ABC producer paid for George, Cindy Anthony to stay at the Ritz Part 2

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You're right, that's what the thread is about. I guess I'm just surprised that of all the things in the world to pick on them for, that this would be it and that it would drag on and on and on.

Trying to find out the truth is not exactly "picking on" anyone.
LE is very interested in what happened at the Ritz, they are also trying to follow the money.
Haven't you ever wondered why certain things are happening?
Fake PR agents, nameless, faceless people?
A young woman with no job and no money now has the best defense team and forensic experts from all over the world?
A financially troubled family who no longer needs to work for over 7 months?
Lawyers and other experts who claim to be working pro bono?
Why aren't other women who kill being offered all of these perks?
Lots of unanswered questions. But every answer has one thing in common, money.
I posted on the other thread when it was active, but as I said before in my other post, I'm just not all that surprised that a media company footed the hotel bill for the Anthony family. Every national news media organization is after them to do media interviews, they are "the get" and news producers and bookers are going to do everything that they can to get them to appear on their network as an exclusive.

So the news media organizations don't "pay" for interviews? There's ways around it - they pay the airfare, room and board, licensing fees for photos, videos. I only guessed that it was a different news organization that paid the Ritz hotel bill, not ABC.

It does not bother me that the A's were put up in a fancy hotel or had an expensive meal on ABC's tab.

It does not bother me either.
I imagine the media falling over each other to get to the "A"s
But I can not imagine the "A"s willing to stop paying their mortgage, or eating or getting
the defense they need and pushing all that away...NO I can not imagine that.
They are getting the help they need, or they could be in the street with all the onlookers
that are camped outside thier door.
Having said this another thing to remember is:
they are not the murderers they are victims too.
Trying to find out the truth is not exactly "picking on" anyone.
LE is very interested in what happened at the Ritz, they are also trying to follow the money.
Haven't you ever wondered why certain things are happening?
Fake PR agents, nameless, faceless people?
A young woman with no job and no money now has the best defense team and forensic experts from all over the world?
A financially troubled family who no longer needs to work for over 7 months?
Lawyers and other experts who claim to be working pro bono?
Why aren't other women who kill being offered all of these perks?
Lots of unanswered questions. But every answer has one thing in common, money.

I realize that many cases do not get this much press. That is very sad.
But the media/paparazzi go after stories that seem to have sensationalism.
The fact that for 31 days nobody called 911 made this case an outcry.
One piece can change the interest of the media. ALL they care about is selling.
Then as they look closer there was no job, lots of lies, etc.....
The "A"s can hire whom they want, they can be nameless, or faceless.

This family was strapped for money before all of this happened.
I can not imagine them going to work right now with all of this going on.
I can not even imagine them in public without having someone tug on them.
They are victims too, none of this was on their goals list, as you can imagine.

The media falls all over themselves to get to them, and so they offer them money.
This is how they can sustain themselves for right now.
Any other murder case that can get a tabloid story has and does.
But unfortunately for many the tabloids DO NOT buy every single story.

I feel that the case itself is imperative, not what the A's eat or where they sleep.
What bothers me the most is that there isn't something to date that will
TIE Casey to the murder DIRECTLY. I wish there was.
Seems the tape has no fingerprints, the diary has no date with a year.
SO FAR while things point at CASEY the direct tie to Casey is still Smokey,
no slam dunk here yet, I wish there was.
Trying to find out the truth is not exactly "picking on" anyone.
LE is very interested in what happened at the Ritz, they are also trying to follow the money.
Haven't you ever wondered why certain things are happening?
Fake PR agents, nameless, faceless people?
A young woman with no job and no money now has the best defense team and forensic experts from all over the world?
A financially troubled family who no longer needs to work for over 7 months?
Lawyers and other experts who claim to be working pro bono?
Why aren't other women who kill being offered all of these perks?
Lots of unanswered questions. But every answer has one thing in common, money.

Because I know how media works, I understand how some things are comped. I have no issue with that. I have no issue with this night whatsoever. I have heard but can't find link so must state IMO that G & C are on mental disability from the state. Any Dr would say they've suffered mental breakdowns IMO. It would be an easy note for either of them to get. LOTS of people work pro-bono for the publicity. Do you think octo-mom was paying for her publicist? I do believe that Casey is getting a lot for free and has worked up a lot with Baez that is paying for her defense etc and that a lot is done pro-bono. It's my impression from what I've read that the Anthony's aren't Baez biggest fan. Again, I don't think G&C are saints. I don't think they've done everything right, but I do think there are plausible explanations for many things they've done and where I see that my mind understands and forgives that action. Many other minds see it the opposite. We're just different people with different experiences we bring to this that make us see this different ways.
Because I know how media works, I understand how some things are comped. I have no issue with that. I have no issue with this night whatsoever. I have heard but can't find link so must state IMO that G & C are on mental disability from the state. Any Dr would say they've suffered mental breakdowns IMO. It would be an easy note for either of them to get. LOTS of people work pro-bono for the publicity. Do you think octo-mom was paying for her publicist? I do believe that Casey is getting a lot for free and has worked up a lot with Baez that is paying for her defense etc and that a lot is done pro-bono. It's my impression from what I've read that the Anthony's aren't Baez biggest fan. Again, I don't think G&C are saints. I don't think they've done everything right, but I do think there are plausible explanations for many things they've done and where I see that my mind understands and forgives that action. Many other minds see it the opposite. We're just different people with different experiences we bring to this that make us see this different ways.

I haven't voiced a problem with the hotel thing because I understand it's slippery slope to argue about, all things considered. But the part of your statement here that I bolded reminded me of something I was just thinking about last night:

CA & GA may get some "deals" for now to compensate for their losses (and stories), but how many of them are for the long run? They should each have at least 10-20 years (average) left in them; how many monetary "benefits" received from Caylee's death will last them for the remainder of their lives?

I wondered about disability specifically, and how they may no longer have to work anymore between that tax benefit and whatever money the media gives the A family for any exclusive following KC's trial. I also agree that it wouldn't be the first or last time we see a murder victim's family "comp'd" by media to a questionable degree, but it's just how it is. I am helpless to do anything about it other than not buy what the media is trying to sell.
Because I know how media works, I understand how some things are comped. I have no issue with that. I have no issue with this night whatsoever. I have heard but can't find link so must state IMO that G & C are on mental disability from the state. Any Dr would say they've suffered mental breakdowns IMO. It would be an easy note for either of them to get. LOTS of people work pro-bono for the publicity. Do you think octo-mom was paying for her publicist? I do believe that Casey is getting a lot for free and has worked up a lot with Baez that is paying for her defense etc and that a lot is done pro-bono. It's my impression from what I've read that the Anthony's aren't Baez biggest fan. Again, I don't think G&C are saints. I don't think they've done everything right, but I do think there are plausible explanations for many things they've done and where I see that my mind understands and forgives that action. Many other minds see it the opposite. We're just different people with different experiences we bring to this that make us see this different ways.

GREAT POST. :clap::clap::clap:
Hi Lin, I wanted to say this earlier but I thought I'd give you a chance to get there first. Just kidding. :)

I can't be as poetic or brilliant as you so I'll just agree with you -- profit is profit. How they choose to spend it is their *choice*. IN MY OPINION They are making money from this tragedy and every dime paid out to them in whatever form is profit. Profit. Profit. Did I say profit?

lol You're just too gosh darn good to me, ya' know?


NOT to be critical at all, because you know I enjoy your posts, but I would have focused more on profit. :)
Can anyone please provide a link to the PROFIT? Thanks.

C'mon now, Chilly Willy. This thread is about being wined and dined. That in and of itself is a profit, now isn't it? No media has ever put me up in a hotel or bought me, my family and the rest of my entourage dinner. Heck, I don't even have an entourage!

Regardless of the circumstances, they did receive this 'gift' and lots of others at the very least. It's being reported that $200,000 was paid to someone in that family and who knows how much else? They're not giving us an accounting. I followed that whole donations thread and I recall that the agreement with the trustee was that if the balance fell below $3000 the account would be closed. Since they didn't spend all of that on the stated purpose, what is it but profit? What about the profit from selling donated items? I could go on and on and on and on about the profits they've generated but I know you already know.
Opposite of loss. Could anyone describe what the Anthony's have been through as the opposite of loss?

There could be a lot of info about that on tax returns. How about you scurry off and get those for us? j/k
Oh gosh, do we really have to rehash that one night again. Of anything people think they may have done, that one night is the most understandable of all. They couldn't go back to their home, they were devastated and someone said they had made arrangements for them and so they went. Can you even imagine how horrid that night was for them? Could you expect sanity from yourself on a night you found your grandchild's body was found? I would want to die. People would have to point me in a direction and push me there and it sounds like that's what happened.

If you're going to chastise others about being on topic, please at least get the number of days correct!! TIA

The arrangements were made by their own spokesperson Michelle Bart, who may have pushed for the Ritz, and if it were me, I'd be staying with family- Lee or at a motel, not the finest accomodations in town with steak dinners costing $100/person and meeting with producers from one of the three major networks... That's why this thread continues with it's popularity.

I posted in the other thread about when I was out of my home state with my dad at the hospital when he died, I didn't go to hotel; I didn't stay at my dad's place; I went to stay with my cousin with whom I'm not really close but she was the only family I had within driving distance. Later, when the rest of my family arrived, we all stayed at the hotel so we could all be together. Dad's place wouldn't accommodate all of us so no one stayed there; we wanted to be together.

And no one brought an entourage.
I remember a thread where people were speculating about the reasons why Cindy left Baez's office with the perp and then took a weird route and in the middle of all that, LE came and got the perp from the car. It happened under a bridge. This is the first I've heard that it was JB's plan and the reasons for it. I would appreciate a link.

There may be a link to it after the fact, cya-style. I'd like to see some indication that was the plan prior to the detour!
This is the part that gets to me. There's a producer from a major network at the table! And it's a huge group. I would want my privacy and the last thing I would want is a producer from a major network listening on anything or watching me bounce off the walls.

Come to think of it, we didn't invite any media either. Go figure.
If you're going to chastise others about being on topic, please at least get the number of days correct!! TIA


I really don't care if they stayed a night or a week. My opinion of the stay remains the same. They couldn't go back to their house and my guess is that LE wanted them in the immediate area. This offer was made to them and they took it. If something similar happened to me I probably would go wherever someone told me to go and regarding allowing a media member to be there at dinner, I really wouldn't give a rats arse who was there as I probably wouldn't even notice as I'd be so caught up in my own emotions. I just don't see this the same way as you. Again, where you see evil and manipulation, I see reasonable explanation.
I appreciate your reply. While I do not see her attorney as part of a dream team, I do see that some of the others may be known names, but IMHO some need to redeem themselves and PR is a good way.
None the less I DO get your point, we could not have afforded them nor could Casey's imaginary bank account, or job. Point well taken.

I also learned on this thread from Gardenheart that the state would have selected a top notch attorney in her behalf. I had no clue on that.
IMHO the case is taking so much longer because it is NO Slam Dunk.
I read this this morning.
So: with no fingerprints on the tape, NO direct knowledge that the diary is of this year, and more...
it seems to me it would take loooooong just to make sure she does not walk.
It could not have been any faster till they CAN nail it.

Somehow I read between the lines in your post that a good team will get her off.
I HOPE SHE DOES NOT GET OFF: having said that, it is not the team that will get her off
but maybe lack of evidence pointing directly at her.
Whomever may have known more about where the body was and did not report it sooner, when finger prints were able to be gotten, before the sun melted them and the rain washed it, the longer they had to search for the body the safer Casey's case had become for her.
THIS HAS BOTHERED ME ALL ALONG. I realized early on that the longer they are looking for Caylee the more likely that there will no longer be much evidence on the little skeleton.
THERE IN LIES one of the problem of having proper evidence that ties her directly to the crime.

I DO believe that Casey's parents had a hand in not helping the search, in order to save Casey, a parent that wants to hope for the best is what I think this was.They are victims too.
They are parents of a mentally imbalanced girl. (they are in denial about that).
I also think they have a right to use the Tabloid/TV venue.
I would get more angry at the fact that they washed car, pants, did not give the search team caylees garment and bought a lot of time, by doing all of that, it is what helped Casey the most.
But I can not get angry about Ritz, TV meeting, or her defense team, because she has a right to that. So does anyone who can get it.

AS PARENTS they never voted for this mess. It was just a slice of life that was cut out in their behalf. I DO feel for them.
Non of this came to them with a manual.

In the beginning I said Casey is bipolar+other psychological disorder,
I was told She was evil and bad, and something about me being a good Samaritan.
I stopped posting on the Caylee threads for some time and stayed in the political pavilion.
I believe that Casey has a mental disorder, and Cindy is on the fringe of the same disorder.
I do not want anyone to profit, but I personally do not want to pick on them.
NOR do I want to deny that they did help delay this case from having more and better evidence right from the start; IMO they did that early on, and that is what MAY save Casey.
If she is saved her parents gave her life twice at birth and helping her with this case.
IMHO this team is not going to save her it is the "A"s actions in the very beginning.
I do not think she is going free, I think they will take as loooong as they need to get it right.

My lupper was great :) and I am impressed with your memory of all the people on her team.

Thanks, songline. I appreciate that coming from you. You seem to be such a loving and forgiving person.

It's those things you mentioned, the obstruction of the A's, particularly CA, that make some of us so upset that they maintain their victim status and are being paid for it too!

Here's a pure hypothetical that I don't believe at all and am just writing for illustrative purposes. Picture this: What if KC didn't act alone? What if there really is a nanny and KC called her to help cover up this crime? Now, in this fiction, the nanny comes forward and tells the media she was there; she helped KC and guided her in the cover up. (We all know KC isn't smart!) She also helped obstruct searches in the area of the body because she knew it was there and did other things, like giving a script to the grandparents and KC.

How would you feel about this nanny being paid large money by the media? And being wined and dined; courted if you will, not just in spite of her criminal activities, but largely because of them? Being rewarded for being a criminal and obstructing LE and at least delaying, if not denying, justice for Caylee? Would that be ok with you? Because that's how a lot of us see this. We don't see CA as a victim in anything. We see her pulling out the grieving grandma card every time she gets called on the carpet for her nonsense but that's a club that should deny her membership. You acknowledge in your post that CA has done these things for KC. And these things are contrary to justice for Caylee. Do you really believe CA should be rewarded for this?

I do not believe the A's are in denial about KC's mental status, (I vote for Borderline Personality Disorder), because CA was seeking help from a therapist and had plans to get custody of Caylee. According to LA, when CA came back into the room on day 1 and saw KC crying, the first words out of her mouth were to KC and were, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!" Does that sound like someone that doesn't know what KC is? According to the recently released discovery, others report that the A's had threatened to seek custody more than just that once. Does that sound like they thought KC was an excellent mother? CA's coworkers reported they had advised her to seek custody but at that time, CA replied she couldn't afford the legal fees. What was she telling them at that time that caused them to give her that advice? It sure wasn't that KC was 'mother of the year.'

CA is not humble. She is not grateful. She is vindictive and spiteful. I don't see how anyone can maintain any sympathy for her but God Bless those with big enough hearts to do so. She is arrogant with a strong sense of entitlement. She is milking the charade she tried to create for all it's worth. And I find that disgusting.

You admit their actions may cause KC to get off because evidence that would have made this a slam dunk case was destroyed, either deliberately or by the passage of time. Do you really think they should be rewarded for this? Should be paid by anyone? Even comped a meal? I respectfully disagree. I think that at least CA should be charged and held accountable. What a great example for the rest of us, if she's not.

She doesn't act like Caylee's grandmother, who I would hope would be protected and comforted. She acts like KC's mother and just that. That alone wouldn't cause me to condemn her. I can feel great sympathy for the families of other murderers. It's what CA has done to deliberately frustrate justice for Caylee that causes me to condemn her and even begrudge her elaborate dinners at Norman's.

Remember at the memorial, GA saying he wore a lavender shirt because it was Caylee's favorite color? Why did the teddy bear next to the candle they lit have on a green shirt with a shamrock, KC's favorite?

Finally, just in case you haven't seen these the other million times I've posted them:

At around 3:45 in this video, CA is asked to stop lying because it's hurting the case.

These take a while to view and don't cover most but are a good summary of the lies.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:
Trying to find out the truth is not exactly "picking on" anyone.
LE is very interested in what happened at the Ritz, they are also trying to follow the money.
Haven't you ever wondered why certain things are happening?
Fake PR agents, nameless, faceless people?
A young woman with no job and no money now has the best defense team and forensic experts from all over the world?
A financially troubled family who no longer needs to work for over 7 months?
Lawyers and other experts who claim to be working pro bono?
Why aren't other women who kill being offered all of these perks?
Lots of unanswered questions. But every answer has one thing in common, money.

Yeah, what you said, except I haven't heard anything about anyone being pro-bono.

It does not bother me either.
I imagine the media falling over each other to get to the "A"s
But I can not imagine the "A"s willing to stop paying their mortgage, or eating or getting
the defense they need and pushing all that away...NO I can not imagine that.
They are getting the help they need, or they could be in the street with all the onlookers
that are camped outside thier door.
Having said this another thing to remember is:
they are not the murderers they are victims too.

Why do the A's need a "defense" anyway?

You've admitted the helped cover up after the fact so that means they're not just victims.
Songline, your posts have a theme of worry that there's not enough *direct* evidence.

IMO, there was enough to convict her 10 times over before they even found the body.

Don't you worry. They had her at HELLO.
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