Identified! OK - Sand Springs, Female 238UFOK, 17-23, Jan'89 - Christine Miller

Yeah, that was a quickie...she was the first girl I thought of. There's another one, but darned if I can find her. She had long blond hair...I don't remember where she lived or how old...I'll keep searching.
That missing girl didnt go missing until two years AFTER the body was found.
That missing girl didnt go missing until two years AFTER the body was found.

Whoops, I didn't even look at that - thanks for the correction. Okay, I'm still keeping this thread because there is another missing girl that I'm trying to find the information soon as I find her, I'll remove that link and put the other in. Sorry for the waste of time :bang:
Possible?? The picture on the left shows a very close resemblance to this girls teeth.

Case File 240DFNB
Missing since September 3, 1985 from St. John, New Brunswick Canada
Classification: Endangered Runaway

Vital Statistics

Date Of Birth: September 5, 1969
Age at Time of Disappearance: 15 years old
Height and Weight: 5'4"; 115 lbs.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Dark blonde hair; blue eyes.
AKA: Kimberly Cormier or Foster
Circumstances of Disappearance
Amero apparently ran away from her family's home in St. John, New Brunswick Canada on September 3, 1985.
UP Case 8077



Unidentified Female (Race Uncertain)
# Located on December 31, 1989 in Tulsa, Oklahoma
# Estimated Date of Death: 9 Months prior
# Skeletal Remains - Partial Skeletal Parts only
# Jewelry: "Rings"

Vital Statistics
# Estimated age: 17 to 23 years old
# Approximate Height: 5'8"

Case History
The skeletal remains were located on Wakiowa Street, behind Hwy 64 and Hwy 97 in Tulsa OK.
Although the photo is very poorly focused, it appears that Christine Miller has similar teeth.

Christine Miller



All you can see is her two upper central incisors (8 and 9), but from what I can see, the lateral incisors (7 and 10) apper to be crowded back, just as the UID's are.

Her age (19) is right in the middle of the UID's estimated age range (17 - 23). her DLC is listed only as "sometime in 1989", but that is consistent with the PM interval. And of course, she is from Tulsa (i.e., where the remains were found).

There is not a whole lot else to compare. Her height is not indicated, and there is no indication whether or not she wore "rings".

BTW, this Oklahoma artist seems to give all of his reconstructions the same "look", so I wouldn't rely too much on overall resemblance. The facial shape seems to be consistent though, (although Christine appears to have a little bit more chin)
It certainly seems reasonable to me CarlK.
Carl, I agree with Snuff... BTW Snuff, nice to see you around, I haven't seen many posts from you lately. You have a good eye!!

Too bad Namus doesn't have a rule out list. You would think that they would have compared Christine to this UID, considering she went missing the same year as the UID was found and she is from the same city...
Carl, I agree with Snuff... BTW Snuff, nice to see you around, I haven't seen many posts from you lately. You have a good eye!!

Too bad Namus doesn't have a rule out list. You would think that they would have compared Christine to this UID, considering she went missing the same year as the UID was found and she is from the same city...

Oklahoma has a reputation for not running the tightest ship. That's what makes me think that this might have been overlooked.

ETA: There is not a LE Contact in the NamUs file, and I don't normally like to deal with the NamUs staff on these matters. So I left a message with Margaret Loveall of the Tulsa PD (who is in charge of Christina's MP case).
Having lived in Tulsa for more than 20 yrs of my life, I was puzzled by Wakiowa Street. I've never heard of Wakiowa & it doesn't show up when I Google it or Mapquest it. I believe the correct street name is W. Kiowa St in Cleveland OK. The highways nearby are actually 64 & 99."W kiowa St " tulsa&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl

I know this doesn't solve the mystery of who this poor woman is but I thought it was important to clarify.

It's misspelled in NamUs. It should be "Wekiwa Road". Wekiwa road runs parallel to Hwy 97 (near Hwy 64) in Sand Springs west of Tulsa.,-96.118376&spn=0.012789,0.021865&z=16
Although the photo is very poorly focused, it appears that Christine Miller has similar teeth.

Christine Miller



All you can see is her two upper central incisors (8 and 9), but from what I can see, the lateral incisors (7 and 10) apper to be crowded back, just as the UID's are.

Her age (19) is right in the middle of the UID's estimated age range (17 - 23). her DLC is listed only as "sometime in 1989", but that is consistent with the PM interval. And of course, she is from Tulsa (i.e., where the remains were found).

There is not a whole lot else to compare. Her height is not indicated, and there is no indication whether or not she wore "rings".

BTW, this Oklahoma artist seems to give all of his reconstructions the same "look", so I wouldn't rely too much on overall resemblance. The facial shape seems to be consistent though, (although Christine appears to have a little bit more chin)

I just received the call-back from Margaret Loveall of the Tulsa PD. She was very friendly and we spoke for about 20 minutes.

She said that Christine came from a very poor family, and her mother and sister are both mentally disabled. The poorly focused photo is the only known photo of Christine.

They have obtained DNA Family Reference Samples from both the mother and sister, but she doubts that Christine ever went to a dentist. But they are still looking around to see if there might have been dental records around somewhere. Looking at the NamUs dental charts for the UID, it indicated that the UID showed no indications of any dental work, so that would be consistent to Christine.

Margaret said that Christine was reported missing in February of 1989, but she said that the DLC was probably a few months prior to that.

Margaret looked at the mapquest of the area where the remains were found (I think she was looking at an area not exactly where I had noted). She said that it was a fairly run-down area that would be very well-suited for dumping a body.

She spoke a while about NamUs, and how she is learning that NamUs has a lot of features that she was unaware of. She also said that she has recently put quite a bit of effort into putting their long-neglected UID cases into NamUs, and she seemed to be grateful for the tip.

She says that she will definitely look into it, and let me know what she finds.
BTW, the date of discovery was revised in NamUs. It now says 02-Jan-1989, revised from 31-Dec-1989. This creates an issue as to when Christine Miller was last seen because the date that she was reported missing is a month after the remains were found.
Kimberly Amero is not among Jane Doe's ruleouts which include:

Susan Bender 1970 California
Tara Calico 1969 New Mexico
Christine Eastin 1952 California
Wendy Felton 1971 Indiana
Clara Grunst 1963 Missouri
Stacie Madison 1970 Texas
Susan Smalley 1969 Texas
Tammie Wilkinson 1965 Missouri

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