In defense of George and Cindy.

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We can't help everyone, But everyone can help some
Sep 13, 2006
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Personally I beleive that we should all take a step back. I believe that if we were all in the same postion as George and Cindy we would all mess up too. Maybe not as bad, but noone is perfect, and we have to realize that this is all new to George and Cindy.

Don't get me wrong, I do NOT agree, nor do I condone what any of the Anthony's have done. But what I will say, is NONE of us have lived the lives of George, or Cindy, and non of us know how we would react, how we would handle the media, how we would handle the CONSTANT media attention, how we would handle the rumors.

And for those of you that sit here and say, that George and Cindy are not victims, I ask you to stop and think.

The first victim is Caylee, the second victims in this are George and Cindy. As I am fairly certain that they did not wake up one day and say "Gee I think I will play a part in my grandaughters dissapearence."

Yes the Anthonys have made some very BAD choices. But honestly can you sit here and put yourself in 100% of their shoes, and say that you would do everything Perfectly?? I know I couldn't. I beleive that we all fall back into coping mechanisms to an extent when we are in a crisis. And I beleive that SOME of what we are seeing is coping mechanisms that are coming out.

We are VERY critical of others when it is not our lives! But folks, please remember this, NOONE is perfect. If a person was, I am sure everyone would be cloning that person!
people have every right to express whatever opinion they wish about these two very very public figures. :blowkiss:
The issue isn't whether George and Cindy are victims, it's whose victims are they. When they come out and say they are proud of the woman who killed their grandchild, when they ignore evidence and declare her innocence, when they support Caylee's murderer more than seeking justice for Caylee, they are neutralizing their victim status and inviting criticism.
I would not support my daughter if she murdered my grand-daughter.
No way.. period.
They should be advocates for the helpless victim, not the murderer, no matter who it is.
I too agree that everybody has a right to their opinion.

Here's mine.

GA/CA/ are victims. They lost their grandaughter to murder. Worse than that, it is their OWN daughter that killed her.

I can understand "somewhat" that they are still standing in support of their daughter. That is their perogative.

My problem and the point where I start to see them in less of a victims role and more of a couple of antagonists is where they don't just support their daughter, they lie and they insult the public's intelligence by forcing their lies upon us and expect us to take it as truth. Their absolute disrespect for the law and contempt for the entire legal system makes me feel like they bring on the misery themselves.

There are hundreds of families that are victims and have had family members murdered, some even by their own family members like this one and the reason this one is so prominent in the media IS the way this family acts. They stand out, they are NOT the norm. Nobody is perfect, I'm sure all these victims have reacted differently to some degree but NONE have reacted the way GA/CA have.

People keep saying "you don't know how you'd act if this happened to you". To some degree I don't know how I'd act, but I do know some of the ways I wouldn't and the way CA/GA have, I KNOW i would never act like them. They don't have to actively help put their daughter away, but they do have to let LE do their jobs and they do need to be truthful and forthcoming of anything LE requires from them. They need to have integrity. They have none. IMOO
I'm not going to dwell on the things the Anthonys do to drive me crazy. I would really like to see them do one thing though, Stand up for Caylee. Poor baby needs someone from that house to honor her.
yes they are victims

thats not all they are

ones reaction to finding oneself a victim then defines who and what they are

not their victimhood.

I do feel sorry, very sorry for most victims...almost all, but not these folks.
I too agree that everybody has a right to their opinion.

Here's mine.

GA/CA/ are victims. They lost their grandaughter to murder. Worse than that, it is their OWN daughter that killed her.

I can understand "somewhat" that they are still standing in support of their daughter. That is their perogative.

My problem and the point where I start to see them in less of a victims role and more of a couple of antagonists is where they don't just support their daughter, they lie and they insult the public's intelligence by forcing their lies upon us and expect us to take it as truth. Their absolute disrespect for the law and contempt for the entire legal system makes me feel like they bring on the misery themselves.

There are hundreds of families that are victims and have had family members murdered, some even by their own family members like this one and the reason this one is so prominent in the media IS the way this family acts. They stand out, they are NOT the norm. Nobody is perfect, I'm sure all these victims have reacted differently to some degree but NONE have reacted the way GA/CA have.

People keep saying "you don't know how you'd act if this happened to you". To some degree I don't know how I'd act, but I do know some of the ways I wouldn't and the way CA/GA have, I KNOW i would never act like them. They don't have to actively help put their daughter away, but they do have to let LE do their jobs and they do need to be truthful and forthcoming of anything LE requires from them. They need to have integrity. They have none. IMOO

Good choice of words. On Issues tonight, they said CA's reason for canceling the Oprah Show was because she wanted to show integrity.
Wonderful topic! I have included every nice thing I can think of to say about C&G directly below:
Good choice of words. On Issues tonight, they said CA's reason for canceling the Oprah Show was because she wanted to show integrity.

Are you kidding? CA is now claiming she canceled on Oprah, not the Oprah show canceling them?? Wow, they just don't stop. Which brings this back on topic - I respectfully disagree. I don 't see any Anthony but Caylee as a victim. The rest are, in my opinion, criminals just like KC and I hope they are all prosecuted for lying, fraud, obstruction. I think we know the very tip of the iceberg.
Good choice of words. On Issues tonight, they said CA's reason for canceling the Oprah Show was because she wanted to show integrity.

Thanks, I didnt get to see JVM or Nancy Grace tonight.

From what I have been able to find, Oprah cancelled them not the other way around.

If Oprah did cancel them and they are going around texting that THEY were the ones to cancel, woe to them. Knowing Oprah, she will set the record straight.

It's just another public lie that will come back to haunt them. If Oprah cancelled them, why go public and lie. They should just keep their mouths shut for once. It just makes them look worse and worse, if that's possible
I'm not going to dwell on the things the Anthonys do to drive me crazy. I would really like to see them do one thing though, Stand up for Caylee. Poor baby needs someone from that house to honor her.


a little Toddler who weighs only 30 lbs...
Trust someone to help/love/keep her safe....

It is so Sad ! It is just so W R O N G for ~ FAMILY to
stand up for a little Toddler = Child ! ! !

My stomach & My heart can barely stand it ! ! !

God Bless !
It's true that they're victims, in that they've lost Caylee and stand to lose their daughter as well (both of which are entirely -Casey's- fault).

The fact that they want to blame others for Casey's actions, well, that's criminal in my book. JG, RK, and TL have -nothing- to do with the murder of little Caylee, and are being victimized by her (and her family who perpetuates the lies).

The fact is, they -lie- to try to get the murderer of that precious baby off. If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember what you said, because frankly, it's all about recall of things that actually happened. The reason the A's are disrespecting Caylee with every appearance is that they -lie- about the circumstances around her death, and with every single lie, they prop up that poor baby's murderer. Why should Casey get away with killing Caylee? Because she's an Anthony?

Sorry. Being an "Anthony" might be good enough reason for them to feel that they can handle the "problem" within the family, but the fact is, a murderer does not get the option of coming to terms with what she's done through family bonding. I'm not sorry that in the United States, you get punished for murder. You don't get to go home and grieve with your family over a murder that you committed. And frankly, thank God, because the Anthony's would simply gloss it over and go back to life as they have always known, meaning Casey would not experience a moment of punishment for her crimes.

I will not forgive the A's at this point unless they do a 180 and start standing up for the -real- victim, Caylee (and not their daughter the murderer). They've tried to do so much damage to the state's case (luckily, I think most people don't fall for it). This is all in an effort to protect a -murderer-. It's just not right. Sit behind the prosecution. Stop lying to the public to try to pollute the jury pool. Stop lying to LE and stop lying under oath. It's really easy, it really is. :rolleyes:

Start grieving for your daughter, that's fine. Love her unconditionally, that's fine. But don't lie to protect her. Everytime they do it, they diminish what happened to Caylee, and her place in their family. I can't take anymore from them. It's just not right.

:furious: :shakehead: :cry:
While I do feel sorry for the loss they have experienced whether they realize it or not is another story. I see KC oddly as a victim because she was molded into this creature imho. For everything she had done I have seen the reflection of her parents in every action. It makes it so much easier to understand the behavior when I see her mentors doing the same things. Pile on lie after lie until everyone lives in a fantasy realm. This is how it all started behind the scenes.
I am standing up for Caylee too. However I do not think its right to be soooooooooo Judgemental with George or Cindy!
I think Mark said it best on Issues tonight. They've chosen to support their daughter and not their grandaughter inviting public criticism from the public.
Wonderful topic! I have included directly below, a complete list of all the things C&G have done right in this ordeal:
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