OH Pike County: 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested#38

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Why does everyone think Jake is a weak child. He’s 27 years old an adult with at least one child. He CI owned a farm, knowingly had sex with an underage adolescent.

He was part of one of the worst crimes I can remember. A kid didn’t participate in this crime, he was an adult.

His looks? Ted Bundy was handsome, attended law school, and was a friend of author Ann Rule. He murdered how many women? Evil lurks and comes in every size shape and form.

It’s time to treat him as an adult who is charged in 8 murders including the young mother of his daughter. He supposedly passionately loved her at one time. And was intimate with her in time to believe he may have been the father to her 5 day old baby.

He’s a big boy, and probably committed unspeakable crimes that affected a hundred family members. Time to treat him just like the others.

I don’t think him a weak child. I do think most of his decisions have been made for him.
Like everyone, I have no idea what his participation in the murders is, I do know he had inappropriate relations with a minor. I also find nothing, absolutely nothing, attractive about JW.
Reading his FB, and interviews, he just didn't seem as mature as someone his age should be, he seemed rather naive to me, at least. However, he had a chance to stop this, like the other three, but didn't. Afraid of to say no? Was psyched about it? Idk. Pointing out that he may be the weakest link of the four is no different than pointing out who may be the strongest, smartest, or least intelligent. It's only speculation.

Exactly! It’s only my opinion that someone is going to flip and get some type of a deal for talking & I believe it will be Jake. Based on nothing, of course. IMO, AW is slick & thinks she can get out of this, G4 looked as if he might doze off during his arraignment, IMO. I wondered if he even comprehends wtf is going on. Maybe he’s on meds, idk.
Yes. I think they know that all four had some part in this and would rather over-charge them, than under-charge them, because, I don't think there's any way anyone can know exactly what happened in those homes that night. By charging them each, if no one fesses up, they're covered. If they find that one sat in the car for pickup and was not armed, they'll be charged, but the the gun charges may be dropped, for example. That might get the DP off the table for them, but, again, IANAL so take that w/a grain of salt.

I agree. This is why I think someone will talk.......
Someone is going to say “Not I”.
And, IMO, it will be Jake.
He presents to me as very immature, naive, demure. Piece of cake for an experienced legal team. Easily persuaded.
I've wondered about his hair too. I think it may be a little defiance. No one in the family, can tell little bro, JW, what to do anymore.
He once had horrible complexion, his face was covered with zits. Remember? Maybe he likes the long hair to kind of hide his face. Everything about him reminds me of a 12yo. Except his adult activities. He’s been raised to “follow”. IMO
Why does everyone think Jake is a weak child. He’s 27 years old an adult with at least one child. He CI owned a farm, knowingly had sex with an underage adolescent.

He was part of one of the worst crimes I can remember. A kid didn’t participate in this crime, he was an adult.

His looks? Ted Bundy was handsome, attended law school, and was a friend of author Ann Rule. He murdered how many women? Evil lurks and comes in every size shape and form.

It’s time to treat him as an adult who is charged in 8 murders including the young mother of his daughter. He supposedly passionately loved her at one time. And was intimate with her in time to believe he may have been the father to her 5 day old baby.

He’s a big boy, and probably committed unspeakable crimes that affected a hundred family members. Time to treat him just like the others.
I agree that now they're all, quite rightly, facing serious consequences for their actions, probably for the first time in their lives. Even if one of them made a deal, it would probably only take the death penalty off the table, like it did for Chris Watts.

We don't know what any of them are really like, but I don't agree that mass murders are committed by people who are fully adult in their minds. People who've fully grown up don't have to be told what's wrong, they take responsibility for themselves. I think criminals are functioning at a sub-adult level, a sort of arrested development. As you say , a 'big boy' rather than a man.
It’s almost as if the 4 were afraid of being separated. Maybe AW preferred everyone together 24/7 so no one had a slip of the tongue.
Guess they never entertained the possibility of incarceration consisting of separate institutions.

I think AW likes the media attention, I’ve always thought so. Obviously, she’d prefer to “dress” for it.

Maybe she wants to wear a fancy cross, too, to show how religious she is...
Let me preface this by saying I understand “felony murder” and one does not actually have to be the murderer to be charged. I also feel LWOP is a tougher sentence than DP, only because the prison conditions are much worse. Prisons tend to safe-house DR inmates. Protect them until the day arrives.....if it does.

I have reservations if a juror or two will be reluctant to go for DP if the prosecutor is unable to affirmatively match a suspect with a victim. Again, this is just MOO

If I am seated on a DP jury, I’m gonna want to know.
Hubby and I decided to do a little house cleaning today. We were afraid the ceiling might cave in with all the stuff piled in the attic so we took a tour up there. I found boxes and boxes of stuff. One box had a contract for a new car my grandparents bought in 1954. Also a contract for a new TV bought by hubby's uncle in 1955. The car was 3800.00 and the TV was 359.95. Boy have things changed.

Anyway I got to thinking about those trailers LE searched that were parked at the Browns before the W's went to Alaska. We all saw pictures of piles of possessions laid out on the ground.

My thoughts are. Were the W's pack rats like me and hubby and apparently my entire family? Were those trailers full of stuff no longer needed but not trash either? If so then what did LE find in them? Is that where they recovered parts of the suppressor? Or did they find other evidence in them? Like blood?

And what about Fred? What did LE find in her attic? Parts of a suppressor someone built? She denied that LE found anything. I remember she said "They found zilch." Would they have told her if they found something? How did they know she lied to a GJ? Something they found at her home that they later asked her about and she lied?

I guess my point is, when the W's packed up to move to AK they could only take a limited amount of stuff with them. So what did they do with all the rest of that "No longer needed but not trash either" stuff? Store it at Fred's?

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LE may not know, and they'd not tell them. I'm not necessarily talking another murder. They got caught doing something at RedWing. How long did it go on? They got out of it, IIRC. You have spans of years when they have no record of illegal activities (stealing, recvg stolen goods), then out of nowhere, it appears they did it again and got caught. It makes them look like they are stupid and got caught every time. I don't think they just did it again and got caught, I think they'd been doing it and slipped up. If you catch a thief, most likely you didn't catch him on his first go round.

I think they have been doing a lot of shady stuff long before these murders. And I do not think it was their first murder. People who kill 8 people to solve a problem has killed before to solve other problems. There was a beginning somewhere. Maybe LE will figure out where it all began.

I think they have been doing a lot of shady stuff long before these murders. And I do not think it was their first murder. People who kill 8 people to solve a problem has killed before to solve other problems. There was a beginning somewhere. Maybe LE will figure out where it all began.


I agree, for the most part, but I think maybe only one of them killed someone, or possibly two of them. They weren't found out, so between years of skimming by, and, theory only, possibly having killed someone in the past too, they thought they could pull this off if they all stuck together. Someone told someone else. Could JW have confided in his new bride? He did get married didn't he, or was that rumor? I've not seen hide nor hair of her.
I don’t think him a weak child. I do think most of his decisions have been made for him.
Like everyone, I have no idea what his participation in the murders is, I do know he had inappropriate relations with a minor. I also find nothing, absolutely nothing, attractive about JW.

I concur.
I agree, for the most part, but I think maybe only one of them killed someone, or possibly two of them. They weren't found out, so between years of skimming by, and, theory only, possibly having killed someone in the past too, they thought they could pull this off if they all stuck together. Someone told someone else. Could JW have confided in his new bride? He did get married didn't he, or was that rumor? I've not seen hide nor hair of her.

I’ve looked for info regarding a bride. I have found nothing. Idk if his detention center intake log would have the info or not. If he did wed, I hope she filed for annulment before her name is forever attached to him. I’m going to run a deeper search for a marriage license.

I read CW checked “widow” on his paperwork in WI, but that is state level.
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I agree, for the most part, but I think maybe only one of them killed someone, or possibly two of them. They weren't found out, so between years of skimming by, and, theory only, possibly having killed someone in the past too, they thought they could pull this off if they all stuck together. Someone told someone else. Could JW have confided in his new bride? He did get married didn't he, or was that rumor? I've not seen hide nor hair of her.

Could JW have confided in his new bride?

You know we have all kind of forgotten about her. Or at least I have. She would have made the perfect CI. She would have been living with Jake and with the other W's when they returned from AK. She would be trusted by Jake and could have very easily overheard and recorded with her phone multiple conversations between them all. And she would not share the same fanatical loyalty of the W family since she was a newcomer. I really do hope she is back in Ak until time for her to testify if she testifies. Far away from the reach of Fred and crew.

I agree that now they're all, quite rightly, facing serious consequences for their actions, probably for the first time in their lives. Even if one of them made a deal, it would probably only take the death penalty off the table, like it did for Chris Watts.

We don't know what any of them are really like, but I don't agree that mass murders are committed by people who are fully adult in their minds. People who've fully grown up don't have to be told what's wrong, they take responsibility for themselves. I think criminals are functioning at a sub-adult level, a sort of arrested development. As you say , a 'big boy' rather than a man.

Totally see that. Have seen it! It's like the Peter Pan Syndrome, the boys who never grow up.
Let me preface this by saying I understand “felony murder” and one does not actually have to be the murderer to be charged. I also feel LWOP is a tougher sentence than DP, only because the prison conditions are much worse. Prisons tend to safe-house DR inmates. Protect them until the day arrives.....if it does.

I have reservations if a juror or two will be reluctant to go for DP if the prosecutor is unable to affirmatively match a suspect with a victim. Again, this is just MOO

If I am seated on a DP jury, I’m gonna want to know.
Good point. I also think, for some families, what they most want is an admission of guilt and to know exactly who did what and why.
I’ve looked for info regarding a bride. I have found nothing. Idk if his detention center intake log would have the info or not. If he did we’d, I hope she filed for annulment before her name is forever attached to him.
I read CW checked “widow” on his paperwork in WI, but that is state level.

Attorneys can and are brazenly determined to win or mediate the penalty to clients.

Can you imagine in ten years time the reputation and fee schedule if any one of these attorneys if they win and get their client off?

HOLY JOSE (as in Casey Anthony’s attorney)

And the Prosecutors careers continued normally.

And in as much as I think she was guilty of her daughters death and likely so much more, I had to agree with the technical decision of the jury. The prosecution failed in significant ways. But it is done and the one good aspect of that case is Prosecutors learned significant lessons. It shouldn’t happen again.
I agree and I believe they focused on the wrong evidence too much. Jmo but this case may be in the same trouble if not careful. When Dewine uses the word “Bizarre” it could be a problem. Normal people can’t relate to the thoughts of killers and when something is so bizarre it sometimes comes across as unbelievable. Jmo
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