Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 5

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I'm a newbie. Can anyone tell me if birth data for this ZFG has been found?
Welcome to the case and to WS Asker - ZFG is a fictional nanny that the perp created to purport that her daughter was kidnapped...and cover up that she killed her daughter. Well, the perp didn't count on a real ZFG coming forward because LE contacted her and the media got ahold of it and about ruined the woman's life. She's sued the perp for defamation.
No, I am not saying the Jupiter return is The Span of Truth although you could credit Jupiter in Aquarius that way. The Span of Truth is on our calendar for February 2009 when the defendant is transited by a procession of planets, including asteroid Medea, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Neptune with the Moon fore and aft. These are lined up to walk through the mid-point of her codswallop, her Piscean Mercury square Uranus. Have you ever seen or heard an explosion of codswallop? Why not imagine it now and we won't have to wait!

THAT is the best word...LOL...I love IT!!! CODSWALLOP!!! Thanks Tuba...:clap:
How can we doubt the obvious? It is being reported today in Orlando that items taken from the Hopespring house match items in evidence from the disposal scene on Suburban Drive. Now, if this were anyone but our known crime victim Caylee, as placed by the one charged and indicted, how explain this nexus? Leo baby is submitting her proofs in Sagittarius, the trine of her Fire Sign. Just now reading the news under direction of Caylee.
A quick look at the synastry between Lee and Casey leaves me feeling very uncomfortable. At a glance I see things I don't like at all but I will have to give this more thought. I will note that NG said last night that Cindy and George voluntarily gave fingerprints and DNA samples to the authorities but Lee had to be subpoenaed to do so.

Asker, welcome to our Thread.

We have addressed the alleged incest in several posts throughout this thread. I direct you first to the Natal Promise posts on the August section of the Astro Crime Calendar, and to the discussion of promiscuity vs incest post which IIRC, is posted on the November section of the ACC.

In my astrological opinion there is no natal promise of incest evident in KC's natal chart. Her comments to BFs regarding abuse from the father and brother have been picked apart on other threads. We know she has to be the center of attention at all times. She fabricates stories to gain comfort, support, attention and sympathy (particularly from men). The key word in the last sentence is fabricates. You'll see that natal promise plastered all over her chart and it certainly has manifested repeatedly -- if not glaringly & shockingly -- all throughout this case.

On one of the other threads, poster Brini, who works with incest victims, explained the family dynamics of incest and that the A's don't meet them. Perhaps she will read here & elaborate for us.

Hey gals! I had an interesting thought about the February 20th location and her returning to that location with the remains...Since this was a place that Casey went as a youngster and teen, it was likely a place of solace for her whenever she needed to "run away" so to speak. Perhaps she jogged on down there on February 20th and spent some time in there and that is when she decided on the "location" for placing Caylee's remains? I mean, prior to those internet searches, which was what, March 19th, she HAD to have grown up some seeds of thoughts inside of her own head which lead her to DO those searches...and that may have just been where she went on that day to ponder the evil that was hatching within her mind...
Asker, welcome to our Thread.

We have addressed the alleged incest in several posts throughout this thread. I direct you first to the Natal Promise posts on the August section of the Astro Crime Calendar, and to the discussion of promiscuity vs incest post which IIRC, is posted on the November section of the ACC.

In my astrological opinion there is no natal promise of incest evident in KC's natal chart. Her comments to BFs regarding abuse from the father and brother have been picked apart on other threads. We know she has to be the center of attention at all times. She fabricates stories to gain comfort, support, attention and sympathy (particularly from men). The key word in the last sentence is fabricates. You'll see that natal promise plastered all over her chart and it certainly has manifested repeatedly -- if not glaringly & shockingly -- all throughout this case.

On one of the other threads, poster Brini, who works with incest victims, explained the family dynamics of incest and that the A's don't meet them. Perhaps she will read here & elaborate for us.


Soulscape, I didn't actually mean incest although the thought occurred to me previously when not thinking astrologically. Looking at the charts I'm more concerned with and uncomfortable with what I see as their collusion with one another. Their Suns trine exactly for starters and in Water signs...emotional, secretive and so on. Also, Lee's Mercury is cazimi his Sun and his also involved in the synastry trine. There is nothing as secretive as Scorpio IMO and I say that having a Scorpio rising myself.

Casey's natal Mars/Uranus in Sag (highly explosive potential there) is conjunct Lee's natal Neptune (secrets again). He keeps quiet and covers for her crazy actions. These square Casey's natal Mercury in Pisces (secretive again). So her crazy and sudden actions often betray her efforts to not tell her secrets as we see now in action with the finding of Caylee's remains.

Casey's natal Neptune is conjunct Lee's south node. The south node is generally thought to be unfortunate. These are in the sign of Capricorn and Capricorn has often been considered to be the ruler of fatherhood as well as the sign's ruler Saturn is. If Lee is not the father of Caylee, he probably knows who is. Casey's natal Neptune opposes her Moon in Cancer which is conjunct Lee's north node. The north node is generally thought of as more fortunate and shows the direction one is (or should be) going in life. With her Moon it tells me Lee and Casey will remain very emotionally close well into the future. They have an incredibly tight bond with each other.

Lee's Sun/Mercury in Scorpio oppose his Chiron at 25 Taurus. 25 Taurus is the degree of Algol, a fixed star often said to be "the cruelest star in the heavens." It is often described as a point where someone loses their head. Lee's Chiron is square Caylee's Asc. Again, I believe Lee knows exactly what happened but is so close to Casey that he will never cooperate with authorities willingly (Sun/Mercury in Scorpio).

That's what I see at a quick glance.
If the deposition of the grandparents is held on the scheduled date, there will be alarming statements out of their mouths. Mercury is parallel Mars. These may be characterised as misconceptions, mistakes, equivocations or deceptions although they swore off deceptions this week. The hemp rope that ties their nanny allegations to the plaintiff sports so many shaggy and twisted threads that they cannot tease out their accusations without snagging & invoking her identity.

Mercury of December 22 is on the solstice point of ZFG's Uranus, the blow to her life when her name is taken in vain as it has been steadily since 16 July. If BC postpones the depositions, the pregnant appointment persists as a scheduled event, registering its meanings in time and on the unseen record.
Soulscape, I didn't actually mean incest although the thought occurred to me previously when not thinking astrologically. Looking at the charts I'm more concerned with and uncomfortable with what I see as their collusion with one another. Their Suns trine exactly for starters and in Water signs...emotional, secretive and so on. Also, Lee's Mercury is cazimi his Sun and his also involved in the synastry trine. There is nothing as secretive as Scorpio IMO and I say that having a Scorpio rising myself.

Casey's natal Mars/Uranus in Sag (highly explosive potential there) is conjunct Lee's natal Neptune (secrets again). He keeps quiet and covers for her crazy actions. These square Casey's natal Mercury in Pisces (secretive again). So her crazy and sudden actions often betray her efforts to not tell her secrets as we see now in action with the finding of Caylee's remains.

Casey's natal Neptune is conjunct Lee's south node. The south node is generally thought to be unfortunate. These are in the sign of Capricorn and Capricorn has often been considered to be the ruler of fatherhood as well as the sign's ruler Saturn is. If Lee is not the father of Caylee, he probably knows who is. Casey's natal Neptune opposes her Moon in Cancer which is conjunct Lee's north node. The north node is generally thought of as more fortunate and shows the direction one is (or should be) going in life. With her Moon it tells me Lee and Casey will remain very emotionally close well into the future. They have an incredibly tight bond with each other.

Lee's Sun/Mercury in Scorpio oppose his Chiron at 25 Taurus. 25 Taurus is the degree of Algol, a fixed star often said to be "the cruelest star in the heavens." It is often described as a point where someone loses their head. Lee's Chiron is square Caylee's Asc. Again, I believe Lee knows exactly what happened but is so close to Casey that he will never cooperate with authorities willingly (Sun/Mercury in Scorpio).

That's what I see at a quick glance.

Hooray!:clap: Another astrologer! This is soooo very informative. I have ALWAYS believed that Lee knows exactly who is the father of Caylee.

Thank you for posting your insight!
Originally posted by Asker - Respectfully snipped:
=These are in the sign of Capricorn and Capricorn has often been considered to be the ruler of fatherhood as well as the sign's ruler Saturn is. If Lee is not the father of Caylee, he probably knows who is.

Do you think perhaps in the 'family dynamic' since Caylee didn't have a father figure in her life, that Lee filed this void? Perhaps that's what the chart might be saying? Just curious.
Lee's Sun/Mercury in Scorpio oppose his Chiron at 25 Taurus. 25 Taurus is the degree of Algol, a fixed star often said to be "the cruelest star in the heavens." It is often described as a point where someone loses their head. Lee's Chiron is square Caylee's Asc. Again, I believe Lee knows exactly what happened but is so close to Casey that he will never cooperate with authorities willingly (Sun/Mercury in Scorpio).

That's what I see at a quick glance.

When I read this part, I immediately thought of all the ways Lee reacted to the protesters (even the silent ones) Like the lady with the dog.
I have felt uncomfortable with LA's behavior for sometime now, especially after removing Caylee's memorial from front of house along with angry response to tv crew (as opposed to taking an opportunity to thank supportive people for remembering Caylee, even if by miracle it turns out not to be her remains....). I am sure he had attorney advice to refuse DNA sample until compelled by court order, and then again with finger prints. But, I am certain that if one of my little relatives were ever missing, I would not hesitate to supply ANY item/info/sample to help. He arouses suspicion. Even if he's worried about finger prints on duct tape that could be his or parents b/c they touched it while in the house - those prints would only be on the EXTERIOR surface of first few inches of the tape roll (where you would pick up the roll). KC's prints are likely to be all over the tape, front side and side, and all along the length that she pulled off the roll.

On the other hand, Scorpio is inherently fearful and suspicious and private. He has a lot to protect now. Does anyone know for certain if Mallory is pregnant (would be reflected by Jupiter transit to his moon & mars).

Also what is ZFG correct b-day that we are using?

What do you ya'll think about posting a list of all known (and confirmed) birthdates on the calendar? Maybe we could put them on, say, Jan 1 '08 spot to use as a quick reference link?
<Respecfully snipped>

Hi Salem,

Planetary Days start at LOCAL sunrise. The first planetary hour for Friday 12/19/08 starts at 7:17 am EST in Orlando, making it a VENUS DAY, VENUS HOUR.

The Event chart is cast for 6:50 am, before the VENUS day kicks in, so astrologically, at 6:50 in the morning, 12/19/08 is still a JUPITER DAY (SUN HOUR), and will become a VENUS DAY (as Fridays are) at 7:17 am.

Hope that makes sense, and yes, the comments I made are for Friday 12/19...


Thanks Soulscape - it does make perfect sense. I wish we had a video camera in her jail cell! I love the Tisiphone (did I spell that right?) astroid!

we have all heard the rumors of possible other bones being found @ site...and people are questioning the call where Cindy says not another one....can the stars tell us with out a DOB....Did Casy have another baby prior to Caylee and is that baby there in the same area???
<Respecfully snipped>

Hi Salem,

Planetary Days start at LOCAL sunrise. The first planetary hour for Friday 12/19/08 starts at 7:17 am EST in Orlando, making it a VENUS DAY, VENUS HOUR.

The Event chart is cast for 6:50 am, before the VENUS day kicks in, so astrologically, at 6:50 in the morning, 12/19/08 is still a JUPITER DAY (SUN HOUR), and will become a VENUS DAY (as Fridays are) at 7:17 am.

Hope that makes sense, and yes, the comments I made are for Friday 12/19...



I am trying to understand as well, and just want to make sure I got this right (as this case has gotten me back into wanting to learn this stuff again). So the planetary day starts at local sunrise, but the astrological day begins at midnight, and therefore based on Jupiter for that day?

tia, elizabeth

Feeling like TiredofThis today but not at all a spent egg when thinking about this plaintiff. I put great store in the counterclaim chart, which is on our calendar. I HOPE the grandparent co-defendants sit for depo on 22 December because the Sun will be squaring the defendant of this chart (Moon in Leo disposited by Sun at 2:07 Libra.)

I hope everyone understands why I object to the continuing imputation of criminal responsibility to Z.F.-G. The strands cannot be separated. The concoction was made up of material from this woman's identity and from her life and *advertiser censored*'ns. To cry nanny is to cry Z.F.-G.! In the name of God, bring this to a halt!
Thanks Tuba! I hate to ask again but does anyone have Lee's birth data? All I can find is that he is 26 years old.

Also, when NG mentioned Caylee talking it brought something somewhat different to my mind. As we've seen in the videos (they break my heart), Caylee at 2 years old was already very verbal. She so reminds me of my Leo Sun daughter when she was that age. With my daughter, once she began talking she never stopped and was able to tell others everything I was doing. It wasn't a problem with me in that I wasn't abusing my little girl, I just felt as though I had to be very careful what I said around her. But with Casey, Caylee becoming more and more verbal and easy to understand by others would have been creating a HUGE problem for Casey. I think the duct tape symbolically demonstrates this whether Casey intended it to or not. So sad for that poor baby.

I have Nov 20 1982 for Lee Anthony, in Warren, Ohio, no birth time unfortunately. I am only up to your post in the thread, so someone else may have already answered.

Feeling like TiredofThis today but not at all a spent egg when thinking about this plaintiff. I put great store in the counterclaim chart, which is on our calendar. I HOPE the grandparent co-defendants sit for depo on 22 December because the Sun will be squaring the defendant of this chart (Moon in Leo disposited by Sun at 2:07 Libra.)

I hope everyone understands why I object to the continuing imputation of criminal responsibility to Z.F.-G. The strands cannot be separated. The concoction was made up of material from this woman's identity and from her life and *advertiser censored*'ns. To cry nanny is to cry Z.F.-G.! In the name of God, bring this to a halt!

Tuba, I am right there with you. I also hope Amy H. gets her day too. But ZFG has the brunt of a lifetime's damage for absolutely no reason. I don't see the Gods allowing that. I do hope the depositions go forward on the 22nd too, (some think the number alone is a very divine one), but worry that all else will take precedence. Fingers crossed.
What do you ya'll think about posting a list of all known (and confirmed) birthdates on the calendar? Maybe we could put them on, say, Jan 1 '08 spot to use as a quick reference link?

Great idea to compile the birth dates, Kait!
we have all heard the rumors of possible other bones being found @ site...and people are questioning the call where Cindy says not another one....can the stars tell us with out a DOB....Did Casy have another baby prior to Caylee and is that baby there in the same area???

I did not hear that remark, mas, can you describe what you heard?

The post above is the chart for the legal action filed on behalf of Z.F.-G. It is underlined in blue as usual but I should have titled it in the post. The chart itself bears a title. Thank you, Fifth. I immediately recognised the time. It is the hour when the courthouse time stamps all the day's legal actions, so you don't get variance from one suit to the next as far as clock time. Nevertheless, that is the time at which it became official.
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