GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #58

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It may have looked that way to you at first ( I doubted her version from.the start FWIW) but if you read the discovery she wasn't as bamboozled by him as she pretended to be. She was not tricked into this. And she appears to want to profit from tragedy. that is despicable
I read every page.

But so what? She's not guilty of a crime.

Chris Watts strangled his exhausted, pregnant, loving, devoted wife to death. And then threw her in the back seat of his truck. And then buried her under dirt, 8 inches or so, and his unborn son Nico too. So covered in dirt they didn't recognize they had a fetus. Until they washed him.

Chris Watts smothered Bella with his bare hands. He put his man hands over her nose, her mouth. And that baby fought!! We've seen that in the autopsy report. I can't type it. It hurts.

Then he threw her in the back seat. Climbed up those stairs, and dumped her legs first in. Kinda squeezed her in right? Listened to how she sounded when she splashed.

Little CeCe. Eh.... here he goes again! Smothered. Don't even bother with a pillow to hide from them that they're being murdered by their "hero" father. Nope. Just hands on with Chris Watts. Then toss in the backseat... up those stairs... dump.

Yeah.... sorry for the graphics post. But that is what happened.

She did not make that happen. This is who he is at his core.
the most dispicable thing CW did while shanann was alive was talk her into having baby number 3 and then once HE IMPREGNATED HER abandoned and rejected her and sort out a new life for himself.

what a piece of *advertiser censored*.
she should have kicked his pathetic arse to the kerb then ...packed her bags and went home to NC where she belonged with her loved ones.

anyone who doesn't admire adore and respect a person carrying your baby is cruel beyond comprehension that should have killed off any love she had for him.
but she generously hoped it would still work out. such an accommodating sweet human being ...snuffed out for loving him.:oops::oops:
Have you ever been questioned by LEO? Men, in a room, asking you personal questions about your relationship with a family annihilator?

Pretty much, this woman wanted to minimize and distance herself as much as possible from this entire situation. I can't say I blame her much. As for trying to get some money out of this mess, she probably has a destroyed career in a fairly small field with specialized skills. She needs to be able to pay bills.
At least she was identifying with Amber Frey. That tells me she planned to throw CW under the bus.
Well he had to go to work, what else could he do but bring them with him? I do believe he said something close to that with Ronnie & the detective.
Yup. Then he ate four pieces of pizza, right after telling the investigators what the splashes made by his daughter’s bodies sounded like.
She deserves to be humiliated,embarrassed and “hated”... she is 30 years old, I’m sure she is technically savvy and yet she’s old enough to know better...the day she met him she went home and googled him and checked him and his wife out on social media. it should have ended takes two to tango ...but she should not have gotten involved with a married man with two kids and a pregnant wife.

I don’t agree. Tech savvy or not, there was no reason for her to think her search history or texts would be made public on such a scale. She wasn’t dating a famous person. She didn’t know this was going to happen. She absolutely should not have gotten involved with a married man. But I don’t agree that she deserves to be “humiliated, embarrassed, and hated” because the married man she picked turned out to be a murderer. She made a mistake, but she didn’t know it was going to be put on an international scale.
The woman went out with a married man. Lots of men cheat on their wives, especially pregnant wives. Fortunately, lots of men do not kill their families.

NK had nothing to do with CW killing his family. Nor could anyone even imagine such a terrible scenario. CW no doubt told quite a sob story.
NK is 30 yrs old. 30 yr old women dont go out with en without researching hi on social media. She knew he was arrived and didnt care. He was ore than just married...he was married with 2 kids and another on the way. You reap what you sow...she deserves any backlash she is getting. She should have known better. I do not think she was involved in the murders, but i do think she made it clear to him that she wouldn’t be real excited about raising his kids if something were to happen to their mother...If so, he would have killed SW and let the girls live.
Wasn’t it due to the fact that NK told LE about the affair they were able to call CW’s bluff and get him to start telling the truth?
It's my understanding that the oil company tipped off LE to romantic emails written between CW and NK before NK contacted LE.

eta: see post #447 this thread
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Yup. Then he ate four pieces of pizza, right after telling the investigators what the splashes made by his daughter’s bodies sounded like.

This. Is beyond depraved. And indifference on a grand scale. CW definitely disassociated himself from being a father. CeCe and Bella were just problems to get rid of, like taking out trash.
the most dispicable thing CW did while shanann was alive was talk her into having baby number 3 and then once HE IMPREGNATED HER abandoned and rejected her and sort out a new life for himself.

what a piece of ****.
she should have kicked his pathetic arse to the kerb then ...packed her bags and went home to NC where she belonged with her loved ones.

anyone who doesn't admire adore and respect a person carrying your baby is cruel beyond comprehension that should have killed off any love she had for him.
but she generously hoped it would still work out. such an accommodating sweet human being ...snuffed out for loving him.:oops::oops:
I believe SW would have thrown CW to the curb if he didn’t kill her first. She thought too highly of herself to put up with that. From her texts and conversations with friends she suspected maybe there was an affair, but she didn’t know for sure when she arrived home from Arizona that night.
Thank you Tricia. Of course NK did not kill anyone.
Maybe the anger is stemming from members who have had another, in their minds steal a loved one.
Personally, I do not think that anyone can steal a loved one from you.
This is a very complex subject.
However, in this case, Chris Watts went looking for "strange/replacement" after finding out his wife was pregnant again.
All of the lives that have been murdered and all of the lives that have been broken, are due to Chris Watts.
Nobody wanted his wife and little children murdered EXCEPT Chris Watts.
That is the hottom line to me.

Respectfully, being angry with people who are selfish is a moral issue. I don't have to have lost a.mate to another woman ( I haven't) to have a visceral reaction to seeing a fellow human being wronged, just like I don't have to have had my entire family murdered to feel anger towards someone who does that. I don't like to see other people hurt and I make no apologies for that. if we would all take a stand against people who ride rough shod over the lives of others , Maybe it wouldn't be so common place and accepted.
Wasn’t it due to the fact that NK told LE about the affair they were able to call CW’s bluff and get him to start telling the truth?

People from Anadarko called law enforcement on Wednesday morning at 8 a.m. and told law enforcement that they believed that the emails showed that they were having a relationship. That is what went into His lie detector test that was at 11 a.m. that day.

She didn't come forward until later that afternoon.

ETA law enforcement asked them to forward the emails to them at that time. They said they would have to check with their lawyers. But at least they had it verbally at that time in the morning.
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I don’t agree. Tech savvy or not, there was no reason for her to think her search history or texts would be made public on such a scale. She wasn’t dating a famous person. She didn’t know this was going to happen. She absolutely should not have gotten involved with a married man. But I don’t agree that she deserves to be “humiliated, embarrassed, and hated” because the married man she picked turned out to be a murderer. She made a mistake, but she didn’t know it was going to be put on an international scale.
People from Anadarko called law enforcement on Wednesday morning at 8 a.m. and told law enforcement that they believed that the emails showed that they were having a relationship. That is what went into His lie detector test that was at 11 a.m. that day

She didn't come forward until later that afternoon.
What emails? I thought they all texted.
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