CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #9

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I dont know

I think someone with three dead people in his home might be hesitant to give 911 a ring
I can only respond based on what isn’t a similar experience but it’s all I have ...
My granddaughter whom I was watching one day - was bit by our dog (whom I loved dearly)
I grabbed her up, screamed at the dog, tried to staunch the flow, wished to God I didn’t have to go to emergency room or call anyone - but knew I had to get her there ASAP.
If she had been killed, would I have taken her and thrown her out somewhere? Tell them she was kidnapped or had wandered off?
Ok, this isn't going to be popular...but my ex husband had an affair. I consider myself a great mom and I went slightly crazy. We looked like a successful family. He had a great career, but he really was angry about having our traveling lifestyle change when children came into the picture.

One night, we were out with family and he wanted to drive while intoxicated. I hid the keys. For a long time, I thought if only I had not hid the keys, if only I had not choose to drive him home when he was drunk and acting belligerent. But I did drive him home with our children in the back seat. He attacked me in our driveway, head butted me several times, punched me in the face, tried to drag me out of the car. It was fast. I remember seeing stars and my head slamming back on the driver side window and hearing our children scream. He was about 225 lbs and 6 feet tall at that time. I was about 160 lbs and 5'9. I fought back, especially when he tried to drag our baby out of the car seat. I did not know I was screaming. Suddenly he ran into the house and I drove away with the children.

A neighbor heard me screaming and called the cops as they watched the altercation happen. My ex husband was arrested, I was called by the police to come back to the house, and questioned while medical personnel in an ambulance looked me over. I refused to go to the hospital, because I did not want my family to know what had just happened and had no one to look after my children.

Police left, and I went into the house. I put the children to bed and went into our room. There in the bed, was his 44 pistol, loaded. I think he was going to shoot me. I remember the sadness I felt when I unloaded the gun and put it away. I was a stay at home mom, with no money, and I was too afraid to admit to my family what my life was really like. He claimed to remember nothing. I lived the facade for two more years before I was able to get out. He cheated so much and was cruel, but still I pretended everything was ok.

My point is...I think SW painted a picture on social media. I don't think she did this just for her business. Especially with the video of her daughter singing about her dad is her hero and how CW is her rock. I think she was sending a message to the AP. And that message was, this is my family, we love CW, what you are thinking is not true, and I am not just going to let him go.

Also, great moms can do crazy things when the world they have worked to create is crumbling. I think SW took that picture of the wrapped doll, posted it, and that it was a message, too. There is zero evidence that CW took that photo. It was uploaded to her page when she was home. She strikes me as a very smart woman, who was fighting for her marriage and to keep CW. she kept the image of her family perfect.

Later, before my ex started bringing all his various girlfriend's into our daughters' lives, I remember thinking I was the children's mom and I didn't want any other woman to be raising them. I even said to my ex that it would be over my dead body that another woman raises my children. I felt that in those insane moments.

I don't support CW, at all. I felt he killed them the moment I saw his interview...BUT...her posting that photo of the doll wrapped in a sheet, presenting a perfect life, I think the defense will use that to support what CW has claimed she did because she could not bear to let any other woman be near her girls. I definitely feel this will go to trial.
Oh wow, I knew she posted the picture but I never considered she set the doll up in that pose. I thought she was out of town and CW sent that pic to her that weekend.
I do think hormonally she could have felt crazy, been crazy... she was in first trimester and with lupus ... her mind could have really been thinking crazy thoughts.
I can even understand strangling her because she killed my children - I’d definitely kill or try to kill someone who hurt my kids - no question.
It’s his response - actions afterwards that I can’t understand no matter how far I reach.
I really do not understand why someone would admit strangling the life out of their wife , dumping his kids in disgusting oil ,and tossing his dead wife in a self made grave, while admitting to an affair has a heap of motivation to lie about the rest.
Cariis, this is a simple answer.

He knew it could be proven that he killed his wife. The evidence would be there. His DNA under her fingernails. His prints around her neck. That could be proven.

But after dumping his babies in oil, which I fully believe was done intentionally to erase evidence, he believes there won't be evidence of who killed them.

So why not say his wife did it?

This guy isn't a complete imbecile (dunno why people keep saying that), however, he's also not the sharpest tool in the shed. I remember watching a show where a former DA made a comment: "Murderers are idiots". Even when they think they can't be caught, they can be. And they'll lie and lie and lie, even when the evidence proves they're responsible. It wouldn't be the first time someone would lie about killing one person but not another (and it later proven they killed both). His confession is meant to give him a defense. Instead of being a cold-hearted monster who killed his girls and his wife, he can be the hero who killed the murderer of his children by telling this lie.

And if there's anything I've learned with pathological liars, they do tend to put truths in with their stories. It makes them more believable.
I also believe as there is too much being put into his smile, there is also too much being put into the oil. When a child dies , some parents have them cremated. You're basically burning their whole body to ash, but that is acceptable? IMO
Where is it acceptable to dump your children's bodies into oil tanks?
My latest theory is that CW hadn't planned this murder out beforehand. (The deleting of the SM a week before is very suspicious, however.)

I think the girls were alive and asleep when SW got home.

I think SW's suspicions of CW's infidelity became confirmed when she got back from NC. Perhaps a friend mentioned seeing CW with a woman, or someone mentioned seeing a woman enter the house while she was gone. Or maybe SW came across some evidence of the affair at the home.

SW may have ripped the sheets off the bed when she learned that his lover had slept in the bed.

SW was going to sleep on the couch that night. CW was not happy. They got into a fight (an "emotional discussion," if you will). It got physical, and loud. The children started to wake. He put his hands on her throat and started squeezing. The rage filled inside of him. She struggled and thrashed, he held on tight, and one or both of the kids walked in and saw this. SW went limp, and the kids started screaming.

What was he to do? His daughters just saw their father kill their mother. They were screaming, the dog was howling. The neighbors will hear! He puts his hand over his daughter's mouth to stop the screaming, and it only worked if he cut her air off entirely. Eventually, she went limp, too, and it was on to the other daughter.

Then he went into panic mode, cleaned up the mess as best as he could. Locked the dog in the garage while he figured out what to do with the bodies.

I think this is entirely possible - and would support the fact that this was not premeditated (or at least, not meticulously planned out in advance).

His behaviour afterwards and esp the interviews - so blasé, lighthearted - maybe this isn’t evidence of a cold killer but someone who’s found himself in an incomprehensible situation who is so out of his depth he thinks this is how someone would react if they’re family were unaccounted for a few hours - ie no immediate drama/histrionics. And he just hadn’t planned on the immediate LE involvement and media interest, and how to manage this.

I am NOT saying I remotely understand his behaviour and he could very well turn out to be a sociopath, but I welcome the opportunity to debate different scenarios and points of view based on what we know from MSM and personal experience, rather than spend time defending/challenging extreme viewpoints that are presented as facts.

Also - am I the one of only two who think it’s significant that LE have charged CW with terminating pregnancy which led to SW death??
I understand staying in close contact with friends on a daily basis. I have a hard time jumping from isn't answering the phone to I HAVE TO CALL THE POLICE! Unless her friends were told if I don't answer, call the police.
IIRC she was worried that SW had had a low blood sugar attack while on the trip, and was afraid that SW was in the house in that can die of too low or too high blood sugar...
“We” know theough his confession that he killed one adult, caused the termination of a 16 week old in utero baby, and disposed of three bodies.
I posted this a couple days ago but still did not see a response from you, this will be my last ask.
Others have asked similar as well.
What evidence or even heresay at this point makes you believe that CW did NOT kill his two living daughters??
If you desire for people to take you seriously, links, experiences, stats or something please.

I don't have any evidence that he did kill them and you don't have any evidence that she didn't. IMO
IDK who the heck y'all are talking about, but how would you know this person's sexual preferences?
I do t k ow who “y’all”is, I can on,y speak from who I do or don’t know.
Regardless, still do t see the relevance?
I also believe as there is too much being put into his smile, there is also too much being put into the oil. When a child dies , some parents have them cremated. You're basically burning their whole body to ash, but that is acceptable? IMO

You must be kidding?

A respectful cremation is not even compaaaarable to throwing your babies in some remote crude oil tank for nobody to find, and no grandparents, etc to be able to participate in their funerals.
Even if he did "walk" I doubt it would be for very far. JMOO. :)
I’m hoping there’s more forensic evidence yet to be revealed. For example, I read up about strangulation, and many of the victims foam at the mouth when they’re near death. I’m hoping that would explain the sheets in the kitchen garbage that seem rather odd, he must have had a reason for discarding them, that particular night. And what DNA might be on his clothing, he had to have changed, he dug a grave, there had to have been dirt on him, and maybe they’ll find saliva DNA, too. I also read the police removed bags of evidence, and we don’t know what was included in that. They were on to him before he confessed. They know more than he knows they know.
Or as someone else said, she placed it there to record their conversation?
If he did it, wouldn’t he have turned it off? It was on, her friend heard it ringing.
Did he leave it - hide it - so it appeared by GPS that she was home and hoped everyone thought she was too tired and felt too bad to take girls to school?
That’s the part that really nags at me ...
surely he knew about Dr Appt and girls first day of school ... so if it was premeditated, he deserves to be on dumbest criminal list.

Maybe school starting the following Monday (or later that week?) was an impetus for CW to murder his family Sunday night. Once school started, it would be difficult with school bus, drop offs, school attendance records, etc., to hide that they were “missing.” So he had to disappear them while there were days for which they (he assumed) could be unaccounted for. So he rushed and got sloppy. Or Nickole ruined his gameplan.

Had he been able to get SW into an oil tank and had time to get rid of the sheets, etc., they could possibly still be “missing.”

I really wonder how that oil tank location was identified, via the company or from CW.
Could it even be as simple as affair evidence on it from weekend stay-over from affair person? That's why CW stripped it?Who knows?)

I am not sure if someone who has a dead wife and two kids in the house is worrying about if he gets caught in the affair

of course he lied at first - what is the first thing cops think of -- is the spouse cheating? That is prime time movie of the week . It is in the same category imo as the bewilderment (which totally bewilders me) that on porch interview he acted like a concerned husband and father rather than a husband who killed his wife.

The all the I knew he was lying reads as if it is typical for a murderer to go on national tv and report he murdered his wife????

He came clean about it once he explained how the tragedy occurred.

Murder 101. Open some door window - you cant have a murder scene without some way to explain how a murderer got in. However, when what he says happened it certainly makes sense that he was not trying to make anything look anyway.

Everything was a wreck cause he was freaked out by what had transpired. Everything was left as it when he realized he had three dead people in his home . Does not sound like someone planning this elaborate triple murder - sounds like everything went horribly wrong.

if one is planning on a triple murder - one would probably know that they will need their truck to transport said bodies.

same planner would know I think that he cant be loading dead bodies in his driveway . Might be a problem.

Put your truck in the garage before you kill three people.

A cunning triple murderer planner would know that he can't just take three bodies out without covering them . Have that out and ready.

This might just me but I don't think I would be , prior to murdering my family be really in the mood for a little bbq - I would be rehearsing and planning everything - bbq chicken aint on my mind.

Covering that apparently blew up does not strike me as a particularly planned cover and transport system.

Someone planning a triple murder would probably address work in some fashion (sick vacation car wont start etc etc)

All valid points ... I think I am convinced that it was not premeditated unless his plan all along was to blame her for killing kids and leaving things as they were so it appeared to have been “unplanned and that shock, trauma made him make the crazy, desperate, irrational decision to drive an hour away to throw them away.”
I’ve never been in such a situation - or heard of anyone doing such a thing - when they were innocent. Do you have any examples?
in the paperwork it stated he told them

i really don't know how i would think if I tell cop that I murdered a person and dumped my kids in crude oil that i would think I am getting away with anything

imo his coming to the decision to tell them where his kids were he could not bear what he had done , after the horror he witnessed

he corrected it - they are out

is it disgusting they were in of course it was

he gave them the info about the tanks quickly (the report about them getting him satellites to show them)

sound much more like an agonizing consciousness than the "monster" boogeyman

no DV info remains interesting

I will have to read again. I thought it was said that he at first denied having an affair and then it was mentioned by LE that he in fact was having an affair with no mention of how LE came to have that information.
Maybe he told LE where the bodies were because he knew it was only a matter of time and he thought it would go easier for him in the long run.
Also he had his newly made up story that SW had actually murdered the children so he was being the good guy in telling them the "truth" now.
I think CW was very good at hiding his feelings and there are many ways to be abusive without actually laying a hand on the victim. Also SW wanted her followers to think all was well so would she let abuse slide without making reports to LE?
I do t k ow who “y’all”is, I can on,y speak from who I do or don’t know.
Regardless, still do t see the relevance?
Y'all would be you and the person you were quoting since I quoted your post. I was just wondering how you came up with that idea since you didn't link a source for it.
I’m hoping there’s more forensic evidence yet to be revealed. For example, I read up about strangulation, and many of the victims foam at the mouth when they’re near death. I’m hoping that would explain the sheets in the kitchen garbage that seem rather odd, he must have had a reason for discarding them, that particular night. And what DNA might be on his clothing, he had to have changed, he dug a grave, there had to have been dirt on him, and maybe they’ll find saliva DNA, too. I also read the police removed bags of evidence, and we don’t know what was included in that. They were on to him before he confessed. They know more than he knows they know.

And don't people's bowels release when they die? That's what I've always heard.
Here’s another thing, and I don’t know if it has been specifically mentioned, but it has been alluded to as we all mentioned that him putting the girls in the tanks is an odd way to handle the situation (to put it mildly) if SW killed them:

If someone else killed his children, not only would he want the bodies preserved to demonstrate the crime scene and prove his innocence/show what happened, but also he would want a proper burial and grave for them, (or respectful cremation, etc) memorial service, etc, have them in a beautiful place buried with dignity, and if burial was chosen, have a place where he could go visit the grave, place flowers, etc. For my loved ones that have died, this was a VERY important part of the process for me.
How did he even know they were dead before he killed SW? Why didn't he just shove her away, sock her and call 911? That B/W monitor that showed a blue body stretched out....that requires a "stretch" of the imagination. I have friends that live in upscale 'burbs and many have an emergency care facility just blocks away. And, as we note on that first monday, the cops are right there when you need them in the upscale suburbs. That he didn't bother to try to resuscitate or call for help just seals the verdict for me. He done it.
Jumping off my post above about pathological liars/narcissists putting truths into their stories:

My ex- narcissist friend used to tell everyone he was a welder like his dad. He wasn't. He was a forklift operator. He would even admit to the actual place he worked (which didn't hire welders). You wonder why he would lie about being a welder, but tell the truth about the place he worked when anyone who paid attention would know that sort of factory wouldn't be hiring welders in the first place.

To him, being a welder like his dad meant he made more money. He idolized his dad and to him, pretending he grew up to be just like him was a way to look better to other people. It was all about appearances. It never even occurred to him that the lie would be easily torn apart by anyone with common sense. He just thought people would automatically believe him and never question it.

Also on the subject of no prior DV history... not all abusers hit. You can't file charges on someone for saying mean stuff at you.
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