Rick-Cindy's Brother

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Some things are becoming crystal clear! Casey stole checks from her grandmother. Later, she stole checks from Amy, and there was credit card theft from Cindy as well. This is a way of life for Casey!
Stealing from her grandmother.....she is so sweet.

This girl is unreal, shameless, heartless, selfish, and totally unreal.
That girl was hooked on something, badly. What other possible explanation?
Remember she stole checks from the Mom, Amy, GMA... again I say, what do you want to bet they are made out to a ZG???? Makes sense if she stole that ID and the parents would not come clean about it as it would be evidence she is lying....

Seriously, sick, sick, sick
That girl was hooked on something, badly. What other possible explanation?
Remember she stole checks from the Mom, Amy, GMA... again I say, what do you want to bet they are made out to a ZG???? Makes sense if she stole that ID and the parents would not come clean about it as it would be evidence she is lying....

Seriously, sick, sick, sick

Sounds good to me cept I'm wonderin about sawgrass - coincedence? Couldn't be.
I'm still blown away by the pregnancy thing! How can any parent be in that much denial? It explains why Cindy and George are behaving the way they are now though.
Sounds good to me cept I'm wonderin about sawgrass - coincedence? Couldn't be.

Sawgrass was 4/17/08... Casey may have had access to that info somehow.. Building manager, etc, it's across the street from Amy's- not a stretch...
Theres a connection between Casey and that name, absolutely... NO there is no babysitter, but that name is connected to her for a reason and I dont think its for her to sign up for GreenPeace..
Casey has probably stolen from many others too - maybe they didn't know who stole from them - but I'll bet they do now. If you are stealing from people close to you I bet you are also stealing from people you care less about.
I'm still blown away by the pregnancy thing! How can any parent be in that much denial? It explains why Cindy and George are behaving the way they are now though.

It's like a window to that world.. not plate glass, as that was broken when GGPA sailed through it.. I guess online gambling and multiple workman's comp claims make a guy a tad moody...
I'm still blown away by the pregnancy thing! How can any parent be in that much denial? It explains why Cindy and George are behaving the way they are now though.

SuziQ...............that just stunned me! Rick said his wedding was June 4, 2005.............that's just 2 months and 5 days before Caylee was born. How could Cindy, a nurse for heaven's sake, not know her daughter was 7 months pregnant!!!
what is the link to the MSN board that this guy is posting to?
Sawgrass was 4/17/08... Building manager, etc, it's across the street from Amy's- not a stretch...

I'm pretty sure that Amy and Ricardo's place is across the street from the retirement fac. where she tried to say Zanny once lived - not Sawgrass.
I'm pretty sure that Amy and Ricardo's place is across the street from the retirement fac. where she tried to say Zanny once lived - not Sawgrass.
you may be right, maybe it was freudian of me.. LOL thanks
me neither....the real rick's posts have his picture with the same grandpa as seen with Caylee at the nursing home. Its not confusing at all. Just don't read any other posts.

He seems quite real to me.

I hope you don't mind. But I just stole this for part of the intro to this thread. lol.
SuziQ...............that just stunned me! Rick said his wedding was June 4, 2005.............that's just 2 months and 5 days before Caylee was born. How could Cindy, a nurse for heaven's sake, not know her daughter was 7 months pregnant!!!
she most likely did how do we know this guy is telling the truth ? how do we know he isnt lieing about his sis ? we dont know anything .
SuziQ...............that just stunned me! Rick said his wedding was June 4, 2005.............that's just 2 months and 5 days before Caylee was born. How could Cindy, a nurse for heaven's sake, not know her daughter was 7 months pregnant!!!

It just blows me away. They asked her and they believe her when she says no? Then didn't Cindy being a nurse think maybe something was medically wrong with her?
It's like a window to that world.. not plate glass, as that was broken when GGPA sailed through it.. I guess online gambling and multiple workman's comp claims make a guy a tad moody...

I want to know more about the glass thing as well. That's horrible.
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