jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 9TH DAY #47 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Sick of Jodi's stalling. Sick of Nurmi's objections to every defense exhibit.
remember, she was there to look for her SS card. right.......why wouldn't you call ahead and ask if you could come find it? (not that it was there!!!)

She did call ahead. The question, imo, why did she go around back and not knock on the front door? They weren't together anymore. stalker
And she's back with an attitude. SHOCKER!
Why was she hiding behind her hair again
Amen! Im so sick and tired of hearing the same old drivel if the defendant is a female.

He needs to treat her like what she is.........a damn cold blooded murderer who is lying her arse off.:furious:

ITA! If it was a man then everyone would be expecting Juan to go for the juglar.

It just shows the sickening double standards we still have in our country and it makes me want to puke.

Go get her Juan!

The talking heads play the gender card (and race as well) to get ratings. Pathetic.
She did call ahead. The question, imo, why did she go around back and not knock on the front door? They weren't together anymore. stalker

Some people can't take a hint;)

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Why shouldn't she listen to what the attorneys have to say first? :waitasec:

every time??? I have just never seen a judge that says approach and rephrase so much......:what: A huge percentage of the trial this morning was spent w/ them giving JA a lot of time to come up with answers. I guess I feel like she is giving the defense an advantage allowing them to continually stall. looks like she might retreat back to her poor victim act. She is making that little girl face, ugghh.
I have no sound on 3 different links...are they crashing? What are ya'll on? Help~~
She smirked after the judge asked them not to speak over each other.
Looks like she's getting a little flirty with the court reporter.

Are we going to see the "jailhouse stretch"?
:loveyou: court reporter!!!!
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