Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 12/05-08 In recess

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12 jurors and at least 2 alternates believed that KC was not guilty. The odds of that! The only smart thing KC ever did was to keep quiet and avoid the media post-verdict. JA couldn't keep quiet to save her own life. Baez made all sorts of accusations against the victim's grandfather. Nurmi is slandering the victim himself. Baez bonded with the jurors. Nurmi couldn't do that to save his client's life.

That's my point. The Nurmi/Wilmott duo, suck. And they manage to spend a huge amount of tax payer's money doing it. I would not want that on my resume.
WHY did he do anything to the computer? He could have removed viruses [if there were any] from the mirror image. And how exactly was the original HD damaged? Was PI in room?

Shady, it makes no sense. None. It's a puzzle we can't put together because we don't have all the pieces, and some of the pieces we have are not even the right ones. I wonder if we'll find out?

WHY did he do anything to the computer? He could have removed viruses [if there were any] from the mirror image. And how exactly was the original HD damaged? Was PI in room?

I thought BN removed the viruses fromt he mirror image. He did it from the HD? My son said it would be okay to remove them from the mirror image. But not the HD. And my son also said he didn't see anything wrong with more than six spybot or whatever they are called. He said 22 was not that extreme.
I just listened to this excerpt of juror 3. What I heard was not what I have been reading here or at least not what I have understood you all to say. She was moved by the VIS and by that last argument. She sounded very pro prosecution to me, though maybe not for dp. I don't know but she was very articulate.

I agree that she is very articulate and also agree that comments included in these snips don't match what you read from me.
To those that know how to look at the courts schedule, can you confirm what I'm seeing elsewhere :banghead: :banghead: Another ONE DAY trial week?

Monday 12/8 is now scheduled as a status conf. Originally supposed to be jury day."
12/8 status conf 9:30 12/10 Evid hearing 9:30 12/11 Trial 8:30 -

TIA :seeya:
Just a wee, small request. Could we leave out Casey Anthony/Baez from these discussions HERE? I don't want to seem mean, but I really don't care about Baez nor Casey in regards to The State of AZ v Jodi Arias. Please?:blushing:
I think she may have had access to his myspace and email but I don't think she had access to his computer without him physically allowing it.

And this: "It wasn't until Flores informed her he would be obtaining a search warrant for her personal property that she burbled she still had Travis' passwords and was remotely accessing his computer."

Just so we all use correct terminology (and that will avoid confusion) "accessing" or "entering" or "hacking into" password protected accounts like Myspace, Facebook, etc. by knowing someone's password is NOT the same thing as "remotely accessing his computer".

Remotely accessing a computer requires a software program to be already downloaded onto that computer. Unless it is part of a network, like at a workplace, in which case if the network is set up for it, every computer on the network can be remotely accessed by an administrator. There is also an "Allow remote access" on/off toggle within the operating system that would need to be set to the "Allow" setting.

Remotely accessing a computer allows someone at a distant site to perform functions on the operating system of the computer. To actually move the cursor, download things, upload things, change internal settings, etc.

Merely being able to access someone's Facebook (or similar) account is in no way the same thing. A Facebook account is not "on" your computer. You access your Facebook account by using your computer. But you could go to a library and use a computer there to access your Facebook account.
I agree that she is very articulate and also agree that comments included in these snips don't match what you read from me.

I listened but I'm not really sure what the juror said since Jen answered all of the questions, or at least tried to. I love her, but that girl is almost ready for HLN.
The DT alleged prosecutorial misconduct since 11/10/14 - that is a pretty big allegation that you had better have proof to "bring it" and 4 weeks later, after multiple motions and orders from JSS - they still cannot back up their allegations with proof of what they found.

The courtroom was closed in late Oct for Jodi to testify in secret about who knows what - but it was so relevant that they bring their witnesses in order for her defense that court could not continue.

Here we are still waiting on all of the theatrics and secrets to continue trying the case that was to have resulted in a decision from the jurors in 8 more court days and now we have another status conference. I think the reason JM and Tanisha were mad going in and out of chambers the other day was because there was a loss of a juror yet again. 4 down and just a few more to go to a mistrial for the DT. (guess this tactic is working for them)
To those that know how to look at the courts schedule, can you confirm what I'm seeing elsewhere :banghead: :banghead: Another ONE DAY trial week?

TIA :seeya:

The week starts and ends on Thursday again for the jury? omg
I don't understand why there are only "clips" of the interview. What's up with that? And yes, the interviewer kept answering her own questions! Who is she?
The Anthony case is off topic so please do keep on topic so we don't have to remove your posts.

Thanks, Lambchop
To those that know how to look at the courts schedule, can you confirm what I'm seeing elsewhere :banghead: :banghead: Another ONE DAY trial week?

TIA :seeya:

The court calendar for JSS keeps on changing so I check it at least twice a day in the past few days. Earlier today it was "Trial" It now says:

12/8/2014 9:30 Status Conference - Undesignated State Of Arizona
Jodi Ann Arias


so yah, back to one day a week, so far.

Also, living in AZ, I'm glad the news is broadcasting the cost of this trial for all to take notice. Maybe JSS will read the riot act on the DT, Monday, I can hope!
AlwaysShocked, in the admissions I quoted from Arias, she was naming accounts she invaded belonging to Travis but Det. Flores was looking into whether she, more broadly, was remote-accessing Travis' computer and was warning her that he was going to be able to determine that. Those were his words, not mine, and it drew the reaction from Arias.
Here's a link to an edited YouTube audio play of Juror #3's interview with Trial Diva Jen:

Interesting to have read some of the comments here and then have heard for myself what Melissa actually said. We all interpret things our own way.

I just listened to it. Thank you.

From what was released in the audio, she was very logical and what has been posted here, doesn't represent what I heard in the audio. She never said she wasn't emotional about the VIS, in fact, the opposite. She DID look at the autopsy photos and said they had an impact, even comparing them to seeing tragic news stories about children on TV. THAT is emotion if you are comparing Travis's death to little kids tragedies that are aired on the news. She also stated that she knew there was more to the story than just the anger Travis had in the email and was the one asking the "Doc" to explain what the "trigger" was. Her opinion of Dr. F was horrible and she thought she was unprofessional.

Personally, I am sorry she couldn't complete this trial based on what I listened to tonight.
I don't understand why there are only "clips" of the interview. What's up with that? And yes, the interviewer kept answering her own questions! Who is she?

This interview is from the subscription website . I believe this clip was released as a teaser. The female interviewer in the clip is @TrialDiariesJen. They are bloggers trying to go pro
This is such a great post.

BBM I just started reading Computer Forensics InfoSec Pro Guide (which is, so far, an easy read & now I know for sure I never want that job.) Lo and behold in chapter 4 there is an example where an employee is being investigated because he has inappropriate images on his work computer. The chapter is about forming and testing a hypothesis, so this example doesn't go deep into the technicalities and the example employee only uses Internet Explorer. Evidently IE keeps a file called "index.dat" that keeps a log that has a "Typed URLs" section.

Of course, I don't know if IE was the only browser on TA's computer or if comparing the entries in this file to the rest of the info in the registry is how BN can be so sure.

Google turned up plenty of results for me. I did not read each of them, but I can see that making the distinction among pop-ups, redirects, spam, searches and typed URLs is something computer forensics analysts are often asked to do.

All this makes me thing of Justin Ross Harris. He spent a lot of company time - including all day when his baby boy was being cooked in a hot car - on *advertiser censored* sites, and he was starting up a business with a co worker or two in a computer related recovery of data off of hard drives.
I think she may have had access to his myspace and email but I don't think she had access to his computer without him physically allowing it.
She told Flores in the interviews that she had passwords and codes. Deanna came to watch Napolean and JA was sitting on his couch and using his computer. She also told Flores that Travis let her use his computer when hers was not working ... Was hers full of viruses from watching *advertiser censored*?
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