LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 - #20

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Thank you. I'm really sick of the Brettly speculation. He's been cleared. I don't find him weird. I have compassion for him and know he must be suffering.

I know!!! He's been accused of murder he's been accused being gay and he has had people saying it was his fault not giving ms a ride home that night! He was questioned for 16 hrs had his cell phone records looked at his car his house computer and anything else that was needed he took a lie detector test an all this with no lawyer present he also offered his home for the search teams what else does he need to do to make people stop I'm sure he has been threw enough so what if he's "weird" "different" or "strange" remember we all have different personalities in this world it doesn't make him guility hes still a person. Just like ms didn't ask this to happen to her neither did he!!!
Thank you. I'm really sick of the Brettly speculation. He's been cleared. I don't find him weird. I have compassion for him and know he must be suffering.

BW was cleared. OK!
but but but!!!!

He HAD A GIRLFRIEND! Wonder how she felt about Mickey planning on living with him? Was she going to live with them too? AND where was this girl that night while BW and MS shared Taco Bell AT 1 am?

I am just asking...
I know people might not have answers. It just make me go huh???
I agree he is suffering!

The wheels in my head are just turning while we wait!
I didn't read these things that way. I tend to think the punching story was an attempt at humor, and humor is often an expression of anxiety.

To take this on from a different angle, I think we all easily lose track of the human element of these situations when we're consuming media reports and interviews and leads, and because we're concerned, it puts us in a critical mode of thinking. But this isn't just a woman standing next to a microphone trying to get some information across. That's a picture of courage, you know what I mean? That human being is at war with herself, probably low on sleep, probably physically sick because of her anxiety, probably without a lot of food in her, probably trying to focus her thought process while her brain continuously trails off. Charlie, in particular, has done so much press for this. If she comes across as weird, she's probably in a pretty weird frame of mind. I would be, too, if I googled my sister's name and a picture of me crying came up with some lyrics written at the bottom. I completely understand what you're saying, but let's keep in mind this family is going through what will probably be the worst moments of their entire lives--and they're doing it publicly. Sometimes the message can get a little garbled because of the emotional stakes. That's why they have T-shirts to speak for them: all we care about is finding Mickey. That's all that really needs to be said. Anything else the family can offer through the media is done so out of courageous resilience and is an attempt to further convey that simple message: find Mickey. They deserve a free pass, in my opinion.
Point taken. I agree completely it's a horrible time in their lives & your post made me think that maybe she's not great w delivery all the time & then u add the myriad of strains & stresses to that & u get a weird stream of thought etc. it also made me think of my own fam who would also be terrible messengers in an awful time but they certainly would be caring & anxious regardless of what they said. I think ur on target w the assessment that we are critical bc we are so concerned. I look at this case partly bc I'm shocked it hasn't been resolved & I keep expecting the answers to come. This site led me to read the holly bobo threads & I swear that case leaves me chilled to the bone with all the what happened & why didn't anyone's... I want Mickey found & I pray her sister gets that chance to say forgive me I want to be a better sis. Prob that stream of weird is coming from her guilt of remembering those things & not having that opportunity to make amends w Mickey. Thx for being polite but contrary w a different view - I needed to make sense of that article :-)
I agree - I certainly wouldn't want to say I'm certain on any of it - but every evening I run a google on Mickey before I hit ws hoping to see some progress in her case & tonite/ this am this article really gave me an angry feeling. It wasnt what I expected from the article title. I'd love to think it was misquotes but since she told so many bk n the day's hard to think they didn't capture what she was delivering. She even made some inappropriate remark abt hey Mickey hope ur not having more fun where ur at... Honestly it gave me a disgusted feeling. I also saw the sister on ng & thought she was not helpful but at that time I blew it off as too soon & scattered mind everywhere behavior. Iit doesn't feel right. At the very least she needs to not be speaking out on the case bc I think that article was in no way helpful & possibly harmful to getting the public to care abt Mickey & start thinking abt their friends neighbors etc who may have acted suspiciously or had an oddly explained absence at the time of this crime.

When I click on pg 2 o that it won't open. Just page one seems weird.
I worked at OLOL hospital prior to it moving to a new location, and I can assure you the guards were not out in front of the hospital talking to bikers as they went by. I still drive by frequently and never see any security guard standing outside of the building.

I'm not commenting because I'm trying to catch up and have 20 pages to go.

You are completely wrong about the guards, and it's too bad you're using the words, "I can assure you," when you are 100% wrong.

Your post is incorrect.

Back to trying to catch up.
I can't sleep. I tried. I have to be somewhere at 8 AM and I can't sleep. Thoughts of Mickey

I understand. I can't sleep because of Mickey and restless legs. I freak myself out about all the scenarios that could have occurred and what I would do if it was one of my daughters (pregnant with #2 right now). I just want her to be found so badly and everyday this drags on it feels less and less likely. I pray the LPD have many leads that we aren't aware of and that they will make some type move in the case soon. I really have to start sleeping.
I think being prego magnifies those emotions! I felt the same way when I was prego & hearing the caylee Anthony case. It makes u very mama bear abt every victim bc u relate ur baby to them & feel the what if this was my child v strong
Hi, it took me three days to read every post. I've thanked a lot. I do think WS will help find her. The last text and her leaving right away after friends asked them to join them to eat. I think maybe she was headed there, to swing by. Maybe someone else was there with them she hadn't seen earlier at Artmosphere and felt less tired after eating. Also, maybe BW's ex, a friend, was also there and she was just avoiding conflict or something simple. (?) I think the image they haven't released is the z71 following her on Versallies to St John. They have said they saw it follow it her on video there, but have not shown a photo of the truck. It is definitely a factor. IMO
I am from NY and never have been to your fine state. From the moment I saw news of Mickeys disappearance, I have been checking for updates daily. I believe I have read all the posts. The picture of Mickey and the white truck in front of the Circle K, where is this camera? I owned a gas station and we had 5 recordable video surveillance cameras both inside and outside the store. When the young man "ran" in to pay, you should have been able to pull him up in the store. Also cameras on the canopy should have been able to catch license plates. Our cameras recorded in 10 minute increments, and that is how the file was stored. We retained those records for 3 weeks. Unless there was suspicious activity (like a drive off) and we would save that 10 minute increment of the tape and print a picture for the police.

I had this EXACFT thought driving back tonight. I sure hope LE thought to check... and didn't just walk away when they found the cameras didn't show the street. Clerk told me cameras didn't catch the street - but the info on the drivers could be synced.
BW was cleared. OK!
but but but!!!!

He HAD A GIRLFRIEND! Wonder how she felt about Mickey planning on living with him? Was she going to live with them too? AND where was this girl that night while BW and MS shared Taco Bell AT 1 am?

I am just asking...
I know people might not have answers. It just make me go huh???
I agree he is suffering!

The wheels in my head are just turning while we wait!

Just because we do not have the answers doesn't mean LE don't. We do not need to know his whole life story put yourself in his shoes he is cleared by who matters by the only people who matter LE and Her family!
BW was cleared. OK!
but but but!!!!

He HAD A GIRLFRIEND! Wonder how she felt about Mickey planning on living with him? Was she going to live with them too? AND where was this girl that night while BW and MS shared Taco Bell AT 1 am?

I am just asking...
I know people might not have answers. It just make me go huh???
I agree he is suffering!

The wheels in my head are just turning while we wait!

When I was in my 20s, I had two male roommates and a boyfriend and he wasn't jealous of them. Not everyone operates on petty levels of possessiveness and jealousy!
I had this EXACFT thought driving back tonight. I sure hope LE thought to check... and didn't just walk away when they found the cameras didn't show the street. Clerk told me cameras didn't catch the street - but the info on the drivers could be synced.
As could all transactions done between 1:30 and 2:00 am! UNLESS it was cash...
ETA track who was at the station filling up at that time...
When I was in my 20s, I had two male roommates and a boyfriend and he wasn't jealous of them. Not everyone operates on petty levels of possessiveness and jealousy!

I know that! I am only asking questions.
:innocent: I am not pointing fingers and mean NO ill will.
When I click on pg 2 o that it won't open. Just page one seems weird.

I run noscript and had to "temporarily allow all this page" before it would open for me -- maybe something similar for you?
My opinions only, no facts here:

I have never uploaded an image to Websleuths before. What I did was take the seminal image of the white truck and fiddle with it in my inim-im-im-itable fashion (think Looney Tunes) to show one hypothesis of what the truck might look like with very slightly better resolution.

I do not mean to be flippant about this important case, only flippant about the chances that I got this enhancement right!


  • MickeyShunick_pics_enhance.jpg
    201.3 KB · Views: 291
I know!!! He's been accused of murder he's been accused being gay and he has had people saying it was his fault not giving ms a ride home that night! He was questioned for 16 hrs had his cell phone records looked at his car his house computer and anything else that was needed he took a lie detector test an all this with no lawyer present he also offered his home for the search teams what else does he need to do to make people stop I'm sure he has been threw enough so what if he's "weird" "different" or "strange" remember we all have different personalities in this world it doesn't make him guility hes still a person. Just like ms didn't ask this to happen to her neither did he!!!
Agreed! Plus let's face it - bw is a guy w a crush where the feeling wasn't mutual & yet this supposed "weird" guy is putting himself thru anything necessary to clear himself so LE can move fwd w the case, he & MS remained friends despite her rejection, & he's been on tv in news etc getting her case out there. Imagine the courage it takes to hear things abt yourself & how ur perceived & yet stay the course & keep wkng to help ur friend. He could have hidden at the 1st sign of unpleasantness & fueled a fire of suspicion that would hv taken the case way off track. He put himself out there instead & put ms 1st.
I can't sleep. I tried. I have to be somewhere at 8 AM and I can't sleep. Thoughts of Mickey consume me.

I'm right there with you. I've gone to bed three times. I finally decided it wasn't fair to my wife, who has to be up at 7, to keep getting in and out of bed. I've started to think through angles I haven't seen anyone else talk about, like her college professors or her father being the perp. Thinking through if it's this person or that, what I would say to them. I didn't even know Mickey, but this case is haunting me.
My opinions only, no facts here:

I have never uploaded an image to Websleuths before. What I did was take the seminal image of the white truck and fiddle with it in my inim-im-im-itable fashion (think Looney Tunes) to show one hypothesis of what the truck might look like with very slightly better resolution.

I do not mean to be flippant about this important case, only flippant about the chances that I got this enhancement right!

Hmmm. Interesting. I had trouble reading some of your labels, though.
I'm right there with you. I've gone to bed three times. I finally decided it wasn't fair to my wife, who has to be up at 7, to keep getting in and out of bed. I've started to think through angles I haven't seen anyone else talk about, like her college professors or her father being the perp. Thinking through if it's this person or that, what would I like to say to them? I didn't even know Mickey, but this case is haunting me.

The professor angle has crossed my mind, too. That might be someone she would have approached if he (?) beckoned her to a vehicle, etc. (assuming such a person had not ever done anything before to make her feel uncomfortable). I guess LE is likely to check out any possibilities there, though ...?
My opinions only, no facts here:

I have never uploaded an image to Websleuths before. What I did was take the seminal image of the white truck and fiddle with it in my inim-im-im-itable fashion (think Looney Tunes) to show one hypothesis of what the truck might look like with very slightly better resolution.

I do not mean to be flippant about this important case, only flippant about the chances that I got this enhancement right!

This seems to show much more detail but still small as I'm on my phone. Was wondering what you mean by fantasy enhancement?
I agree with y'all it's hard to stay away from this case I have two test tomorrow an haven't even been able to study with that being said I'm about to hand over my phone to my boyfriend an hit the books!!! Hope mickey is found soon an this case gets solved!!!
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