Mystery Male Chaperone (MMC)


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Jun 28, 2010
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Terri referred to Mystery Male Chaperone in her e-mails. She said Kyron was seen with this man and two girls after she left. She said no male chaperone had signed up for the day.

Someone would've had to have told her this information, as she was supposedly gone, which means someone saw Kyron with an unidentified man?

The story itself if easily verifiable. Did someone tell Terri or LE this story? If so, who the hell is MMC?
This whole male chaperone thing is just too weird. And she's willing to admit that she saw a man in school, but oops, forgets to mention the one sitting in her truck (if it was a man). Something is seriously not adding up here. I'm sure LE verified if there were male chaperones at school that day too. She must have really thought LE would buy what she said hook, line, and sinker because this story is unraveling at a fast pace, at least for me.

I should write a book using Terri and Casey as examples of how NOT to talk to LE if you get into trouble. I'd bet I'd make a lot of money...
IMOO, I feel that mention of the MMC was purely an attempt to cover her you know what. I don't think there ever was one.

(I also do not think Kyron showed evidence of "seizures"- again, another attempt to cover)

My opinion only.
Hi cypress, I think she got this idea from the photo she took of Kyron with his project. Remember the one that showed a man and a girl in the background? Could be there was another girl that wasn't pictured in that photo.

This is JMO.

IMOO, I feel that mention of the MMC was purely an attempt to cover her you know what. I don't think there ever was one.

(I also do not think Kyron showed evidence of "seizures"- again, another attempt to cover)

My opinion only.

Someone would've had to have told her Kyron was seen with this man, though, as she readily admits Kyron was seen with this man after she left.

I'm beginning to wonder if LE will try to make Mystery Male Chaperone = Mystery Person in the White Truck.
Is he the sub/helper that the other students referred to but the school denied knowing?
I left the school at 9 and he was seen with a man ‘chaperone’ and 2 girls after I left. There were no men on the chaperone list. That and it was highly chaotic - had to been 300 people running around - no coordination ...”

Sounds like she's saying he was seen with this mystery man after she left - and there were 2 girls with him as well. I wonder if the student or parent/teacher who saw this man could identify the two girls with him.
And I wonder if the mystery man had bushy hair.
Terri referred to Mystery Male Chaperone in her e-mails. She said Kyron was seen with this man and two girls after she left. She said no male chaperone had signed up for the day.

Someone would've had to have told her this information, as she was supposedly gone, which means someone saw Kyron with an unidentified man?

The story itself if easily verifiable. Did someone tell Terri or LE this story? If so, who the hell is MMC?

If someone did see this, oh God.
Is MMC = Creepy Man per Skyline kids chatting on Facebook = Mystery Person in the White Truck?
This whole male chaperone thing is just too weird. And she's willing to admit that she saw a man in school, but oops, forgets to mention the one sitting in her truck (if it was a man). Something is seriously not adding up here. I'm sure LE verified if there were male chaperones at school that day too. She must have really thought LE would buy what she said hook, line, and sinker because this story is unraveling at a fast pace, at least for me.

I should write a book using Terri and Casey as examples of how NOT to talk to LE if you get into trouble. I'd bet I'd make a lot of money...

She does not state that she herself saw this man. She states that Kyron was seen with a male chaperon, and then follows up with the statement that there were no men signed on as chaperons for that day. But she herself does not say she had first hand knowledge of that information.
It doesn't make any sense to me. In order for the class to group up with their assigned chaperon, they would have had to been in their class. I'm still not finding any statements by LE, MSM, or a school rep. that say FOR SURE that Kyron actually was in his classroom at the time of the grouping (presumably 8:45-9:00) other than TP's statement about the bathroom thing.
Terri referred to Mystery Male Chaperone in her e-mails. She said Kyron was seen with this man and two girls after she left. She said no male chaperone had signed up for the day.

Someone would've had to have told her this information, as she was supposedly gone, which means someone saw Kyron with an unidentified man?

The story itself if easily verifiable. Did someone tell Terri or LE this story? If so, who the hell is MMC?

So the choices are (1) this is a complete fabrication by Terri, (2) someone reported seeing Kyron with the mystery male and it was not true (mistook another boy for Kyron, perhaps with a father or something), (3) someone *did* report seeing Kyron with the mystery male and it was true.

If #1, then it gives weight to the suspicions of TH. If #2, perhaps it was determined to be inaccurate by LE. If #3...yikes?

I'm guessing she is saying the science fair event was chaperoned?

I don't know, but that kinda feels odd to me at an elementary school. I mean I would think that if these children needed extra supervision during this time, it would come from the school staff itself, not some volunteer chaperone. Hard to explain exactly.. but I feel like if someone volunteered to chaperone small children at a school.. I'd automatically wonder why a random person wants to be in charge of children... but maybe these chaperones were volunteering parents, which is different..?

I don't think i'm communicating this right, but seems to me that a school wouldn't open themselves up to such liability to rely on chaperones for an event that was happening during school hours... at the school. Maybe schools are different up there, though.

Or at least wouldn't the chaperones have to be parents known well to the teacher? If I was a teacher, I wouldn't let anyone I didn't have a background check and a brace character profile near the students... we all know how common any type of abuse/inappropriate behavior happens in opportunistic situations... and its always the people nobody would ever suspect... so I don't think I'd even let people I did know well chaperone small children. Maybe I'm hypervigilant and paranoid, though.

If there was a 'male chaperone' attending this event... of course somebody would know who that person is?

I always thought it was a bit odd that one of the school friends said they saw him near the gym that day.... the talent show was to take place in the gym later that day?
That early in the case, there were a lot of things being tossed around that were found out later not to be true. I'm hoping it was a matter of someone seeing Kyron with (or near) another parent.
IMOO, I feel that mention of the MMC was purely an attempt to cover her you know what. I don't think there ever was one.

(I also do not think Kyron showed evidence of "seizures"- again, another attempt to cover)

My opinion only.

Yes, these are my feelings, too. I don't know why we would assume that these stories have to be based on any fact. Just as we don't necessarily believe witness accounts or "sources", why do we have to accept the stories of someone who has a reason to deflect suspicion from herself? JMO
Is MMC = Creepy Man per Skyline kids chatting on Facebook = Mystery Person in the White Truck?

Yeah. Could be the same person.

If Terri is involved in Kyron's disappearance, this would be the perfect way to deflect suspicion away from herself.
I'm guessing she is saying the science fair event was chaperoned?

I don't know, but that kinda feels odd to me at an elementary school. I mean I would think that if these children needed extra supervision during this time, it would come from the school staff itself, not some volunteer chaperone. Hard to explain exactly.. but I feel like if someone volunteered to chaperone small children at a school.. I'd automatically wonder why a random person wants to be in charge of children... but maybe these chaperones were volunteering parents, which is different..?

I don't think i'm communicating this right, but seems to me that a school wouldn't open themselves up to such liability to rely on chaperones for an event that was happening during school hours... at the school. Maybe schools are different up there, though.

Or at least wouldn't the chaperones have to be parents known well to the teacher? If I was a teacher, I wouldn't let anyone I didn't have a background check and a brace character profile near the students... we all know how common any type of abuse/inappropriate behavior happens in opportunistic situations... and its always the people nobody would ever suspect... so I don't think I'd even let people I did know well chaperone small children. Maybe I'm hypervigilant and paranoid, though.

If there was a 'male chaperone' attending this event... of course somebody would know who that person is?

I always thought it was a bit odd that one of the school friends said they saw him near the gym that day.... the talent show was to take place in the gym later that day?

Yes, according to other reports, some parents volunteered to help chaperone the small groups of students around the exhibits. But according to TH's own account, they would be people who had signed up ahead of time. And the other reports say these groups were organized in the classrooms.

If this story has any validity at all (that someone did say they saw Kyron with a man and two girls), I believe it was determined to be a mistake (like a father with his children fit the description and the boy looked like Kyron, or the witness knew who the girls were and they cleared up the mystery), or at least had no other corroboration from other witnesses. JMO
She does not state that she herself saw this man. She states that Kyron was seen with a male chaperon, and then follows up with the statement that there were no men signed on as chaperons for that day. But she herself does not say she had first hand knowledge of that information.

But why is she memorizing the chaperone list if she didn't see this man in the school? It just doesn't add up. I bet she saw someone's father and decided he looked dorky or creepy enough to make him her scapegoat. Or she saw that pic she took with the guy in the background and decided he would be her scapegoat. Apparently no one in this town is safe from Terri using them as a shield. How sick.

And she is the only one reporting third hand that there was male chaperone WITH Kyron. As I recall, the other kids complained about a creepy guy at school in general, not that this creepy guy was seen with Kyron. It seems made up to take the heat off of her to me, but that's just JMO.

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