Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #6

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Enjoy your slop Arias
That's true, kind of two things going on that seem somehow related but aren't. Montgomery's statement did say when there's credible allegations of wrongdoing in cases like J17 they will be investigated, but you're right, I don't think his office ever said they were investigating her. Thanks.

That Hershey slogan you came up with the other day was fantastic. Don't be surprised if it catches on and goes viral. We'll still attribute it to you though, at least in here.
The more time goes on, the happier I am with the hung jury. I won't be completely happy until she is actually sentenced and taken away but just the fact that SHE is not happy makes me all the more happier. I really think she wanted and expected the DP. I wonder if she would have smiled if that had been the verdict? She really has reinvented herself...for the time being...but once she is completely out of the limelight she won't have as many followers and will just be another DV victim (cough cough snark snark) that HAD to kill her abuser (snark again) and hopefully no one will care about her any longer. I think she would have made us all miserable for years to come and especially the Alexanders if she would have gotten the DP. If you watch her face when the hung jury was announced she looks like she is about to cry and not from happiness.

I saw the same thing, but my thought was she knew she only escaped The DP by one vote. 11-1 in favor of the DP had to be devastating to her enormous ego. JMO ~
I don't think the statement says the investigation has been put to rest, on the contrary it says if there is legitimate wrongdoing it will be prosecuted. The statement was addressed to the public stating they should not take justice into their own hands, there are proper channels for justice to be rendered, and those channels will be based on legitimate investigation and genuine evidence, that's all.

That's how I read it too. Note that Montgomery said the "attacks" on 17 are only based on speculation AT PRESENT.

I took that to mean 17 is being investigated but the public doesn't have the evidence/info (yet) to conclude whether or not she's guilty of anything.
IMO -- CMJA will not attempt suicide in jail/prison. Remember when this came up in an interview, she said she didn't want to attempt anything like that or she would be locked up naked inside a padded cell. That way of thinking is so telling, because if she killed herself, she wouldn't be alive to be put naked in a padded cell. She has no intention of harming herself, the goddess, at all.
The more time goes on, the happier I am with the hung jury. I won't be completely happy until she is actually sentenced and taken away but just the fact that SHE is not happy makes me all the more happier. I really think she wanted and expected the DP. I wonder if she would have smiled if that had been the verdict? She really has reinvented herself...for the time being...but once she is completely out of the limelight she won't have as many followers and will just be another DV victim (cough cough snark snark) that HAD to kill her abuser (snark again) and hopefully no one will care about her any longer. I think she would have made us all miserable for years to come and especially the Alexanders if she would have gotten the DP. If you watch her face when the hung jury was announced she looks like she is about to cry and not from happiness.

I'm happy about it too, but for different reasons, I think this is one of those 'The universe is unfolding as it should' type of situations.
iow she bribes them, and makes it seem like a virtue.

She buys her jailhouse friends that way. Easier to manipulate them if you buy them treats. Most of them probably don't have any access to money.
The more time goes on, the happier I am with the hung jury. I won't be completely happy until she is actually sentenced and taken away but just the fact that SHE is not happy makes me all the more happier. I really think she wanted and expected the DP. I wonder if she would have smiled if that had been the verdict? She really has reinvented herself...for the time being...but once she is completely out of the limelight she won't have as many followers and will just be another DV victim (cough cough snark snark) that HAD to kill her abuser (snark again) and hopefully no one will care about her any longer. I think she would have made us all miserable for years to come and especially the Alexanders if she would have gotten the DP. If you watch her face when the hung jury was announced she looks like she is about to cry and not from happiness.

Of course she expected DP...maybe even wanted it for the new celebrity it would have brought. More attention, more groupies up in arms, more chances that an appeals court would go over things with a fine-toothed comb.

Life verdict would have been just horrendous--I'm not sure I would have been able to stomach that.

Hung jury of 11-1 for death sentence is the absolute best outcome for this case, IMO. I bet in time even the Alexanders will come to see that. Right now they are freshly wounded and may not be able to see beyond the pain. But that will change. They will find peace.
The more time goes on, the happier I am with the hung jury. I won't be completely happy until she is actually sentenced and taken away but just the fact that SHE is not happy makes me all the more happier. I really think she wanted and expected the DP. I wonder if she would have smiled if that had been the verdict? She really has reinvented herself...for the time being...but once she is completely out of the limelight she won't have as many followers and will just be another DV victim (cough cough snark snark) that HAD to kill her abuser (snark again) and hopefully no one will care about her any longer. I think she would have made us all miserable for years to come and especially the Alexanders if she would have gotten the DP. If you watch her face when the hung jury was announced she looks like she is about to cry and not from happiness.
I agree, I think she was counting on that DP (would align with her refusal to allocute) to give her an indelible stamp of victim, and to open up the wide, endless vistas of appeal that would have given her hope in her long life in prison, in either scenario. Now she's left with the long prison term, probably longer than she had hoped, but she doesn't reap the very real benefits that a DP conviction would have given her as a 'recompense'.

Angela Simpson video interview - it's probably been posted here before, but I just found it and I think it's interesting in many ways as it will relate to ja's future community.

She's almost hate to say oddly likable for her directness. Please, please, please, if someone has a better descriptor than likable tell me!! That's not a challenge, it's that I know it's not quite the right word, but that's all I have for now. She's very open about what she did and oops, there was a racial component to it, too - so watch out ja. Beginning 11:00 (approx) pay particular attention. She would never kill a black individual. Her victim was white and a snitch. If she had the opportunity to kill again she said "absolutely".

She said it's only right that she's so honest and direct because that's what she expects from others. That's going to be a real problem considering ja's barely nodding acquaintance with being honest or direct about much of anything.

When asked, she says her sentence wasn't fair. It wasn't fair because she deserved the Death Penalty. She said she deserved it, but she's okay with her life sentence. She's not complaining.

As far as interviews with convicted ADMITTED murderers, I think this rates as an amazing interview. Chilling, but amazing. Throw rocks at me if you like, but you can't ask for anything more than honesty from a convicted murderer as to why they viciously murdered someone. I've never seen anything like this.

ja has much to be worried about from this one.

Angela Simpson video interview - it's probably been posted here before, but I just found it and I think it's interesting in many ways as it will relate to ja's future community.

She's almost hate to say oddly likable for her directness. Please, please, please, if someone has a better descriptor than likable tell me!! That's not a challenge, it's that I know it's not quite the right word, but that's all I have for now. She's very open about what she did and oops, there was a racial component to it, too - so watch out ja. Beginning 11:00 (approx) pay particular attention. She would never kill a black individual. Her victim was white and a snitch. If she had the opportunity to kill again she said "absolutely".

She said it's only right that she's so honest and direct because that's what she expects from others. That's going to be a real problem considering ja's barely nodding acquaintance with being honest or direct about much of anything.

When asked, she says her sentence wasn't fair. It wasn't fair because she deserved the Death Penalty. She said she deserved it, but she's okay with her life sentence. She's not complaining.

As far as interviews with convicted ADMITTED murderers, I think this rates as an amazing interview. Chilling, but amazing. Throw rocks at me if you like, but you can't ask for anything more than honesty from a convicted murderer as to why they viciously murdered someone. I've never seen anything like this.

ja has much to be worried about from this one.

She's kind of acting though, in the last few seconds they let the cameras roll and she's completely different, then she says something like 'are we still filming??? edit this out then' or something .. yes she's a psycho but she's deliberately over egging the pudding in this video for affect and a specific form of attention and reputation IMO.
All true, except for the remorse thing. There is no concept of remorse for a psychopath. Arias might feel regret--but that would be for herself only, for how things went wrong for her. She likely regrets not doing things differently only because she got caught and has been convicted and now has to pay for her crime, rather than being free and praised for successfully doing away with the man who betrayed her. In her mind, that's exactly what he did, and what she did.

In JA's secret testimony, JW asks her early on how watching herself lying to Flores in the videos makes her feel. She answered, "Stupid" ... not ashamed or horrified at what she'd done to a defenseless man who posed no threat to her at the time or ever. I think the woulda-coulda-shouldas, like leaving the camera behind or her bloody handprint on the wall, will torment her every day as long as she lives.
I just went back and re-read Bill Montgomery's statement in regards to juror #17.

Now I know where Judge Stephens gets it............

" Can't we all just get along" ?
I spend less than that per week and I eat well. What irks me even more is that on her murderous trip she only had a couple hundred dollars to her name. I think even she's surprised at how relatively well things have worked out for her. The whole "fan club" phenomena must have stoked her ego beyond reasonable expectations. Any remorse she may have felt evaporated when she saw she could reinvent herself through her crimes and THRIVE.

Worked out well for her? I really don't consider sitting in jail for nearly 7 years and then being convicted of first degree murder and facing natural life in prison with a significant time spent in a 6x8 ft concrete room working out so well. It's not like she'll experience fine dining, getting dressed up for a nice dinner. I don't care how many commissary items she can order or how many cards & letters people send her...she'll still be in prison for life, when she thought she was actually going to get away with this murder.
A poster asked, regarding Angela Simpson, what a Class A Felony in prison is. I believe it is a Felony 1, 2, or 3. No worries, here is the entire set of regulations addressing that question!

https://corrections.az.gov/sites/default/files/policies/800/0803 - Effective 6-7-14.pdf

See Attachment A in this document for a list of Class A Felonies.

That was me, thank you so much for this! It's really good information :D I do wish websites would have all their information organized. Example: Perryville has all the Perryville-pertinent info organized where it makes sense to us visitors instead of having to back out to Google, lol!
She's kind of acting though, in the last few seconds they let the cameras roll and she's completely different, then she says something like 'are we still filming??? edit this out then' or something .. yes she's a psycho but she's deliberately over egging the pudding in this video for affect and a specific form of attention and reputation IMO.

I agree there's some huffing and puffing there....but I also think she was telling the truth when she said given the chance she'd kill again.

Her record at Perryville backs her up too....she's assaulted a guard at Ieast once in the fairly short time she's been there.
I just went back and re-read Bill Montgomery's statement in regards to juror #17.

Now I know where Judge Stephens gets it............

" Can't we all just get along" ?

Those $$$ Jodi is blowing through are not a bottomless pit. The donors will find a new 'cause' once she is in the Perryville black hole. They won't see or hear from Jodi anymore. Out of sight out of mind.
Exactly, that money is going to run out someday, and then Jodi will have to survive on her own, and that's something she's never been good at, and has known herself it's something she had better avoid, at the cost until now of everyone around her.
I agree there's some huffing and puffing there....but I also think she was telling the truth when she said given the chance she'd kill again.

Her record at Perryville backs her up too....she's assaulted a guard at Ieast once in the fairly short time she's been there.

Yes agree, she's a psycho .. having a scary rep heading into prison can be a form of self protection and may have helped her achieve higher status where she was headed, yes?
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