How do you come home?

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Aug 6, 2010
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IF you are looking for a missing person and that person might be alive, "how would they come back?" If that person wanted to come back but was scared of the reaction of Family and the community as a whole, knowing they had not commited a crime other than being a Human Being, what would you say to them to assure them it would be ok?

If they didnt want to come back what would you do...demand an explanation...make them pose for a the cops and sit on the person wait for them to arrive and drag them back to answer for all of the trouble going missing causes.

As you search for answers to questions about finding missing persons...would
you not want to think about this question in advance. To be prepared?

Think about the question...assign no names...apply it to all types of missing persons cases. There is something to be learned here for the future...
...assign no names...

There is a certain beautiful, successful, strong woman from West Valley City, Utah who would be welcomed back with open arms. It would be wonderful if that hypothesis would be proven to be fact. Her return would be met with joy by people from all parts of the world. IMHO there is a certain 'happy camper' that has made that impossible.

nice try
IF you are looking for a missing person and that person might be alive, "how would they come back?" If that person wanted to come back but was scared of the reaction of Family and the community as a whole, knowing they had not commited a crime other than being a Human Being, what would you say to them to assure them it would be ok?

If they didnt want to come back what would you do...demand an explanation...make them pose for a the cops and sit on the person wait for them to arrive and drag them back to answer for all of the trouble going missing causes.

As you search for answers to questions about finding missing persons...would
you not want to think about this question in advance. To be prepared?

Think about the question...assign no names...apply it to all types of missing persons cases. There is something to be learned here for the future...

Im glad that after 24 hours that there has only been one comment. Anyone presented with this question would need to stop and think...atleast 30 people read this post...maybe they stopped to think...instead of reacting.
Well, its a great question actually and I would say it would be tough to answer without going through the situation personally. If I were suspected to have a part in the "abduction" or going missing itself, then I would want my name cleared when that person was located of course. I would want that person to contact police and let them know they were okay even if they never wished to come back. The police could then make a statement and that person could go on living their new identity.

Of course this is MOO and it relates to missing persons cases as a whole. Very thought provoking.
Maybe people just don't feel like playing.

Since it isn't against the law to remove oneself from ones home, you would just go home if that's what you wished, either to your own home or to the welcoming arms of family.

Pretty simple actually. But not so simple if one is no longer alive.
sorry to harsh but if you are that much of a coward to leave then you should at least make amends to let at least one person know that u are alive. write a letter with a picture of you or something. I dunno, but running away is never the answer for grown adults that know better.
"Assign no names.."

It is a good question. So, for example, you ran away from home, got the cops looking for you, your husband is "suspected" of potential foul play, your children are lost and floundering without you, your parents are suffering so, the whole world is looking for you. How do you come back? I suppose you'd get a backbone and call whoever could provide you the most support and let them know you're ok and ask for their advice.

But this is a forum about SP. From what I know of her background, beliefs, and faithfulness to family, I just don't think she ran away. She just didn't. No way, no how. No, nope...

Susan had a backbone, for sure...If she had run away and then saw everything that was going on, she would have stepped up to the plate to resolve it. But that's not what happened...

MOO, of course.
Maybe people just don't feel like playing.

Since it isn't against the law to remove oneself from ones home, you would just go home if that's what you wished, either to your own home or to the welcoming arms of family.

Pretty simple actually. But not so simple if one is no longer alive.

I agree. Most people don't feel like playing...
Off the top of my head I can't think of anyone who dissapeared and then came back on their own with trumpets sounding ;). Found maybe, but didn't come back willingly (thinking of Olivia Newton John's ex-boyfriend). Not sure what happened to him, but I thought he was found in Mexico or something after faking his death.

To imagine that SP has been gone all this time without a single sighting, the use of a credit card, with her cell and purse (and car) still in the home, tells me (no shouts to me) foul play. Why JP is still walking the streets is beyond me.

MOO and all that

Im glad that after 24 hours that there has only been one comment. Anyone presented with this question would need to stop and think...atleast 30 people read this post...maybe they stopped to think...instead of reacting.

This is insulting. In the future please refrain. Do not discuss this post on the thread. Just do as I ask please.

Tricia Griffith
Color me dense, but I do not understand those last 2 posts. Clarification please? Thanks.

There is a possiblity that Susan is alive...but no one wants to go there...I have allways wondered why...WVPD themselves dont believe Susan is dead. A Lt Merrit stated in an Examiner article that "nothing points police that Susan is dead, so at this time she is still considered a missing person case." this was only a few months ago.

Everyone thinks LE is hiding info or is totally lost...They can't comment because of a on going investigation offically...but a LT from the WVPD makes this statement???

Im not here to pizz people off...I like you want answers. Why is it that the possiblity of Susan being alive is such a don't go there subject? If she is dead I could understand wanting to protect her name/memory ect. But we dont know that she looking away at any possiblity in a misssing person case only defeats the goal of finding someone. No matter how painfull it may be.
There is a possiblity that Susan is alive...but no one wants to go there...I have allways wondered why...WVPD themselves dont believe Susan is dead. A Lt Merrit stated in an Examiner article that "nothing points police that Susan is dead, so at this time she is still considered a missing person case." this was only a few months ago.

Everyone thinks LE is hiding info or is totally lost...They can't comment because of a on going investigation offically...but a LT from the WVPD makes this statement???

Im not here to pizz people off...I like you want answers. Why is it that the possiblity of Susan being alive is such a don't go there subject? If she is dead I could understand wanting to protect her name/memory ect. But we dont know that she looking away at any possiblity in a misssing person case only defeats the goal of finding someone. No matter how painfull it may be.

Thank you Salem for the transfer...
There is a possiblity that Susan is alive...but no one wants to go there...I have allways wondered why...WVPD themselves dont believe Susan is dead. A Lt Merrit stated in an Examiner article that "nothing points police that Susan is dead, so at this time she is still considered a missing person case." this was only a few months ago.

Everyone thinks LE is hiding info or is totally lost...They can't comment because of a on going investigation offically...but a LT from the WVPD makes this statement???

Im not here to pizz people off...I like you want answers. Why is it that the possiblity of Susan being alive is such a don't go there subject? If she is dead I could understand wanting to protect her name/memory ect. But we dont know that she looking away at any possiblity in a misssing person case only defeats the goal of finding someone. No matter how painfull it may be.

I suppose most people here think the circumstantial evidence points to Susan being murdered by her husband, me included. However, I'm willing to explore any possibility. Tell me, why do you think she is still alive? What led you to that conclusion?

I'd like to know if SP made any phone calls or chatted with anyone on line after 5:30 PM when JP left for the sledding. We've never heard if SP was awake and up when he got home from that.

The interview with the guest host on NG stated, with a visual list, that the keys were there, but it was not from Mr. Cox himself. Also, IIRC, in the letter to LE from Papa P said that Jen had given the keys to LE evidence. I'd truly like to know or hear LE's view of the keys myself, but unless there is a trial, I don't think it will happen.

I know I keep bringing the keys up in this case, but feel it is important, since there was so much conflict in reporting what exactly was left and what LE did discover..with nothing quoting LE. If someone can find it, please correct me. There are many questions that the media did not ask because it was assumed and very much appeared that JP was the perp. But the adage of only believing half of what you hear and nothing you see without verification may be heeded here; especially since LE has not found anything to call foul play or arrest JP. This, atleast, should have some people pondering. Did LE fail with the investigation, or did someone who has been described as inept and not too intelligent, in fact, get away with "disappearing" SP?

ETA: I'd like to hear about the garage door openers too.

There was mention of a "blizzard" that night, but according to weather history, it snowed about an inch and the wind speed never exceeded over 7 mph, except for a brief period of 3 hours between 9 PM and midnight with wind speeds up around 12 and 13 mph. Most of the light snowfall was early on that Sunday morning. No way in Hades should someone take children out for a camping trip in this weather, but I think the weather was a bit exaggerated. It was just very cold.
I suppose most people here think the circumstantial evidence points to Susan being murdered by her husband, me included. However, I'm willing to explore any possibility. Tell me, why do you think she is still alive? What led you to that conclusion?


Human Jp could have killed Susan...Susan could have left on her own, or could have been abducted or ??? Watching the case unfold for the first 72 hours or so, it was clear to me that friends and family were clearly paniced and rightfully so. Before the ink was dry on the first reports, it was clear to me this case was going to get out of hand. All along every effort has been made to make Susan out as the only perfect woman on the planet. If you discount human nature...that could lead me with the conclusion that the rapture occured and Susan was the only one taken...Thats a wole different subject.
There is a possiblity that Susan is alive...but no one wants to go there...I have allways wondered why...WVPD themselves dont believe Susan is dead. A Lt Merrit stated in an Examiner article that "nothing points police that Susan is dead, so at this time she is still considered a missing person case." this was only a few months ago.

Everyone thinks LE is hiding info or is totally lost...They can't comment because of a on going investigation offically...but a LT from the WVPD makes this statement???

Law enforcement says that in almost every single case like this, even in cases where they are spending great amounts of effort and manpower on what are obviously searches for a deceased body. It's standard procedure, don't say the missing person is deceased until they absolutely have to (when they find the body, get a confession or charge someone with murder).

I have no doubt that in private they feel otherwise but it's what they say to the public. Maybe it's to spare the family's feelings (even though in Susan's case it seems her family believes she is deceased), to keep a suspect guessing, to just be factually correct or for some other reason...they pretty much always do it this way.
Law enforcement says that in almost every single case like this, even in cases where they are spending great amounts of effort and manpower on what are obviously searches for a deceased body. It's standard procedure, don't say the missing person is deceased until they absolutely have to (when they find the body, get a confession or charge someone with murder).

I have no doubt that in private they feel otherwise but it's what they say to the public. Maybe it's to spare the family's feelings (even though in Susan's case it seems her family believes she is deceased), to keep a suspect guessing, to just be factually correct or for some other reason...they pretty much always do it this way.

I agree with what your saying about basicly means dont make a fool of yourself unless you know for sure. They could also use that same proceedure until they find someone alive.

When friends and family make pleas for her safe return, but in truth they beleive she is dead...when all they say is tell us where you put her, confess, give up...and not stop and say hey maybe she could be alive, only hurts the case they are desperatly trying to build. I keep looking but I have never seen any of the players make a plea like "Please come home" "I, or we, are sorry for being a bad husband, father, mother or sister, or neighbor. If Susan acted for what ever reason...If she is watching, how could she come back?

Thats the discussion I think is most important...if she is dead, its only a waste of time. If she is alive it could mean the difference how long she stays away. This is something to be looked at in all adult missing persons cases.
I believe Susan is today I'm bumping for Susan and Steven and all those who are out there misssing...for what ever need to be home...the hell with what others yourself...please come home or at least tell us to go to he++

I have been there its not that hard to come back...

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