AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #17

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Just reading this strikes fear in my heart.

It seems to be no rhyme or reasoning behind many of the vicious attacks..

How can any innocent person or family going about their daily lives ever protect themselves from those plotting to do such grave harm when they dont even have a clue they may be being targeted by them???

OH boy, hadn't meant to post that yet as I wasn't sure it was ok to do so. It must have still been there when I posted a TY to a different post. Notice the "TY" at the bottom lol. I've never had this problem until this case. I even asked a mod what to do after it started happening and followed her directions. UGH!
But in response to your post, there is no plotting involved. Which adds new dimensions and obstacles to a case. BUT, I think one can feel safety by remembering that even those these cases are horrific and can have a huge psychological impact when people hear them we have to keep in mind that they are few in the grand scheme of things. Similar to when a plane crashes and people become anxious about flying even though the chances of a plane crash are very low. Simply being aware of your surroundings and using common sense is can go a long way in staying safe. My apologies for accidentally posting. I don't think I even finished it or proof read.
I am curious right now as to why they announced that this guy had broken in to the house, revealing that they had cameras surveying the property. If they were waiting for someone to come back to the home, you would think that they would keep that information quiet. Strange that they are reporting that the house is being turned over to family, etc. when they are letting out so little other information. Why do you think they would report KJA's crime if it was unrelated to Jayme's disappearance???
Can you imagine if they hadn't given that info and it came out in the news? It would have caused all kinds of problems. I think they had no choice. Better it comes from the.
I realize this is really nitpicking, but did anyone else find it odd that the first responder on the scene radioed back, "suicide"? Odd phrase given the mysterious nature of the 991 call and obvious front door breakage and the decedent lying on the floor opposite the door with no weapon nearby. Anyway, I am confident law enforcement will prevail in identifying those responsible for this heinous double murder/kidnapping.

Apparently there was a (double) murder/suicide in that area not too long ago. I wonder if the officer who initially responded in this case was also at that one? Could be that he encountered a similar scene, and his mind flashed back to the earlier event.
I am concerned that the sheriff is running on "hope." Hope limits you. Does he not have facts this far out from the event?
I don't think he is running out of hope. They have had 200 people working on this around the clock for two weeks. They can only keep that up for so long. It's not an indication that they are giving up. They just don't have any solid leads, have cleared out most of the tips, and likely done a tremendous amount to try to solve the case. I think it's normal to have such a large amount of investigators in the beginning, and as time goes by they can narrow it down. Although it may be unlikely to find Jayme alive, I really don't think that is going to stop them from continuing the investigation aggressively. They just don't need 200 people anymore. Imo
This was discussed some time ago and the Sherrif was asked on video if it was at the Closs home and he said no. Clarified on this thread as the Grandfather's house.

Personally I will always take what Fitzgerald said over any magazine publication any day.

I dont rely on what is even written or reported by MSM anymore.

Nowadays they seem to be wrong on the facts far more than being right.

Apparently there was a (double) murder/suicide in that area not too long ago. I wonder if the officer who initially responded in this case was also at that one? Could be that he encountered a similar scene, and his mind flashed back to the earlier event.
I think an earlier post a few threads ago indicated there had actually been 4 murder suicides previously, but not in the same year. Jmo
This was talked about at length when the 911 transcript first came out. Some people don't think much of it. IMO it tells us that James (who they found first) had a GSW to the head, consistent with where someone would shoot themselves if they were to commit suicide. JUST MY OPINION, this has absolutely not been verified or discussed by MSM or LE.
Thats what I think may be the case with both of the victims. Jmo
It really doesn't sound like it to me. MOO

"Deputies arrived at that address a short time after the call ended to find no one around on the outside,” Sheriff Fitzgerald says as deputies approached the house, they saw the front door was open and there was a deceased male in that front door way. Officers later found a deceased female while searching the rest of the home.
UPDATE: Sheriff: Missing girl was in home at the time of the murders

Thanks for this post PommyMommy. Interested to read two different quotes from the Sheriff on the UPDATE page regarding whether Jayme was in the house the night of the killings. In one section he says' We believe Jayme WAS in the home at the time of the homicides, and we believe she is still in danger.' But further down the page he says 'We believe she MAY have been in the house.' I don't know which of the Sheriff's quotes came first though?
Personally I will always take what Fitzgerald said over any magazine publication any day.

I dont rely on what is even written or reported by MSM anymore.

Nowadays they seem to be wrong on the facts far more than being right.

It is indeed sad that you must blindly accept authority figures' words on things without resorting to our magnificently free press in this country.
I am a fan of this Sheriff. I think he is solid as a rock, and doing a fantastic job working with, and managing the interaction with all the various agencies, as well as the shocked and frightened public.

In examining what we do know at this point, I think there will be a major breakthrough in the very near future. I see things starting to line up as a precursor to an arrest. The rabid animal that perpetrated this horrific crime is now being hunted, and I believe we can all count on this Sheriff, the supporting agencies, and the good people of Wisconsin to bring him in....soon. Very soon I believe.

As to Jayme's fate, the odds are not good at this point. However, like the Sheriff, I maintain hope.

Surrounding those in LE working this case with prayer for continued resolve and strength.

Amateur opinion and speculation
I couldn't have said it better rosesfromangels. I stand firmly behind the sheriff and although I was born and raised about 10 miles from Barron I do not know him personally. I sense, from the many people I know in the area, including my siblings, he does seem to have the support of the community. I am sure he is out of his league here, this is not Baltimore, and I will always commend him on getting state and federal resources involved within the hour. I, like you, expect a break as well. If not, I would guess that some of the details would start leaking out over time. Remember this is a very small town and a lot of talk always going on. Just my guess. And as for Jayme's fate I have no idea one way or the other as I still am not certain as to why she was taken/missing. I'm just waiting for either a break in the case or more facts to surface like so many others. MOO
My original post was not commenting on where the truck was parked so much, but how the truck was parked. It appeared to me it was just left in that spot. Lol, I think this horse is dead, so in the scheme of things it is insignificant.

But, I am wondering, is the timeline put out by LE based on the neighbor's reporting they heard gunshots at 12:30? Or are they basing it on something they discovered at the crime scene?

I don't think they are basing it on the neighbors account. LE is focused on the 12:30am-1:30am time period. The officers arrived on scene at 1:00am. They extend the time period to 1:30am because the perp(s) may have still been in the general area as officers arrived. But they know for a fact that the perp(s) had left the house by 1am. If LE is taking the 12:31am gunshots heard by the neighbors as fact they would be looking for activity in the area prior to 12:30am, because the perp(s) would have surely been in that general area prior to 12:30am.

We've discussed this plenty and there seems to be a healthy amount of disagreement about it, but IMO this says it is likely that LE doesn't believe the 12:31am time of the gunshots is correct. There may be evidence in the house that makes them think this as well, but there is no way of knowing. I'd remind everyone that LE has made zero mention of the timing of the gunshots heard by the neighbors so IMO we shouldn't take the 12:31am gunshot as a fact.
hi not sure if this is a plausible theory, but could jayme have been taken by a mother and father who had recently lost their daughter? as a replacement?

As the parent of a teenager, I doubt it. I love my kid a lot, but teen years are a roller coaster. :D I can't see volunteering for only these years; it's the lifetime of love that is helping me (and her!) survive.

I can't see someone risking their life freedom to be considered the dorkiest person on earth, which is basically what teenagers feel about their parents. I've heard about a lot of people stealing babies, though. Babies are a lot less opinionated than teenagers. :p
You just read my mind. I was just thinking about how quiet things have become the last few days, other than the panty thief reports. Calm before the storm, perhaps? MOO
I hope so!!! In Mollie Tibbetts case they were following through with a lead connecting a car to the killer while many of us were all beginning to think the killer may never be found!
Yes, I have wondered about the reason for the timeline as well. They don't seem to be concerned about the 15 or twenty minutes before he actually arrived at the house. ( In terms of cars driving on the way to the house) One thing I still think may be possible is that the neighbors clock did actually read 12:58, making it actually 12:51 when the shots were heard. Of course we have no way to know for sure, but to me it's an easy mistake. Especially when you are in bed and tired and have no particular reason to remember the time. Or the time did say 12:58 when she looked at it, but when she had to recall it she remembered it as 12:38. I'm not saying I strongly believe this, I just think it's possible since a 5 can look like a 3 at first glance, or at least the bottom part. I wish we knew for sure since it would make more sense. But since it's been consistently reported, that's what I am going by, while keeping in mind the other option which would make it appear that the perp actually kicked down the door, shot two people, and took Jayme all within 13 or 14 minutes. Jmo
Regarding your last sentence, several people have commented that the perps spent so much time there. But to me, even 20 minutes is not very much time.

The thought just came to me, that those two shots heard by the neighbor's could have been departing shots to make sure parents were dead. Especially if there were multiple spent casings inside that were not heard. Maybe we are approaching it in reverse. It's impossible to figure without more details. Banging head against wall.....
I don't think they are basing it on the neighbors account. LE is focused on the 12:30am-1:30am time period. The officers arrived on scene at 1:00am. They extend the time period to 1:30am because the perp(s) may have still been in the general area as officers arrived. But they know for a fact that the perp(s) had left the house by 1am. If LE is taking the 12:31am gunshots heard by the neighbors as fact they would be looking for activity in the area prior to 12:30am, because the perp(s) would have surely been in that general area prior to 12:30am.

We've discussed this plenty and there seems to be a healthy amount of disagreement about it, but IMO this says it is likely that LE doesn't believe the 12:31am time of the gunshots is correct. There may be evidence in the house that makes them think this as well, but there is no way of knowing. I'd remind everyone that LE has made zero mention of the timing of the gunshots heard by the neighbors so IMO we shouldn't take the 12:31am gunshot as a fact.
Okay, makes sense, but, what are they basing their 12:30 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. time on? I have always thought it was because of the gunshots reported...
You just read my mind. I was just thinking about how quiet things have become the last few days, other than the panty thief reports. Calm before the storm, perhaps? MOO

I wonder if they also caught someone else going into the house on camera, which is why the Sheriff was OK to tell the public that they had been monitoring the place. Maybe the monitoring worked the way they thought it would???
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