GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #3

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I know we can't talk about dreams on here, but we certainly can talk about lying awake, which I found myself doing at 3:30 this morning, with the wind whipping around our house and shaking it. I was dwelling on the few analogies that have been made between Gerard and Lindy Chamberlain. I started to get quite outraged. We have come such a long way from there as a nation, as humanity. Gerard was arrested after a very thorough investigation, which continued after his arrest, and up to and beyond the bail hearing. Lindy offered an explanation with regards to Azaria (which was found 'unbelievable'). Gerard offered no 'unbelievable' explanation - depression was hinted at, but the suicide story was not offered up until the bail hearing.
There is no analogy there.
If we look to the other part of the analogy, that Lindy was part of a community that was not mainstream, I again see no parallel. Except by accident if birth, with a notorious relative, the Baden-Clay family are pretty mainstream. Olivia speaks about Allison's childbearing years with some authority I think because that is her area, she supports and encourages women through her church, so would be familiar with the cacophony of femine issues such as eating disorders, fertility issues, and anxiety. I think that is the only frame of reference that she knows. She certainly could not speak about Allison's talents as a linguist, for example, because that isn't who she is.
In a nutshell, I don't think the Chamberlain analogy holds even a teensy weensy bit.

I was nauseated by coming across any sort of attempt at drawing an analogy between these two events.. Ms Chamberlain was the victim of false and persistant bad practice of forensics.. a genuine victim. Has legally been found to be such , and compensated far less than she should have been IMO.

to compare Gerard.. an obvious and patent and established liar, this is plain with the evidence so far tabled, with Ms Chamberlain is insulting , repulsive and n.a.u.s.e.a.t.i.n.g.
I was nauseated by coming across any sort of attempt at drawing an analogy between these two events.. Ms Chamberlain was the victim of false and persistant bad practice of forensics.. a genuine victim. Has legally been found to be such , and compensated far less than she should have been IMO.

to compare Gerard.. an obvious and patent and established liar, this is plain with the evidence so far tabled, with Ms Chamberlain is insulting , repulsive and n.a.u.s.e.a.t.i.n.g.

I think you are right when comparing the two cases. But I think what was meant by people bringing them up together - maybe - was to show how easily swayed the public can be in opinion if someone is guilty or not before being tried before the courts. The media has a lot to answer to.

And I suppose I am naughty myself for being swayed a bit when photos of GBC came out when ABC was missing... with those huge scratches on his face. But a red flag for me, seeing that type of thing before...
with respect.. I think he does the exact thing anyone could expect.. that he does each and every thing so cackhanded is not a surprise.... its par for the course..

get into debt.. borrow more money... continue getting deeper into debt, borrow more money... nothing surprising there..

max out credit cards, and don't make a payment.. standard,,

be unfaithful to ones wife, and mistress.. nothing surprising there.. claim you're not proud of it.. standard stuff..

contrive to construct a self incriminating scenario.. he has strived, as far as he is capable of, in constructing a murder victim as a suicide.. the non surprising thing is, he is still at it, despite the finding that Alison didn't die a natural death and there is no medication or previous attempts and medical evidence given that it is the remotest possibility.. not just A remote ,but the remotest..

You're right. He comes across to me as a bit of a bumbling fool whose self-importance got him a fair way but lack of smarts meant he would fail at just about everything. He still has that unwavering belief in himself that has gotten him to where he is today. He had to have all the illusions of success but he was a sham, and now he's giving us all the illusions of innocence which despite his delusions will be shown as a sham. :moo:
That was me asking WWGY.

People pushing and shoving to get through the doors too??? Streuth!!!

Yes !

Honestly unless you've been you couldnt possibly imagine how bad it is.
I can't even think what to liken it to. It's an embarrassment and a show of human behaviour at its worst. Liaden and I literally had to hold on to a piece of clothing or hand bag of each other to make sure we weren't split up in the commotion, and we were near the front !
I'm sorry cattail, I'm being economical with my posts, I agree with you it's hard to predict if someone will suicide (but there are usually signs we, for whatever reason, ignore), and at the same time I'm sticking my boot into GBC and his game plan. I suppose I'm trying to keep it on topic. jmho

No worries :seeya:
Nope definitely not the only one!

I too will avoid the blow dry to vamoose out of there as quick as possible. My hairdresser likes to insist on blowdrying sometimes and I grin and bear it, thinking I just want to get out of here.:floorlaugh: Glad to see I'm not the only one too.

Me three! I hate having my hair blow dryed and prefer doing myself. I also these days just get a cut so I don't have to pay for the wash and dry. I just can't afford the extra cost. Also to the hairdressers comment that Al was quiet, maybe she was thinking about all she had to do, maybe she was tired, maybe she was annoyed at having to come in, yet again, to have her hair fixed. I hate the inane chatter of hairdressers, "what are you doing this weekend etc" and I prefer to flick through a magazine. Maybe Al was the same?
Toni wouldn't necessarily have bought the Lexus from GBC it would have been a leased car and as such didn't belong to him unless he paid the residual
Thanks Poss. You'd think after having gone through the sequence of events three times prior, just the day before, he'd have it down pat by then.

Should he not have sounded distressed when interviewed? Even if the person missing was a total stranger I think I I'd try really hard to think about my whereabouts etc if interviewed by the police. But it sounds like gbc is constructing his story around questions he's been asked eg position of the doona
It really sounds like a concocted story to me.
Did anyone in the trial get asked about or explain the mobile going on and off the charger whilst he was sleeping heavily? Or why on that particular night he slept in the bed when he didn't normally? Did his parents/ father get asked about the BBQ the night Alison disappeared, or where nbc was that night, or why NBC was at the house in the morning& about the vacuum cleaner?
Ive missed massive chunks of the trial because have been away working and have t noticed any of these things being reported.
Yes !

Honestly unless you've been you couldnt possibly imagine how bad it is.
I can't even think what to liken it to. It's an embarrassment and a show of human behaviour at its worst. Liaden and I literally had to hold on to a piece of clothing or hand bag of each other to make sure we weren't split up in the commotion, and we were near the front !

I wonder what tomorrow will be like. I had planned to go tomorrow (a plan made based on being able to take a day off work and well before I knew GBC would be on the stand). But I expect the queues will start very early.
I remember in the early days of Jills disappearance seeing banter online condemning Tom for his reactions,words etc and tut tutting that the police were removing bags of evidence from the house etc.

How some people initially vilified Tom has reminded me to always be careful and open to known facts or inconsistencies. And to keep faith in our police service and the courts.

I can't outrightly say GBC is guilty because of his mannerisms and his behaviours. Or because of how his family is reacting. Sure,there are suspicions regarding this but at the end of the day,many of us react differently to stresses,shocks etc. Especially given the circumstances of the previous 6 months of GBC and Als relationship.

Tom Meagher did not have scratches on his face.
Toni drove a blue Lexus?? Interesting. Did we ever see TMH's 5th statement? I'm guessing it wasn't relevant. Forgive me if this has been answered, but was the blonde hair found in the dried blood in the Captiva ever confirmed as post ABC's hairdressing appointment?

Possum I am loving your new picture! Makes me smile everytime I see it.
This is the first time I’ve heard the audio of GBC’s interview by police. Apologies if this has already been covered already.

I’d read the transcript but it was good to hear the intonation of his voice etc. Twice he said that he put Allison’s hot rollers on for her [plugged in to heat up]. Repeating is a pretty good indication of an attempt at convincing IMO.
Now I don’t know about you, but if I’ve just been to the hairdresser the evening before I wouldn’t be whacking in the rollers the next morning.
What normal person would imagine (in their wildest most fanciful imagination) that a full grown man would ask a small child to apply a band aid to a wounded bloodied face?
Even wake a sleeping child to do the job.

Come on LadyBird, have you never had to rush around for two plus hours getting your kids ready for school, even making lunches, while trying to do your ***** shower shave?

On a more serious note, if GBC was such a whizz at running the household, why was he so stressed about getting the girls ready with over two hours to do so? From the way he went on about how much of the parenting he did you'd think it would be business as usual. :waitasec:
On Thursday, it took GBC 1 hour 17 minutes to tell us about 1995 to the early 2000s. If he wants to spin it out longer he’ll maybe go back to his childhood, youth and adulthood before he met Allison. Then he might get around to telling us about the last ten years or so before April 2012 and – wait for it! – his version of the last few days before Allison’s disappearance.

Far canal!!! How much time is a defendant allowed to give us his back story before the cross-examination begins? He is entitled to his day in court - but does our Brisbane Scheherazade expect to have 1001 nights as well?

Maybe the prosecution are hoping that the more he goes on and on and on and on, the less he will remember come x exam. This is what will be his undoing. MOO
Only GBC's word that Allison did go walking ..... Outside ....

Very true! On a similar note, I remember reading Allison's friend saying she hated sport so I thought it was a bit weird that GBC (or was it his lawyer?) said on the stand that she loved The Footy Show . . . really? I mean I suppose just because you don't like playing sport/exercising doesn't mean you don't like to watch it. What's everyone else's thoughts?
Hi Makara - I know about the stuff that is in the article, which is why Flegg lost his position as minister. But I still can't help the feeling that there may be more to this - but I'm not allowed to speculate here on what that may be.

We'll leave that one there, I think - leave it hanging in the breeze. And if anything transpires that is relevant, I can look smug and say "Told ya so!" :)

Do you think there's a chance more information could come out after BC's trial?

Off topic, but a farmer called Ewen MacDonald was acquitted of killing his brother in law in NZ.
EDIT: ignore the below, I had my facts wrong.

After the trial it came out he had vandalised the brother in laws house and committed some other awful crimes.

I really don't think the prosecution had enough evidence but I think if that information was allowed during the trial the verdict would've been different.
Do you think there's a chance more information could come out after BC's trial?

Off topic, but a farmer called Ewen MacDonald was acquitted of killing his brother in law in NZ. After the trial it came out he had vandalised the brother in laws house and committed some other awful crimes.

I really don't think the prosecution had enough evidence but I think if that information was allowed during the trial the verdict would've been different.

Yes I think there will be, the press always seem to know a lot more than they can publish. I am hoping so anyway.
Do you think there's a chance more information could come out after BC's trial?

Off topic, but a farmer called Ewen MacDonald was acquitted of killing his brother in law in NZ. After the trial it came out he had vandalised the brother in laws house and committed some other awful crimes.

I really don't think the prosecution had enough evidence but I think if that information was allowed during the trial the verdict would've been different.

It was during the trial that came out

"During the trial it was revealed that Macdonald had admitted to setting fire to Scott and Kylee Guy's old house in 2008, the vandalism of their new home in 2009, and to poaching trophy stags from a nearby farm then burying the carcasses on the Guy property."
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