SC - Nine killed in Emanuel AME Church shooting, Charleston; Dylann Roof charged #1

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One thing he has in common with all the other young murderers,he is a loner.I don't think he had many if any friends.Maybe he was the weird one or had some quirks that stood out.Either way I think kids turned away from him.My thoughts are with the victims and their families.

He doesn't seem to be much of a loner. He had family and friends that he saw frequently. His roommate said he had been planning this for the last 6 months.

Dalton Tyler, who said he has known Roof for seven months to one year, said he saw the white, 21-year-old suspect just last week.

“He was big into segregation and other stuff,” Tyler said. “He said he wanted to start a civil war. He said he was going to do something like that and then kill himself.”

No one called him out on his plans or reported them to the police likely because they thought he was joking. This area of the country is extremely racist. His talk didn't bother anyone in his circle of friends and family because it's common to hear people talk that way in most communities in South Carolina. I lived in Texas for four years and heard that kind of talk regularly. I couldn't move out of there fast enough.

Its not that every person in these conservative areas is a raving racist. Not all of them are. But racist language and talk is tolerated by most everyone native to these areas. No one thinks its a big deal. You hear it standing behind people in line at retail outlets in Florida resort towns, everywhere in the south.

Those folks have to realize that's not normal and its not acceptable. 90% of the people in the US don't behave or talk that way. People are wrong for saying those things. And people who stand around and tolerate it, make excuses for it and spread it on tv are wrong as well.

This guy didn't do anything that a million other racists and bigots in the US haven't thought or joked about doing. It's time to stand up to them, humiliate them publicly for their offensive opinions and sick beliefs. We wouldn't tolerate a pedophile discussing his beliefs in public, there's no reason to tolerate racists, either.
How come no info, reference, anything about his mother?

Just wondering.

Couldn't care less about Donezal....she obviously has personal issues none of which are major issues in terms of our security. We have security issues, however, which should be addressed. JMO
One thing he has in common with all the other young murderers,he is a loner.I don't think he had many if any friends.Maybe he was the weird one or had some quirks that stood out.Either way I think kids turned away from him.My thoughts are with the victims and their families.

One of his friends was just on the phone with Fox news. He wasn't really a loner, they played video games. Greta is getting in more info about his friends at the moment.

Anyway, the guy on the phone said Roof's mother had taken the gun away from him, but he stole it back without her knowing. Asked why he thought Roof did this, he paused and said "uh, uh, he was a racist."
Greta interviewed one of his friends. This friend said his mom took the gun away from him but he found it.
IMO, if a young black man had given the APPEARANCE of being engaged in even something slightly shady, he'd be dead. Riddled with bullets. Or with a severed spinal cord.

But this kid. Well, he's just a loner and mixed up. Mmm hmm.

Its sickening isn't it? I can see why he is a loner. Not many would want to hang around him. He is a stone cold ruthless mass murderer of innocent people..... that is what he is.

Someone taught him all of this twisted hate. He didn't just become a racist overnight. They really need to check into his background closely and find out who he has been communicating with. Skinheads most likely. He is scum and nothing but a homegrown terrorist/racist/hater.

It does give me comfort to know whether he is tried by the state of the Feds he is going to go straight to death row and rot away in a lone cell. He will certainly be a loner there deservedly so.

So who provided the ammo? And how did this slacker even own a car? Or who let him use their car? I'm trying to wrap my head around a hand gun as a Birthday gift. How does that work? He unwraps the gun. Blows out the candles from his fave cake lovingly provided? Then oh Son dig deeper in the gift bag. There is ammo to go with?!!!!
Justin Meek, a close friend of the shooter said he came over to his house on Tuesday to get his brother.

Greta asked him- what's the real story on this guy, Dylann? Friend-He showed us the gun, he took it from his parents, his mom, his mom didn't know he took it. Why did his mom take the gun from him if it was his gun? Friend- His mom did not trust him with it.

(It's not word to word but close)
Then I am in great Company. I'm back and calmer. I think LOL

Big hugs.

I had stepped away this afternoon, came back, saw the latest, got angrier, then stepped away again.

It's just too much to even begin to understand, that kind of hate. That kind of evil. The sad thing is that this isn't the first or last time we'll see it. I wish to heaven that it is the last time :(
Could anyone enlighten me on what exactly the gun laws are for that State? Carry, storage etc. TIA. Could whomever bought the gun be held responsible? Oops meant gifted the gun. I know the laws vary from state to state.
I'm sickened to my core. This little piece of excrement destroyed the lives of wonderful, productive human beings. Pillars of a community and upstanding, good people. Mass murder is never justifiable but if he had hoped to engender sympathy to his racist cause, this was certainly not the way to do it. He just showed the world how ignorant his racist rhetoric truly is with his actions. The coward preyed on inncocent, helpless people in their place of worship, people filling the world with GOOD. All this fool did was show the ignorant, fetid, disgusting face of ignorance and racism. I've known some pretty disgusting racists and I'm pretty certain even they would be ashsamed of this ignorant fool.
So who provided the ammo? And how did this slacker even own a car? Or who let him use their car? I'm trying to wrap my head around a hand gun as a Birthday gift. How does that work? He unwraps the gun. Blows out the candles from his fave cake lovingly provided? Then oh Son dig deeper in the gift bag. There is ammo to go with?!!!!

Every time I have given my hubby a handgun or long gun for a present I always included a box of ammo to go with it. I imagine the Uncle did the same.

Not sure why he thought giving this jerk a gun was a great idea since the family had to know his hatred for AAs. Although at the age of 21 he would be able to buy his own handgun anyway. And if not, he could have gotten one from one of his drug dealers that supplies him with the pills he supposedly is addicted to....

I think he did these horrific murders for two reasons. 1. He is a hate filled racist piece of slime. 2. He had never done one thing notable in his life and wanted to make a name for himself.

I don't even think he cares if he is convicted. I think that is why he didn't fight extradition. He is loving all of the limelight he is getting.

His life wont change much since he never seem to come out of his room much. He still wont have to work and can lay around all day doing nothing. I doubt they will let him play his computer games on Death Row though but who knows I think they said Scott Peterson has a tv and a computer in his cell. GAH!
Big hugs.

I had stepped away this afternoon, came back, saw the latest, got angrier, then stepped away again.

It's just too much to even begin to understand, that kind of hate. That kind of evil. The sad thing is that this isn't the first or last time we'll see it. I wish to heaven that it is the last time :(

Thank You. Hugs back. The gun violence and taking of innocent lives is just getting off the charts. And in a place of worship. My God. Hatred is just not something I ever entertained or was allowed growing up. I thank my sainted Parents for the lessons I was taught.
Folks, this is obviously a horrible travesty and crime against innocent people by a mixed up young man.

Yes, by all accounts this is racially motivated, but please think before you post and choose your words carefully.

Also, please don't bring his mother into this, she must be in complete shock and is considered a victim here on Websleuths.

This thread will not turn into a debate about gun laws, so don't go there.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Could anyone enlighten me on what exactly the gun laws are for that State? Carry, storage etc. TIA. Could whomever bought the gun be held responsible? Oops meant gifted the gun. I know the laws vary from state to state.

I would think like in most states he could carry the weapon in his vehicle if he placed it out in the open like on his car seat if he didn't have a conceal to carry permit which I am sure he didn't get one. Only law abiding gun owners follow the rules of law and it is painfully obvious he isn't one of those.

I don't think the Uncle can be held accountable since he was of the legal age to have a handgun.

The only way I think his Uncle could be held responsible is if the police find out the Uncle was aware of what he planned to do with it when he gave it to him.

He doesn't seem to be much of a loner. He had family and friends that he saw frequently. His roommate said he had been planning this for the last 6 months.

No one called him out on his plans or reported them to the police likely because they thought he was joking. This area of the country is extremely racist. His talk didn't bother anyone in his circle of friends and family because it's common to hear people talk that way in most communities in South Carolina. I lived in Texas for four years and heard that kind of talk regularly. I couldn't move out of there fast enough.

Its not that every person in these conservative areas is a raving racist. Not all of them are. But racist language and talk is tolerated by most everyone native to these areas. No one thinks its a big deal. You hear it standing behind people in line at retail outlets in Florida resort towns, everywhere in the south.

Those folks have to realize that's not normal and its not acceptable. 90% of the people in the US don't behave or talk that way. People are wrong for saying those things. And people who stand around and tolerate it, make excuses for it and spread it on tv are wrong as well.

This guy didn't do anything that a million other racists and bigots in the US haven't thought or joked about doing. It's time to stand up to them, humiliate them publicly for their offensive opinions and sick beliefs. We wouldn't tolerate a pedophile discussing his beliefs in public, there's no reason to tolerate racists, either.
I think you are painting with a wide brush, and that's me censoring myself. What kind of people were you around in Texas?
I've spent a heck of a lot more time in the South than any four years, and no, this kind of talk isn't common place. Not even close. You don't know what your are talking about.

I see more racist right here than I have all day in Charleston. And it's probably not the kind you are thinking of. I've been around lots of people in Charleston today and yet, the anger and division is found on this site today. Pretty sad.

Can we not mourn these good people and realize that THIS GUY is racist and killed them in cold blood after sitting among them in one of the most sacred places and feel awful about that without trying to slander millions of people?

This is exactly what this creep wants. Nice job playing right into his hands.

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I dont want to debate gun laws. I am interested in what the laws are for that State that allowed him to steal the gun back. As far as storage of a hand gun. Ammo. Any chance the gun provider could be held responsible?

Ethel Lance - a victim :rose:

Huffington Post ‏@HuffingtonPost 42m42 minutes ago

Ethel Lance was one of the #Charlestonshooting victims. She worked at the church for 30 years
Is there a Law that states how the gun is stored in your home? Can you just take it in loaded and place it wherever?
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