Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #40

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I haven't seen anyone on the thread accuse SW.
Throughout the thread if anything less than flattering was posted about SW it was considered accusatory and unwelcome. It would be hard to have a discussion accusing SW of murder. That plus the only thing pointing to the involvement of SW is CW’s statement, the lying murderer, that monster SOB .
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As several attorneys have pointed out already, if the evidence we have now in the public domain were the ONLY evidence ever available going into trial, an excellent case can be made that there is enough evidence to successfully prosecute CW of the murders of his children beyond a reasonable doubt. IMO there are cases that have been won on less. Scott Peterson comes most immediately to mind.

Respectfully (and I know I’m in the minority here) I don’t happen to agree.

With *only* the facts as currently known, I am not at all convinced he would be convicted.

There are so many unknowns - I think it’s entirely possible for a skillful attorney to craft a very compelling argument that would create reasonable doubt.

Now, a few caveats - this is NOT reflective of my personal opinion on the issue of what actually happened that night - AND I’m sure LE knows a lot more than we do (so these *won’t* be the only facts when the trial comes around - and as more becomes known, that will obviously change things)
We know he's not innocent - he confessed to killing his wife and unborn son. That's why he hid the bodies and lied about it. I'm not willing to convict CW for murdering his daughters without more evidence. For me personally, I would feel horrible if I wrongly accused somebody of such a horrendous and unthinkable crime without more evidence. I realize not everyone feels the same way and some have no problem saying horrid comments about him murdering his daughters, but it doesn't feel right for me to do that. Maybe I'm naive, have too much empathy, too soft hearted or just plain wrong. I don't's just doesn't feel right for me.

IMO I haven't given him empathy, but I have considered the reason he gave for killing his pregnant wife.

See quotes above. You were the one who said maybe you have too much "empathy" immediately after saying you didn't feel right about accusing him of killing his daughters. Context of comments is important. You included empathy with the words "naive" and "too soft hearted". If you were not speaking of having empathy for CW, being naive for possibly believing CW and too soft-hearted for possibly believing CW, whom were you speaking of with that sentence?
Why would it be against TOS to ask why they think she did it? This is the only place I read or post on this, so it seems logical to ask the people who think she did it...."why"? (I really don't know why they think she did it, it doesn't make any sense to me with all the things he did)

Until there’s solid evidence to support that theory, I don’t see a way to discuss it here.

It’s not victim friendly, it’s not supported by any fact thus far (and IMO I doubt it will be) and it wouldn’t be welcome.
Yes. Absolutely. He seems like a very sober-minded, resolute and sharp guy.

And you know I was struck by and can't forget how he refused to take the "emotional bait" given to him by the media. Twice. The media kept asking him or prompting him, "This must be very hard for you and your staff- the fact that two little children have been killed." Or something to that effect.

He didn't blink. "We are handling this case the same way we handle all homicide cases."

Then during the hearing when Shanann's daddy sat behind him bawling his eyes out, the DA sat ramrod straight- eyes focused right ahead at the proceedings. And he had to have heard all that.

This tells me a lot about his temperament and determination.

Because the DA is an elected position. As such, it's a political office and they often know they have an audience. Sometimes they will play to that audience and try to make the public feel a certain way.

He had the chance to showboat a couple times and speak to, or recognize the emotionality of such a case as this. He didn't.

He seems to have a laser focus and resolve that should scare the crap out of CW.


Thanks so much, I highly value your experience and insight. You've said some of this before, especially about SW's father and it rings very true. I also believe CW should be very scared!
Throughout the thread if anything less than flattering was posted about SW it was considered accusatory and unwelcome. It would hard to have a discussion accusing SW of murder. That plus the only thing pointing to the involvement of SW is CW’s statement, the lying, murderer, that monster SOB .

Exactly. IMO posters have already tried the case and are angry.
  • We are allowed to explore his story here, and it's been made clear all posters are to be treated with respect. Obviously, that exploration causes some discomfort. That doesn't mean repeated derision is in order.
  • Concerns and accusations regarding victim blaming or working for the defense should be brought to the moderators.
  • There is a reason we have trials in our justice system. So, the constant insistence that "well he was charged so there must be a good reason" isn't wrong, but it's clearly not the "be all end all," either. People have been acquitted for crimes, have they not? Are we to assume the charges in those cases weren't made in good faith by the DA?
  • I can't see how anyone can reasonably question why more posters haven't put forth their theories which don't fall in line with the "CW killed them all" story. For one thing, perhaps pieces of those theories don't fall in line with TOS. But there are many other likely reasons beyond that.
  • Nobody has said there could be a good reason for these crimes. Looking into what motives CW may have had isn't "looking for an excuse" or "a reason to kill someone," it's looking into why CW may have thought it was the thing to do. His motive doesn't have to be reasonable to us, because murder isn't reasonable to us. CW's motive is not about us or our feelings, it's about whatever was going on with him which made his actions reasonable or justifiable or within his realm of "options," so to speak.
  • This case saddens me on so many levels.
See quotes above. You were the one who said maybe you have too much "empathy" immediately after saying you didn't feel right about accusing him of killing his daughters. Context of comments is important. You included empathy with the words "naive" and "too soft hearted". If you were not speaking of having empathy for CW, being naive for possibly believing CW and too soft-hearted for possibly believing CW, whom were you speaking of with that sentence?

Maybe I have too much empathy, etc., in general, because I don't feel right accusing anybody without more information.
Throughout the thread if anything less than flattering was posted about SW it was considered accusatory and unwelcome. It would hard to have a discussion accusing SW of murder. That plus the only thing pointing to the involvement of SW is CW’s statement, the lying, murderer, that monster SOB .
Any logical poster who knows the facts we already know would call out insinuations over possible child abuse from letting her kids play on water slides, being mean to Bella for squirting her from a spray bottle, and I'm sure we could all dig up about 20 more ways used to make SW look mean, unbalanced, bossy, character problems, psychological problems, and so forth....from HOME VIDEOS! If it has been treated accusatory and unwelcome it's because of the insinuatory nature of the posts. If there really is no theory about "how/why she killed her children" then why all dark analysis of her home videos?
Agree, all I am trying to say is that the lyrics of some of their songs, that CW happened to enjoy, we’re rather disturbing in light of this murder.

What songs are they? Interestingly a study came out recently that found that psychopaths like certain songs over others. They listed a couple but did not list most because the study continues and they don't want to influence people. Also, they say there are ethical issues to the study.
Until there’s solid evidence to support that theory, I don’t see a way to discuss it here.

It’s not victim friendly, it’s not supported by any fact thus far (and IMO I doubt it will be) and it wouldn’t be welcome.
Well the insinuations aren't very welcome with some, either, no one will actually say in BW what they are implying. But I don't see why giving the "theory of why SW did it" would be against TOS. If there are facts which support the theory, I don't get it.
People keep insinuating things about SW, a pregnant murder victim, that she killed her children along with comments about her character, mental health and that they somehow have some secret knowledge about what is going to be presented at trial to prove this, but then want to hold their hands up and as if What? I'm just staying neutral until I hear all the evidence.

Likewise, insinuations have also been made that if SW didn't do it outright then her alleged mental health problems, domineering ways, character, etc. may have pushed CW into doing it. When discussing the FB videos, too, there have been more accusations against her (was she hostile, was she abusive, was she neglectful, was she "fake", etc.) than him, even when he is also present in the same video. It hasn't been even.
Well, that surprises me, because that trial was a hot mess. JA should have never taken the stand. It made the entire trial a disaster.

CW would be well served if he did not take the stand either. Let the defense present their case, evidence, and let the prosecution prove without a reasonable doubt regarding the charges. Even if a juror decides that they cannot convict on killing the children, it is based on evidence and his own statement that he killed SW and Nico. Circumstances aside, he deliberately killed her, and hid the body. That alone can give him life in prison.

But, my own preference is that he is convicted on all counts.
IMO the defense has a major problem if they put him on the stand. He admitted to having an affair.He admitted to what he did with the bodies, by taking LE to them. Most people are shocked and outraged by what he did with the bodies. He admitted to killing SW and Nico. He admitted, he admitted, he admitted! He lied, he lied, he lied. He might be able to change his story, but to what? And his old story and lies won't go away. I believe the prosecution will have a field day with him!
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