The Adoption Papers

I just noticed that the Youtube lady is still at it. She's posted several new videos all which link the Billings murders to the Mexican Mafia and illegal adoption practices. The newest one is unique in that she responds to speculation that she is JRs wife. I wonder if she reads WS? She also uncovers her face in this video to show her identity and lists off people she would like the "ninjas" to visit.

YouTube - Billings Murder Ninja Nina revealed

She also did a long and rambling interview on Talkshoe a couple of weeks ago. In that audio, she describes in detail how the Mexican Mafia is connected with illegal car dealerships and child trafficking. Here's the link to her audios:

It is very unclear to me just why this woman is obsessed with the Billings murders. IMO, she is a very frightening woman. I have no doubt that she has suffered some great loss and perceived injustice. Her obsession, though, reminds me of JR's Myspace pages concerning his "lost" daughter. Does she worry anyone else?

Well, she indirectly threatened those people (if they are real) by inviting "ninjas".....she IS dangerous, IMO. It also appeared to me that she was not the person who was speaking...I could not see any lip movement....
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More FBI people need to look into all the names she has given and see what's up........IMO
According to Cindy Reeve..........
she raised Justin for 7 years then B stole him through the states and she could never see Justin again! Hope she tells her whole story!

According to a poster, CLAIMING to be Cindy ... we don't know it is her yet... we do need someone to verify this and I hope that Rick does so. It will be touchy, though, delving into the victim's personal adoption issues.
Sure makes you think.
According to a poster, CLAIMING to be Cindy ... we don't know it is her yet... we do need someone to verify this and I hope that Rick does so. It will be touchy, though, delving into the victim's personal adoption issues.
Sure makes you think.

Rick Outzen says:
August 19, 2009 at 12:33 pm

I pulled the post from Cindy until I have an opportunity to check it out further. Remember there are a few media outlets that read these comments, too.

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