Possible Connections

Shortly after the disappearance of Sheila (13) and Katherine (11) Lyon from Wheaton, Maryland, and before the abduction/murder of Kathy Lynn Beatty, also of Wheaton, Maryland, there was a succession of disappearances of young girls from the neighboring state of Pennsylvania. They were:

Wendy Eaton, age 15, Missing since Saturday, May 17, 1975 from Media, Delaware County, Pennsylvania.

Edna Christine Thorne, age 15, Missing since Tuesday, June 24, 1975 from Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.

Tracy Anne King, age 14, Missing since Tuesday, July 8, 1975 from Littlestown, Adams County, Pennsylvania.

All were classified as Non-Family Abductions, and all remain unsolved today.

Carolyn Majane, age 15, went missing Aug 22, 1975, from Moorestown, PA. Her body was found in 1985, buried in a remote area. Here is a link to the Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community Thread - Who murdered Carolyn Majane?

Does anyone have any more details concerning these abductions? Any similarities or patterns noted? I will post a separate message for each of the other three girls following this post.
Wendy Eaton
Missing since May 17, 1975 from Media, Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
Classification: Non Family Abduction
Vital Statistics
Date Of Birth: May 26, 1959
Age at Time of Disappearance: 15 years old
Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 4'10; 90 pounds
Distinguishing Characteristics: White female. Brown hair; brown eyes.
Medical Conditions: Eaton is deaf in one ear.
Dentals: She wore orthodontic braces.
Marks, Scars: She wears corrective lenses and has pierced ears.

Circumstances of Disappearance
Eaton was last seen walking three blocks from her family's PA home on May 17, 1975 at approximately 3:05 PM. She was headed to the downtown area of Media, PA.

If you have any information related to Eaton's case, please contact:
Pennsylvania State Police 215-459-4150
All information may be submitted anonymously.

NCIC Number: M-361834859
Please refer to this number when contacting any agency with information regarding this case.

Source Information:
The National Center For Missing and Exploited Children
The Doe Network: Case File 90DFPA

Edna Christine Thorne
Missing since June 24, 1975 from Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.
Classification: Non-Family Abduction

Vital Statistics
Date Of Birth: February 25, 1960
Age at Time of Disappearance: 15 years old
Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 5'1; 105 pounds
Distinguishing Characteristics: White female. Brown hair; brown eyes.
Dentals: Available

Circumstances of Disappearance
Thorne was last seen at a relative's home in Philadelphia, PA on June 24, 1975. She has never been seen again.

If you have any information concerning this case, please contact:
Philadelphia Police Department 215-685-1180
All information may be submitted on an anonymous basis.

NCIC Number: M-857652106
Please refer to this number when contacting any agency with information regarding this case.

Source Information:The National Center For Missing and Exploited Children
The Doe Network: Case File 74DFPA

Tracy Anne King
Missing since July 8, 1975 from Littlestown, Adams County, Pennsylvania.
Classification: Non Family Abduction

Vital Statistics
Date Of Birth: October 11, 1960
Age at Time of Disappearance: 14 years old
Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 5'3; 110 pounds
Distinguishing Characteristics: White female. Red hair; blue eyes.
Marks, Scars: King has a scar on her right ankle. She has pockmarks on her temple.
Dentals: Available

Circumstances of Disappearance
King was last seen leaving Hoffman Homes, a children's home in Mount Pleasant Township, Pennsylvania on July 8, 1975.

King was having problems at the time and was living at the home as a result. She had run away from the facility twice before, but King returned shortly thereafter both times. She has never been heard from again.

King apparently held no animosity towards her family and wrote them often from her stay in the home. Her letters are described as being those of a normal teenager at the time. King usually apologized for not writing more frequently. Her loved ones have searched for her since her disappearance in 1975.

King's family resided in Perry County, Pennsylvania in 1975.

If you have any information concerning King's whereabouts, please contact:
Pennsylvania State Police, Gettysburg, 717-334-8111
All information may be submitted on an anonymous basis.

NCIC Number: M-360386548
Please refer to this number when contacting any agency with information regarding this case.

Source Information:
The National Center For Missing and Exploited Children
The Doe Network: Case File 342DFPA

Richard, RE: Wendy Eaton

The Charley Project has some additional information regarding her dissapearance--apparently her parents believe that it was possible that she joined a religious cult? her is the info

Wendy Eaton


Left: Eaton, circa 1975;
Right: Age-progression at age 46 (circa 2005)


Vital Statistics at Time of Disappearance
Missing Since: May 17, 1975 from Media, Pennsylvania
Classification: Non-Family Abduction
Date Of Birth: May 26, 1959
Age: 15 years old
Height and Weight: 4'10, 90 pounds
Distinguishing Characteristics: Brown hair, brown eyes. Eaton occasionally wears eyeglasses. Her ears are pierced. Eaton wore orthodontic braces at time of her 1975 disappearance.
Medical Conditions: Eaton is deaf in one ear.


Details of Disappearance
Eaton's family left their residence to play golf at a local country club on May 17, 1975. She stayed behind at their house on Moccasin Trail in Middletown, Pennsylvania and was sunbathing at the time. Eaton spoke to a friend later in the afternoon and said she planned to walk to the nearby town of Media to purchase a birthday gift for her brother. Eaton was last seen walking three blocks from her family's residence at approximately 3:05 p.m. at the intersection of Indian Lane and Media Station Road. She was headed towards downtown Media at the time she vanished. Eaton has never been seen again. Bloodhounds were able to track her scent to the intersection where she disappeared, but there was no trace of her elsewhere. Eaton's family told authorities that she was very interested in religion and planned to attend a singing group rehearsal at their church on the night she vanished. Her relatives stated that Eaton would not have missed the rehearsal. Her family considered the possibility that she may have joined a religious cult-type of organization, but no evidence has been located to suggest that was the cause of Eaton's disappearance. Her case remains unsolved.


Investigating Agency
If you have any information concerning this case, please contact:
Pennsylvania State Police


Source Information
The National Center For Missing and Exploited Children
The Philadelphia Inquirer


Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004.

Last updated September 4, 2005; age-progression updated. Charley Project Home

Eva DeBruhl's disappearance occurred two years and two months after that of the Lyon Sisters. Note that Eva's birthday is within two months of Sheila's and note that her physical description is very close: Blonde/Light Brown hair, Blue eyes, Height and Weight the same, and both girls wore glasses. Compare their photos by clicking on the links below.

Another Coincidence is that an individual named Fred Coffey was living very close to the sites of both abductions at the time. York County, South Carolina is adjacent to Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. The following case summaries differ as to place of disappearance. Catawba is a very small town 25 miles due south of Charlotte, NC. Rock Hill, SC is even closer to Charlotte. It is a larger city near Catawba and may be the main post office address for the area.

At 15, Eva was closer in age to the three missing girls from Pennsylvania (1975), and to Kathy Lynn Beatty of Maryland.

From the NCMEC files:

Case Type: Lost, Injured, Missing
DOB: May 25, 1962
Age at the time: 15
Missing Date: Jun 29, 1977
Sex: Female
Race: White
Height: 5'1" (155 cm)
Weight: 105 lbs (48 kg)
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Missing City: CATAWBA
Missing State : SC
Missing Country: United States
Case Number: NCMC834337
Circumstances: Eva was last seen on June 29, 1977. FOUL PLAY IS SUSPECTED.

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children


The below case summary is from Doenetwork files:

Eva Jurlyn DeBruhl
Missing since June 29, 1977 from Rock Hill, South Carolina
Classification: Lost, Injured, Missing

Vital Statistics
Date Of Birth: May 25, 1962
Age at Time of Disappearance: 15 years old
Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 5'1-5'2"; 105 lbs.
Distinguishing Characteristics: White female. Blue eyes; blonde hair.
Marks, Scars: None

Circumstances of Disappearance
Eva was mowing the lawn on a sunny afternoon when she went in her house and poured a glass of tea, which was later found never touched.

Little is known after that and her disappearance remains a mystery. Foul play is suspected.

If you have any information concerning this case, please contact:
York County Sheriff's Department 803-628-3059

Source Information:
NC Missingpersons
The Doe Network: Case File 1948DFSC

Here is a little more information on Eva's disappearance from a family member:

Eva had been cutting grass outside that day. She at some point came back into the house and fixed a glass of tea and ran some bath water.

She never got in the tub or drank the glass of tea. The recliner was also stretched out like she had been watching TV. It was determined that she went missing between 11am and 3pm on 29 June 1977 - a Wednesday.

The York County Sheriff Office has had the case from the beginning.

Below is a link to another website which discusses the case. There is mention of a possible link to a Jane Doe found in North Carolina, and to recent DNA initiatives.

Courttv.com Message Boards - Eva DeBruhl, 15, Rock Hill, SC - msg. 6-29-77

jttnewguy said:
... However, I do think it's interesting and potentially useful to examine other similar abductions, since from what we know about TRM, this probably was not his only abduction or at least attempted abduction (I base this on the fact that it was a relatively bold and sophisticated crime-- abduction of 2 girls simultaneously, in broad daylight, from a public place, using a ruse that he probably spent time developing, and yet no eyewitnesses remember much of anything, suggesting that he either had some experience with abductions or was the luckiest SOB who ever lived).
It was quite likely a combination of the two: Experience and Luck. People who commit crimes "successfully" do so through careful planning, but the element of chance and luck is always there as well.

Those who rely on luck alone, soon screw up and are caught. Those who are careful planners, and who look for all the possible downfalls might go on for years, but might also be caught eventually - usually because of chance, or because they begin to think that they are invincible or lucky.

TRM was a careful planner who practiced and perfected his tape recorder scheme on previous occasions. He took his time, waited for the right victims and right moment, and then acted quickly and decisively. It was a bit of unforseen chance that he had been sighted talking to the Lyon Sisters.

Luck was with him to the extent that he was not seen by anyone making the abduction. But it was against him in that he had been seen talking to the girls by a boy who knew the girls personally.

Perhaps he knew that the boys had seen him and that caused him to exit so suddenly. But it is equally likely that he was simply moving on to the next step in his plan, and didn't think or care about the boys having seen him. After all, he had no idea that the boys knew the girls.

In the case of TRM, he has never been identified and no one with his MO has been seen since in the area where the girls disappeared. But, a study of other similar cases nationwide might provide clues as to who TRM was and how, where, when he operated. One of those similar cases might provide the necessary clues which will solve this case.

First, what other cases are similar? Next, what similarities are there among the victims? (Ages, descriptions, clothing, interests) What are the similarities in the locations and circumstances? What similarities in dates, season, days of the week, time of day, moon phase, etc.? What similarities in descriptions of suspects?

The section of this thread on Possible Suspects discusses various unsavory characters who were in or near Wheaton, Maryland in 1975. There were certainly many more individuals with criminal backgrounds around.

But of them all, who was known to abduct and murder children (particularly young teen girls)? Who used similar techniques, or devices, or stories? And most importantly, was that person at or near the scenes of other similar crimes?
Well, underlying all of this is the assumption that we know how the crime occurred, if not necessarily whodunit.

For example, if we assume that the Lyon sisters were actually abducted while in the mall, a public place where other children were present, by TRM (or someone very much like him) who targeted those girls from among the other children present using an elaborate ruse, then it's more likely that the abductor also committed similar crimes simply because the boldness and sophistication of the crime suggests both experience and preparation as well as possibly a deep pathological need that is unlikely to have been fulfilled with just one abduction. In that instance, it's also more likely that any other victims would probably be similar in age and general appearance to at least one of the Lyon sisters, because it's likely that the perp singled them out from among the other children present because they fit his particular "preferences" and, given a choice, he would probably go after those preferences again. It's also likely that a similar M.O. may have been used, although as we've seen with many serial killers, he may practice other ruses and approaches as well, but in any case the M.O. is likely to be one that is similarly complex and premeditated because this is likely someone who spends a lot of time getting ready for his crimes and will spend time thinking of ways to approach his victims without attracting too much attention.

On the other hand, if the abduction was committed in some other way -- for example, I saw somewhere in this section that there's also a theory that the girls may have been abducted while walking home along a relatively secluded trail -- then we're talking about something completely different. If someone just happened to be walking or driving by, saw the girls, and snatched them from the trail using a knife or gun, then we may be talking about a much cruder "blunt force" crime of opportunity, rather than a sophisticated, pre-planned approach targeting a particular "type" of little girl. If it's a crime of opportunity then any othe girls abducted by this perp may have completely different appearances and ages simply because there's more luck and less planning and pre-selection involved. We're also looking at a completely different kind of perpetrator, since the pathology of someone who rehearses and brings a tape recorder to a public place with him for the purpose of fulfilling an elaborate sexual fantasy, is completely different than the psychology of someone who just sees an opportunity and snatches a kid off of a secluded path using a gun or knife. In the latter case, the M.O. may be completely different for each crime, because we're talking about someone who's less organized and who does less planning, is cruder and less sophisticated, and thus depends more on the happenstance of finding a victim alone in a secluded place, than on experience or planning.
jttnewguy said:
... if we assume that the Lyon sisters were actually abducted while in the mall, a public place where other children were present, by TRM (or someone very much like him) who targeted those girls from among the other children present using an elaborate ruse, then it's more likely that the abductor also committed similar crimes simply because the boldness and sophistication of the crime suggests both experience and preparation as well as possibly a deep pathological need that is unlikely to have been fulfilled with just one abduction. ...
If it's a crime of opportunity then any othe girls abducted by this perp may have completely different appearances and ages simply because there's more luck and less planning and pre-selection involved. ...
In the latter case, the M.O. may be completely different for each crime, because we're talking about someone who's less organized and who does less planning, is cruder and less sophisticated, and thus depends more on the happenstance of finding a victim alone in a secluded place, than on experience or planning.
Excellent analysis of this intriguing case. Because so little is actually known about how or where the girls disappeared, an exact determination cannot be made regarding the abductor's usual MO. His personality traits could be at either end of the spectrum you describe, or they may range throughout the spectrum.

For instance, the perpetrator might be a careful planner in all things;from victim selection, through the crime itself, to disposal of their remains. Or he could be completely disorganized and random in his operations.

He could also be somewhere in the middle of both ends. For instance, he might be a careful planner, but might rely on that element of opportunity to actually make his choice and his move.

He might also be the kind of individual who is constantly hunting for victims, and who will jump at the opportunity of grabbing a child who is alone. There seems to be that element in the Lyon Sisters' case, as well as in some of the other cases mentioned. For instance, most of the children mentioned in other cases were alone and away from their home or destination - possibly walking along a secluded road. The fact that so many of them are still missing would indicate that their abductor(s) were very careful afterward to ensure that no clues would be found.

Now the big question would be: did their abductor simply see them and instantly seize the opportunity to abduct them, OR did he possibly speak with them previously and arrange to be at the secluded place when they were?

In the specific case of the Lyon Sisters, I think that it is unlikely that their abductor (and it is most probable they were abducted) was a disorganized spur-of-the-moment kind of guy. The secluded pathway through the woods which has been mentioned was actually very short - probably less than fifty feet total. And it went from a large parking lot directly to a well developed housing area. (Today that same area is completely open and paved.) Had any attack taken place on two girls, one of them would certainly have been able to run for help, or other kids would have come upon the scene during the attack. Also, some sort of evidence of a strong arm attack would likely have been discovered, such as dropped items, etc. Also, if the abductor was a disorganized person, the girls or their bodies, or personal items would have been found shortly afterward - especially with all the press coverage and interest in the case.

It is more likely that the abductor was as you describe in the first part of your post; careful, organized, sophisticated, and experienced. It is most likely that he used a vehicle and a ruse to get the girls to go with him. He may have picked them up in the parking lot, or may have intercepted them on the back roads leading to their house, just on the other side of the wooded area/path.
Richard said:
....The secluded pathway through the woods which has been mentioned was actually very short - probably less than fifty feet total. And it went from a large parking lot directly to a well developed housing area. (Today that same area is completely open and paved.)....
Interesting case. How do you know this about the path? Do you live in that area? I grew up in Fairfax County and have been to that mall many times, but I wouldn't have any idea how to find that pathway.
jttnewguy said:
Interesting case. How do you know this about the path? Do you live in that area? I grew up in Fairfax County and have been to that mall many times, but I wouldn't have any idea how to find that pathway.
I have a 1975 Map of that area, as well as more recent maps. I have also been there a few times to see what it is like. I believe that in the origional long thread, someone included a link to a map of the route of the girls.

Basically, it is believed that they either walked a block north on Plyers Mill Road from home and turned east on Drumm Ave, or that they first went east on Jennings, then cut through a yard to get to Drumm. Drumm Ave is blocked off for a block by large posts, so that there is no through vehicle traffic. In 1975, as today, it was completely navigable only on foot or by bicycle.

The girls traveled east on Drumm until it made a sharp left turn (northward) toward Viers Mill Road. At this point, they turned right onto Faulkner Drive, which dead ends in a small turn around. If you keep walking straight (east), you would go on a path through the woods and emerge in the Wheaton Plaza Parking Lot. Today the woods are gone, and the Parking Lot is very close to the turn around at the end of Faulkner.

As of a few years ago, the residential area was little changed from 1975, but in the past few years, a number of new condominium buildings have been going up along Drumm Ave.

Wheaton Plaza shopping center has changed drastically since 1975. Back then, it was an outside type mall, but today it is completely enclosed. The outside boundaries and the entrances, however, are pretty much the same as in the 1975 maps.

If you enter the Wheaton Plaza parking lot via the north entrance off Viers Mill Road, and continue straight along the western perimeter of the lot, you will shortly pass Faulkner Drive on your right, but will not be able to access it, except by parking your car and walking. This was also true in 1975. For an individual to have abducted the girls, he would have either had to get them into his vehicle in the parking lot, or he would have had to EXIT the parking lot onto Viers Mill Road, turning LEFT, and then making another immediate LEFT onto Drumm Ave to enter the residential housing area.

At that point, after abducting the girls, he would have to make a U turn back out Drumm to Viers Mill Road. If he chose to stay in the Residential Area, it would mean that either he had a pretty good knowledge of that maze of back roads, or that he was willing to take a tremendous chance at being seen with the girls by one of their neighbors.
I went to school in media from 1974-1979 and remember a situation in about 1978 or 1979. I was 9 or 10. I had to stay after school for a performance later and for some reason my mother allowed me to go get dinner by myself in the cute town of Media. Media is the county seat and was pretty safe at the time. I walked downtown from school (a couple of blocks) got a scotties sub, visited the costume store, and headed back towards school.

About a block away a man pulled his car up next to me. He called out to me and asked me where I was going. I said I was going back to school. He asked me a couple of more questions and at some point he told me he would give me a ride. At this point I became afraid and RAN down the street towards my school, stopping at the corner to make sure it was safe to cross. He pulled up next to me again and asked me why I "took off like that". I was very scared at this point but from this corner I could actually see my school and I mumbled something about how I was back at school now, ran across the street and into the very safe feeling lobby of my wonderful little school.

I have some recollection of this mans car and what he looked like. I wonder if this person is related to Wendy Eatons disappearance. Its a small town, you know?
BethInAK said:
I went to school in media from 1974-1979 and remember a situation in about 1978 or 1979. ...
I have some recollection of this mans car and what he looked like. I wonder if this person is related to Wendy Eatons disappearance. Its a small town, you know?
I included Wendy Eaton's case in the origional thread for the Lyon Sisters because she went missing so close in time and area. There were also several other girls missing in Pennsylvania around that time, and in years following.

Her case may or may not be linked with that of the Lyon Sisters, but regardless of that, Wendy's case is still open and unsolved. Pennsylvania State Police, Cold Case Unit is in charge of the investigation.

Below is a case summary for Wendy Eaton, and I believe that there are more discussions of her case here on Websleuths. Just go to the "search" window and type in her name for other links on WS.

I would urge you to call the PA State Police at the number listed below and ask to speak with the officer in charge of her case. It is altogether possible that your information could be helpful, even after these many years.

Wendy Eaton
Missing since May 17, 1975 from Media, Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
Classification: Non Family Abduction

Vital Statistics
Date Of Birth: May 26, 1959
Age at Time of Disappearance: 15 years old
Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 4'10; 90 pounds
Distinguishing Characteristics: White female. Brown hair; brown eyes.
Medical Conditions: Eaton is deaf in one ear.
Dentals: She wore orthodontic braces.
Marks, Scars: She wears corrective lenses and has pierced ears.

Circumstances of Disappearance
Eaton was last seen walking three blocks from her family's PA home on May 17, 1975 at approximately 3:05 PM. She was headed to the downtown area of Media, PA.

If you have any information related to Eaton's case, please contact:
Pennsylvania State Police

NCIC Number: M-361834859
Please refer to this number when contacting any agency with information regarding this case.

Source Information:
The National Center For Missing and Exploited Children
The Doe Network: Case File 90DFPA

Thats what I was wondering, Richard - I will contact the troopers in PA.
The following links were sent to me by a Websleuths member.

Here is an unsolved case of the abduction, rape, and murder of a Prince Georges County, Maryland girl, which took place on 28 August 1975. The area where this took place is not far from Bowie mall, which is one of the places where a "Tape Recorder Man" had been seen back in March of 1975.

These links are to newspaper stories about the murder of Elizabeth Archard, age 13. The story includes a composite sketch of a suspect, described as a white male, about 30 years old. He was between 5 feet 11 inches and 6 feet one inch tall, weight 180 - 200 pounds. Hair was described both as dark, and as light.

Evidently there were varying descriptions and two sketches in police files. One of those sketches is included in the first link below.

Because the text is hard to read, I have transcribed the story below the links.

first part with composite drawing:

and continuation here : http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/fireangeldancer/continuation1.jpg

Annapolis, MD Friday September, 4, 1975

Slain Girl Sexually Molested

Elizabeth Archard, the 13-year-old county girl, who was slain more than a week ago , was sexually molested, contrary to earlier reports, the Evening Capitol has learned.

Prince Georges County police spokesmen John Hoxie said this morning that the medical examiner's report did state that the teenager had been sexually molested but the police withheld that information even from the parents,

"Initially, we didn't think so (that she was sexually molested)," Hoxie said "But the autopsy showed she was."

Prince Georges County police , until now had not released any specific information from the medical examiner's report, claiming that they did not want to make public details that only the police and the suspect would know.

Hoxie said this morning that the police were also trying to spare Miss Archard's parents, Philip and Barbara Hale, further grief by withholding information that their daughter had been sexually molested.

The girl's body was found off Governor Bridge Road near Bowie on Aug. 29. She had been reported missing at 1 p.m. Aug, 28.

Police said she was last seen riding her bicycle at Forest Drive and Spa Road from a dental appointment to her 453 Waggamon Circle home.

Her new bicycle was found about 24 hours later near a pony riding ring on Spa road, about two miles from her home. Her body was found less than eight hours later. Police said she had been shot. Other reports indicate that she had been shot several times in the head.

Police are still searching for a man who was probably the last person to see Miss Archard alive.

At least three witnesses described the man, who was seen in a parked car near the riding ring on Spa road the day Miss Archard was reported missing.

The description of the man differ. While Prince Georges Couty Police publicly say they are using the second of two drawings of the man, sources at other police agencies say they are using the first and officially unreleased drawing.

They differ in some features. The key difference is in the hair. One witness told police the man had dark hair.. Two witnesses said he had light brown or blonde hair.

Prince Georges County Police refused to comment on the discrepancies.

The man is described as white, 30 years old, five feet eleven inches to 6 feet 1 inch tall and weighing 180 to 200 pounds.

He is heavy set with fair complexion. It was reported that he also had a light tan or sunburn on his face and arms .

He was seen in a 1970 to 1974 mid-size car, possibly a Ford or a Mercury. The two-door car possibly had dents on the driver's side and has a vinyl roof.

There are discrepancies in the descriptions of color, but most sources say it is rust-color.

Police say he is not a suspect, but, since he most likely seen Miss Archard he probably has valuable information.

Prince Georges County Police finished most of their interviews with residents in Wild Rose Shores, Miss Archard's community, and neighboring areas earlier this week. They are now investigating past sexual assaults and violent crimes in the area to find any possible connection with the murder of Miss Archard.

Hoxie said that police would have taken that course if Miss Archard had not been sexually molested. "We would have done that anyway" he said. "We have done that from the outset."

"It (sexual molestation) is most probable in this type of thing." he said.

To better coordinate the effort between Ann Arundel County and Prince Georges County police departments, an Anne Arundel County police detective will now.... (continuation...)
work as a liaison between the two departments.

After detectives from the two departments met yesterday, Hoxie said, they decided to have one detective from Anne Arundel County work with Prince Georges County "on a formal basis".

He will attend meetings and "critiques" at the Forrestville headquarters so that both departments are continually aware of what the other is doing, Hoxie Said.
Tracy Anne King disappeared on 8 July 1975 from a place just north of the Pensylvania/ Maryland state lines. Only about an hour drive north from Wheaton, Maryland. Could her abduction have been related to the disappearance of the Lyon Sisters?

Tracy Anne King
Missing since July 8, 1975 from Littlestown, Adams County, Pennsylvania.
Classification: Non Family Abduction
Vital Statistics
Date Of Birth: October 11, 1960
Age at Time of Disappearance: 14 years old
Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 5'3; 110 pounds
Distinguishing Characteristics: White female. Red hair; blue eyes.
Marks, Scars: King has a scar on her right ankle. She has pockmarks on her temple.
Dentals: Available

Circumstances of Disappearance
King was last seen leaving Hoffman Homes, a children's home in Mount Pleasant Township, Pennsylvania on July 8, 1975.

King was having problems at the time and was living at the home as a result. She had run away from the facility twice before, but King returned shortly thereafter both times. She has never been heard from again.

King apparently held no animosity towards her family and wrote them often from her stay in the home. Her letters are described as being those of a normal teenager at the time. King usually apologized for not writing more frequently. Her loved ones have searched for her since her disappearance in 1975.
King's family resided in Perry County, Pennsylvania in 1975.

If you have any information concerning King's whereabouts, please contact:
Pennsylvania State Police, Gettysburg, 717-334-8111

NCIC Number: M-360386548
Please refer to this number when contacting any agency with information regarding this case.
Source Information:
The National Center For Missing and Exploited Children
The Doe Network: Case File 342DFPA
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - TRACY ANNE KING Missing: Jul 8, 1975 LITTLESTOWN, PA



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