"POLL" Is This Case 'COLD'

Is This Case 'COLD'

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What's up with all the sealed documents, doc? Jeff h paid off his bonds,...$11,000 Whoah!...I guess livng on rita lane can be profitable...lol.

Thanks for your post. It was uplifting.
Now I'm having a hard time thinking this at this time. Calling it cold just yet. I almost called it cold a while ago. But the coincidences happening now stand out somewhat, and it's my biggest hope.

1. Hank Sr. gets out of jail with no bail paid? ROR, he must have shaped up in jail to get that and told some truth, hopefully.

2. Lisa goes in jail after she was out and talked to many people, she got nothing compared to the max she could get but I don't know the legalities, but that's a deal if it were myself in her predictament. 6 months minus time served (48 days I think) compared to 10 years, Lisa and NN have been around each other quite a lot or in situations with Misty.

3. A family member's long time friend, has made the court dockets in Lake Co. Fl, Sealed afficavit, sealed warrant it appears, turned himself in though I hear....could be snitching on other contractors or illegals? Hope it's about what he knows about Haleigh. Maybe TN's where abouts that night/day??

4. Nay Nay is jailed again. NN who Misty spent time with the weekend before Haleigh went missing, plus other rumors

5. WBG has until the 17th to do a last chance plea. WBG also was with Misty the weekend before Haleigh went missing

6. A small chance Misty or Tommy will talk...Misty has a lot on her plate for sure with 7 drug charges. They both have appeals filed which is not abnormal, I think it read they have 30 days to do so after sentencing.

I'm on edge about it all. Oh and another drug dealing family member has some background to check out further also.

If all that fails, may the guilty rot. But there's stuff happening to watch. Guess it's hard to hear people feel it's a cold case. Hope Misty talks and truth comes out for her and who or what happended. What she did, he did, or whoever.

Thanks for your hopeful, positive post!

Cases can go cold for reasons beyond LE's control. If there is no evidence or if evidence is weak, things may not move forward for a long time, if ever. But we all have heard of cases solved years later. Usually that is due to forensic science that was not available at the time of the crime, but sometimes it is due to someone, somewhere, who knows something deciding to talk.

It would be difficult to deny that LE put a lot of effort into trying to find Haleigh. They put in a lot of man hours, and the cost for those water searches had to be staggering. It was obvious they wanted Haleigh found, but sometimes the victim is never found and that's just the way it goes...no body does not necessarily seal the deal on the crime never being solved. Sometimes LE gets a break, possibly by way of a new employee who is bound and determined to find justice for victims, or by a person with knowledge or information who eventually grows a conscience.

There just is no way to know how things may play out over time. This case is cold, yes...but that does not mean it will stay that way forever. I will never stop seeking information about this case. And with media no longer interested in exploiting this case for ratings, etc., if new information does come forth, maybe it will have credence.
I didn't vote. I may be eternally optimistic but there are things still happening in this case. Or possible things still happening. Hank Sr. got a get out of jail card free with his no bond, a ROR. Lisa I heard received under a year today but will wait for the docket update & her orginal charges were 10 years and one year. Nice reduction there for her. WBG has a plea date of 12/17, Nay Nay has been picked up and I'm still waiting to see what happens there. Misty, if she has any sense, hopefully fesses up before her court date in Jan. 2011. It could benefit her possibly. Really can't tell with Misty as her dockets haven't been updated since 11/1/10. Other players related to the family have dockets with sealed information on them. So, no it's not cold. Just ever so more silent is all. JMO

I like that you are optimistic about this case. I didn't vote yet because you are correct, many things are still happening. How long is Nay Nay in for?
Jacy, they just reopened two older cases that Nay Nay violated her probation on. She goes to court 12/22/10 and we might know more then.
Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas is for HaLeigh to be found and brought home to be laid to rest in respect, love and, dignity and -- for the Perp(s) to be formally charged and convicted.

If you can possibly grant this wish I will forego all other gifts and presents in Holiday 2010 because this would be the most precious and priceless gift you could grant to both myself and the members of WS.

Where is HaLeigh? Please bring her home.

Cyberborg, WS Member.
Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas is for HaLeigh to be found and brought home to be laid to rest in respect, love and, dignity and -- for the Perp(s) to be formally charged and convicted.

If you can possibly grant this wish I will forego all other gifts and presents in Holiday 2010 because this would be the most precious and priceless gift you could grant to both myself and the members of WS.

Where is HaLeigh? Please bring her home.

Cyberborg, WS Member.

Cyber, I feel the same way.

I put up a few Christmas lights outside this year but that's about the extent of my celebrating. My daughter is grown so my household can get by without all the festivities. For me, Christmas spirit is about reflection and my Christmas wishes are for all children to be treated with respect, dignity and love. I told my daughter she does not need to give me gifts, just offer a moment of silence for those who are lost trying to find their way home.

I try not to dwell on the suffering of children in our country but even so, I cannot just ignore it. I reflect not only on the fate of dear Haleigh but of all the others: Caylee, Kyron, Adji, Baby Gabriel--the list goes on and on, and continues to grow. And I wonder how many names we never even hear.
Yes, it is cold in the sense that no new info seems to be coming in and that while LE certainly has their suspects, there does not seem to be much they can do to move forward with charges unless something new and solid comes in.

The only relief is that some of these people are in jail. No way to know if all who need to be are, however. And the fact that Haleigh is unlikely to ever be found is sickening.
Cyber, I feel the same way.

I put up a few Christmas lights outside this year but that's about the extent of my celebrating. My daughter is grown so my household can get by without all the festivities. For me, Christmas spirit is about reflection and my Christmas wishes are for all children to be treated with respect, dignity and love. I told my daughter she does not need to give me gifts, just offer a moment of silence for those who are lost trying to find their way home.

I try not to dwell on the suffering of children in our country but even so, I cannot just ignore it. I reflect not only on the fate of dear Haleigh but of all the others: Caylee, Kyron, Adji, Baby Gabriel--the list goes on and on, and continues to grow. And I wonder how many names we never even hear.

What a beautiful thing to say and do. It seems every week there are more children being tortured and murdered. What is in the minds of these animals. God help all little children.
I agree, that LE will never classify this as a cold case and just how long can they legally do that, indefinitely? You can't tell me that their budget allows for an ongoing investigation forever. I'm thinking perhaps they feel they have it solved but don't have the evidence to prosecute, so they throw a blanket over the whole group and put them away for whatever the law allows. Sadly, there is a lot of collateral damage within that group.

In addition, anyone interested in jailhouse phone calls or visits, are met with astronomical fees quoted to obtain them.

If I were to vote, my choice would be (D) No one will ever be charged unless there is a confession. Fat chance of that since they all seem content to go to jail for a minimum of 15 years. I do wonder why Misty's sentencing in PC was pushed to January. Could that be our only hope that this case will ever be solved?

Nice video Papa.
I voted for cold, with a heavy heart. I'm not holding my breath waiting for a confession; IMO Misty's latest letter caper shows that she's nowhere close to telling the truth and I haven't seen any signs that anybody else is either. Unless they can find Haleigh there may not be a whole lot of new evidence that the police can get, and there might not be much to be found at this point, depending on where she ended up at.

Maybe they can someday charge someone for telling a lot of lies.
No one will ever be charged unless there is a confession

Since those were the only choices available, I believe HaLeigh is a cold case as we speak and unless someone gives a credible confession, HaLeigh's demise may never be solved..JMHO

Where is HaLeigh??

I hate to say it but I agree.They are all as thick as thieves and no one will rat them out. They are almost all in jail,confession would bring more time.Joe and Timmy are still out if it were one of them the rest would be jealous (I kid you not) and one would sing!! Someday someone will find the poor little girls remains unless,water.I cant write it...Sleep little Angel.:angel:
I could be wrong, but I think the SA's office is the ones who decide if a case should be classified as cold. If you asked the investigators, I'm sure they would still call it an ongoing investigation.

They may know, or have a pretty good idea what happened and who is responsible, yet still don't have the evidence to back it up. Even if they got a confession, they still need evidence to support that confession.

Since Misty's and Tommy's stories kind of contradict each other, and Joe denies even being there, it's going to be hard to prove who is responsible. But I don't think the case has gone cold yet. At least I hope they're still working on it, if nothing more than going back over the files and continuing to talk to all the players. Sometimes a person will remember a tiny little detail that turns a case around and leads to something much bigger. You never know!
I could be wrong, but I think the SA's office is the ones who decide if a case should be classified as cold. If you asked the investigators, I'm sure they would still call it an ongoing investigation.

They may know, or have a pretty good idea what happened and who is responsible, yet still don't have the evidence to back it up. Even if they got a confession, they still need evidence to support that confession.

Since Misty's and Tommy's stories kind of contradict each other, and Joe denies even being there, it's going to be hard to prove who is responsible. But I don't think the case has gone cold yet. At least I hope they're still working on it, if nothing more than going back over the files and continuing to talk to all the players. Sometimes a person will remember a tiny little detail that turns a case around and leads to something much bigger. You never know!

I think it may be cold now, but could heat up later when those "ususual people" sitting in jail who know what happen get tired of sittin there. Hope that is in Jan. when Misty's date comes up for Putnam Co.

Merry Christmas to everyone. Be safe! It's snowing in Georgia! :bdscroll::christmastree: :snowman:
I couldn't vote because I think they need more information to crack this case. I do not think they have enough to take to a GJ. That being said, I do think that while it may not be exactly cold... it is cooling off at alarming degrees.
I can't begin to express how much it hurts me, to come here and see the only active thread is labled "Cold Case". I was praying for a better outcome. Rest in peace Haleigh.
I couldn't vote because I think they need more information to crack this case. I do not think they have enough to take to a GJ. That being said, I do think that while it may not be exactly cold... it is cooling off at alarming degrees.

Sadly, I have to agree with you. I haven't voted yet. I guess I hate to admit that with these players imprisoned that the case will go into the cold file.
Personally, I think that LE put on blinders that very first day and did not take them off until it was too late to effectively investigate the case. Misty was named the "key" from the very first and LE appeared to have never looked beyond that decision. Too bad. I think that they ignored the "600 lb. gorilla in the room". I think that Ronald Cummings was included in the drug sting when it was discovered too late that he might have been involved. IMO, LE feels that someone who is serving time in prison was involved so they have in some small way made up for all the poor investigative work in Haleigh Cummings' case.

ETA: At this late stage LE is unwilling to admit that they screwed up, thus the case will most likely go cold.
I would describe the case as being at a stand still, and I think that it will be solved. Maybe not as quickly as we would like, but I think it will.

Either by a jail snitch, or LE will get a tid bit of new info and they decide to take it to a grand jury, indictments are handed down and then... when the pressure of actual murder charges is put on some of them, the the case will explode.
Personally, I think that LE put on blinders that very first day and did not take them off until it was too late to effectively investigate the case. Misty was named the "key" from the very first and LE appeared to have never looked beyond that decision. Too bad. I think that they ignored the "600 lb. gorilla in the room". I think that Ronald Cummings was included in the drug sting when it was discovered too late that he might have been involved. IMO, LE feels that someone who is serving time in prison was involved so they have in some small way made up for all the poor investigative work in Haleigh Cummings' case.

ETA: At this late stage LE is unwilling to admit that they screwed up, thus the case will most likely go cold.

I disagree.

Ron wouldn't cooperate with LE, LE knew that. They stated that openly.

I think LE thought Misty would be easier to crack then Ronald. That is why they said she was the key, but now they know she is very evil and very self centered.
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