CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #3

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What is odd about the latest photos is how the surroundings appear to be clean and pleasant. The photos with the baby, and when she's pregnant, the nursery and her bed look fine, as does the long sofa, living room area. It's all very strange.

I think stuff went down hill just over the last few years. The kids all looked clean and although thin they didn't look emaciated in any of the pictures I've seen. However no pictures in the last couple of years if I'm not mistaken. So I think something snapped and the severe abuse is recent (couple of years). Now I think abuse has probably been present for a long time I think it escalated over the last few years.
I just remembered a dream I had last night, after staying up reading about this case. I was at a wedding and someone was forcing me to wear a black ill-fitting blazer over my dress. I should probably step away from Websleuths before bed.

I couldn’t fall asleep for 5 hours after laying down to bed, after reading this all last night. [emoji22]

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Something is very strange here and I am confident that not all the facts are known yet.

First off – I think they are totally guilty. *advertiser censored**k that “innocent until proven guilty” – they are guilty. Any of the views that I express below does not change the fact that I believe they are guilt and should absolutely die for their crimes. A horrible, painful, drawn out death.

My initial thoughts:

Though I know it was some years ago, I would expect the kids to be in rougher shape than what I saw in the wedding renewal videos and Disney photos. They all look extremely clean (fresh even) and, compared to homeless people/children, even a good soaking wouldn’t achieve those results after a year of no showers, some starvation, bondage and potentially living in urine and feces. I don’t doubt that the abuse / torture intensified but I personally don’t see the extremeness of what they are alleging in those videos and photos. Yes, they are thin but not deathly. There is a distinct difference, in my opinion. That being said, the stunted growth of the older children begs the question of a long term neglect that got worse quickly. It seems that whatever triggered the beyond the pale torture occurred more recently, as the LE indicated.

I wonder if Lousie didn’t have postpartum depression after each of the births. I grew up with someone whose mom had postpartum depression and had difficulty functioning for a time period post birth. After her second child, she developed full schizophrenic and attempted to burn down the house with the children in it (she was removed from the family, medicated and still lives in a group home). For full disclosure, they had a fantastic father and support system and are extremely well adjusted adults so I know this is an extremely different situation. Even one pregnancy can alter brain chemicals and sometimes mental illnesses can come on suddenly or become intensified over time. However, I firmly believe that Louise and David were aware of what they were doing was criminal or they wouldn’t have kept moving around / hiding at night / being extremely secretive.

Perhaps the frequent renewal of vows is like a huge "*advertiser censored**K you" to her dad - since he was initially against the relationship. I feel like there are dark and evil skeletons in the closets of both David and Louise’s families. Every family has a skeleton or two but (thankfully) only a limited amount of families have some kind of pervasive physical / sexual abuse, which (if I were to put money on it) I bet at least one of their families had. It is possible that she was trying to escape a situation (by leaving at 16) but they created an even worse situation for their own children. I am somewhat bothered by David (in his mid-twenties) running away with a highschooler – in the 1980’s. Maybe in the 1950s or 1960s but the ‘80s seems like he would find someone his own age. Unless, he too was stunted in some way. Just because a classmate called him a nerd and awkward (I can’t remember the specific words), doesn’t mean all men who fit that description are interested in teenagers.

In the videos of the renewals, I noticed immediately that none of the kids were hanging off her or complaining or wanting to be picked up. I have a five year old (who is extremely well behaved) but even after 5-10 minutes he would be coming up and talking to me and my husband, trying to hold my hand, asking for water / snacks etc. Even during a show like that one! But, none of the kids (even the little ones) were acting in a typical-age appropriate manner – as far as needing their mom and dad, even after 45 minutes! As a mom, the 5+ younger kids not seeking that kind of attention from their parents is troubling to me. Obviously we all want our kids to be considerate and pay attention in public but I felt this was beyond the expectation of the age of the kids.

If there were truly "religious" (like Duggar-esque) then they would have most likely joined some sort of group -- likeminded individuals. I think they are their own kind of psycho but not necessarily due to their "faith in God". The fact that they went to Las Vegas for the vow renewals means to me that they are not terribly serious about taking the fanatical “teachings of God” to heart.

I wonder if they just got over their head with having too many kids – but that doesn’t make sense if she wanted another one or kept having them.

I wonder if she was obsessed with the infant / baby part of having kids but didn’t like it when they grew up – like the same age that she started to not listen to her parents. Maybe she didn’t want them to make the same mistakes she did and leave home. Maybe this was a way of protecting them that got out of control. That being said, I don’t see how being sadistic works into that plan. If she wanted them to stay with her or love her forever, they would give them the world – not torture them.

I wonder if both David and Louse have some developmental delays or developed a mental illness during their time together. Something is so strange about this situation. I can’t put my finger on it but I am highly interested in the psychology of David and Louise.
A timeline, this one based on the assumption the children's ages as listed on the bankruptcy application are accurate (** adding- they're not, so will try to correct for that in next pass).


1985. The 16 year old high school drop out Louise and the 25 year old star college engineering student David are both living in their hometown of Princeton, WV.

He's attending UVA, she is living at home with parents who don't allow their kids to either date or watch TV. According to L's sister, Louise marries David to escape parents and a home life she finds too restrictive. Why the 25 year old future engineer marries an uneducated 16 year old girl is unknown.

(Please feel free to add info or correct if I've gotten anything wrong.)

DT went to VA Tech.

Blacksburg, VA to Princeton, WV is about an hour drive.

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I think stuff went down hill just over the last few years. The kids all looked clean and although thin they didn't look emaciated in any of the pictures I've seen. However no pictures in the last couple of years if I'm not mistakes. So I think something snapped and the severe abuse is recent (couple of years). Now I think abuse has probably been present for a long time I think it escalated over the last few years.

I have to disagree. They looked emaciated. A 30 year old was so malnourished she appeared no more than 14 in the “Thing” photos.Not one of the 7 adults or 5 younger children in that photo look remotely their age. In the renewal videos you can clearly see muscle wasting and absolutely pin thin arms and legs. They have no fat pads on their cheeks. They are robotic and their gross motor skills appear poor. MOO. Not one of the 7 adults appeared their ages, their growth had been stunted from decades of abuse, same with all of the younger children with the acception of the baby.

It may have escalated even more post those photos, but the abuse was already visible, chronic, and very extreme at the time they were photographed. A poster here literally zoomed in and circled clear bruises and indents in wrists and ankles , likely left from restraints. A 17 year old appeared to be 10 years old. The cops were stunned. The medical professionals were crying. In those photos, they are clean because they are in public. It is an act. The photos and trips were used to facilitate a picture of normalcy on Facebook to family members that were not allowed to visit. They look like cancer patients in matching clothing out for an outing at Disneyland, emaciated, pale, dark circles under their eyes, forced smiles, through haunted eyes. If you knew their ages in those Disney photos and in the wedding renewal video would you have thought they looked well fed and in line with their developmental milestones?
Under these circumstances (respectively in hindsight), the school's name 'Sandcastle Day School' is also kinda "telling", isn't it?
They have. LT's sister, the red head, E.J. was the first to come out and make her TV appearances. She claimed after
LT married and left home, daddy started "picking on her" sexually. So we all wondered is LT was the victim before she
left. It would explain her 'allowing' it to happen in her own home. Generational Abuse and Ignorance go together.
Instead of learning from their own past abuse they simply perpetuate the dysfunction.

oh wow I didn't see you have a link?

that makes sense...LT sexually abused by dad, mom was trying to get her out of there, dad gets mad his pretty play thing left him and disowns her..then he moves on to the younger sisters.

Makes sense that she's mentally stunted and is childlike.

As for DT I truly wonder if he's on the autism spectrum and was never able to function "normally" and understand societies rules and norms. People with autism often view and the understand the world very differently. LT might have been the only girl to ever give him attention. I wonder where, when how they met?

With LT, she might have had a whole slew of mental issues she going on she never dealt with and just continued to fall further and further into la la land..while DT didn't have the right social skills or appropriate understanding to deal with her or kids or anything else.

its also been said that people who are abused and have children sometimes begin to act out when their own children hit the ages they were when they began to be abused. Wonder if that came into play here?

When I watch that Vegas video I just keep watching the eldest daughter. She looks so happy and is having so much fun dancing and singing. She actually had a good rhythm going and seemed more musically inclined than the others. Her singing voice sounded good too.

Itd be awesome if she could get some music and dance therapy.
A couple of the kids remind me of a guy I grew up with. He has Marfan Syndrome. It makes me wonder if there is a genetic condition (like connective tissue disorder) going on with some of the kids.

Marfan Syndrome was my first thought when I saw the father. If any of the kids (oldest son?) do have it they’re very, very lucky that the malnutrition didn’t cause deadly heart complications.

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I have to disagree. They looked emaciated. A 30 year old was so malnourished she appeared no more than 14 in the “Thing” photos. In the renewal videos you can clearly see muscle wasting and absolutely pin thin arms and legs. They have no fat pads on their cheeks. They are robotic and their gross motor skills appear poor. MOO. Not one of the 7 adults appeared their ages, their growth had been stunted from decades of abuse. It may have escalated even more post those photos, but the abuse was already visible and extreme at the time they were photographed. A poster here literally zoomed in and circled clear bruises and indents in wrists and ankles , likely left from restraints. A 17 year old appeared to be 10 years old. The cops were stunned. The medical professionals were crying. In those photos, they are clean because they are in public. It is an act. The photos and trips were used to facilitate a picture of normality on Facebook to family members that were not allowed to visit. They look like cancer patients in matching clothing out for an outing at Disneyland, emaciated, dark circles under their eyes, forced smiles, through haunted eyes. If you knew their ages in those Disney photos and in the wedding renewal video would you have thought the looked well fed and in line with their developmental milestones?

We can agree to disagree over the pictures. I have a family member that is thinner than some of these girls and eats like a horse it seems. The older girls are almost as tall as their mothers in the LV pink dresses and the photos of their faces not blurred do not appear to be emaciated to me.

Now talking about what the cops saw vs what's in the pictures I think is a difference of a few years. So yes I absolutely believe the cops. I dropped almost 30 lbs when I did a 17 day water fast. These girls didn't have much weight they could lose so yeah I think it got way worse and probably pretty quickly:(

ETA: I should have said cops and medical staff. I believe them 100%.
In Aus. we have 4 & 5+ bedroom homes for challenged people to live an independent life. A qualified nurse tends to medications and carers clean, cook and supervise outings for banking, shopping and excursions. There is supervision 24/7.

I’m thinking this would be perfect that these children are together and to assimilate them into society and school.
These 13 children living in a 4 bedroom home would have slept together, possibly in the same bed. They will miss each other’s closeness I’m sure.

:grouphug: God love these sweet souls.

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i wondered if there was a home like this for these angels. With the money raised, could a home be purchased for them and nurses and caretakers hired to watch over them?
I have to disagree. They looked emaciated. A 30 year old was so malnourished she appeared no more than 14 in the “Thing” photos.Not one of the 7 adults or 5 younger children in that photo look remotely their age. In the renewal videos you can clearly see muscle wasting and absolutely pin thin arms and legs. They have no fat pads on their cheeks. They are robotic and their gross motor skills appear poor. MOO. Not one of the 7 adults appeared their ages, their growth had been stunted from decades of abuse, same with all of the younger children with the acception of the baby.

It may have escalated even more post those photos, but the abuse was already visible, chronic, and very extreme at the time they were photographed. A poster here literally zoomed in and circled clear bruises and indents in wrists and ankles , likely left from restraints. A 17 year old appeared to be 10 years old. The cops were stunned. The medical professionals were crying. In those photos, they are clean because they are in public. It is an act. The photos and trips were used to facilitate a picture of normalcy on Facebook to family members that were not allowed to visit. They look like cancer patients in matching clothing out for an outing at Disneyland, emaciated, pale, dark circles under their eyes, forced smiles, through haunted eyes. If you knew their ages in those Disney photos and in the wedding renewal video would you have thought they looked well fed and in line with their developmental milestones?

I also think it's highly possible they "fattened" the kids up for their Vegas and Disney trips. Not that they look healthy by any means, but if they looked like they looked a few days ago when found by LE, it would have raised some seriously red flags.
We can agree to disagree over the pictures. I have a family member that is thinner than some of these girls and eats like a horse it seems. The older girls are almost as tall as their mothers in the LV pink dresses and the photos of their faces not blurred do not appear to be emaciated to me.

Now talking about what the cops saw vs what's in the pictures I think is a difference of a few years. So yes I absolutely believe the cops. I dropped almost 30 lbs when I did a 17 day water fast. These girls didn't have much weight they could lose so yeah I think it got way worse and probably pretty quickly:(

Agree to disagree. Those siblings show every single visible hallmark of neglect and abuse that mandated reporters are trained to see. If I saw them, I would have absolutely called the Central Registry. Eating like a horse and staying thin may be genetic for some, but they are getting nutrition without gaining a copious amount of weight. But malnutrition will bring the lack of facial fat pads, muscle waisting, and dark circles under the eyes. It will also cause a 29 year old to appear 14 and a 22 year old to appear 12, which is what we had here. They were also covered in bruises in suspicions places, like their wrists and ankles.

It was all there .
I wonder how/why “mom” has a hired defence lawyer and “dad” doesn’t. I don’t have a link but I’m pretty sure it’s out there.
Where would she get funds for it? From him? I hope for the kids sake they just plead guilty and are locked away.

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In post #116 of this thread, our 'resident' lawyer, Gitana, explained:

"Her attorney is appointed and is paid by the county. There's a conflict so they both can't be represented by the public defender. An attorney can't represent two people if there's a possible conflict of interest. There is one automatically, here."
Betcha Billy Lambert and his sis got paid for that interview. Hope they're not planning to go after 'adopting' any of the children.

They are the only family members I have seen that speak up against the parents’ deeds and are sticking up for what is best for the kids. So far, I have no reason to not trust these two ( Billy and Teresa ) to be speaking honestly of their shock and horror and expressing only compassion for the kids .
About Genie. With all due respect, Genie suffered far more than what you suggest here. When she was "rescued," she literally could not speak. She had no knowledge about language because she was never spoken to. She was never touched. She never came in contact with another living soul. She was tied up (IIRC, in a bathroom), and left entirely alone, for years. Food was delivered to her (again if IIRC) under the door. She never left that one room, never went outside, never had or even saw a book, TV, any source of stimulation or knowledge or language.

And there was absolutely nothing typical about the environments she was kept in by researchers, nor in the tug of war she was subjected to between parties who almost or entirely without exception (a matter of dispute) did not consider her emotional well being their primary interest or concern.

She was destroyed all over again by what happened to her after being "rescued." Hers remains one of the saddest and most anger & disgust inducing stories I have ever heard about.

Her story breaks my heart.
IIRC, they had a baby two years before they got married.

It seems I also read in one of the many articles, that LT was 16 when she left home with DT. The two year wait to get married would make sense because she would then be 18 and could legally get married. However, at 16, DT was in his mid twenties. I don’t remember the exact age difference. That is quite a gap in age and maturity IMO.

In 2013 at their vow renewal spectacle, Elvis the Preacher goes on and on about them being married for 28 years. It's 2018, 5 years later, which means they've now been married for 33 years (or 32 years since it's not quite their anniversary date yet). The oldest daughter is 29 years old. How could she have been born 2 years before they got married?
And this makes a lot of sense why he was on 3rd shift. My husband worked 3rd shift in IT for a large manufacturer, but he would be the only IT guy on the night shift. Basically, these large companies who run around the clock also have a skeleton crew of employees other than factory workers in case an issue needs to be solved or a problem arises. So one nurse, one IT guy, one computer engineer, etc on night shift just in case.

This means he probably got to work alone, and also likely could twiddle his thumbs most nights unless something eventful happened that he was needed for on shift. So his clothes smelling - no one would be around to notice. Any odd behavior? Again, no one around to notice. In fact, he could probably have been maintaining the household via text and phone a lot while at work.

I wonder if there was a Webcam where he could keep tabs on them.

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He may also have been working remotely, from home, for part of the time. My hubs is also in IT. He's usually on call at night and on weekends, works from home a few days a week. At night IT workers do a lot of maintenance, moving/uploading of files, etc. because no one is using the databases, etc. at night.
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