Casey uploading video on morning of June 16th?

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I think the sequence of events went something like this:

  1. Uploaded picture of Fusion to Photobucket.
  2. Says goodbye to George as she leaves for "work."
  3. Kills Caylee.
  4. Watches movies with Tony at Tony's.
  5. Uploads picture of Tony and her to Photobucket.

According to my notes, this is also the day she had a 16-minute phone conversation with JG, and he claims he heard Caylee in the background.
Hey Friday...good question!

I have an even better one though! :crazy:

Who said she uploaded the video? And to what website? I have the video and it is irritatingly large - 25 MB.

I think she simply "uploaded" it from the camera to the desktop, and then copied it from the desktop to the laptop. But I don't think she ever "uploaded" it to a website.

Ah ha!! :blowkiss: We do think however that she had it on her laptop the morning of 6/17, 6/18 right? When AL saw her looking at it in bed?
I think the sequence of events went something like this:

  1. Uploaded picture of Fusion to Photobucket.
  2. Says goodbye to George as she leaves for "work."
  3. Kills Caylee.
  4. Watches movies with Tony at Tony's.
  5. Uploads picture of Tony and her to Photobucket.

I totally agree with you on your thoughts of the sequence of events...I also think that same about the uploading of the FD-Video being uploaded to the laptop.

Since KC seems to be an impulsive type, I'm going to venture to guess that if she had thoughts of premeditated murder for Caylee (or even the A's) at one time, whatever occurred on 6/15 propelled her into seeing that plan through most likely in a fit of rage similar to what we saw in her jailhouse video's. I doubt uploading that video would have been top of her list of things to do hours after Caylee's murder.

Sorry mods if this seems o/t but, it really does follow with the topic...
Or... runs in the house, decides to check email first, gets side tracked by computer and forgets Caylee is in the car.

Nahhh - it was premeditated...

If Caylee died in the car she would have been found with shoes. Or shoes would have been found in Casey's car. George said Caylee and Casey were wearing shoes when they went to "work".

I think Casey's picture upload on June 16 helps bolster George's account. Casey WAS in the Anthony home that morning.

I think something happened to Caylee around the time she would have been put down for a nap because of the "no shoes".

Cindy stated in one of her earlier interviews that Casey was such a good mother that she always kept a spare car key in her pocket because she was afraid she would lock the key in a very hot car with Caylee. I can't believe a word Cindy says but I'll assume in this case she is telling the truth. This would mean that Casey was super sensitive to the dangers of leaving Caylee in a hot car in Florida. If she was left in a trunk in Florida, it was no accident.

Hmm.. always kept a spare key in her pocket, afraid of locking Caylee in car? If Caylee was never in the car alone Casey would have no reason for this fear. I see this to mean that she OFTEN left Caylee in there, and kept a spare key in case she accidently locked herself out (and possibly had done it before since she was at the point of fear to consistently keep a spare with her)

Wow, I'm glad you told me that as I hadn't heard it before. It strengthens my feeling about what happened.
If Caylee died in the car, she would have had shoes on.

George said Caylee and Casey were wearing shoes when they went to "work".


That doesn't really follow. First, we don't know if George's account is accurate. And second, if his account is accurate, then that means that Caylee didn't die that afternoon because her remains were found with different clothes too. (or at least her clothes were changed - in which its plausible that her shoes were too)

The more telling article is the doll. Caylee never left that car alive because she wouldn't have left her doll behind. She got in the car (alive) with it - never left.
The more telling article is the doll. Caylee never left that car alive because she wouldn't have left her doll behind. She got in the car (alive) with it - never left.


Or she may have been lifted out of the car asleep, e.g. if she had nodded off while being driven around by KC (while waiting for GA to go to work so that she could return to the house).
In that florida heat, it would take long for a child to die in a car. With KC coming and going from the house all the time, I bet she would just leave Caylee in the car (in the car seat, not the trunk). Anyone with kids knows it's a real pain strapping them in, and unstrapping them from the car seat. Especially if you are running in and out of places. I can totally see Casey leaving Caylee in the car while she "run's in" the house only to come back out shortly after to find her dead.

I brought this (heat) up a few times. Last summer I remember the weathercasters on TV saying we broke a record for the month of June: "most number of consecutive days that exceeded 90 degrees F".
It's a shame that every summer here in Fla a few children die because they are left in a car. I can only imagine how much faster it would happen if there was duct tape over the mouth!
It's SO weird that a video of a child could be uploaded in around the same timespan that that same child is killed. I know it takes time to hook up the camera to the USB and transfer it and all.
That doesn't really follow. First, we don't know if George's account is accurate. And second, if his account is accurate, then that means that Caylee didn't die that afternoon because her remains were found with different clothes too. (or at least her clothes were changed - in which its plausible that her shoes were too)

The more telling article is the doll. Caylee never left that car alive because she wouldn't have left her doll behind. She got in the car (alive) with it - never left.

Casey's phone pings and the picture she uploaded on her computer support George's account. Casey didn't leave and go anywhere in a huff. She was in the Anthony home using one of their computers later in the morning.

George said Caylee was wearing a pink shirt. The shirt found with Caylee was pink. It makes sense Casey would have removed Caylee's shoes and sunglasses and possibly changed her disposable diaper and pants/skirt before putting Caylee down for a nap.

Casey wouldn't have taken Caylee outside in Florida without shoes.


There is no reason for George to lie about seeing Casey and Caylee on June 16. It tightens the timeline and it incriminates Casey MORE. In no way did/does George's account give Casey an alibi or help Casey.
Casey's phone pings and the picture she uploaded on her computer support George's account. Casey was in the Anthony house on June 16.

George said Caylee was wearing a pink shirt. The shirt found with Caylee was pink. It makes sense Casey would have removed Caylee's shoes and sunglasses and possibly changed her disposable diaper and pants/skirt before putting Caylee down for a nap.

Casey wouldn't have taken Caylee outside in Florida without shoes.


There is no reason for George to lie about seeing Casey and Caylee on June 16. It tightens the timelines and it incriminates Casey MORE. In no way did/does George's account give Casey an alibi or help Casey.

I wasn't trying to make a timeline or location argument.
I was just making a point that we shouldn't get all hung up on the shoes absence or presence because either way it doesn't really tell us anything. You seem sure of a very specific time that this death happened, but I don't know how you can be so sure based on the facts we have. Just because shoes weren't found with the body doesn't mean they weren't there when she died.
She was stuffed into a trash bag. having shoes on her feet would make that task more difficult. I can easily see the shoes being removed prior to her being "packaged."

Or she may have been lifted out of the car asleep, e.g. if she had nodded off while being driven around by KC (while waiting for GA to go to work so that she could return to the house).

Good point. Noted.

Oh..I just realized. That could also be another reason she would have been left in the car.
Good point. Noted.

Oh..I just realized. That could also be another reason she would have been left in the car.

if caylee had been accidentally left in the car why wouldn't casey, now, knowing the full gravity of her situation throw her hands up and say, 'i made an oopsie.'
if caylee had been accidentally left in the car why wouldn't casey, now, knowing the full gravity of her situation throw her hands up and say, 'i made an oopsie.'

Haha, because that would mean Casey has some reason and common sense, silly!

No, but seriously, I don't know. Daily I go back and forth from accident to willful negligence to premeditated murder and back again.

One correction on your comment though - I don't necessarily believe that she would have been "accidently" left in the car. This could have been planned too.

One thing we all know though, is that Casey is willing to take a lie to the bitter end. Even a rediculous one. Also, she's got a lawyer who is determined to make a giant spectical of a trial.

Additionally, I think her lawyer knows that no one trusts her. He's not going to let her change her story now. He's going to concentrate on attacking the evidence and trying to get a full acquittal. If she admitted it was an accident, then she is admitting she had something to do with the death and she will still do jailtime just based on her actions up to this point. I think she honestly thinks JB is going to get her out of this so why would she admit that she did have something to do with the death?
I wasn't trying to make a timeline or location argument.
I was just making a point that we shouldn't get all hung up on the shoes absence or presence because either way it doesn't really tell us anything. You seem sure of a very specific time that this death happened, but I don't know how you can be so sure based on the facts we have. Just because shoes weren't found with the body doesn't mean they weren't there when she died.
She was stuffed into a trash bag. having shoes on her feet would make that task more difficult. I can easily see the shoes being removed prior to her being "packaged."

Uploading the photo shows Casey was in the house and freely doing her thing while George was still home. This makes it more likely that George was telling the truth when he said he saw Caylee and Casey on June 16 dressed "for work".

If Caylee was already dead, I don't think Casey have re-entered the house with one of her parents still in it. Casey knew George's work schedule. When Casey got caught with the gas cans, George was there when he shouldn't have been.

Casey went so far as to set up appointments to meet Cindy away from the house to avoid running into her parents after Caylee was gone.

My point is that George was probably telling the truth when he said he saw Caylee and Casey on June 16 because the uploading of the photo shows Casey was in the house while George was still home.

If Caylee was dead, I don't think Casey have entered the house--just to upload a picture--with one of her parents still in it. Casey knew George's work schedule.


huh? ok- I'm lost. I think we're arguing about two different things. I'm just gonna go ahead and concede here. :)
Haha, because that would mean Casey has some reason and common sense, silly!

No, but seriously, I don't know. Daily I go back and forth from accident to willful negligence to premeditated murder and back again.

One correction on your comment though - I don't necessarily believe that she would have been "accidently" left in the car. This could have been planned too.

One thing we all know though, is that Casey is willing to take a lie to the bitter end. Even a rediculous one. Also, she's got a lawyer who is determined to make a giant spectical of a trial.

Additionally, I think her lawyer knows that no one trusts her. He's not going to let her change her story now. He's going to concentrate on attacking the evidence and trying to get a full acquittal. If she admitted it was an accident, then she is admitting she had something to do with the death and she will still do jailtime just based on her actions up to this point. I think she honestly thinks JB is going to get her out of this so why would she admit that she did have something to do with the death?

sua_sponte, your posts are always well thought out and intelligent, but nomatter what rational and non violent explanation for how caylee passed anyone comes up w/ i'm just left wondering why casey didn't have a better explanation of her own. i know, i know, the girl may live closer to cape canaveral than i do but she was never headed for a job at mission control ... even so - in the name of all that's holy my 7yr old has come up w/ better lies caught red handed w/ a golf club in one hand and a hole in my dining room window!
sua_sponte, your posts are always well thought out and intelligent, but nomatter what rational and non violent explanation for how caylee passed anyone comes up w/ i'm just left wondering why casey didn't have a better explanation of her own. i know, i know, the girl may live closer to cape canaveral than i do but she was never headed for a job at mission control ... even so - in the name of all that's holy my 7yr old has come up w/ better lies caught red handed w/ a golf club in one hand and a hole in my dining room window!

I know, right!? I've been shocked from the beginning at the rediculous whoppers that girl tells without even blinking. It's almost unimaginable that she could think anyone would believe her. I think that's why I'm so stuck on this case. It's like a rubick's cube. Just when you think you have it solved, you look at the other side and find it all mixed up again.
I know, right!? I've been shocked from the beginning at the rediculous whoppers that girl tells without even blinking. It's almost unimaginable that she could think anyone would believe her. I think that's why I'm so stuck on this case. It's like a rubick's cube. Just when you think you have it solved, you look at the other side and find it all mixed up again.

*my bold.
i've been saying, 'one step forward and two steps back', but that's a perfect analogy.

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