VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #3

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One story I read said her last text came back by her apartment. Is it possible to get from where she was in the video's back to her apartments in ten to twelve minutes on foot.

In a car, yes. On foot, either walking or running, no. IMO.
Is it known what events/concerts. etc. were taking place in proximity to the Downtown Mall area that Friday night? For example, the Jerry Garcia Cover Band was performing @ Southern Cafe Music Hall and the New Belgium Beer & Film Tour was @ Washington Park that night. I was just wondering what time those types of events wind down and if attendees would then wind up over in the Downtown Mall area...
That's a very unfair and inaccurate thing to say.

She was just a girl who had too much to drink heading to a party to meet up with friends, nothing more.

ETA: Responding to the poster who said Hannah was probably looking for a drug dealer to buy drugs. (Having problems w this sitr today on my android device, couldn't post the link.)
In a car, yes. On foot, either walking or running, no. IMO.
the shame of it all is she just could have called a taxi ..she must have been really out of it ,no matter what we see on the videos
One story I read said her last text came back by her apartment. Is it possible to get from where she was in the video's back to her apartments in ten to twelve minutes on foot.

Google maps says it's a 36 minute walk from the place the video last spotted her to her apartment. So I wouldn't think so unless she got a ride from someone. :thinking:
IMO it looks like she is frantically searching for a drug dealer who she knows and most likely is hanging around one of the bars in town because that is where he will find many clients on any given night.

People coming down from a high or in withdrawals will seem distraught and frantic.

I know her parents say she is a responsible good student but it would be naive to think she could not possibly be on drugs.

When i was in college half the kids I knew snorted coke and adderalls and heroin and whatever else they could get. It was so common it makes me want to spit.

And I'd say 90% of the kids got drunk or smoked weed. I am not exaggerating either.

And during the week they went to class and studied and graduated. That is college life. Some fall deeper into the drugs than others and I fear maybe this happened with Hannah.

Again this is just my opinion and I am not trying to paint her in a bad light but just explaining what I think is going on.

lol as many others have said, she wouldn't have to go into the shady area of town to get drugs if she wanted them.

and it seems like she wanted to get the hell out of there---that was her mission. why do people think there needs to be this intense other reason? I would be pretty purposeful if I wanted to find my way out of an area
I just can't reconcile her actions that we have seen with just being lost. These areas are so distinct and well know to students who walk all over the place. She would have known the Corner, her apartment area, the "shady grady", the more well lit/main road area where the Shell is, then the cut over to downtown mall. It is just so puzzling to me her seemingly purposeful route versus what has been reported by friends/texts (going home, going to party). It could be that it has nothing to with a random abduction, if it ends up that is what this is, but it really bothers me.
Does anyone know if LE mentioned or looked in the direction of the City Walk apartments near the coal tower?
she is walking slower there, and stops for 5-7 seconds on the top side of the fence at the pub.

Yes. I hope they can track down someone who was sitting in that area at the pub. She does stop there and I'm wondering what she did. Maybe she spoke with someone or maybe she got sick. It would help with finding out her physical and mental state if they could track that down.
I just can't reconcile her actions that we have seen with just being lost. These areas are so distinct and well know to students who walk all over the place. She would have known the Corner, her apartment area, the "shady grady", the more well lit/main road area where the Shell is, then the cut over to downtown mall. It is just so puzzling to me her seemingly purposeful route versus what has been reported by friends/texts (going home, going to party). It could be that it has nothing to with a random abduction, if it ends up that is what this is, but it really bothers me.

well, she was drunk, alone and panicking.
I like this version of the Sal's video -- the one first released last night by Parker Slaybaugh -- I don't know if it's a different camera, or if they just worked to focus in on the area of interest. I feel like Hannah is easier to see. The Sal's footage starts at around 49s:

Quote Originally Posted by Skigirl View Post
Parker Slaybaugh @Parker8News · 19s
BREAKING: Here is the newest security video to be released in the Hannah Graham case.

Again...BREAKING: The...
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I grew up in DC and I have seen many a person frantically search for their dealer....

I think he told her he was at the bar and she went to the wrong one, McGrady's, and then realized and headed towards downtown. There are like 10 bars where she was last seen. Maybe it was not for drugs and this was just a friend she was meeting. But why act so wacky trying to get there?

Either she had a psychotic break, was super drunk, or high, or all three.

I think she was meeting a dealer too. Whoever she walked with, assuming that it was not her reflection, she was familiar with. Of course, not meaning to disparage her in any way.
LE has already said they think she was drunk.
And, that she was lost.

I grew up in DC and I have seen many a person frantically search for their dealer....

I think he told her he was at the bar and she went to the wrong one, McGrady's, and then realized and headed towards downtown. There are like 10 bars where she was last seen. Maybe it was not for drugs and this was just a friend she was meeting. But why act so wacky trying to get there?

Either she had a psychotic break, was super drunk, or high, or all three.
Hey everyone,

Not to sound too creepy, but go check out her FB account. Her friends are all public; kids these days friend EVERYONE they meet. I didn't seen anyone who matched the description of the BM. If she was friendly with him like CWG said she was, perhaps he'd be on that list... just spit-ballin' here. This is a massive generalization, but I have a hard time believing that an 18-yr old white female would have a friend much older than her. That's always the joke at college parties; the "creepy" older guy trying to fit-in. Kids tend to stick to their close-knit circles of fellow students....

I'm confident that she did not know the POI BM that the CWG suggested.
Does anyone know if LE mentioned or looked in the direction of the City Walk apartments near the coal tower?

I asked about those apartments yesterday, as I saw them on Google Maps but I am not local and don't know anything about them. I was wondering if those apartments could be somewhere any students might live? If it was possible she was trying to visit someone at an apartment there?
I think she was meeting a dealer too. Whoever she walked with, assuming that it was not her reflection, she was familiar with. Of course, not meaning to disparage her in any way.

I don't think she necessarily knew him. when some people are drunk, they're friendlier. and what was she gonna do? run away just because a dude approached her? I feel like she probably was juust like 'uhhh okay, so this dude's next to me. keep cool.' or like, 'hey, cool. a friendly person! hi'
Yes. I hope they can track down someone who was sitting in that area at the pub. She does stop there and I'm wondering what she did. Maybe she spoke with someone or maybe she got sick. It would help with finding out her physical and mental state if they could track that down.

or maybe she texted someone.
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