Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #6

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My thoughts exactly....If there is any of SW's dna found on the childrens necks(which I doubt due to the oil contamination) this might plant the needed seed of doubt in one jurors' mind and hang the jury.....

If such a thing was found there could be an innocent explanation for instance that SW hugged the kids when she got home. A parents touch DNA on a child's head or neck isn't that damning by itself IMO. I don't think this neck DNA stuff is going to be as important to the case as some do.
My thoughts exactly....If there is any of SW's dna found on the childrens necks(which I doubt due to the oil contamination) this might plant the needed seed of doubt in one jurors' mind and hang the jury.....
He could have planted SW DNA on the children after all were dead. If he were thinking ahead. Doubt it.
<modsnip: snipped quote that was removed and reference to it>

There is NO WAY she killed her kids. This was his way of moving on without paying child support. Let's just PRAY that a jury sees the truth, as well! And if his father came up with this cockamamie BS? I better sit on my hands awhile rather than venture my opinion on THAT! :mad:
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My thoughts exactly....If there is any of SW's dna found on the childrens necks(which I doubt due to the oil contamination) this might plant the needed seed of doubt in one jurors' mind and hang the jury.....

Yeah, I have no doubt he is guilty but it would make me wonder why he (in such a rush) would bother to plant her dna on the children's necks if he knew he was going to put their bodies in an oil tank. Of course, that is assuming there was dna of hers found on the children. It would make more sense for him to do that if he had called 911 right after murdering them.
<modsnip> There is NO WAY she killed her kids. This was his way of moving on without paying child support. Let's just PRAY that a jury sees the truth, as well! And if his father came up with this cockamamie BS? I better sit on my hands awhile rather than venture my opinion on THAT! :mad:

Speaking from experience, men get NASTY and MEAN when it comes to having to pay child support.

(Disclaimer: Not all men)
I’m so hoping the coroner can determine time of death for the girls, and it was before SW’s plane ever left AZ. If he can’t determine TOD or he can but it was after she landed and there’s no proof he was dropping things in oil drums Sumday, who can think of other ways to prove he killed them instead of her?

I don’t believe his claims for a second, and I doubt many people do. But w/SW unable to testify otherwise if there’s no evidence proving HE killed the girls I fear that might be enough for reasonable doubt. Jury may have to say not-guilty to daughters deaths and SW’s death would be manslaughter or 2nd degree murder at best. They can still nail him for minor charges like tampering w/evidence etc, but he’d be out before we know it.

Somebody please tell me I’m wrong. I am just sick. Her poor, poor parents.!!!!

I'm hoping he allegedly killed the girls well before SW got home. Her plane was running late, right? -- so maybe he did allegedly kill the girls earlier than the "had to" in accordance with her original scheduled time to land.
I do wonder if the girls being in the oil tank will hurt the ME's ability to determine approximate TOD.
I don't think CW's dad would have invented a story for him in an interrogation room. His dad probably told him that things would be better for him if he started cooperating, LE is going to figure it out anyway, and just tell them what happened.

And these are CW's dad's grandchildren. Unless we have some evidence that CW's dad was a psychopath too I don't see why we would infer that he concocted a scheme rather than encouraged his son to talk to LE to end the uncertainty.

Good points. I'm more bothered that his family may believe him. None of us know for certain what happened but it is highly unlikely, imo, that anyone other than CW murdered those babies.

Doesn't the last paragraph starting "Prior to Chris' confession" imply they were already searching the area of the bodies and therefore likely used the evidence of finding the matching sheet during interrogation to get him to confess?
Did he confess initially and then change his story? At one point it seemed that her family was told that HE confessed ?
This is the very first initial list. The prosecutor knows everyone from LE that has been working on the case and who can be called to testify or validate evidence, so that's the majority of the list. Witnesses are added as the investigation continues, and the defense will also have a witness list if the case goes to trial.

Thanks for this, Alethea !

Are ya sure about that!? ;)

Sure, when it comes to cheating I don’t see why not. I mean he obviously seemed to hide it from SW, why wouldn’t I think he’d be able to hide it from the AP and the neighbors cameras? Don’t underestimate the slyness of a cheater. JME

Eta - maybe I should have used a word more like conniving instead of “smart”, but I thought everyone would know what I meant. Whoops.
In count 6 “ unlawful termination of a pregnancy” second paragraph and the only sentence it says plainly that the woman died as a result of the termination of the pregnancy. So, until I hear otherwise I am going with that as the cause of death. The DA is a no nonsense man. He would not make a mistake in that paperwork.

It doesn’t say that he strangled SW and as a result of that the pregnancy was terminated. He unlawfully used some method to terminate that pregnancy. That, IMHO is beyond mental illness it’s demonic.

I don't read the charge that way. If a pregnant woman is strangled, it will terminate both her life and her child's life. The strangling is the act that both terminates the pregnancy and terminates her life. The language they use is the charging language in the statute.

These types of charges are usually in situations where a pregnant woman is attacked and loses her baby in some way. For example, she miscarries after being pushed down the stairs in an assault. They're trying to make it fit here since Colorado doesn't have a murder charge for the murder of unborn children.
I'm thinking that if the police thought his story had any truth to it they would not have charged him the way they did. They filed the charges based on evidence of him committing all three murders. He obviously lied over and over during the first couple of days (interviews, etc) and it isn't surprising he lied again. Disgusting and sad but not surprising. MOO
Still baffled that he had no social media presence. Seems like even if he deactivated his accounts there would still be remnants here and there.
If such a thing was found there could be an innocent explanation for instance that SW hugged the kids when she got home. A parents touch DNA on a child's head or neck isn't that damning by itself IMO. I don't think this neck DNA stuff is going to be as important to the case as some do.

IMO his defense lawyers are trying to come up with any possible defense that they can use to cause the prosecutor to doubt his case even a second and agree to a plea deal that avoids the death penalty.
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