GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #7

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If CL did this, do you think he believed A. They will never guess it was me. or B. They will guess it was me, but they'll never find a body, so I won't be convicted. or C. Crime of passion or sudden thought and he wasn't thinking ahead at all.
Yes, I know that too Seajay. When as a military wife I was left alone many times for months on end. If in a foreign country, you feel even more isolated than ever. It was sink or swim time! And during our years, there wasn't Internet - just long distance calling and snail mail!

I really salute you military wives. You are a special breed, I think. I follow a scrapbooking blog written by a military wife and her ability to pick up and move to Italy with four children and be able to make it an adventure is nothing short of miraculous to me. I am a confident person and I've had a successful career but I have lived in the same city all my life, and worked for two companies since I graduated college (a long time ago). I am a professional nester and moving from place to place and having to repeatedly put down new roots is my idea of hell. I would be a puddle of misery. Knowing that about myself, I can't help but feel a little sorry for Erin. Adultery is wrong, no doubt about it. But, she may have dived into this situation with the arrogance and certainty of youth and then found out she was not at all suited for the military life.

It might be helpful in solving this case to know whether she pursued CL out of misery, or CL recognized her misery and took advantage of it. Hopefully, that may come out as we learn more about the text messages between Erin and her friend back home, or perhaps some testimony from neighbors.
Keep thinking outside the box, Bernina. Every idea is worth considering. To me, firearms makes the most sense given what we know about the suspect.

CL is male, young, a Marine and a hunter. Guns would be the simplest choice for him. But the horse drug(s) possibility is intriguing.

What about if he/somebody got her out in the desert a long way from the roads -- which looks pretty easy to do -- and just knocked her out and left her there? Or pushed her off a ledge or into a ravine or something? Figuring if the blow or the fall didn't kill her, she'd die of dehydration and exposure before she got out?
I really salute you military wives. You are a special breed, I think. I follow a scrapbooking blog written by a military wife and her ability to pick up and move to Italy with four children and be able to make it an adventure is nothing short of miraculous to me. I am a confident person and I've had a successful career but I have lived in the same city all my life, and worked for two companies since I graduated college (a long time ago). I am a professional nester and moving from place to place and having to repeatedly put down new roots is my idea of hell. I would be a puddle of misery. Knowing that about myself, I can't help but feel a little sorry for Erin. Adultery is wrong, no doubt about it. But, she may have dived into this situation with the arrogance and certainty of youth and then found out she was not at all suited for the military life.

It might be helpful in solving this case to know whether she pursued CL out of misery, or CL recognized her misery and took advantage of it. Hopefully, that may come out as we learn more about the text messages between Erin and her friend back home, or perhaps some testimony from neighbors.

Has it been said that Erin was miserable? I did not get that impression. I thought a relative said she had adjusted well?
Sorry, this is just another one of those things that really really irks me. Saying it this way implies that you care more than the least that you could care. Which is the opposite of what you're trying to get across, no? The real expression is "I couldn't care less", even if you technically could care less, it's hyperbolic license. Saying "I could care less" is actually number three in the twelve step program for obsessives. And the irony is that I know some couldn't care less about this and that I should care less about it so that's all I'm gonna say.

What are the other signs (of obsessives)? Maybe I should check into that possibility!
But did you understand what I meant? I wasn't focused on who the lead detectives are in that moment.
It goes back to posting about many subjects within the same thread while trying to express a single idea/point. It may have more to do with ADD than obsessive anything.

I could care less, could care less.
I do care but I didn't care at the point in time that I was on the topic of Erin leaving base in her car or not. Other people had been discussing another angle of the case at the same time which involved the idea that the agency in charge of the investigation may provide a clue to the nature of the investigation (where the crime was committed).
The two topics became entwined and I pointed out my misunderstanding at the time (when I realized it).

Beyond that, I don't understand what the big deal is. :gaah:
Anyway, as a military wife, I can tell you it is a very difficult lifestyle. Your husband's job is priority, then next comes family, and lastly is everything else. And many wives do not adjust to this lifestyle. When my husband first joined the service, we befriended several couples who ended up not making it to the next duty station because the wife didn't handle the adjustment and her husband being gone, and they divorced. I'm in no way saying her actions were ok, but I do agree with other PPs that maybe she was having a hard time adjusting. Maybe Erin saw this new relationship as an out. She had to have known they were moving back to Alaska soon. Maybe she felt it would be a new beginning.
I really salute you military wives. You are a special breed, I think. I follow a scrapbooking blog written by a military wife and her ability to pick up and move to Italy with four children and be able to make it an adventure is nothing short of miraculous to me. I am a confident person and I've had a successful career but I have lived in the same city all my life, and worked for two companies since I graduated college (a long time ago). I am a professional nester and moving from place to place and having to repeatedly put down new roots is my idea of hell. I would be a puddle of misery. Knowing that about myself, I can't help but feel a little sorry for Erin. Adultery is wrong, no doubt about it. But, she may have dived into this situation with the arrogance and certainty of youth and then found out she was not at all suited for the military life.

It might be helpful in solving this case to know whether she pursued CL out of misery, or CL recognized her misery and took advantage of it. Hopefully, that may come out as we learn more about the text messages between Erin and her friend back home, or perhaps some testimony from neighbors.

Yes so true and waiting weeks to receive snail mail from loved ones and setting up a home far from home and then one's spouse leaving on deployments for months to up to a year or more time and time again and you are left alone with children or maybe not children which I suppose would make it even harder. It is tough and after 30 years I think I have the right to say this I opted NOT to join the military wives club when my spouse was on deployments because I saw first hand the nonsense that went on while the ship was out to sea or they were deployed overseas. It takes maturity to endure this type of life style I stayed away from those type of situations so that I as a young wife would never be spoken of in a derogatory manner. Gossip on military bases amongst military spouses spreads like wildfire. At least that was my own observations and experience. I never indulged in that behavior I stayed to myself, protected my babies and waited for my spouses return. So my advice to any young person thinking of marrying someone in the military they need to think long and hard about their decision because there is much more to just being married to the person you love. You too are married to the military and everything good and bad that comes along with it.
If CL did this, do you think he believed A. They will never guess it was me. or B. They will guess it was me, but they'll never find a body, so I won't be convicted. or C. Crime of passion or sudden thought and he wasn't thinking ahead at all.

A or C. I don't feel that they/he put a lot of thought and planning in to it.
Has it been said that Erin was miserable? I did not get that impression. I thought a relative said she had adjusted well?

I'm only going from the comments that she had turned to CL after the miscarriage because she was unhappy and he wasn't there for her. Plus, it has been my experience that relatives across the country would not necessarily have an accurate picture of what is going on with Erin, since their physical exposure to her would be limited. It is a lot easier to keep up appearances from across the country. And some people are not good at looking beyond the obvious. As long as she tells them everything is fine, they may think it is.

Actually, I'm having a hard time reconciling this sweet, passive girl her mother described, who had to be pushed to get her license at 18 and couldn't find her way out of a room with 4 doors, with the "I'm a big girl, I can handle it" young woman who moved herself across the country and set up house without JC even being there. Those descriptions are not compatible to me.
Sorry, this is just another one of those things that really really irks me. Saying it this way implies that you care more than the least that you could care. Which is the opposite of what you're trying to get across, no? The real expression is "I couldn't care less", even if you technically could care less, it's hyperbolic license. Saying "I could care less" is actually number three in the twelve step program for obsessives. And the irony is that I know some couldn't care less about this and that I should care less about it so that's all I'm gonna say.

How do you like the overwhelming misuse of "myself"? That drives me totally bonkers.
To answer the question -- was Erin miserable? I remember a quote from the horse rescue owner that said something like, "she came here for peace of mind," or something similar. Maybe someone else has the exact quote.
In the supposed text that she sent to her friend back home she stated she was going with CL 2 hours away. I am wondering did she actually mean CL or could she have just used an abbreviation for example "Chris" to mean Christopher Columbus Transcontinental Hwy and that she was hunting out areas there. Not hunting as in hunting animals but hunting as in searching? Then something happened outside that base that changed her plans.
I really salute you military wives. You are a special breed, I think. I follow a scrapbooking blog written by a military wife and her ability to pick up and move to Italy with four children and be able to make it an adventure is nothing short of miraculous to me. I am a confident person and I've had a successful career but I have lived in the same city all my life, and worked for two companies since I graduated college (a long time ago). I am a professional nester and moving from place to place and having to repeatedly put down new roots is my idea of hell. I would be a puddle of misery. Knowing that about myself, I can't help but feel a little sorry for Erin. Adultery is wrong, no doubt about it. But, she may have dived into this situation with the arrogance and certainty of youth and then found out she was not at all suited for the military life.

It might be helpful in solving this case to know whether she pursued CL out of misery, or CL recognized her misery and took advantage of it. Hopefully, that may come out as we learn more about the text messages between Erin and her friend back home, or perhaps some testimony from neighbors.


Thanks for saying that maskedwoman. I have know a few military wives. They are very strong people.

I agree with you and just wanted to say it again by stealing your lovely quote:

"I really salute you military wives. You are a special breed, I think." :loveyou:
I really salute you military wives. You are a special breed, I think. I follow a scrapbooking blog written by a military wife and her ability to pick up and move to Italy with four children and be able to make it an adventure is nothing short of miraculous to me. I am a confident person and I've had a successful career but I have lived in the same city all my life, and worked for two companies since I graduated college (a long time ago). I am a professional nester and moving from place to place and having to repeatedly put down new roots is my idea of hell. I would be a puddle of misery. Knowing that about myself, I can't help but feel a little sorry for Erin. Adultery is wrong, no doubt about it. But, she may have dived into this situation with the arrogance and certainty of youth and then found out she was not at all suited for the military life.

It might be helpful in solving this case to know whether she pursued CL out of misery, or CL recognized her misery and took advantage of it. Hopefully, that may come out as we learn more about the text messages between Erin and her friend back home, or perhaps some testimony from neighbors.

Apparently she didnt adapt well to military life? Usually the military wives band together and focus on productive activities such as serving the military community in some manner. The exposure I have had to military wives has been very positive. Helping themselves to someone else's husband is not taken lightly from what I I can tell. Tragic all around.
I'm quoting from earlier, but they are all out of order, sorry. Excuse me for taking offense, but are you serious? All of this because I said it would be nice to know if NL's car left the base at the same time as CL's? I think you are reading too far into my original comment on this. It was very simple. No reason to belittle me.

I apologize my response was not meant to be belittling at all it is just my methodology of explaining my thoughts. I hope you were not offended because that was not my intention at all.
When I was about Erins age, I was seduced by my boss, an older, charismatic married man. [ Told me he was separated.] I was like 'prey' to a predator. But being 20 I did not understand that at all. I believed his total BS. I did a lot of stupid things that I never thought I would do. I felt like putty in his hands.

I think it is very possible that Erin was manipulated by her neighbor. She probably was overwhelmed by the intensity of feelings that happen under the spell of emotional and sexual attraction. I think he was toying with her. :mad:
Yes so true and waiting weeks to receive snail mail from loved ones and setting up a home far from home and then one's spouse leaving on deployments for months to up to a year or more time and time again and you are left alone with children or maybe not children which I suppose would make it even harder. It is tough and after 30 years I think I have the right to say this I opted NOT to join the military wives club when my spouse was on deployments because I saw first hand the nonsense that went on while the ship was out to sea or they were deployed overseas. It takes maturity to endure this type of life style I stayed away from those type of situations so that I as a young wife would never be spoken of in a derogatory manner. Gossip on military bases amongst military spouses spreads like wildfire. At least that was my own observations and experience. I never indulged in that behavior I stayed to myself, protected my babies and waited for my spouses return. So my advice to any young person thinking of marrying someone in the military they need to think long and hard about their decision because there is much more to just being married to the person you love. You too are married to the military and everything good and bad that comes along with it.

Everything you say is true. I had a small group of girls I was friends with. I was very selective about who I associated with. In those days we didn't have pagers, cell phones, heck if we were lucky to have a phone it was a party line. No money to make phone calls, only waiting around to receive calls from home. A lot of lonely days and a lot of lonely nights. No Internet or computers. The town by the post hubby was stationed at had 2 TV stations.

But I had hardwood floors and those floors were the best kept floor in that town. LOL I read a lot and crocheted a lot. But I behaved myself. The military community is small, like none other. And the military owns you, lock, stock and barrel. Anything the wife did reflected upon the husband and his service.
I never thought I would get involved in another case with the speculation of death by vet meds.:thinking:
LOL- The Morgan Ingram case was the ONLY one that I've ever read about horse meds. Amitriptyline was the drug Morgan's mom thought some ninja's injected Morgan with during the night. She thought the ninja's got the Ami from the horse stable.

I was an army wife. It's not an easy life, for sure. I watched many, many good friends divorce over the years. Some people really do not understand how hard it is. Honest, there were many times I even questioned if I could do it.

I think Erin sounds like a very brave girl.
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