Sidebar Discussion #9

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Watching BW and Joy B fawning over JB this morning made me sick.
I thought of an apt quotation :-
All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
Joy Behar and Barbara Walters should be ashamed of themselves for what they did today - praising this liar, when they know as well as I he has covered up Caylee's murder since day one. I sincerely hope that if any family member of theirs is ever murdered and dumped where no one can find them until evidence is all gone, that some TV celebrity wines and dines the lawyer
representing the killer..

I haven't watched it yet. didn't Whoopi say anything?
TO, we have been waving our wands and wishing for zappage for more than a year now. It seems our magic is limited. Thus far we have only succeeded in creating some new Sidebar threads, and we may possibly be involved in causing a tree to fall over into the parking lot behind a Wendy's in Cheboygan this past March.

*waves wand furiously*

Could rev up "ye old spaceship" maybe? This is an emergency...

.......................... :ufo: ............or maybe we could try a group mindmeld? I think it goes like this.....:python: but in the meantime we'll just have to keep with with the constant :poke:
I haven't watched it yet. didn't Whoopi say anything?

The only thing Whoopi said was she was going to ask a question and it wasn't the question she was originally going to ask. Jose had been talking about what all the defense (and former defense team) team did to keep Casey away from the 6 helicopters that were flying overhead, to get her to the airport to fly her to New York.

Whoopi asked "Well who paid for all of that?"

Jose answered that the plane was owned by a former member of the defense team and that Casey DOES have supporters out there even though there are so many that hate her.
Where is Richard Hornsby lately? I wish he would chime in on JB's book crusade, comments about prosecutors etc...
Y'all really don't want to unleash the :ufo: or the :saber: do you?

So just chill with the buffet and the bar and the :websleuther: and the :chillout: and do not :panic: because everything is going to be :okay:
I do believe that Jose slipped up at the end of that interview. During the interview when asked questions about Casey NOW such as does she talk to her parents, Jose would say that he didn't know because he is no longer her attorney. However, when asked why Casey can't get someone to publish her book Jose replied "I don't know, I'm her attorney not her agent."
Having heard about JBs latest tour, I am almost concerned for the felon.

Abused from aged 8 (the police need to check her father out now ---- since her legal rep is probably a mandated

So traumatized she has lived in a fantasy world - forced to lie, cheat and steal.

The abuser then killed her only child, swore her to secrecy, watched her face the death penalty and didn't bat an eye.

The felon must be a drooling mess, I hope she isn't left alone.

Then I remembered who we are talking about, and what the evidence showed, and I think JB should be locked up for repeating known lies.
Where is Richard Hornsby lately? I wish he would chime in on JB's book crusade, comments about prosecutors etc...

Am I the only one who thinks RH sometimes appears to support the DT? Eh..dont answer that. don't want to bash him. We have enough to bash already. I am truly sickened by this. One day they will all get their just desserts. My biggest mantra in life is that you cannot change someone else. You can only change YOUR reaction to them. But these people elicit such visceral reactions from me I literally get physically sick.
you know how audiences always "woot" and "yay" and cheer and clap and carry on when they hear they're going home w/ whatever is being given away? well, there was absolute silence from the View audience. you coulda heard a pin drop. I was hoping to hear at least one person yell out "why would we want his book?" ... but I'll settle for that deafening silence
I'm wondering if Cindy has gotten a matching tattoo yet. That way she and Casey can be twins. Besides surely two Bella Vitas are better than one.
Am I the only one who thinks RH sometimes appears to support the DT? Eh..dont answer that. don't want to bash him. We have enough to bash already. I am truly sickened by this. One day they will all get their just desserts. My biggest mantra in life is that you cannot change someone else. You can only change YOUR reaction to them. But these people elicit such visceral reactions from me I literally get physically sick.

I get why you have that idea BUT...I don't think he supports the Defense Team as he gets huffy about some of the comments about Defense Lawyers in general.

He is after all, a criminal defense lawyer...
Thank you YNOT! I needed a stiff drink. I'm bringing this over from the other thread since nobody will read it there, it's the last post and on a new page.

Okay, I went over to to see what was up with that! Oy vey!

I noticed that the name of that site is Creative Loafing. Is that the best place Golenbock could find to spew this bag of refuse? It seems like he and Baez played a game of telephone. Baez told him stuff and he mis-remembered some bits and pieces.

A simple thing, like getting the facts about Casey's employment, or lack thereinof of seems to be out of his range. Let's see. Casey got pregnant, was put on desk duty, had Caylee and just never showed up again. She didn't even bother to quit.

He even says that the allegations of abuse are in the court records! Baez "alluded" to it at trial. Funny, I've read the psych depositions and nothing like this swill is in those documents. The actual reports never made it to the court records because Baez yanked his witnesses!

I could go on, but I'd make myself sick! The only sealed material was made public after the trial, and it wasn't much!

Thanks for bringing this over from the last thread because I wanted to comment.

BBM: How interesting it is that Golenbeck is starting to come up with excuses for the mistruths in JB's book. He's hoping people are gullible enough to believe the errors in the book aren't JB stretching the truth at all, but are due to his misunderstanding what JB was saying to him over the phone.

Egads, sounds like Golenbock may be just as cracked in the noggin as JB and KC are. They all think they are smarter than everyone else and that no matter what they say we the people will buy into it.

Why does so much crap get published in this country? I have a friend with a completed manuscript that is really good that keeps getting rejected. Yet JB's manure-filled tome is in print!

It's garbage. And a waste of a perfectly good tree.
Well, since we know that jb reads here, we should start a thread titled "Jose should..." We could fill it with ideas as to what he could do to get people to accept him. I'm sure we could come up with some doozies. I wonder how many her would actually try.
Hey, Jose, we know you're in there, put those highlighters away!

Aw leave him - he won't get a drink from us and we know he can start trying to erase stuff but it's done with indelible markers so good luck with that.

Just move along Jose and take Mumbles with you will you? No scotch for him either...:giggle: and somebody give him a quick patdown to make sure he hasn't got any thwartcakes in his pockets. Oh wait....yeah-no..
I get why you have that idea BUT...I don't think he supports the Defense Team as he gets huffy about some of the comments about Defense Lawyers in general.

He is after all, a criminal defense lawyer...

More or less it comes from certain twitter associations. Man, twitter is actually a great evaluation tool!
MY God - the writing is horrible, seriously.

"Casey usually slept in Caylee's bed, but on this morning Casey had slept alone. She and her father started looking around the house. Her 3-year-old daughter was nowhere to be found. They went outside. Casey noticed that the ladder to the aboveground pool was up. One of the family cardinal rules was to make sure to take it down after swimming. Caylee loved to swim, and the fear was she might try to go it alone.
Casey had started to walk toward the house when she saw her father carrying Caylee’s limp, wet body. The little girl was dead. When Casey saw her father carrying the body, her first thought was that it wasn’t an accident."

Now I ask you, does this add up? If you went outside and noticed the ladder was up and it was a 'cardinal' rule to make sure it was down each time -----WOULD YOU NOT RUN STRAIGHT TO THE POOL? OR AT LEAST LOOK ---> Before STARTING TO WALK TO THE HOUSE?????? So, are we to believe that KC didn't notice George grabbing Caylee out of the water? No yelling, "OMG, OMG call 911 - HELP" Nothing? Really?????????? NO, I MEAN REALLY???????????
And her first thought was it wasn't an accident?????? Why would it not be 911, CPR, yell for help?????????

Notice the story, diverts your attention to the cardinal rule, the type of pool and that Caylee loved to swim. <-------- NONE of the details belong between these two sentences. They are ancillary information that has nothing to do with conveying the play by play of what happened that fateful day. I would dare say, if this had been a statement given to LE and they called in a statement analysis - he/she would say that such non pertinent information, given in a misplaced section of the story would be an indicator of lying. JMHO, etc (And the writing sucks beyond even that - amazing!)
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