Cords, Knots, and Strangulation Devices

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Thank you for the welcome back, Dave.

You're most welcome.

I have been quite busy with some other projects, but now hope to have more time to be on the JBR forums again.

I hope so too. I hope you were successful.

This case will never come to rest, despite all efforts of Team Scamsey to keep the truth hidden: that JonBenet was the victim of a domestic homicide.

Occam's Razor, rashomon.
Part - 1

If I could convince anyone (especially people in law enforcement) of one thing, it is this:

The piece of evidence in JonBenet’s death that everyone keeps referring to as a “garrote” is not a garrote. Let me say that again to make sure at least everyone who reads this knows what I’m saying... There was no “garrote” found on JonBenet’s neck!

There are two types of garrotes. One was an execution device used years ago (beginning in the early 1600’s until the last century) by Spain. It consisted of a seat where the condemned was constrained, and around his neck a metal strap was placed which was attached to a device that tightened it until he was strangled to death. It was not intended to be a quick death -- it was a means of a slow, torturous death. See examples here:

The other type of garrote is an assassination tool. It has even been issued to American Special Forces members serving in other countries. It was effective because it is small, silent, and deadly (No jokes here, okay?). It consists of a length of usually flexible wire (think piano wire), or less commonly, cord. On either end is either a stick of some sort (or handle) to be held in each hand, a ring for holding on a single finger in each hand, or in some cases a ball that could be grasped in the palms.

Ever see the movie Marathon Man with Dustin Hoffman? In it, his brother (played by Roy Scheider) is some sort of “secret agent”. In one scene, he is attacked by an assassin who uses a garrote. You can see the scene here: Be forewarned, it is bloody and violent; but as an added bonus for the ladies, you get to see Scheider doing pushups in his skivvies at the beginning of the clip.

Examples of assassin garrotes can be seen here: Clandestine Items.htm (Items 001013 Ring type, and 000894 Stick type) Knives/Garrote1.jpg

How it is used here:

The pictures we have all seen of what was found attached to JonBenet’s neck was not used to strangle her. Think about the mechanics of how that would have been done. The only way it could have been used would be to hold the stick and pull; but then her body would have to at the same time be pushed away to overcome the force of the knot holding the cord. Could that have been the case? Possibly, but not very likely, and certainly not very effectively. Not nearly as effective as simply wrapping the cord one time around the neck and pulling in opposite directions if (and this is very important) if strangulation was the intent.

What I read that some people say is that the stick was used to twist the cord around her neck. Ask yourself this: How would that be done? If the stick on the end of a 17-inch long piece of cord was twisted until it started tightening the loop around the neck, the person would be twisting it for longer than it took Mary Lacy to find out that John Karr was just an oddball kook who had absolutely nothing to do with JonBenet’s death. The other way that the stick could have been used to tighten the cord would be by placing it under the knotted loop around her neck and twisting it like a tourniquet. But then, if that were done, when the stick was removed it would have left the neck loop loose where it had been -- not to mention the fact that the knot around the middle of the stick would have served no purpose and would actually have hindered using it as a tourniquet type device.

Think about this, check out the links, and add your comments. I’ll add more when I have the chance later.

The stick was used as a handle. The murderer held her down with a foot on her back, and pulled up on ths stick. You can see the outline of a soft soled shoe (basketball shoe??) in the autopsy photo.
Now consider this. Look at all of the knots on the pieces of cord that were left at the scene. There are four. Three of them are very simple knots, but one is very different. It looks complicated. It looks, it looks... like someone else tied it.

For now though, let’s look at the one knot that was left tied around her wrist. I can’t say with a great deal of certainty from looking at the available photos what each of the knots are, but at least this one (shown in this picture: appears to be a collapsed (or capsized, or spilled) Square Knot (a.k.a. Reef Knot). While the Square Knot is usually prone to collapse, and certainly not as much as its half-witted cousin the Granny Knot, it can. But it can also be tied not as a Square Knot, but as what it ends up as when a Square Knot does collapse -- a Girth Hitch (also known by many other names). Since I can see this knot better than any of the others, I can tell you that that is exactly what it is. It is a Girth Hitch tied over the cord that was looped around the wrist. Here is a demonstration of how to tie it (It is shown with a red and a blue cord so you can determine the two from one another, but in our case the blue cord would be the same cord coming from around the back of the wrist.):

One more thing of note on this knot is that since, in the autopsy photo, it is loosely tied, that indicates that it was tied this way, and not as a Square Knot which collapsed due to a strain on it. It also means that it wasn’t really tied to completely subdue someone or prevent escape. It can easily be untied or slipped loose.

The knot on the opposite end, 15.5” away is what the coroner called “a double loop knot”. I can’t really tell what the knot may have been when it was originally tied because it is too small in the only photos we have available; but it is not a complicated or sophisticated knot. What is extraordinary about it is the “double loop”. I’m speculating here, but what I think that is is the loop that went around the other wrist which was loosened and removed by John Ramsey when he “discovered” her body in front of Fleet White. I think that because of the way it was tied, he pulled more than enough of the cord through the first part of the knot, and then pulled the cord around her wrist enough to remove it, leaving the excess from that first pull sticking out looking like an extra loop.

I've gotta get some sleep now to get up early for work tomorrow. I'll be back tomorrow with more. Hope I'm not boring anyone. The knots, whether intended or not, are a signature. They are the handwriting of the person who tied them, and are a really important part of what was left behind if we can understand what they are saying.

Her arms were crossed in front of her and the cord tied around one wrist, around her back and then tied to the other wrist, like a straightjacket. There needed to be nothing fancy about the knots at all. She was later pulled (dragged) by the arms, (or she was lifted up by the arms) causing the cord to slip up over her head and look as if it was not properly tied at all. However, this type of binding is VERY effective, (ask the mental asylum) as the victim cannot remove the knots and it only tightens when they struggle.

JonBenet Ramsey Autopsy Report, excerpt

There has been some debate as to what precisely Coroner Meyer means here. He does seem to be putting the asphyxia by strangulation first but recognizes that her head injury played its part, possibly manifesting as either hypoxia or a loss of motor control.

If JonBenet was not strangled by the ligature, how do you reckon this was achieved?

I believe she was indeed strangled by the ligature that was found on her neck and that caused the furrow. I know of at least one person I've corresponded with who thinks she was actually strangled by something else (she can address this herself if she chooses). I also think it possible (and I'll get to that in the future) that the ligature around her neck was moved from where on her neck it actually strangled her.

In my mind (and perhaps I'm tipping my hand a bit), I imagine a scenario where the two causes of death occurred almost simultaneous with one another. Maybe that's not such a revelation because I believe at least rashomon is beginning to see where I'm headed on this. It also will explain the "accident" theory speculated on by different authoritative sources (Dr. Lee, Dr. Wecht, G. McCrary) that so many people have trouble seeing.

I'm not simply trying to be cryptic, but I would like for people to look first at what I feel is the most important part of the evidence and see it for what it is. You may draw different conclusions from it -- and that's fine. I love disagreement when it is expressed in a constructive way so we (myself included) can learn from it and maybe find the answers. I don't claim to have all the answers (and have I mentioned I'm no expert?), but I am sincerely hoping they will be found so this entire thing can be put to rest.
The stick was used as a handle. The murderer held her down with a foot on her back, and pulled up on ths stick. You can see the outline of a soft soled shoe (basketball shoe??) in the autopsy photo.

Show it to me.
The stick was used as a handle. The murderer held her down with a foot on her back, and pulled up on ths stick. You can see the outline of a soft soled shoe (basketball shoe??) in the autopsy photo.

Why would anyone need to place their foot on JonBenet's back? I believe she was already unconcious when the cord was tied around her neck.

The "garrote" was put together while JonBenet lay on her stomach. There is hair tangled on both the knot around her neck and the paint stick.
Where did you find the information please.


Here is the picture that I enhanced slightly by changing the contrast and exposure. If you look carefully on the rhs (around her shoulders) you can see slight bruising with a ripple sole pattern, like the old tennis shoes Dunlop Volleys (don't know if they were sold in the US). There are at least two partial prints overlapping slightly and perhaps a third between her shoulder blades with a different pattern.

Here is the picture that I enhanced slightly by changing the contrast and exposure. If you look carefully on the rhs (around her shoulders) you can see slight bruising with a ripple sole pattern, like the old tennis shoes Dunlop Volleys (don't know if they were sold in the US). There are at least two partial prints overlapping slightly and perhaps a third between her shoulder blades with a different pattern.

Thank you very much! Would it be possible to see the original also? Thank you again.
The stick was used as a handle. The murderer held her down with a foot on her back, and pulled up on ths stick. You can see the outline of a soft soled shoe (basketball shoe??) in the autopsy photo.

Where? On her back? Not that I have noticed. Please post a link to that photo.
There IS a photo out there (not on the usual sites) that I have seen that shows a large bruise on her posterior shoulder (I believe the right shoulder) that could very well be from someone standing or kneeling above her as she lay on her stomach and pressing into her shoulder with a knee or foot. I think we can all (IDI & RDI) agree that she was on her stomach when she was killed, later placed on her back in the WC.
reenactment, LS & garotte, (7:31)


rope is double looped around neck
and palm on shoulder is used to create tension as other hand pulls handle.
IDI kneels as he pulls rope, is able to look at JBR's face.
reenactment, LS & garotte, (7:31)

rope is double looped around neck
and palm on shoulder is used to create tension as other hand pulls handle.
IDI kneels as he pulls rope, is able to look at JBR's face.

Wow, Tad! Good catch!

I have to admit, I had to watch it a second time before I caught it. I wonder if we should consider that a second source on the "wrapped twice around her neck" comment that came from Arndt on GMA? I wonder too if it was deliberate on the part of the director. I wouldn't think that it just came to the mind of the actor to do that on his own. If it was deliberate, would they really go to that much trouble to make it accurate with information that wasn't public?

So many questions now. What's your take on it (and thanks for pointing it out)?
Wow, Tad! Good catch!

I have to admit, I had to watch it a second time before I caught it. I wonder if we should consider that a second source on the "wrapped twice around her neck" comment that came from Arndt on GMA? I wonder too if it was deliberate on the part of the director. I wouldn't think that it just came to the mind of the actor to do that on his own. If it was deliberate, would they really go to that much trouble to make it accurate with information that wasn't public?

So many questions now. What's your take on it (and thanks for pointing it out)?

I'm pretty sure that was a movie, not actual footage of the investigation.
I'm pretty sure that was a movie, not actual footage of the investigation.

Duh. I know it was a movie, but don't you think it the least bit odd that they would show the actor doubling the loop before putting it on? I'm simply asking the question: Why would they have the actor do what I would consider an unintuitive way of making the ligature (and, before you say it, I'm not saying there is anything intuitive about strangling someone either)?
Duh. I know it was a movie, but don't you think it the least bit odd that they would show the actor doubling the loop before putting it on? I'm simply asking the question: Why would they have the actor do what I would consider an unintuitive way of making the ligature (and, before you say it, I'm not saying there is anything intuitive about strangling someone either)?

I was just pointing out that a movie is fiction, regardless of the subject, they will do whatever they think they need to do to make it more interesting. It's a bit like people on this forum taking ST's book as truth, it is only truth as he sees it, and is likely embelished to make his point, that is he did the best he could to convict the parents and was foiled by their lawyers and the DA. Some take this as fact.
I'm pretty sure that was a movie, not actual footage of the investigation.

Hi MF.

Yes it was an excerpt of the PMPT movie, featuring Kris kristofferson as Lou Smit.
Based on Schiller's book, Schiller as director and producer.

LS might have instructed the double looping of the rope for that scene, to represent the 'his version' of the construction of the garotte, within the IDI scenario?

Perfect Murder, Perfect Town (Producer/Director)

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