MA - Bella Bond, 2, found dead, Deer Island, Boston Harbor, June 2015 - #1

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Do we know there was no water in lungs?

I'm thinking it was suffocation or shaken baby by a mom who recently regained custody or a young mom over her head with mothering. Whoever it was likely didn't have a close support system or the baby would be missing by family members. Or, the mom said she was "going away" for awhile so nobody is missing the little girl and mom yet. Pure speculation.


I don't know. But if water was in her lungs, she was still breathing when she went into the water. I just think that that would have proven that she drowned, and apparently they do not know the cause of death. JMO
Just popping in real quick to post my thought. I apologize if this has already been discussed.

I'm going to guess that this is a summer non-custodial visit that went wrong. The custodial parent may not even realize yet that there is anything amiss.

Happy 4th everyone. Stay safe.
I thought the leggings were day clothes but it's been so long since I had little ones I wasn't sure. I've also wondered if she had a top on. Is there anyone we can ask?

If she was found with JUST the leggings and blanket (no top or underpants) then I suspect a molester. Little girls panties have patterns (cartoon characters, flowers etc) and these could help with identification since none were mentioned I suspect she had none which indicates a haphazardly dressed little girl. UGH makes me ill.

I'm not so sure about this. I have 2 girls, and both prefer to sleep with nothing on the top. So we will use leggings as pjs, because that's cheaper than buying pjs with tops that will never be worn.
Was she clothed? Also, since they were specifically looking for COD, any internal signs of sexual abuse may not have been publicly revealed. JMO
This is a huge story around here. ( I am somewhat local)
I'm watching NECN right now. They just said the pic has been viewed over 24 million times on FB.
I remember during Casey Anthony's case I read several articles that gave a profile of when a mother murders her child/children and when a father murders his child/children and the stark differences.

These are the profile traits that I can remember.


1. They tend to discard the body of their child above ground.
2. Often the child will be wrapped in a blanket. There may be toys present as well. Often the child may be found inside an outside bag like a garbage bag, etc or some other type of swaddling.
3. Often the child will be dressed in something the child liked to wear.
4. They often discard their child's body within a mile of where they and the child lived.
5. Moms more often murders by drowning the child or drugged/poisoned them or smothered them.
6. Children murdered by mothers are often found in areas around water.


1. The father tends to take the child/children's body miles away even hundreds of miles away from where the child/children lived.
2. The father often will bury the child/children deep in a wooded area instead of leaving them above ground.
3. Fathers are more likely to strangle the child or bludgeon them or physically do great bodily harm that results in death.
4. Fathers tend to not leave trinkets with the discarded murdered child.

Now we will see if this holds true in this case.

I hope this beautiful little angel is identified, and whoever did this to her, I hope they are punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Someone has to recognize this child. I am hoping the tips coming in will lead to an identity of this little girl and that will lead to her murderer. She hasn't been reported missing because the one who killed her did not want anyone to know.
YES, THIS ^^^^^^^! Thank you, I was just about to start my digging into research for info regarding a mother and how one murders a child. The blanket was key for me, I remember reading somewhere that mothers will use a blanket or such for covering. Plastic bag, ugh, shades of Casey Anthony.
This is a huge story around here. ( I am somewhat local)
I'm watching NECN right now. They just said the pic has been viewed over 24 million times on FB.

My Facebook page went crazy with it, everyone was sharing the photo. I left Winthrop yesterday after visiting family, it is a big story something like this has never happened before. People are very upset it is so depraved, the poor little girl.
Saw this on my FB newsfeed...came here immediately and read the entire thread. My heart is breaking for this little one....

I had a thought....could she be a foster child? Foster parents would just have to say that she was formally adopted to any neighbors, family or friends who might be questioning why she is gone. Months can go by before a caseworker checks on the welfare of a foster child.
This is a huge story around here. ( I am somewhat local)
I'm watching NECN right now. They just said the pic has been viewed over 24 million times on FB.

That's amazing! I hope some leads come out soon. I worry, like the poster upstream, that this is a summer custody visit gone wrong.

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All we have heard is there are "no outward signs of trauma" correct? I take that just to mean it appears she wasn't shot or stabbed or badly beaten. She still could have been killed in a violent way such as suffocation or shaking. It's possible she got into illegal drugs accidentally (or was drugged purposely). She may have been sexually victimized or suffered internal injuries from something that left no major bruising. I don't believe LE was commenting on COD, rather just the condition on the body.

No child should be ruled out at this point. Just because something isn't probable doesn't mean it isn't possible, you know?

Also, a point about that blanket. She may have been lovingly swaddled in a favorite blanket. OR it may have just been the easiest mode of transport out of the house or had evidence (vomit, blood, fluids, etc) on it.

Lastly, even though I say NO child should be ruled out, those polka dot leggings are recent. I own the same pair from Target for my girls. I don't think this is a preserved body that has been on the bottom of the ocean for years for that reason alone.

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CNN yesterday described her as having washed up on shore. Another network (Fox maybe?) said she had been "carefully placed." But as far as I know, nothing official has been released at this point.
I couldn't post this last night because of maintenance but, I was looking into this and decided on a whim as trivial as it is to do a google image search of "massachusetts missing girl" and a picture popped up along the way of a girl who looks strikingly like this girl. Unfortunately when I tried to open the site it was originally on it didn't take me to a page with it on. So I figured I'd try from my computer instead of my phone. When I do the same google search her picture doesn't show in there anymore. I'm so mad. I did screen shot it though, the search results with the picture on it. Can I share.. I did send the picture to the Mass state police with what I had done i hopes that they can find something
I'm working on doing a reverse image search to see if i can find the article the original picture came from.. so frustrating to have seen it not be able to open it on my phone and then not be able to get it again ugh
I did a reverse image search and found the link attached. Unfortunately it is not her. The comparison was uncanny.


  • imagesearchnow.jpg
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I did a reverse image search and found the link attached. Unfortunately it is not her. The comparison was uncanny.

Saw that one, too. There was another image that came up canceling an Amber Alert for a 3yo little girl that was kidnapped by dad in DE and taken to MA.
I had thought about Chevell, too. But I'm pretty sure the cop on the scene saw the dad walking with the girl on the highway before they went into the river.
State Police getting many tips about girl found dead on Deer Island
Nicole Oliverio, 7News WHDH, Jul 04, '15 10:56 am edt
reports from Deer Park Island last night

Screenshot 2015-07-04 at 2.46.51 PM.jpg
[...State Police SM said Friday night they]

"had gotten several tips suggesting the body may be that of a missing girl from West Virginia who disappeared in September 2011.

[... the blanket she was wrapped in]

"may have been special to the child. They ask that anyone who may have known a child who had such a blanket to contact authorities."


"The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has been contacted...

Officials expressed concern about the girl's caretakers and if they have other children in the home. They said it is important to locate that family to make sure other potential children do not come into harm's way. "

Image released of young girl found dead in bag on Deer Island
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Jessica Reyes, FOX25,
July 4, '15, 11:11 am edt

reports from Deer Island this morning.
Deer Island recovery site .jpg

"Please help us speak for this child who can no longer speak for herself," state police said in a statement.

I had thought about Chevell, too. But I'm pretty sure the cop on the scene saw the dad walking with the girl on the highway before they went into the river.
Thank you , I was wondering if there were any witnesses to the drowning itself. I was thinking it was right next to Powder River rest area and someone could have took her even while she was drowning depending on if the father was unconscious at all.
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