Found Deceased WA - Cheryl DeBoer, 54, Mountlake Terrace, 8 February 2016 #5

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The assisted living center gave me pause as did the police station. Night shifts. And for whomever stated that the perp would not be a worker bee because he would be too mentally depraved, I think history proves this theory false. Usually, these perps are people no one would suspect of being able to commit murder(s) and then go on about life as usual. "He was such a nice guy" they all say after the guy is arrested for committing some especially heinous crime. It is scary since we are all cautious around the creepy looking weirdos who are more than likely harmless but we let our guard down around the normal, pleasant looking folks who have no soul.

Absolutely, succinctly stated!

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Lol, to finish the road rage thing, I can see a man attacking another man because of driving errors, I can see although unlikely to happen a young woman attacking another young woman in a road rage, I can see (although unlikely) a young man attacking a young woman IF the woman is rude and provokative and the man has a short fuse.

I can see a man going with fists prepared in a road rage but, as far as there is a lady in the car and the lady(by lady I mean a middle aged educated woman) explains herself or apologizes they would never hurt her. Neither a young nor an older man would do it.

So, I am not seeing Cheryl not apologising or being kind in case she had hit another car or had any wrong doing while driving. Her education plus her age makes imo almost or even impossible for her to be assaulted in a road rage.

It's perfectly fine to not agree on whether a theory is possible or not. :)
My question is ,if she was murdered, at basically almost rush hour, how did no one see it? Would the roads be empty at 7:10am or so?

Yes, it is like saying the water runs from bottom to top of a hill or saying a building is constructed from roof to ground...

And what about her being put in the culvert at that time also? Imo all very unlikely.

And why didn't the police made any cctv where she appeared public? It would be helpfull as the persons could see how she was like that day and it could be a reminder to someone who had seen her. We heard by stryker57 that she could be seen leaving the house and going to the car (she entering the car and driving wasn't picked though) but the LE never clearly stated that let alone made it public. To be honest they were always very unspecific about she being seen that day. Oh, the mistery :confused:
My question is ,if she was murdered, at basically almost rush hour, how did no one see it? Would the roads be empty at 7:10am or so?
No, the streets are never empty in MLT, and during that commuting time they are actually quite busy.

IMO she was engaged on the sidewalk next to her car on the right side of the street which is not near a streetlight. And quickly. IMO she was placed into a vehicle that she wasn't familiar with, and did not get into it without a struggle. How this this ties into blood in her car I don't know, unless the perp opened her passenger door first, or pulled her around to that side of the car and then it was opened.

I'm still baffled as to how there could be blood on the seat and interior door panel, but not the windows.

If we assume that it was CD's blood that was spilled at that time, possibly from her fingers - then why wouldn't she also have pushed against the very large surface area of the window, too? Especially as she would have been frantic, imo.

If we assume it was the perp's blood, I can then understand why no blood on the window (passenger or windshield.)

Another thing that occured to me was that her car would have been running when she sent her text messages. What made her turn off that car? If she was just pulled over for a short time to make a quick text or two to her carpool friend she wouldn't have turned off the car, assuming she'd just be putting it into drive and heading towards home in a few seconds. I believe all of - whatever happened at that car - it happened very quickly because of the time of day (commuters), the fact that it was getting lighter and lighter outside by the minute, as well as the police station being a stone's throw away. Did Cheryl turn off the car, or did the perp. Were the keys in the car? Were the keys even found? Fingerprints would be on those keys.

I believe that if Cheryl turned the car off and got out of it, that it would have been in a scenario where she felt like she was "helping" someone. That info might be useful in figuring out what type of person the perp was. If the car was never turned off, then I feel like that would be indicative of something/someone much more nefarious. (Someone yanking her out of her car and moving her into another vehicle.) Hope that makes sense. And I really, really wish that we knew if that blood was at all relevant.

I have also wondered if Cheryl had a gun in the glove compartment, but considering that it is very likely that she often didn't lock the car, I assume not. If she had, it would have offered a better reason for their to be blood, as if she was reaching for it and someone stopped her.

But, again, she probably didn't keep a gun on her person since she was taking a commute she'd taken thousands of times before and it was supposed to just be another Monday.
So bazar you brought that up about the Assisted living center. That popped into my head the day before yesterday when I wasn't even thinking about this case . It is pretty much directly right where her car was located. I would hope the LE would have made their rounds and asked questions.

Sorry I was responding to the post about the Assisted living center. being close by
So bazar you brought that up about the Assisted living center. That popped into my head the day before yesterday when I wasn't even thinking about this case . It is pretty much directly right where her car was located. I would hope the LE would have made their rounds and asked questions.

Sorry I was responding to the post about the Assisted living center. being close by

Thank you Google Earth!

Surveillance around the assisted living facility, residents, staff, delivery personnel, school busses, private vehicles with dash cams, etc. may have heard or seen something the morning Cheryl was abducted.

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In my opinion Cheyl was never that morning at the spot her car was found and it wasn't her who wrote those texts.

I too think her phone was only needed to justify her absence in the carpool and also to ping at the zone she would be at that time. After this it was powered down in order to stop pinging and also because the perp didn't want to have to be dealing with her colleague with more back and forth texts. The more they wrote the more the carpool colleague could see something was fishy about those texts. The important was only to let the carpool know that she would go home because of the badge and then it was switched off and the car was parked to be found later.

I tend to believe she was already in that culvert or was put there later night.
If you this mean that Cheryl was placed in the culvert on Sunday evening, and that the perp was someone close to her, how do you explain that she was seen on the home surveillance video alive, leaving a couple of minutes after her husband, as the LE said she had, and AFAIK her son, stryker57, have confirmed that she was seen on that video Monday morning. I know this crime doesn't make sense, but to say that known facts are not true isn't going to help.

Something I haven't seen being discussed is the book that was found in Cheryl's car. Was it her book, something she kept in the car, a manual or something to read while waiting for the carpool friend, was it a book she was going to lend or give to a friend/colleague, a book she had borrowed from a friend/colleague she intended to give back, or was it a library book she had intended to return? If it was a library book, it could explain why she had parked her car where it was found.

Don't jump on TweebieDirt too hard - a poster upthread asked this question (if there were any mosques near or if there is a large muslem population in the area) and TweebieDirt is merely answering it.

Idk why that poster (forget who and too lazy to look) asked that question though.

ETA (Went and looked it up anyway and they asked because they noticed a mosque on the map and were wondering about security cameras).

it was me I saw a Mosque when I was cruising up and down the streets on google maps, just wondering why it was in a resindential area. Getting use to the bizarre zoning of this state has been an education for me. In Texas you never see a mobile home next to a stick built house and hardly ever are there churches in residential neighborhoods. its just different here I guess
The following images are taken while eastbound on 244th Ave SW as it meets Cedar Way.

1) The "Welcome to the City of Mountlake Terrace" monument at bottom of hill.

2) Driveway area with pile of straw. Perp(s) could have easily, pulled/or backed in, briefly parked, and deposited Cheryl's earthly body in culvert (left of monument).
Stryker did confirm this location as "entry point".

If someone were pulled in there with their hood up, and or flashers on, I might have driven by and thought, "how unfortunate, car trouble". I never would have entertained the possibility a murdered individual was being deposited - never, ever, ever!

3) The west side of culvert, where Cheryl's body was discovered is on bottom left of screen.

4) Atop the hill behind monument, is Abbey View Memorial Park Cemetery.

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it was me I saw a Mosque when I was cruising up and down the streets on google maps, just wondering why it was in a resindential area. Getting use to the bizarre zoning of this state has been an education for me. In Texas you never see a mobile home next to a stick built house and hardly ever are there churches in residential neighborhoods. its just different here I guess
That's for sure! :D

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Something I haven't seen being discussed is the book that was found in Cheryl's car. library book, it could explain why she had parked her car where it was found.
I had asked Stryker about the book, but either he didn't see my question here on the forum or didn't respond yet. I was curious if it was - for certain - hers.

it was me I saw a Mosque when I was cruising up and down the streets on google maps, just wondering why it was in a resindential area. Getting use to the bizarre zoning of this state has been an education for me. In Texas you never see a mobile home next to a stick built house and hardly ever are there churches in residential neighborhoods. its just different here I guess
This made me laugh...before my father in law passed away, when he came to visit and we were going for a drive he muttered "....interesting zoning...." :D

He had been a city engineer for years and was mind-boggled! :)
No, the streets are never empty in MLT, and during that commuting time they are actually quite busy.

IMO she was engaged on the sidewalk next to her car on the right side of the street which is not near a streetlight. And quickly. IMO she was placed into a vehicle that she wasn't familiar with, and did not get into it without a struggle. How this this ties into blood in her car I don't know, unless the perp opened her passenger door first, or pulled her around to that side of the car and then it was opened.

I'm still baffled as to how there could be blood on the seat and interior door panel, but not the windows.

If we assume that it was CD's blood that was spilled at that time, possibly from her fingers - then why wouldn't she also have pushed against the very large surface area of the window, too? Especially as she would have been frantic, imo.

If we assume it was the perp's blood, I can then understand why no blood on the window (passenger or windshield.)

Another thing that occured to me was that her car would have been running when she sent her text messages. What made her turn off that car? If she was just pulled over for a short time to make a quick text or two to her carpool friend she wouldn't have turned off the car, assuming she'd just be putting it into drive and heading towards home in a few seconds. I believe all of - whatever happened at that car - it happened very quickly because of the time of day (commuters), the fact that it was getting lighter and lighter outside by the minute, as well as the police station being a stone's throw away. Did Cheryl turn off the car, or did the perp. Were the keys in the car? Were the keys even found? Fingerprints would be on those keys.

I believe that if Cheryl turned the car off and got out of it, that it would have been in a scenario where she felt like she was "helping" someone. That info might be useful in figuring out what type of person the perp was. If the car was never turned off, then I feel like that would be indicative of something/someone much more nefarious. (Someone yanking her out of her car and moving her into another vehicle.) Hope that makes sense. And I really, really wish that we knew if that blood was at all relevant.

I have also wondered if Cheryl had a gun in the glove compartment, but considering that it is very likely that she often didn't lock the car, I assume not. If she had, it would have offered a better reason for their to be blood, as if she was reaching for it and someone stopped her.

But, again, she probably didn't keep a gun on her person since she was taking a commute she'd taken thousands of times before and it was supposed to just be another Monday.

Post clipped by me. (Not savvy on the lingo yet or acronyms or clipping)
1. Drug addicts seem unlikely to me. Why not take everything? They would sell it all it would seem. Also doubtful they have a car.
2. Everything seemed copestetic until she had to return for her badge.
3. Her being out of the car on the passenger side looking between & under the seat is plausible. I've done this myself more than a few times.
4. I live in a large city and I can tell you people are run down in crosswalks. Kids on their way to school, people walking the dog, walking to the bus, etc. Hit and run, too many anytime of day.
It is possible she was hit by a truck. Maybe a work truck that is on that street, I think there's a maintenance facility there. People react in odd ways when they're in shock or fear consequences. It is quite possible IMO and would explain blood in pssenger side if they tried to put her in the car and drive her, not thinking she's that hurt. Then decide to use their vehicle for whatever reason. Also explains why she was moved and cell suddenly powered off. Maybe she passed out in her car or theirs and they freaked.
5. Sexuality predator, would she not scream or leave something? She sure doesn't seem a type to not put up some resistance. It also seems so weird the morning rush would be a time to assault someone.
6. Stalker is possible. She seems well known, friendly and social. May know the person. Got in their car under false pretenses.
7. Assisted living is for seniors or people with a wide range of disability?
8. Google maps there is a wild looking party house on that street. Unlikely but not impossible.
9. Self inflicted has been ruled out by LE? Numerous reasons people go there. No one is immune to it, in every walk of life. Robin Williams still makes me cry.
10. Enemy. Not to presume she had any however, crazy people go there.

For now I'm set on #4 because of all the touch points that seem logical to me.

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I am leaning toward number 3. I think she may have realized she didn't have her badge---but she wasn't entirely sure it hadn't fallen on the floor or under the seat. So she pulled over to text, then decided to check the car really quick, before driving back home. Cards like that can fall between the seats really easily. My husband loses his all the time.

She may have been in a very vulnerable position, on the passenger side, laying low, looking under the seat, when someone overpowered her. She may have bled on the car door at that time.

But I don't understand why she was taken to the culvert from there.
Yeah, I think an Islamic extremist as the perp, IS preposterous! It really is.

I don't think an addict looking for money (a fix) would go through the trouble of hiding her body, or killing her, actually. And if they killed her by accident I think they would leave her there.

This is a puzzling case.

I agree with you there .......unless the perp(s) had forced Cheryl in their vehicle with the intention of having her use an ATM and she was badly injured or passed while with them. What are the chances of her suffering a fatal condition due to stress (highly unlikely at her age I would think). I have asthma and it gets pretty severe under certain physical stressful conditions to the point where if I don't have my inhaler nearby - I need to get to it or an ER quickly. But trying to fit in yet another misunfortunate event into that morning - just doesn't seem possible especially since it was stated here that CD had no underlying medical issues. I'm just trying to provide a situation where a random perp may need to hide someone and this one popped into my mind.
So bazar you brought that up about the Assisted living center. That popped into my head the day before yesterday when I wasn't even thinking about this case . It is pretty much directly right where her car was located. I would hope the LE would have made their rounds and asked questions.

Sorry I was responding to the post about the Assisted living center. being close by
The assisted living facility - very interesting. Not only are there night shift workers as pointed out up thread but some have their own vehicles used to transport residents. The problem with a vehicle being stopped at the culvert that morning is that by now - I think a witness would come forward. Maybe seeing a vehicle there that morning wouldn't have raised an eyebrow but I would think the case is being talked about locally and that at least one witness would come forward if they saw one in that spot where usually no cars are parked. The roads would have had to have no cars that morning, major traffic flow breaks...or the person waited until evening. I find waiting for nightfall even more unlikely if this was a random robbery versus just going further out of the area to another location. Who would want to keep someone the entire day - the complications there can get even more riskier.

I do wonder what the traffic is like in the morning and if there are breaks in traffic flow or if the traffic is pretty steady. I know it was stated that there would be cars in that area but I wasn't sure about the amount, flow, etc.
I do not think a stranger did this.
I don't think Cheryl sent those text messages.

Id like to know what was going on in her life days and weeks before her death!
I do not think a stranger did this.
I don't think Cheryl sent those text messages.

Id like to know what was going on in her life days and weeks before her death!

I wonder if her phone had a pass code.
Whats interesting to me is how quiet LE is.
Waiting for Tox results.
Now what can that tell them?
If they know how she died what more can these tests tell?

Her workplace pretty much stepped in from the start and took over,
Organized searches
Became the spokesperson so to speak which I found odd but others didn't.
Was someone inserting themselves into this crime like other suspects do?
Just a thought.

OH and they were the ones to FIND her!
I do not think a stranger did this.
I don't think Cheryl sent those text messages.

Id like to know what was going on in her life days and weeks before her death!

me too ! My dear mother had a saying : you can fool Some of the people all of the time; all of the people some of the time; but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time, is that how it goes ? LOL
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