Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #51

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Christopher Watts’ mother plans to speak at sentencing Monday
According to Weld County District Court documents, Cindy Watts and her husband, Ronnie, will be allowed to make a statement at the sentencing, which is scheduled for 10 a.m. in Greeley.

“It’s so hard. I am just trying to get our thoughts together,” Cindy said.

On Friday, Cindy told FOX31 and Channel 2’s Deborah Takahara that she wants Christopher to know she loves him and will always love him. She also said she hopes another family never has to go through the same thing.

“I want to know one day what happened,” Cindy said. “I have accepted this is what he wants to do, I just want to tell him I love him.”

Cindy said she spoke with Christopher prior to his guilty plea. She said she urged him not to plead guilty to something he did not do. He then told her it was his decision. According to Cindy, she told her son that it is not what he expected for his life. He agreed and asked about the children’s memorial services and which pictures were used.
My advice to her is take a seat and do not speak. Speaking will be a huge mistake and if she thinks the backlash is bad now, just wait. Especially if she dare speak ill of the victims.

Who is Almand? Please tell me it's not the lady from the podcast. If it is, is she even an attorney?
It's the friend of the 2 gals in the podcast. The one who got into the plea hearing last week. I haven't heard that she is a lawyer, or not. From the content of the letter, I doubt she has any particular higher education. (IMO)
They do not have to submit in writing in advance. They don't have to write anything at all. If they do write something and want it part of the record they can submit it at sentencing. I'm writing this as MOO and everyone is free to sprinkle with salt, because I'm not a verified professional, but for what it's worth I have extensive professional experience with this in CO. Again I'm not verified and don't think it matters to this particular conversation to really become so, so everyone is free to ignore, if you want.

My own theory on this is the PD doesn't plan on calling them to make statements, and asserting their rights as victims is the only way to guarantee they get to speak at sentencing. Well played mama Watts.
I think you are spot on. The Judge's order notes the parents have a private attorney and the court will allow the grandparents OR their designee to deliver the statement.
So since the judge shut her s*** down with that ridiculous letter, he must be curious about her request to be added as a party to the victim impact statements. It doesn’t make sense because we all know she won’t be begging the court to hear about the pain her son inflicted upon her when he killed the girls (pain that hasn’t been mentioned yet during her interviews by the way).

So does the judge give this request special consideration or no, since it appears to be her right under the law? Can he have bailiffs ready to shut it down immediately?
CW could have called her. He could have written to her. He could have added her to his visitor list. He made the choice not to do those things. CW has had the option of telling the truth this entire time. Nobody stuck a sock in his mouth. Mommy is blaming the wrong people. It is CW's fault she does not have answers; nobody else's. MOO

Yes and she's taking it out on the wrong people. It's not Christopher's fault he doesn't want to talk to her. It must be someone else's. It's not Christopher's fault he had an affair. His wife pushed him toward another woman. It's not Christopher's fault he killed 4 people. Someone must have triggered him to do that. Nothing is and has ever been Christopher's fault. I'm willing to bet that's how it's been his whole life. I don't think Christopher cares any more about his mother than he did Shanann but that's not his legal team's fault and she needs to stop blaming everyone but her son. She can still love him and not make excuses for him at the same time.
Well, well. I went to bed last night not knowing anything, then while taking my kids to school this morning, heard "blah blah blah Kessinger..." on HLN in my car, and it was like those record screeches in movies. My head swivelled!

And....the skater boy comments were in here a while back.....but that's what Mom Watts bemoaned about recently?? Very odd...
My understanding is ... She wants to know the trigger, what happened that night, if he really killed them all, and why, and if he really wanted to sign the plea deal and why. And why he is not talking to her.
Yes, but since she is asking for all those details she might be sorry when she finally finds out what truly happened. I can't imagine it would be what she really wants to hear. Nobody wants to hear their son admit that he put his hands around each of their grandchilds necks and squeezed the life out of them. Once she hears that I would think she doesn't need an explanation for why he made a plea deal. Jmo
Christopher Watts’ mother plans to speak at sentencing Monday
According to Weld County District Court documents, Cindy Watts and her husband, Ronnie, will be allowed to make a statement at the sentencing, which is scheduled for 10 a.m. in Greeley.

“It’s so hard. I am just trying to get our thoughts together,” Cindy said.

On Friday, Cindy told FOX31 and Channel 2’s Deborah Takahara that she wants Christopher to know she loves him and will always love him. She also said she hopes another family never has to go through the same thing.

“I want to know one day what happened,” Cindy said. “I have accepted this is what he wants to do, I just want to tell him I love him.”

Cindy said she spoke with Christopher prior to his guilty plea. She said she urged him not to plead guilty to something he did not do. He then told her it was his decision. According to Cindy, she told her son that it is not what he expected for his life. He agreed and asked about the children’s memorial services and which pictures were used.

She best review the Victim Impact form, because that's not the kind of stuff they are looking for
Yet neither her son or the lawyers are reqired or obligated to personally explain it to her. Especially if that is their clients wish. It's not that her request is unreasonable that is what is so offensive. It's pretty much everything else besides that. Jmo
Nowhere in my post did I mention the lawyers. Cindy is CW's mother. I doubt he finds his mother's request "offensive." JMO
That's not what Cindy said. She made it quite clear she wants her son to tell her what happened and if he did kill the girls to explain why he told his dad that SW killed the girls. Cindy made it quite clear she would prefer to hear this from her son PRIOR to sentencing. I don't believe her request is unreasonable at all. JMO
Do you think that he should be forced to speak to his mother? He very obviously does not want to.
I wonder if she is equally curious about why he lied in his porch interviews about where his family was?
He told his dad that SW killed the girls because he is a liar and has been proven so, over and over. So many lies and now more evidence has come out about more lies.
Christopher Watts’ mother plans to speak at sentencing Monday
According to Weld County District Court documents, Cindy Watts and her husband, Ronnie, will be allowed to make a statement at the sentencing, which is scheduled for 10 a.m. in Greeley.

“It’s so hard. I am just trying to get our thoughts together,” Cindy said.

On Friday, Cindy told FOX31 and Channel 2’s Deborah Takahara that she wants Christopher to know she loves him and will always love him. She also said she hopes another family never has to go through the same thing.

“I want to know one day what happened,” Cindy said. “I have accepted this is what he wants to do, I just want to tell him I love him.”

Cindy said she spoke with Christopher prior to his guilty plea. She said she urged him not to plead guilty to something he did not do. He then told her it was his decision. According to Cindy, she told her son that it is not what he expected for his life. He agreed and asked about the children’s memorial services and which pictures were used.

He agreed and asked about the children’s memorial services and which pictures were used.
They discussed his dead children, the children he brutally murdered, as if he were a grieving parent???? That just sickens me! I'm stopping typing before I get in trouble!
So it’s a handwritten letter that was not inexplicably destroyed by the defense attorneys. Got it. My guess is that the family brought it to the PDs who decided it held no evidentiary value given that it was about CW being hurt and he somehow managed to survive. Just one more strike against them in mom’s eyes.

Also, the idea of CW pulling out a nice piece of Cranes stationary and writing this thing long hand is somehow even more ridiculous than the computer version. This is a soap opera level of weirdness.

It's got this 'JonBenét Ramsey' setting the scene vibe about it. o_O
I was wondering the same. I personally hope SW's family goes first so that if CWs family starts really laying it on, they can leave the courtroom. (I know nothing about this practice and what's allowed or not allowed)

If it does happen I hope it's the other way around so SW's family can put them in their place when it's their turn to speak. That is if the Judge doesn't throw CW's family out first. However it would still give SW's family a chance to respond to all parties on the record even if they (CW's family) have to hear it on the 5 o'clock news.
I think CW may very well have looked at apartments because he did want to cash in on the house right away and wouldn't have wanted the neighbors to see NK visiting. But I seriously doubt he ever contacted a divorce attorney.

CW's motive was probably the same as Scott Peterson's. IMO

Peterson Guilty, 1st Degree
Prosecutor Rick Distaso told the jury that Peterson could not stand the thought of being trapped in a "dull, boring, married life with kids," and either strangled or smothered his wife and dumped her weighted-down body overboard from his fishing boat.
"He wants to live the rich, successful, freewheeling bachelor life. He can't do that when he's paying child support, alimony and everything else," Distaso said. "He didn't want to be tied to this kid the rest of his life. He didn't want to be tied to Laci for the rest of his life. So he killed her."
I have missed this. (Been distracted with the Blanchard trial.) What are they saying?
Found Deceased - CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #51

Zella, here is the link to what they reported (that their sources told them) about the condition of SW's body. You can listen to the podcast #16 on any podcast app , try podbean. Posters were talking about it earlier on thread 51. but we can't link to the podcast per TOS.
Tippy, they aren't required to use the form. If there were a PSI and they wanted the VIS to be a permanent part of that and follow him throughout DOC the form and submitting in advance is necessary. Otherwise nothing has to be written. All MOO. Hope that helps. :)

Thank you :)
Totally agree. I think we need to keep that perspective too. He cold bloodedly killed his daughter's and unborn son. I think going down the path of whether he did it on the spur of the moment as they were witnesses starts to justify what he did in some way. Eg he's not as bad as if he set out to kill them. I get that we are all struggling to understand and that's because what he did is unfathomable.

If he truly loved and wanted his kids he would not have killed them. He would have not desecrated their precious wee bodies by dumping them in oil tanks, standing in front of media without one ounce of emotion and lying to the AP and from what is reported by the Thayer's was not acting like a man whose beloved children died.

That is not the response of a man whose children died in a domestic crossfire gone wrong IMO
Agreed. Look at his immediate post-murder behaviour for the answer to this as opposed to a rational explanation. The disposal and the way he carried on that day and the next. Impossible for this not to have been a desired outcome.

Nothing of what has been revealed to date, including the motive of being in an extramarital affair, would be evidence of the required standard (at trial) to convict him of the premeditated murder of the children, or evidence that would prove his defense that Shan'ann did it was not reasonably possibly true. IMO. I don't think disposal of the bodies on its own is sufficient, with a really good defense lawyer. It is guilty conduct but I will be very surprised if there is not a smoking gun in this case that we do not know about yet.

Found Deceased - CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #51

Zella, here is the link to what they reported (that their sources told them) about the condition of SW's body. You can listen to the podcast #16 on any podcast app , try podbean. Posters were talking about it earlier on thread 51. but we can't link to the podcast per TOS.
Thank you for the link! How awful. I am not a squeamish person, but reading that made me sick to my stomach. I had hoped--perhaps irrationally--that she and the girls were asleep when they were killed and would at least not be aware of what was happening. I seriously doubt that now.
That's not what Cindy said. She made it quite clear she wants her son to tell her what happened and if he did kill the girls to explain why he told his dad that SW killed the girls. Cindy made it quite clear she would prefer to hear this from her son PRIOR to sentencing. I don't believe her request is unreasonable at all. JMO
If only Cindy had left her plea to the media at that! And not gone on and on to bash SW at every turn possible and insinuate that the defense is underhandedly keeping her from her son. He is 33 years old. He has chosen not to speak to her, not unlike for many years beforehand really. She will need to wait like everyone else. She is no longer his guardian, and hasn't been for oh, over half his life now.

Hey, I thought you felt the defense was very professional and excellent? Do you no longer agree with that now that he has plead guilty to his crimes?
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