonplace pedophile-I am pretty sure most pedophiles don't kill their victims.
But most pedophiles that remove a child from their home, in the middle of the night, and then sexually attack them, don't drop them off at the cop shop afterward, either. Most don't kill their victims, but many, many do. At least he didn't. And as for how much slack he should get, I'm not the judge, but I think that he should be made an example of, for others that do these sick things. Send the message that if you kill the child, you're going to die or be miserable in prison, but if you don't, your life, even in prison, might be manageable, and better than if you had killed the kid. MOO.
But most pedophiles that remove a child from their home, in the middle of the night, and then sexually attack them, don't drop them off at the cop shop afterward, either. Most don't kill their victims, but many, many do. At least he didn't. And as for how much slack he should get, I'm not the judge, but I think that he should be made an example of, for others that do these sick things. Send the message that if you kill the child, you're going to die or be miserable in prison, but if you don't, your life, even in prison, might be manageable, and better than if you had killed the kid. MOO.

Sorry, I am not ready to hand him out a medal just because he didn't kill his alleged victim. And I have no idea how one can get either "miserable" or "manageable" prison sentence. It doesn't work that way. He is already not eligible for the death penalty because the alleged victim wasn't killed, and that seems to me all the slack he should get.
Sorry, I am not ready to hand him out a medal just because he didn't kill his alleged victim. And I have no idea how one can get either "miserable" or "manageable" prison sentence. It doesn't work that way. He is already not eligible for the death penalty because the alleged victim wasn't killed, and that seems to me all the slack he should get.

You seem to be misunderstanding my point. I'm not handing him a medal, I'm not saying he shouldn't go to jail, and I'm not saying that he should get a reduced sentence.

The difference between a manageable and a miserable prison sentence, more often than not, is location. Will he serve his sentence somewhere close to where he lived, so that he can have family visit if they wish to? Or will DOC stick him on the other side of the state, where family couldn't visit if they wanted to?

Nothing can erase what he did, and nothing can fix him. He is dangerous and he should be locked up for as long as our system will allow. I'm looking at this as an opportunity to use this guy to the good of society. If they send a message through him that you do get a little bit of slack as long as you let your victim live, then maybe there will be one less dead child in the future.
I think the message should be-don't abduct and molest children to begin with.
I think the message should be-don't abduct and molest children to begin with.

Of course it should be the message. But it is also sad but true that many abusers have been leaving their victims face down in a pool of blood. And I am relieved to see one case where the child was returned alive, and left in a safe place. Sure, it is pathetic that I find any comfort in that, but I do. Because too many times recently we have seen the victims wrapped in garbage bags or left in raging rivers. For whatever reason, this creep decided to show his victim some level of mercy. I have no problem giving him some credit for that.
I think the message should be-don't abduct and molest children to begin with.

Yes, because sending that message and leaving it at that has done so well. Ask Somer Thompson, or Jessica Lunsford, or Samantha Runnion.
Yes, because sending that message and leaving it at that has done so well. Ask Somer Thompson, or Jessica Lunsford, or Samantha Runnion.
Considering that two of the accused perps in cases that you mentioned were either convicted or accused of sex related offenses prior to the murders, maybe they shouldn't have been given "slack" to begin with, before they allegedly committed these murders.

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