FL - Naked man killed by Police near MacArthur Causeway was eating face off victim

Funny how his former classmates are saying he was such "a nice gentleman with a warm smile and funny" when the record indicates he was a violent and disturbed man.
Wow... simply wow. OMG, those pictures are horrific! I just can't imagine that happening to a homeless 65 year old guy by a 31 year old guy who seemed to be in pretty good shape. I sure can't blame the police officer who first arrived on the scene and saw this happening. He told the guy to stop, and he growled at him and continued eating! What was the officer supposed to do at that point? He shot him, and he STILL continued trying to eat the face off of the victim? If I ever see someone being killed, I will do whatever I have to do to stop the act, and that is what the police officer did. So sad, and so rare, to see a victim killed by LE who is unarmed, but a mortal danger to another innocent victim. Oh, and whoever took those photo's in the ER of the victim, they need to look for another job.
This case deserves more attention, IMHO. We need to let our young people know what can happen from some of these drugs that are being peddled on the streets.

“Classmates from Naples, Orlando to Miami cannot get over this,” Forte said. “There’s been an overwhelming response. We are going to do our part as his friends to not let him go down like this. The Rudy we know was a nice gentleman with a warm smile and funny. He’s not like that at all.”
Eugene must have been on some kind of drug that made him take a fast downward spiral, she said."

Who in their right mind DECIDES to take meth, and now... you can add bath salts (allegedly) to the list of drugs that make you act completely insane!!!! Why do people take these drugs? I understand COMPLETELY the need to escape what your current reality is, but these people are escaping into a living He!!. Just horrifying.... I can't help but look at the face of the perp in this case and feel bad for him. I can't help but want to hug the victim.... he was 65 yeas old!!! He had lived on the streets a long time, and never encountered anything like this. I think there is a lesson to be learned here somewhere - just not completely sure what it is.


I wish people would just stick to alcohol.... at least when you are intoxicated from booze, you are usually a bumbling buffoon and can be controlled. Good grief - I won't forget this case for a very, very, long time. Probably forever.

I wish we could teach kids that instead of trying to escape their reality they should use the time and money instead to create a new and better reality that makes them happy so escape is not necessary. Just think of the money spent on cigarettes, drugs and alcohol and how far that money could propel a person towards a happier life pursuing something they love instead of having to use substances to escape.
Funny how his former classmates are saying he was such "a nice gentleman with a warm smile and funny" when the record indicates he was a violent and disturbed man.

No kidding. Nice guy my buttuttie. Look at his pictures.....mug shot and the other one IMHOO he looks mean, rough, not like a church choir boy.
“We have seen, already, three or four cases that are exactly like this where some people have admitted taking LSD and it’s no different than cocaine psychosis,” Aguilar said.

In the cases Aguilar mentioned, he said the people have all taken their clothing off, been extremely violent with what seemed to be super-human strength, even using their jaws as weapons.

Emergency room doctors at Jackson Memorial Hospital said they too have seen a major increase in cases linked to the street drug called “bath salts” or what Aguilar described as “the new LSD.”


This is sad. What is happening to our world...to our kids? When did things shift so much from good to bad? I'm not that old and when I was a kid none of these things happened. What do our kids and grand kids have to look forward to? I am really frightened for them as things seem to spiral out of control for the worse. Just wow.
This case deserves more attention, IMHO. We need to let our young people know what can happen from some of these drugs that are being peddled on the streets.

Some articles are hinting that this guy had problems for a while, he acted disoriented, he didn't understand police commands years ago when he assaulted his mother, he had to be tazed multiple times etc... His ex wife was afraid of him. Was he high during those incidents as well?

At this point he police better HOPE hard core narcotics played a part. If it turns out drugs were NOT responsible then the kids want to experiment with those drugs will say "See it wasn't the bath salts, those stories are all lies". Parents especially want to make sure they don't tell stories like this as a warning until it is verified as it can damage credibility.
Some articles are hinting that this guy had problems for a while, he acted disoriented, he didn't understand police commands years ago when he assaulted his mother, he had to be tazed multiple times etc... His ex wife was afraid of him. Was he high during those incidents as well?

At this point he police better HOPE hard core narcotics played a part. If it turns out drugs were NOT responsible then the kids will think "See it wasn't the the bath salts, those stories are all lies".

Surely, if he was mentally unstable enough to eat someone's face off, without drugs in his system, there would have been a LOT more dramatic records of his encounters with the system. I am honestly surprised that this guy does not have a MORE impressive arrest record. Maybe I am just grasping at straws - from two different angles. 1. He was janked-out on some sort of drug that made him COMPLETELY INSANE and obviously unaware of reality. or.... 2. He was insane from a mental illness that had gone undetected and untreated. I sort of think option number 2 scares me the most. How could he be so ill and not have more incidents on his record, and no one sought help for him? That is a really scary thought to me - crazy people walking among us that are unrecognized as crazy, and ignored by society. I prefer the horrible drug tragedy to the sick and ignored by society tragedy. Sad, sad, sad, either way you view it.
That is a really scary thought to me - crazy people walking among us that are unrecognized as crazy, and ignored by society. I prefer the horrible drug tragedy to the sick and ignored by society tragedy. Sad, sad, sad, either way you view it.

As far as going "unrecognized" usually the people around them DO see signs but either aren't smart enough to realize it could become a serious problem OR choose to ignore it. The standards regarding normal vs worrisome really do vary quite a lot in families, in neighborhoods, etc... If this guy was homeless too then who would even report it? Other homeless folks? Not likely! The one cop in the story seemed to think the guy was nuts but said they hadn't picked him up on anything that could get him evaluated for years so it wouldn't hit their radar.

I think it was probably a combination of drugs and craziness BUT there have been numerous cases of schizophrenics doing things that are just as bad (though grant it not as zombie like).
Not sure if posted, bbm. So horrifying :(

Rudy Eugene walked naked alongside the MacArthur Causeway before pouncing on a homeless man he found dozing in the shade of the elevated Metromover train tracks.

For almost 18 grisly minutes, Eugene savaged his victim, punching him and stripping the man's pants before gnawing off the homeless man's face — all as cars and cyclists rolled by on the busy causeway on a sunny Saturday afternoon.

The new details of the horrific attack were captured in additional video footage taken by security cameras at the nearby Miami Herald building.

At least five passersby, including a Road Ranger from the Florida Department of Transportation, called police to report what they saw f the macabre scene. Three bicyclists pedaled by the two bloody men in the minutes before the arrival of Miami police officer Jose Rivera, who shot and killed Eugene to end the attack, the new footage shows. The shooting itself was obstructed in the video, and the officer appeared to shoot Eugene within a minute of arriving.

The new video, and information from police, suggest that Eugene stumbled upon Poppo by sheer happenstance.

The footage shows Eugene walking naked on the sidewalk along the Biscayne Boulevard off-ramp of the causeway at around 1:55 p.m. Saturday when he paused in a shady spot under the Metromover Omni loop line. Eugene appeared to twirl as a bicyclist zoomed by. For about two minutes, Eugene bent over a second figure in the shade, though the images are obscured by a rustling palm frond.

Eugene then rolled Poppo out onto the sunny sidewalk, stripping off his clothes while Poppo appeared to kick in resistance. Eugene later appeared to straddle Poppo and hunch over him for several minutes.


new uncensored video which I did not watch
This uncensored surveillance video from the Miami Herald building shows the 18-minute face-eating attack on victim Ronald Poppo on the MacArthur Causeway. Police arrive at the scene, shooting attacker Rudy Eugene around minute 18.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/05/29/2822971/new-video-shows-more-grisly-detail.html#storylink=cpy

I just watched the entire 23 minutes of video. OMG! Its absolutely amazing that that poor old man is alive at all. One minute seems like an hour long. I kept looking at the counter - 11 minutes..........13 minutes..........14 and a half..........wow. And the cop doesn't get there until the 18 minute mark. I think the first guy that went by on the bicycle was the one that went and got the cops. He's been interviewed on all the local channels here. I hope the other two come forward as well.

I just can't get over how LONG that attack went on. That is a LONG TIME. Whether or not drugs played a role in this - I do believe that guy went insane - snapped - like the Canadian bus guy. He was already naked and walking down the sidewalk when he came across the victim. It seems the homeless guy was just sleeping and maybe he thought he was going to rob him? You can see him wrestle the guy's pants off. I guess that explains why the victim was naked from the waist down.

That poor poor man. He's a fighter just to have survived that attack and he was trying to get up after the dude was dead.

The only way I see this is that the cop did exactly the right thing. Just like we have to put down rabid dogs - this guy was rabid. Don't know if he fell through the cracks all these years or just "snapped" that afternoon - drugs or no drugs. He could have just gotten really drunk and snapped. The tox reports will tell the tale but if they come back with no explanation - then he just snapped. You don't chew on someone for THAT LONG without being out of your mind.

I'll say a prayer for Mr. Poppo tonight. He is very blessed just to be alive. I keep hearing that he's touch and go. They probably have him in a medically induced coma - pumping him full of antiboitics - bites from a human mouth are some of the nastiest as far as infection. I read a comment earlier today on a local site that the guy said if it would have been him that he would have told the cop to shoot him as well as he wouldn't want to live through this.

As for the "he was a good boy" routine. That's SOP down here. There will always be someone(s) coming forward about what a good boy the perp was. I remember when the Dunbar Village case went down and how all the mamma's said their boys wouldn't do something like that - yeah right. That was another very horrific case in West Palm - just google Dunbar Village Attack, but I warn you - not for the faint of heart.

I'll keep my eyes and ears on this down here and post anything of significance. Just keep checking miami herald . com - they're doing a good job so far.
Oh Wise Old Owl, I just don't think I could handle watching the video with my own eyes and not be haunted by what I see, but I do appreciate your detailed post. So the earlier reports where correct...that Mr. Poppo was homeless and he was sleeping on the sidewalk when the perp came upon him. How horrifying. And I had no idea the attack went on for that long! OMG that poor, poor, man - Mr. Poppo :( God Bless him! I hope he can pull through this. He's going to have a tough and painful road ahead of him however. UGH! I CAN NOT IMAGINE! Poor guy was homeless...and now this unbelievably horrific thing happens to him. Breaks my heart to think about someone like this. Poor guy! I'm going to keep him my prayers.
Eugene appeared to twirl as a bicyclist zoomed by. For about two minutes, Eugene bent over a second figure in the shade, though the images are obscured by a rustling palm frond.

I am just very glad I don't live in a community where citizens see a naked heavily muscled male walking along the side a freeway and think "hmmm...odd but not my business". Surely the cyclist had a cell phone! What kind of society do they live in where odd behavior of that magnitude is simply ignored until someone's face gets eaten off?
But we don't know what they did after leaving do we?

I don't have a cell phone, neither does my husband(and we are both mid 20's city dwellers) and I certainly wouldn't be attempting to intervene if I saw someone eating someone elses face. Certainly I'd rush to find a person with a cell or a public phone to dial 911 as soon as humanly possible though.

EDIT: Just realized you might be talking about before the attack occurred. I still wouldn't stop to intervene but again would attempt to call 911/emergency personnel.
I can't look at the photos or watch the video (although I did see the photo that MSM posted). Are there any photos of Mr. Poppo BEFORE this happened?
I can't believe some idiot took photos of this poor man. They'll figure out who it was, and it looks to be EMT or hospital worker, and they are going to be out of a job. Nice job, professionals.
I can't look at the photos or watch the video (although I did see the photo that MSM posted). Are there any photos of Mr. Poppo BEFORE this happened?


Victim before the attack. Darn good thing he wore that beard, it appears to have saved the lower part of his face. If he survives at least he can still eat and speak.
Thank you for posting that. If he pulls through there's so much modern medicine can do to repair his face physically. I hope there's somewhere he can live that will help him with the mental trauma he's suffered. I wonder if he has any family that might come forward (maybe they were aware he was homeless but didn't know exactly where he was).
Thank you for posting that. If he pulls through there's so much modern medicine can do to repair his face physically.

Yeah at first I thought about a face transplant but now I am not so sure. I think only a handful have been done in the US and there are supposedly about 200 Iraq war veterans than may need one. With his age and living situation I doubt if he will be on the top of the list (unless of course there isn't much demand for faces from 60 year old corpses); hopefully he will be given a decent place to live though, since he has had a history of alcohol abuse perhaps the doctors should just be liberal with the pain meds and let him stay on those forever if he wants too.
True. Like I said I haven't seen the after photos so maybe it's not possible to repair his face without a face transplant. I was thinking that it could be repaired. I guess it must be as bad as the lady that was attacked by the chimpanzee.

Obviously this man had a problem with living in society and this is only going to make it worse for him. :(

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