Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 10

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It was worse than that, it was his memorial, a gathering with the sole purpose of remembering him, reminiscing, celebrating his life, and mourning his death, and she goes there, and tries to socialize, and fit in, and pretend to be just as affected, sad, and confused as everyone else, it's about as diametrically opposite of normal as you can get.

Can you imagine how chilling that would be? You're at a memorial and the person you know killed him just shows up and tries to act normal and sad but also making normal conversation with everyone?
What time does it start? Or in how many hours does it start as I am in Sydney?

2 hours from right now because arizona does not follow daylight savings time

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I was just thinking about this last night. Just the very flippant way she went about this, like it was just another thing on her to do list. Go to bank, get hair done, get nails done, pass by Walmart, kill Travis, go see Ryan...


And drive about 2500 miles while she was at it. Not once changing her mind what she was planning to do. She had plenty of time to rethink what she was about to do.

There was another sick person that acted similarly. Remember the NASA lady that was in some sort of love triangle. She also drove many miles to carry out a sick mission and had plenty of time to have 2nd thoughts and back out of what she was about to do.

Instead of thinking better of it and realizing they are fixing to do something terrible and backing out, it seems they became more focused on their evil thoughts and more committed to follow through with their planned crime.
She shows all the signs of being a genuine sociopath. For most people, I would think, and for me certainly, it's almost impossible to imagine having a mind with no conscience. The way she killed him and then just carried on with her life like it was nothing, and lied so easily and convincingly when suspicions turned towards her. It's like killing him wasn't really important to her, it was just a decision she made, and so she did it, and then focused calmly on doing everything she could to get away with it. Never have her actions or motivations been inspired by anything like a conscience, at least that I see.

I was just thinking about this last night. Just the very flippant way she went about this, like it was just another thing on her to do list. Go to bank, get hair done, get nails done, pass by Walmart, kill Travis, go see Ryan...

Well said! And the way she looks at people with those dead, dark shark's eyes. There's no "there" there. I wonder if the men in the courtroom can feel the evil when she's giving them the hairy eyeball, thinking she's turning them on somehow. Lordy, I hope not. Think with the big head, guys! Please.
2 hours from right now because arizona does not follow daylight savings time

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Daylight Saving Time is done for the year. :D
I think I will have to go to bed before that. Will it be televised?

We won't get video of it until after the verdict, but when you awaken come on back, all the tweets will be posted and you'll be able to catch up on the events, Estelle. :)
We won't get video of it until after the verdict, but when you awaken come on back, all the tweets will be posted and you'll be able to catch up on the events, Estelle. :)

I will, as I have been following other trials (Oscar Pistorius) but I saw the murder trial of Jodi Arias and loved watching Juan in action.
Can you imagine how chilling that would be? You're at a memorial and the person you know killed him just shows up and tries to act normal and sad but also making normal conversation with everyone?

Some people had strong suspicions, but no one could be 100% sure at that point, but that's exactly why she did it. It was a strategy, to give credence to her innocence, to maintain her perception by others as normal and just like them, but now that the truth is known, it reveals the depth of emptiness of any genuine human emotion, her inability to appreciate the suffering she's caused. She doesn't feel it, she doesn't care. It's always and all about how she appears, is the mask convincing enough for her to get by in life unmolested in pursuit of her goals, and doing whatever she determines necessary, including the brutal murder of those closest to her, if that is what circumstances call for.

But yes, for those who were most sure at the time, it would have been a chilling and confounding situation of her inserting herself into what otherwise would have been a sacred and solemn event.
Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 7h7 hours ago
Emails, Lust, and Forbidden Sex As Expert Testifies for Defense in #JodiArias Retrial … #TheTrialDiaries

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 1h1 hour ago
Good Morning! #jodiarias trial is back in session with defense expert Dr. Fonseca. Grab your coffee! All begins at 9:30am MST.
What do you predict the verdict will be?
What do you predict the verdict will be?

I personally will be surprised if all 12 agree on the DP, the defense of course wants life with possibility of release and may think the judge has been around her for so long and gotten to know her enough that she may be sympathetic and give her that, but I highly doubt it, I think she'll get LWOP.
Anyone else notice that Nurmi didn't question Dr. F about Poppa's choking of CMJA? We heard about Momma's slaps and spoon...the old stuff, but not the new about Poppa.

For today? Or was it just a Baez move...throw it out there but never bring it up again?

I'm guessing Dr. F is all about making Travis a pervert and the big lie of pedophilia is rolled out today.
I personally will be surprised if all 12 agree on the DP, the defense of course wants life with possibility of release and may think the judge has been around her for so long and gotten to know her enough that she may be sympathetic and give her that, but I highly doubt it, I think she'll get LWOP.

I think JSS would slap her with LWOP so fast it would make her head spin. Or at least force that smug smirk off her face.

But, if Nurmi is going all out for the lies of abuse by Travis and pedophilia, per her request, I think she'll get the DP. Attacking the memory of the man she slaughtered so brutally will amply demonstrate to the jury that she feels justified in killing him rather than an iota of regret, much less remorse.
I agree, hard to get all 12 of them to agree. I am still hoping they will see how brutal and cruel she was.
FWIW.....from elsewhere. Apparently tweeting Nurmi is one of the roles of her supporters sitting in the courtroom. They monitor family members and jurors, looking for the slightest hint of anything they can alert him to about "misconduct."

Samantha and Tanisha were dragged back to JSS's chamber of ultra secrets not just for laughing at <modsnip>, but for supposedly making eye contact with a juror as they laughed. No doubt Nurmi argued for that juror to be booted.
Anyone else notice that Nurmi didn't question Dr. F about Poppa's choking of CMJA? We heard about Momma's slaps and spoon...the old stuff, but not the new about Poppa.

For today? Or was it just a Baez move...throw it out there but never bring it up again?

I'm guessing Dr. F is all about making Travis a pervert and the big lie of pedophilia is rolled out today.

'Morning Hope, I too think this doc is all about smudging Travis, I thought I'd heard or read that they have another doc going to testify, which I thought would be where they try to show her mental incapabilities/defects via her upbringing/abuse/someone yelled at her at just the wrong moment a thousand years ago and created this poor thing that couldn't help herself with that knife and gun.
Home sick from work today...snuggling with my fur babies on the couch under a blanket. Hoping to follow along today as we listen to more of the DT drivel!
Bringing over YESorNO's List of Tweeters:

Originally Posted by YESorNO (As far as I know) Tweeting Live #jodiarias

Nicole Goodman Esq @msesquirette

Jen's Trial Diaries &#8207;@TrialDiariesJ

William Pitts @william_pitts

Jeffrey Evan Gold &#8207;@jeffgoldesq

Troy Hayden &#8207;@troyhaydenfox10

Wild About Trial &#8207;@WildAboutTrial

Monica Lindstrom &#8207;@monicalindstrom

Dave Erickson &#8207;@ericksonvision

Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer

Katie Conner &#8207;@KatieJConner

KTAR News on 92.3 &#8207;@KTAR923

AZ Family &#8207;@azfamily


Court: Monday - Thursday

NO Court on Friday.

Days off:

Thursday and Friday - November 26th and 27th (Thanksgiving)

Please add any additional tweeters ! TIA !
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