Found Deceased WA - Cheryl DeBoer, 54, Mountlake Terrace, 8 February 2016 #5

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In what way could she have been murdered so that it seems to be so difficult for LE to state with certainty her manner of death? I mean, this is not the Soviet Union of years past where people were killed with rays from decoder rings or whatever. I do not mean to make light of her death at all but cannot figure out how LE can know how she died, but not whether or not it was murder. Also, how tox is going to do anything but make it more unclear...but jmo.
That would make it easy for investigators. There couldn't be that many people who could benefit in any material way from this nice woman dying. If she was already bleeding (do we know that to be true for sure?) then her blood would be in that person's car. If it was a hit, that makes it more complicated.

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BBM Sadly I think we can say that about every name on these threads!
I think she got in a car with someone she knows!
Went downhill from there.

Ya, but why take the phone and purse? Just complicates things and creates more to trace. If this great conspirator planned this so precisely you'd think they would have chosen to leave everything behind. I think, wrong place, wrong time. Random. Makes for a tough case to solve for LE.
In what way could she have been murdered so that it seems to be so difficult for LE to state with certainty her manner of death? I mean, this is not the Soviet Union of years past where people were killed with rays from decoder rings or whatever. I do not mean to make light of her death at all but cannot figure out how LE can know how she died, but not whether or not it was murder. Also, how tox is going to do anything but make it more unclear...but jmo.

I think LE has some ideas on what happened to her and wont say till they have definite proof. Like u I said the same thing if they know how she died what more cant the tox tell us?
Ya, but why take the phone and purse? Just complicates things and creates more to trace. If this great conspirator planned this so precisely you'd think they would have chosen to leave everything behind. I think, wrong place, wrong time. Random. Makes for a tough case to solve for LE.

Maybe something was on the phone? Maybe she had something in her purse?
In what way could she have been murdered so that it seems to be so difficult for LE to state with certainty her manner of death? I mean, this is not the Soviet Union of years past where people were killed with rays from decoder rings or whatever. I do not mean to make light of her death at all but cannot figure out how LE can know how she died, but not whether or not it was murder. Also, how tox is going to do anything but make it more unclear...but jmo.

I agree with you that it seems difficult to not know and I suspect the LE is just trying to buy more time...

but, let's say she was assaulted and there was trauma to the head and dropped into the culvert where she died from drowning. After a few days, LE or ME may not be able to tell if she was assaulted or incurred the head trauma from the fall that may have happened because she took too much Xanax or something. Rule out drugs and alcohol and no other suggestions of suicide and you can cross it off the list.
In what way could she have been murdered so that it seems to be so difficult for LE to state with certainty her manner of death? I mean, this is not the Soviet Union of years past where people were killed with rays from decoder rings or whatever. I do not mean to make light of her death at all but cannot figure out how LE can know how she died, but not whether or not it was murder. Also, how tox is going to do anything but make it more unclear...but jmo.

If it was drowning or heart failure? Was she held under water? How could this happen in 18" of water? Where there drugs in her system that caused her to be incapacitated? Was there organ failure before of after the drowning? Seem tough to me.. Also still have a hunch that those "self inflicted" cuts were evident at the discovery of the body. Perhaps they were caused by an impaired person trying to get out of a culvert.
I am thinking if the cameras picked the car up heading in the direction of the Park N Ride then they would have also picked the
car up heading out? Just seems that something went wrong where the car was found. I do not believe the car went any further. She had to have been transported to the culvert. Although Otto, you could be right.
Unless that is, they decided to take a back road in her 232nd, 234th, then 50th or a different side street to 236th so as to avoid more traveling commuters and cameras. However, I doubt this...surely the psychopath couldn't be THAT thoughtful. Although, he was logical enough to place her in a culvert where his dna may be washed away from her body with the water. So...maybe not.
In what way could she have been murdered so that it seems to be so difficult for LE to state with certainty her manner of death? I mean, this is not the Soviet Union of years past where people were killed with rays from decoder rings or whatever. I do not mean to make light of her death at all but cannot figure out how LE can know how she died, but not whether or not it was murder. Also, how tox is going to do anything but make it more unclear...but jmo.

IMO a stall tactic to keep from life insurance payout and while other observations are made, this may take some time hence why LE said when it all comes out we will know why it took so long... I think I get it
IMO a stall tactic to keep from life insurance payout and while other observations are made, this may take some time hence why LE said when it all comes out we will know why it took so long... I think I get it

I would assume that the husband and or the son would be the beneficiary. Are you suggesting that they are really NOT cleared as suspects?
There's a light at 236th and 56th. 56th is kind of the north-south main drag through MLT and there are several businesses and churches at and near that intersection.

236th is a connector between 44th AKA Cedar Way and NB access to I-5.
Ah, that makes sense. Thank you for the local knowledge. Someone posted earlier saying they believed the perp was heading north after the incident, and seeing how police believed she was placed on east side of culvert, this makes sense. I wasn't sure why someone felt the perp was heading north after the incident, but seeing how that road is access to NB I-5 that makes sense. I thought it was access to both SB and NB.
Was her body was put into the creek upstream, in the Abbey View Memorial Park, and she floated downstream after three days, and with heavy rain, and then got jammed up at the entrance to the second culvert.
I originally thought this a few threads ago, but people posted photos of the culvert and it appears it has much too many branches etc to travel through like that.
what points to that?

Well for the time being Hubby has been ruled out and that would have been my first POI so the next place to look would be her workplace!
After all they have been very involved in all this since day one.
I would assume that the husband and or the son would be the beneficiary. Are you suggesting that they are really NOT cleared as suspects?

no one is really " cleared" until its all said and done even if they say it is so
Hi Otto,

Another good theory here, however I do believe the parks in Mountlake Terrace have curfews. In the past, Washington's Most Wanted featured an individual who has two warrants, one of which is being in a Mountlake Terrace Park after hours...

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Am I understanding correctly that a person was on Washington's Most Wanted for a warrant for being in a park after hours???
Has Happened before!

and remember LE can lie like a dog and its perfectly legal even has been through the courts and they won they are allowed to do what it takes as in " it takes a crook to catch a crook" LOL
You forgot about the wingnuts who stay up all night, fixated on an abnormal thought. That might be the sociopaths, the psychopaths, the borderline personality disorder ... all sorts of weirdo people - while normal people go to work or school, walk the dog, and work in the garden.
and criminals and people high on drugs.....or just night owls or people who work nights. I've been a nightowl since age 6. Not all nightowls have personality deficits.
Has Happened before!

I'll call this lunacy. The husband was seen on video leaving the house a few minutes before Cheryl (who was also seen leaving on video), showed up for work at his normal time, passed a polygraph, and has been cleared by LE. The son doesn't live nearby and has never been a POI.

When has there ever been so much evidence exonerating family and they were actually involved?
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