GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #58

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I am not angry with NK for the affair. Affairs happen every day she just happened to be the one CW hooked up with. I can understand why she wasn't forthcoming with LE...if it was to protect her privacy. Her credibility is shot and she did that to herself with the Dateline interview and lying to LE. She had no way of knowing that CW would murder his family. She lost her job and will most likely have to change her name to be able to get a decent job and not be hounded by the weirdos that will crawl out of the wood work. What angers me is her searching for Amber Fryes net worth and book deal. She should not be able to profit from the murders of Shanann, Bella and CeCe. To me, her profiting off this would be horrendously disrespectful to their memories and Shanann's family

I missed the Dateline interview. I just checked my television for on demand and it is not coming up. Is it online?
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She may not be guilty of an actual crime, but the DA thought little of her enough to say in his press conference that she was “somewhat forthcoming” and then made sure all of her web searches and text messages were
included in the documents dump to show her for exactly what she was his last FU to CW and her since this case wasnt going to trial.
So what? Chris Watts and Chris Watts alone single handedly annihilated his loving family.
I'd like to get back to that.
CW deserves to be held in 'stocks' on the streets of CO for days on end and humiliation heaped upon him, and be made to look at his accusers! Then, begin his prison sentence, where he has sanctuary from the hell he created for Shanann's family and friends! A life in prison hiding away is TOO good for him and so is the death penalty!
I'm not a violent or vengeful person. . . . .. but, when CW gets to prison I'd like to see him put his hands around the 18 inch neck of a fellow prisoner to see what happens! Of course the pathetic coward would never try that!
I don't disagree that of course what he did was far, far worse than anything NK did. NK's actions, though not commendable were entirely human. I'd like to think I'd make different choices but understand why she did everything she did. On the other hand I don't think CW's actions are human. I don't understand how he could do the things he did and never will.

That said, just a week ago posters were lauding NK on these threads as a hero. Grouping her with NUA and the DA's office. I think many people on her are not only angry that she duped them in her media interview and furious that she knowingly destroyed evidence and lied to LE for her own selfish reasons. She said from day two she thought CW killed his family. So even believing he was was a monster who killed his little girls in cold blood and dumped them in oil like trash, she still deliberately hampered law enforcement efforts knowing that could possibly prevent them from ever convicting him.

On a Villain Scale of 1-10, with 1 being someone going 10 MPH over the speed limit and 10 being Chris Watts himself, I'm not sure where I would put Cindy Watts but wherever it is I'd put NK right next to her.
Hmmm.... I hear you. Friggin love the 1-10 scale. I get it. Thanks for putting it on the speed limit scale.... lol... needed that.

I hear you. And you're right.

Diabolical comes to mind. Thanks for your honesty and perspective.
Edited to add: sometimes I'm an idealistic jackass lol
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I don't disagree that of course what he did was far, far worse than anything NK did. NK's actions, though not commendable were entirely human. I'd like to think I'd make different choices but understand why she did everything she did. On the other hand I don't think CW's actions are human. I don't understand how he could do the things he did and never will.

That said, just a week ago posters were lauding NK on these threads as a hero. Grouping her with NUA and the DA's office. I think many people on her are not only angry that she duped them in her media interview and furious that she knowingly destroyed evidence and lied to LE for her own selfish reasons. She said from day two she thought CW killed his family. So even believing he was was a monster who killed his little girls in cold blood and dumped them in oil like trash, she still deliberately hampered law enforcement efforts knowing that could possibly prevent them from ever convicting him.

On a Villain Scale of 1-10, with 1 being someone going 10 MPH over the speed limit and 10 being Chris Watts himself, I'm not sure where I would put Cindy Watts but wherever it is I'd put NK right next to her.
Yeah. I was one of those people who saw her as a hero. I genuinely felt like she was duped, and selflessly came forward to help bring CW down. I compared her to Amber Frey.

The only comparison now is that she Googled her...
I don't disagree that of course what he did was far, far worse than anything NK did. NK's actions, though not commendable were entirely human. I'd like to think I'd make different choices but understand why she did everything she did. On the other hand I don't think CW's actions are human. I don't understand how he could do the things he did and never will.

That said, just a week ago posters were lauding NK on these threads as a hero. Grouping her with NUA and the DA's office. I think many people on her are angry that she duped them in her media interview and furious that she knowingly destroyed evidence and lied to LE for her own selfish reasons. She said from day two she thought CW killed his family. So even believing he was was a monster who killed his little girls in cold blood and dumped them in oil like trash, she still deliberately hampered law enforcement efforts knowing that could possibly prevent them from ever convicting him.

On a Villain Scale of 1-10, with 1 being someone going 10 MPH over the speed limit and 10 being Chris Watts himself, I'm not sure where I would put Cindy Watts but wherever it is I'd put NK right next to her.
And if I were Shanann's friend, I would be out for her blood. I would hate her forever. Nothing wrong with hanging on to a bit of hate. I would have no forgiveness for her if Shanann and her little girls were my friends.
Do we have any actual proof there was financial strain other than people speculating and CW saying they were late on their mortgage and SW had to take money out of his 401K to pay their bills. I skimmed over the financial stuff in Discovery but seem to recall they had about $10,000 in credit card debt. I know many people w/far more on their cards than that. And I know they were for not paying their homeowner's dues but I don't know if that's because they were in some kind of dispute, waiting for HOA to do something they promised, like fix something.

I'm not saying they weren't in financial trouble, I'm just asking what factual evidence do we have that supports it. To anyone who replies w/info, thank you in advance.
I have read so many things abt their bad financial situation. I dont have anything definite to link but I have seen a lot...I think Ashley Banfield said one of their accounts had $10 in it. I also read they were several months behind in their monthly mortgage and were abt to go to court for not paying their homeowners.The night he murdered her she tried to purchase some hair products online and her credit card was declined. I think i also read something abt her friends buying her dinner in AZ and the one that dropped her off at her house loaned her some cash...Crazy to me that she was planning a trip to aspen with CW and had enrolled the girls in an expensive private school...she seemed like such a smart lady but they obviously they were living way above their means...and with another baby on the way....I think this was a major stressor to CW and a huge part of why he did what he did. I dont think they wanted their families to know their life wasnt perfect... Sadly, it clearly wasnt what she portrayed it to be on social media.
Discovery page 756
"ATTS. BROWN said he heard MCNEAL talking to WATTS about WATTS going directly to the field first thing in the morning instead of coming to the office. BROWN said he thought that was very unusual because WATTS always came to the office first before going out into the field. BROWN said he could not ever remember a time when WATTS went straight to the field and didn’t come to the office first thing in the morning."

This is the first time CW went to the field and didn't come to the office.
It was the first time, CW had his planned task to carry out, before anyone was at the field, as we all know.
Imagine the conversations now amongst CW's co workers.
This would upset CW +++ as he cares what others think.:D
Just great.:)
I am not angry with NK for the affair. Affairs happen every day she just happened to be the one CW hooked up with. I can understand why she wasn't forthcoming with LE...if it was to protect her privacy. Her credibility is shot and she did that to herself with the Dateline interview and lying to LE. She had no way of knowing that CW would murder his family. She lost her job and will most likely have to change her name to be able to get a decent job and not be hounded by the weirdos that will crawl out of the wood work. What angers me is her searching for Amber Fryes net worth and book deal. She should not be able to profit from the murders of Shanann, Bella and CeCe. To me, her profiting off this would be horrendously disrespectful to their memories and Shanann's family
On the other hand, she may know many interesting things about CW that no one else knows that might bring greater understanding about whatever it was that drove him to this.
You are right, I am not her, but I think with the abundant almost excessive amount of videos that SW posted, I do not believe my daughter would want any part of that. SW’s social media presence was not normal..she put too much out there. The video alone of their pregnant test and the textsa saying he was the one that wanted her to get pregnant again should be enough for any self respecting woman to run the other way.
The amount of video was because it was part of her business. PR. In that context it's understandable and acceptable.

Here's what I found on Discovery Page 461:

"JEREMY said that SHANANN was always kind of strange to him, with all of her health problems. He said that she pronounced her name SHA-NAAN but her mom pronounced it SHANNON. JEREMY said that he felt SHANANN was kind of rebellious."

eta: JINX, @MassGuy !
This is the same Jeremy that Chris' mother called up on the phone to complain about Shanann. I'm taking his assessment of Shanann's character and motivations with a large shaker of salt.
I have read so many things abt their bad financial situation. I dont have anything definite to link but I have seen a lot...I think Ashley Banfield said one of their accounts had $10 in it. I also read they were several months behind in their monthly mortgage and were abt to go to court for not paying their homeowners.The night he murdered her she tried to purchase some hair products online and her credit card was declined. I think i also read something abt her friends buying her dinner in AZ and the one that dropped her off at her house loaned her some cash...Crazy to me that she was planning a trip to aspen with CW and had enrolled the girls in an expensive private school...she seemed like such a smart lady but they obviously they were living way above their means...and with another baby on the way....I think this was a major stressor to CW and a huge part of why he did what he did. I dont think they wanted their families to know their life wasnt perfect... Sadly, it clearly wasnt what she portrayed it to be on social media.
This is victim blaming. She was not the only one spending money. He was looking to buy jewellery for his girlfriend and spending money on romantic dinners.
CW is human. Humans are crueler to each other than any other species could ever be, IMO. Animals are driven by survival and instinct. Humans are supposed to be operating on a higher level of thinking. But many humans are extremely cruel. And empathy needs to be taught. Anyone who has ever been around a group of toddlers knows that. Good parenting involves teaching children to have empathy and to think about others. And it’s not a one time lesson. It’s ongoing. But as others have pointed out, children follow their parents’ example more than their parents’ instructions. Toxic enmeshed families produce dangerous offspring.
I don't disagree that of course what he did was far, far worse than anything NK did. NK's actions, though not commendable were entirely human. I'd like to think I'd make different choices but understand why she did everything she did. On the other hand I don't think CW's actions are human. I don't understand how he could do the things he did and never will.

That said, just a week ago posters were lauding NK on these threads as a hero. Grouping her with NUA and the DA's office. I think many people on her are angry that she duped them in her media interview and furious that she knowingly destroyed evidence and lied to LE for her own selfish reasons. She said from day two she thought CW killed his family. So even believing he was was a monster who killed his little girls in cold blood and dumped them in oil like trash, she still deliberately hampered law enforcement efforts knowing that could possibly prevent them from ever convicting him.

On a Villain Scale of 1-10, with 1 being someone going 10 MPH over the speed limit and 10 being Chris Watts himself, I'm not sure where I would put Cindy Watts but wherever it is I'd put NK right next to her.
Well said.
I have read so many things abt their bad financial situation. I dont have anything definite to link but I have seen a lot...I think Ashley Banfield said one of their accounts had $10 in it. I also read they were several months behind in their monthly mortgage and were abt to go to court for not paying their homeowners.The night he murdered her she tried to purchase some hair products online and her credit card was declined. I think i also read something abt her friends buying her dinner in AZ and the one that dropped her off at her house loaned her some cash...Crazy to me that she was planning a trip to aspen with CW and had enrolled the girls in an expensive private school...she seemed like such a smart lady but they obviously they were living way above their means...and with another baby on the way....I think this was a major stressor to CW and a huge part of why he did what he did. I dont think they wanted their families to know their life wasnt perfect... Sadly, it clearly wasnt what she portrayed it to be on social media.
It couldn't be the why because he was already spending the money he planned on making selling the home and collecting life insurance.

He's a huge reason they had financial problems (maybe even the main cause of) which in my experience with CW types is par for the course. They think they deserve a certain lifestyle and don't mind lying, stealing, manipulating to get it.

I think he just didn't want his "bossy" wife and kids anymore.

I'm not a violent or vengeful person. . . . .. but, when CW gets to prison I'd like to see him put his hands around the 18 inch neck of a fellow prisoner to see what happens! Of course the pathetic coward would never try that!

Perhaps he was indoctrinated with Trent/Nickole on what he is going to Expect When in prison?
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She deserves to be humiliated,embarrassed and “hated”... she is 30 years old, I’m sure she is technically savvy and yet she’s old enough to know better...the day she met him she went home and googled him and checked him and his wife out on social media. it should have ended takes two to tango ...but she should not have gotten involved with a married man with two kids and a pregnant wife.
I dont think anyone is suggesting that it's ok to get involved with someone who is married. But the fact is millions of people do. I have no problem believing CW deceived and lied to his mistress. It's likely that one of the first things he told her when they met was that he was married but they were thinking of getting a seperation. A married man who is interested in a woman usually drops that in the first conversation. Knowing Chris, that's exactly what he said. I also believe that he told her conflicting things about whether or not Shanann wanted the divorce or not.
Nichol was likely insecure and told him to work on the marriage to test him and to make sure that was really going to happen. She probably didn't want him to work on the marriage at all, and was hoping he would say he wasn't interested, and that it's over.
Either way, most people involved in an affair don't end up murdering their entire family! I don't know how she could possibly have anticipated that. Imo
What is the one thing you'd most like to see in the next doc dump? ( And does anyone know yet when that will be?).

The one thing I would like to see in the next doc Dump is an appendix!

Perhaps before it comes out, people can volunteer to take a couple hundred of pages and note what is on them to find for others..and everyone's part is put together for an appendix for all the terabytes.

And I like what somebody else said, that somebody hopefully will make a YouTube channel and upload each one to a YouTube if that can be done.

I don't know if we have people on the threads that have that expertise and time.
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I don't disagree that of course what he did was far, far worse than anything NK did. NK's actions, though not commendable were entirely human. I'd like to think I'd make different choices but understand why she did everything she did. On the other hand I don't think CW's actions are human. I don't understand how he could do the things he did and never will.

That said, just a week ago posters were lauding NK on these threads as a hero. Grouping her with NUA and the DA's office. I think many people on her are angry that she duped them in her media interview and furious that she knowingly destroyed evidence and lied to LE for her own selfish reasons. She said from day two she thought CW killed his family. So even believing he was was a monster who killed his little girls in cold blood and dumped them in oil like trash, she still deliberately hampered law enforcement efforts knowing that could possibly prevent them from ever convicting him.

On a Villain Scale of 1-10, with 1 being someone going 10 MPH over the speed limit and 10 being Chris Watts himself, I'm not sure where I would put Cindy Watts but wherever it is I'd put NK right next to her.

I sorry you lost your friend ! We can theorize and postulate all day (and night) long. But there are family and friends tonight during what should be a wonderful and exciting holiday season , whose lives will.never be the same. I'd say you have every right to anger towards anyone in this case who was not 100% pro Shannan. Again, I am sorry for your loss.
Yeah. I was one of those people who saw her as a hero. I genuinely felt like she was duped, and selflessly came forward to help bring CW down. I compared her to Amber Frey.

The only comparison now is that she Googled her...
Yep, I compared her to Amber Frey too until I saw the documents and heard from the DA that she was “somewhat forthcoming.”I think SW’s social media presence is a huge difference too. SW put her whole life on social media for all to see-including NK. I totally think several of SW’s last videos were for any of CW’s love interests to see...hoping they would walk away...but NK did not want to do that..
CW is human. Humans are crueler to each other than any other species could ever be, IMO. Animals are driven by survival and instinct. Humans are supposed to be operating on a higher level of thinking. But many humans are extremely cruel. And empathy needs to be taught. Anyone who has ever been around a group of toddlers knows that. Good parenting involves teaching children to have empathy and to think about others. And it’s not a one time lesson. It’s ongoing. But as others have pointed out, children follow their parents’ example more than their parents’ instructions. Toxic enmeshed families produce dangerous offspring.
Well it’s a damn shame, because it looks like his parents lack empathy themselves. How can they teach him something they don’t have?
This. Is beyond depraved. And indifference on a grand scale. CW definitely disassociated himself from being a father. CeCe and Bella were just problems to get rid of, like taking out trash.
It’s interesting how these cheating men always think the grass is greener on the other side. He kills his first family because he wants his freedom and what exactly does he thing this new woman is going to do? She’s going to want to get married and start a family too! It’s all the same, we all get comfortable in our marriage, things become routine, work, family etc. We all have baggage from life, and everyone has problems. Marriage is a commitment that two people have to work at together. The good, bad and the ugly. If you find someone who loves you, works with you through thick and thin, raises a family with you and accepts you as you are, you should count your blessings. Chris had it all with Shanann, but after 8 years and 3 kids, he had enough. Nicole should be counting her blessings that she didn’t end up with him or she would have found herself in the same spot Shanann did.

I often think about that delayed flight...if she had come home on time, Chris would have had more time to do his evil deeds and cover them up better. He may have gotten away with it and there would be no justice for Shanann, Bella, CeCe and Nico. So the next time you’re at the airport and your flight gets delayed, take it as a gift from God, as He has a reason for everything.
I don't disagree that of course what he did was far, far worse than anything NK did. NK's actions, though not commendable were entirely human. I'd like to think I'd make different choices but understand why she did everything she did. On the other hand I don't think CW's actions are human. I don't understand how he could do the things he did and never will.

That said, just a week ago posters were lauding NK on these threads as a hero. Grouping her with NUA and the DA's office. I think many people on her are angry that she duped them in her media interview and furious that she knowingly destroyed evidence and lied to LE for her own selfish reasons. She said from day two she thought CW killed his family. So even believing he was was a monster who killed his little girls in cold blood and dumped them in oil like trash, she still deliberately hampered law enforcement efforts knowing that could possibly prevent them from ever convicting him.

On a Villain Scale of 1-10, with 1 being someone going 10 MPH over the speed limit and 10 being Chris Watts himself, I'm not sure where I would put Cindy Watts but wherever it is I'd put NK right next to her.

I sorry you lost your friend ! We can theorize and postulate all day (and night) long. But there are family and friends tonight during what should be a wonderful and exciting holiday season , whose lives will.never be the same. I'd say you have every right to anger towards anyone in this case who was not 100% pro Shannan. Again, I am sorry for your loss.
It couldn't be the why because he was already spending the money he planned on making selling the home and collecting life insurance.

He's a huge reason they had financial problems (maybe even the main cause of) which in my experience with CW types is par for the course. They think they deserve a certain lifestyle and don't mind lying, stealing, manipulating to get it.

I think he just didn't want his "bossy" wife and kids anymore.


When Shanann was first reported as “missing” the police asked C.W. for bank details so they could check if she had been using the accounts. CW could not supply them as he said Shanann knew all the passwords. She must have had a good reason to hold onto those finances.
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