The Debit Card

Could we discuss how many people that knew that WH was working in the area he was working at at the time? I'm sure there were a lot of people that knew where he was working or could have found out very shortly after the fact. It could also very well be a frame job set up by someone that knows all the details about his past or had detailed, intimate knowledge of his past. Maybe there were a few people that were pissed off, mad at him, etc. and saw a perfect scapegoat in WH. They knew that he was previously or at that time on drugs, owned a gun, where he worked, how he could be provoked or coerced into things, how he would react to certain information. Had access to AJ's house and also WH's hotel room as well or at least is close to someone that could get access to WH's room. I can think of several people that would have knowledge of this.

I'm not saying that he did or didn't do it but man he would make the perfect person in her life to frame. I mean who is going to believe WH over...well anyone.

Just jumping off your post hey-Debbie...
Has it ever been confirmed as a fact that Wesley was working in the area of Franklin at the time of AJ's disappearance? The only reason I ask is because IIRC, the only thing that I can remember is two family members mentioning he (Wesley) had been working in the area recently. Has LE confirmed this? Has Wesley's employer verified this? Who has clarified it? IMO, no one, therefore I take it with a grain of salt. JMO
Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Well, don't hold it up to the light too much or you'll be able to see the cracks. LOL. Seriously, that was just an attempt to try to piece info together. The dates are kind of shaky since the same article gave 3 different dates. And WH contradicts himself regarding the finding of the debit card pieces. Very confusing. :(
Do you think someone else did? Do you think AJ did? Why do you not think he put the card there?

The placement of the card could have been part of the plan all along i WH's mind. Maybe he did place the first piece of the card on the road in belief or by his suggestion that a search be done in that area hoping someone would find it and well it just happened to be Texty kid who found it and I think he ran with an idea in his head that maybe he would try to frame him and then dropped the other pieces later in an effort to try to back up his plan to go into this kids house. I just think that maybe WH didn't think his plan all the way through to the end and was piecing it together as he went along and coming up with ideas on how to cover something up. They (he) whoever had to come up with a plan quick and sometimes the little pieces don't get thought of and they have to come up with a way to explain or go back and cover their tracks. People could have come to him for help because some part of criminal activity could have been traced back to him and he wouldn't want to go back to jail or came to him because they knew about his past criminal background and knowledge and thought he might be better at coming up with a cover up plan (lol).
Just jumping off your post hey-Debbie...
Has it ever been confirmed as a fact that Wesley was working in the area of Franklin at the time of AJ's disappearance? The only reason I ask is because IIRC, the only thing that I can remember is two family members mentioning he (Wesley) had been working in the area recently. Has LE confirmed this? Has Wesley's employer verified this? Who has clarified it? IMO, no one, therefore I take it with a grain of salt. JMO

Jennifer Hadsell told 10 On Your Side her family has no ties to Southampton County or the home where investigators found AJ’s body. However, she said her husband, Wesley Hadsell, frequently traveled to Franklin for work at the time of their daughter’s disappearance.
Well, don't hold it up to the light too much or you'll be able to see the cracks. LOL. Seriously, that was just an attempt to try to piece info together. The dates are kind of shaky since the same article gave 3 different dates. And WH contradicts himself regarding the finding of the debit card pieces. Very confusing. :(

I originally thought Wes said he was out of town (ditching the body) when the first piece of the card was found.

I thought he told ch that. But with all his back and forth; Who knows.

Your daughters missing but you're back to work the next day while items are being found.

Just jumping off your post hey-Debbie...
Has it ever been confirmed as a fact that Wesley was working in the area of Franklin at the time of AJ's disappearance? The only reason I ask is because IIRC, the only thing that I can remember is two family members mentioning he (Wesley) had been working in the area recently. Has LE confirmed this? Has Wesley's employer verified this? Who has clarified it? IMO, no one, therefore I take it with a grain of salt. JMO

You're right. No one has confirmed it other than it just being on the news. :)
Unless LE confirms something.

Trust No One.

There were too many different agendas running at the same time while strangers were volunteering their time to search for AJ.

So I dont trust no ones confirmation at this point.


The above video does talk about the debit card and WH speaks about the debit card.

Also, of note, in the article is the following:
NORFOLK -- Family and friends were searching Friday for 18-year-old Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, who hasn't communicated with them since March 2.
Hadsell was was last heard from via text around 5:30 a.m. on Tuesday. Her parents reported her missing from their Tarrallton neighborhood home around 9:15 that night.
"The conversation, in my opinion, was kind of off. I can't be 100 percent sure I know that was my daughter I was texting. I know how she talks and I know the type of things she says," said Jennifer Hadsell.

"hasn't communicated with them since March 2". "Hadsell was last heard from via text around 5:30 a.m. on Tuesday" (which is March 3).
Interesting... JMO
March 2, March 3rd, 7am, 4:30am, noon, 2pm...

This has been the pattern from day 1, literally. Almost like they can't keep their stories straight.
On March 4, a neighborhood search with friends and family was lead and organized by Wesley Hadsell. It was during this search that pieces of AJ's debit card were first found. According to Wesley Hadsell (who was there), CF found these debit card pieces. This includes the piece of the card with AJ's name left intact. (I have tried to find the video of that initial neighborhood search, but can't locate it at the moment. If I can track it down, I will add it to this post.)

On March 6, another neighborhood search was conducted. WH was working out of town at the time. I believe it was DH who found the additional pieces of the debit card, in an area that, according to WH, had previously been searched. Drew called WH, and according to WH, he rushed back to the house from his job out of town. Here is where we see JH reacting on camera to the finding of the 2nd pieces of the debit card found.

That is the best I can come up with the piece together the story of the 2 findings of debit card pieces. If anyone can add or clarify anything, please do so.
I think the first piece was found on the 4th by CF walking home from work, and that was the WAVY interview with JH getting the news on camera.

According to WH, he wasn't there, but DH took a picture of CF.

Then, again according to WH, he took the initiative and organized the subsequent search. They lined everything up according to the photo, and found no pieces. Then they searched again and found more, beat up pieces (as opposed to the "pretty" first piece that was found).

This is all of memory, because the WAVY interview got updated - so hard to know what was originally from the 4th. I tried to look back on thread #1 to clarify when info was coming out, but can't seem to find it. Is it gone?
Oh, wait, here's this that mom2six had posted in the family search thread. So maybe it was the 5th that the first piece was found, not the 4th.

>>Thursday afternoon the first week she was missing, I don’t know the dates I just know it was the first week that she was missing on Thursday. I got a call – I was at work out of town, not out of town, but an hour away. I wasn’t in my home residence, Norfolk home. But I was working and they called and said “so and so” found part of a credit card with her name. I didn’t ask questions at the time, rushed home whatever, the next day I organized a search party to search from my driveway up the road like you would be driving out of the neighborhood. --WH link>>

Rhetorical questions...where is this? Has a search been conducted at this "out-of-town, not out-of-town", not "Norfolk home" place an hour away?
Oh, wait, here's this that mom2six had posted in the family search thread. So maybe it was the 5th that the first piece was found, not the 4th.

Okay, let's see if we can figure this out together, Hoosgirl.

According to Elizabella's timeline, there were 2 initial searches of the neighborhood by family and friends...the first occurred on March 4 (which was Wed.) and the second search was March 6 (which was Fri.).

This video article was originally dated March 4,but updated on March 6, and describes pieces of the debit card found by AJ's friend.

This video is dated March 6, 2015 "Today we found 3 more additional pieces that we should be able to link to her ..."

But according to WH (in Lucky's transcript) the first pieces of the debit card (once of which had AJ's name intact) were found by a friend of AJ's on Thursday (which would have been March 5). WH was working out of town at the time that these debit card pieces were found. Someone called him and he rushed from work to the house. The following day, March 6 (a Friday, and also the day of the break in), WH organized a search, and discovered additional pieces of AJ's debit card.

So the best I can do figure with all this differing information is that there was a search on March 4. On March 5, CF found the piece of AJ's cut up debit card that had her entire name left intact on it. WH was working out of town, received a call about the find and rushed home. The next day( March 6), WH organized a search and found additional pieces of her debit card in an area he claimed had been searched the previous day.

Is that the conclusion you draw from all of this?
Wanted to mention this in a previous post, but forgot. I lived in this neighborhood for 30 years. It is a VERY tidy neighborhood, with clean streets and well kept yards. In other words, you do not see trash strewn about. If you do a google streetview tour of Halprin Drive, you will immediately see that what I'm saying is true. Once you cross over Dominion Ave., up near the Shopping Center and 7-11, you might begin to see a bit of trash on the road there, because of the surrounding businesses, but even then, not a lot of trash.

I don't know where on Halprin Drive the cut up pieces of AJ's debit card were found, but if it was found near CF's home, it would be immediately visible to anyone who was either looking for clues, or even just walking down the street, because as I said, the street and gutter is almost always immaculate. In other words, CF would NOT have been walking through a mountain of trash when these pieces of debit card just jumped out at him. They would have been incredibly noticable, imo.!3m1!1s0x89ba912c6f22ec91:0xcbd31f1b71d3dc4b
IF AJ did have an argument with her mom, maybe she cut up the card herself and stormed out with it in her pocket? Reaching again, as usual. When JH got the first text from AJ and it was "off", why didn't she drive straight to the NPD right then? Or even when she got the second one? I can't help but wonder what her thoughts were, esp why they put their #s on those flyers? How could they want ZH's flyers taken down? Any one's help should have been appreciated. Hope for some answers soon.
Let's try to stay on topic so that we don't create work for our mods. :tyou:

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