MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #8

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"Freeman Bosley Jr., Johnson’s attorney and a former St. Louis mayor, told The Washington Post that Wilson pulled up so close to Brown that when he opened his car door, it bumped into the teenager."

Sounds like DJ was doing his version of "Stand your ground". I'm trying to imagine standing in the middle of a public street when a police officer stops beside me, and do I move at least far enough to allow the officer to exit his vehicle? Heck no.

Standing his ground in the middle of the street? Why were even walking there to begin with? How do they expect cars to drive there? And by DJ's own admission, they refused to move from the street to the sidewalk even after the police officer told them to.
Behind again in the thread. Sorry if this has already bn discussed at length.
“People can say what they want about me, but when it comes down to the court, they’ll find that I’m not ‘a fake,’ ” he said. “At the end of the day, I assisted Dr. Baden. I didn’t do the autopsy.”
Parcells didn’t know how the Browns’ attorneys found him, surmising it could have been from a recent email advertising campaign to area attorneys. After Baden was hired, the medical examiner still requested Parcells’ help, he said. ....

In link above, Parcells said: ---Browns' atty found him. ---After Baden was hired, the ME still requested his (Parcells') help.
So who did Brown's attys hire first? Parcells or Baden?

If Baden was hired first, did he tell attys -
---I want someone to assist me, then attys said, Good, we'll find some guy sending email ads to MO or KS bar members. OR
---I want Parcells to assist me?

IDT Crump is KS or MO bar member,just FL. Ditto, his law partner Parks, right?
How would Parcells' email ads to area attys h/bn sent to them, licensed in FL?

Imo, if Baden specified Parcells to assist, then Parcells' bolded stmt in article about attys finding him, does not make sense.
Why would one of the top (three, five, ten?) most experienced pathologists w long time ME exp. in US either -
---not specify a particular bd-cert-path, or at least an MD, to assist? Or
---agree to accept some random non-bd-cert-path or non-MD to assist, simply based on attys 'finding' him?

Just wondering, JMO.
I would convict on your narrative, but looking at the facts and the video, I don't see it how you spin it. The police dept. are trying to spin you. I question if officer Wilson knew anything about the incident when the shooting occurred. If MB, felt like he did nothing wrong at the store then it makes it less likely he would act out against the police.


What? If he thought he did nowrong..??. He was a train wreck waiting to happen.

I'm sure they will try, but I doubt it will fly. Police reports for random stuff can take a few days. I'm guessing this report, for a pretty serious crime, which the investigative part has not been revealed, will take a lot longer. Not to mention that I'm guessing a lot of their paperwork was behind that week. During some of those really intense protest nights they had an all-available departments alert out - like we need every man you can spare out here. I think as long as the jury finds LE's explanation reasonable it won't be an issue. Like everything in this case though, we're bound to see conjecture about it.

Not to mention it seems they would not have wanted him to do a report until his head was clear from the punching he took.
And maybe the moon is made of cheese.

Yeah that one is a little far fetched... But it sure is possible that the store owner thought he was stealing something and he wasn't and that is why he got rough. (Before you all go nuts over this thought... Understand I am saying it IS a possibility). Do I think this? No not really.. But you know what, watching that video, there is something going on there that isn't adding up.. Like a part of the video missing... It is like the 2 videos are the start and end with something missing in the middle maybe. I will have to go watch again.
Three U.S. law enforcement officials told CNN on Friday that the FBI has opened an investigation into hacking attacks directed at the personal computers and accounts of police officers who have been part of the response.

It's not clear how much personal data was compromised by these alleged cyberattacks, but it's one reason why officers working the streets of Ferguson aren't displaying their names on their uniforms, according to the officials.
Standing his ground in the middle of the street? Why were even walking there to begin with? How do they expect cars to drive there? And by DJ's own admission, they refused to move from the street to the sidewalk even after the police officer told them to.

Right, no respect. But BM wanting to be respected in the middle of the road. Wth?
I am at this point firmly on the fence. I think that If MB attacked the officer he had a right to defend himself then. But when MB ran away the threat was over. He should have called for back up and reported the incident and then they could have gotten him later. I think this officer over stepped the boundary. I have been weighing all the information and all the facts as they come in along with eyewitness testimony and expert comments. If MB had been attacking him in the car and he shot him then and there and killed him, I can allow for that. If MB approached him and beat him and then he shot him, I am good with that too. But that is not what I think happened here because of the trajectory of the bullets and the accounts of what went down and how. I think that MB was probably not a very nice guy as they want us to believe but I think this officer over reacted full of adrenaline and maybe even anger.
I watched the full video of the knife wielding man and that shooting and that seems clear to me although I still don't understand the hail of bullets.

I think when police take a life they need a darn good reason and control in that act. I don't see that here.

I am really awaiting the real autopsy report.

It's my opinion, you do not understand the sworn duty of a police officer or the laws that justify the shoot.
Brown was a serious danger to anyone whose path he crossed freaking way could Officer Wilson allow him to walk away or runaway based on BROWNS actions that day.

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We need a fact page.

FACT: Both Dorian Gray and the attorneys involved have agreed there was a robbery at the store.

Jumping off your comment :)

Fact: MB would have likely been charged for "strong arm robbery" as once force or the threat of force is introduced, it's considered a felony.


*Robbery is the taking of something of value from another person using force or violence or the threat of force or violence.
*What sets robbery apart from mere stealing (theft) is that the robber takes something from the victim’s “person or presence,” and uses force or violence.

using any physical force against the victim
snatching the property away
threatening or coercing the victim, or placing the victim in fear of serious and immediate bodily injury.

The threat does not have to be stated explicitly.​

All types of robberies are serious crimes. Robbery is almost always a felony, punishable by at least one year in prison, regardless of the value of the items taken.
I am at this point firmly on the fence. I think that If MB attacked the officer he had a right to defend himself then. But when MB ran away the threat was over. He should have called for back up and reported the incident and then they could have gotten him later. I think this officer over stepped the boundary. I have been weighing all the information and all the facts as they come in along with eyewitness testimony and expert comments. If MB had been attacking him in the car and he shot him then and there and killed him, I can allow for that. If MB approached him and beat him and then he shot him, I am good with that too. But that is not what I think happened here because of the trajectory of the bullets and the accounts of what went down and how. I think that MB was probably not a very nice guy as they want us to believe but I think this officer over reacted full of adrenaline and maybe even anger.
I watched the full video of the knife wielding man and that shooting and that seems clear to me although I still don't understand the hail of bullets.

I think when police take a life they need a darn good reason and control in that act. I don't see that here.

I am really awaiting the real autopsy report.

I understand your reasoning but do have a question about one aspect. IF, as you say, he had good reason to shoot while in the car, why does that go away when the perp runs? You said the threat has gone away. But that is not how a cop would feel after being assaulted and having to fight for control of his weapon. That attack was unprovoked. So the perp would be considered a threat to ALL officers and to the public at large. So in my mind, the officer would have the authority to order him to STOP, and to shoot if he did not follow the orders. jmo
If DW does not complete a report they can't issue one. With the Governor demanding DW be prosecuted I doubt DW's attorney would let him file out a report. Plus it could be he was placed on administrative leave before he could start his report.
Ok makes sense... But they did issue a report... A basically empty report and 10 days later, but they did issue one .. Didn't they? Or is the link in question something different?
What if media quit reporting? The protestors had no one but LE present?

Would that squash their desire to continue? Would they think that with no national news it was time to quit? Or, would it ramp them up to escalate the protests, looting, and other nasty behaviors? With it being a week end again, I am fearful the crowds will grow.
Another Dorian lie based on the interview video I posted above with Grady/Brady. He says he was standing right next to MB and this guy says he was on the passenger side.
IMO MB was very accustomed to throwing his (considerable) weight around. I don't think MB's assault on the store clerk was the first time he had done such a thing by a long shot.

Also, MB was NOT "unarmed." A belligerent 300 pounder can use his body as a weapon.

The end result of 300 lb body v. weapon is the reason for this thread. IMHO
This case may just come down to he said/she said... Which the cop usually wins..... But I don't think the people of Ferguson are going to let that happen this time. IMO

Even if this time it is true? (not saying I know it is, just jumping off your premise that "this time" the cop won't win or be believed)

This is another thing that if we are all being honest and forthright is a big reason this case is so hard to discuss. Many people feel when a cop wins the good guys won. Those people believe that in general cops are law abiding good cops. Therefore their support for them is a given unless something happens to shake that good cop opinion.

It seems to me that others have a different view, in that most cops are bad and not to be trusted and therefore a win by them is a loss to the people, unless that specific cop has proven himself "good" guy.

In my mind, this is not about cops winning or losing. This is about one cop who has been accused by citizens of murder. The only thing that should win here is the truth. Not the truth about what some other cops have done in the past, not about whether some cops are corrupt.

Plain and simple that is far too much weight to ask any officer to bear. He cannot carry the weight of some of the public's general mistrust on his back. He is already carrying the fact that he shot an unarmed 19 year old young man and that is plenty, whether the shooting is determined justified or not.

So if him "winning" equals him getting off and it is a justified shoot then there is nothing wrong with that in my book. Now if the shooting was not justified . . .
B/C the SL Dispatch article is a gift that just keeps on giving...

For those asking about Parcells Professor title, which was how he was introduced at the autopsy press conference, and how some introduced him during interviews...


You can't make this stuff up folks!!!!

I have not heard 1 word from cable news about this, although it's been posted on this site for quite a fews days. Megyn Kelly needs to step up ( and I never watch Fox, I only watch her now). Who's keeping this quiet?
So I been thinking about what it is that makes me want to really give MB the benefit if the doubt here.. For now anyway and why most others, here at least seem to hold the opposite viewpoint. I truly think that different folks have different perspectives of what kind of force an LEO is entitled to use and what constitutes a justifiable shooting. I spent some time today watching some police shooting and brutality videos... You know, the ones where people post to Facebook usually condemning the police for their use of force. From reading the comments to those types of videos it is clear to me that 1) people see different things when looking at the same thing. 2) people have extremely different viewpoints of justifiable force by a LEO. I truly believe that even if this MB shooting was caught on tape in its totality, that we would STILL have 2 sides disagreeing with each other.... The problem isn't necessarily what actually happened but what the general public consider justifiable. IMO

I think there's no question that what actually happened plays a bigger role here for most of us. Sorting out what actually happened is really crucial. If you know what happened then can say whether or not it was justifiable.
I might want to leave that window open on my laptop.

I'm sure it will need to be linked over and over and over :wink:

I found it interesting that MSNBC chose not to air his video even though they have it. Must not meet their narrative.
I would convict on your narrative, but looking at the facts and the video, I don't see it how you spin it. The police dept. are trying to spin you. I question if officer Wilson knew anything about the incident when the shooting occurred. If MB, felt like he did nothing wrong at the store then it makes it less likely he would act out against the police.


What in the world? How could he think his behavior / theft/ assault in the store was not 'wrong'?
I am at this point firmly on the fence. I think that If MB attacked the officer he had a right to defend himself then. But when MB ran away the threat was over. He should have called for back up and reported the incident and then they could have gotten him later. I think this officer over stepped the boundary. I have been weighing all the information and all the facts as they come in along with eyewitness testimony and expert comments. If MB had been attacking him in the car and he shot him then and there and killed him, I can allow for that. If MB approached him and beat him and then he shot him, I am good with that too. But that is not what I think happened here because of the trajectory of the bullets and the accounts of what went down and how. I think that MB was probably not a very nice guy as they want us to believe but I think this officer over reacted full of adrenaline and maybe even anger.
I watched the full video of the knife wielding man and that shooting and that seems clear to me although I still don't understand the hail of bullets.

I think when police take a life they need a darn good reason and control in that act. I don't see that here.

I am really awaiting the real autopsy report.
Could you link the article or report that shows the trajectory? I think I missed it. Thanks.
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