TX - 22 killed, 26 injured at Walmart, Cielo Vista, El Paso, 3 Aug 2019 *ARREST*

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So what happened? Why did this young man do this?
What went wrong with is thinking that he saw this as a good idea?

From the articles about him in High school, he felt above others. He looked down on athletes and band kids. BUT he was not succeeding like he felt he should have been. He couldn't be to blame so he blamed and hated others.

It actually sounds a lot like Eric Harris (Columbine) and that guy that went around shooting girls at the college because they weren't interested in him. (I forget his name).

Edited to add - Elliot Rodger, 22, is the name.
Were guns different?

The AR-15 or AK-47 type weren’t available, but other types of semi-automatic weapons were.

Handguns are used in the overwhelming majority of mass shootings, but the AR-15 type has gotten the most attention.

Doing this type of thing just didn’t occur to people back then, and guys like Charles Whitman (Texas tower shooter) were outliers.

People like this guy used to kill themselves.

Now they tend to take others with them.
So what did socially awkward, angry, marginalized, different misfit young men do in the 1950s? Or ‘60s or ‘70s or ‘80s? They certainly had easy access to guns. Probably easier then than now. What were they doing instead of planning and committing mass murder? What changed?

The internet allows for stochastic terrorism
If you see your kid or friend or coworker suddenly spouting ideas or talking about violence or doing what these mass shooters do maybe they can be stopped. If they aren't living with racists or lunatics that share their ideas their behavior might freak out the people closest to them. Knowing what to look for could potentially prevent this from happening again.
Yes, I agree. Many concerned parents have reported their teens to FBI or RCMP.

Some of these young men really restrict their violent thoughts and plans to obscure group chat in alternate social media. LE needs to join such groups, but only to disrupt, not entrap.
In a word, “racist.”

This is clear, and it’s apparently something that has been his focus for a long time.

In many cases, we are left to speculate as to the “why.”

Not here.

You know I can't even say that's the true reason. These weirdos grab onto something that gives vent to their feelings of inadequacy and mediocrity. But it's the personality problem along with a bunch of other factors that I think combines to create these loners.

In June this year, the US Department of Justice’s research arm produced a report on the current uptick in US homegrown terror (including mass shootings as well as violent attacks attacks using explosives and vehicles). That report agrees with the FBI’s findings that American mass shooters tend to share certain traits—no matter what their motivation.

Homegrown US terrorists “frequently combined personal grievances (ie. perceptions that they had been personally wronged) with political grievances (i.e., perceptions that a government entity or other political actor had committed an injustice),” the report found.

In particular, “feeling that one (or one’s group) has been treated unfairly, discriminated against, or targeted by others may lead individuals to seek justice or revenge against those they blame for this situation,” the report notes.

Sometimes these people can be pushed to violence by the words of others, either by radical online groups or the hostile political discourse, law enforcement officials warn
The FBI’s warning signs to identify a mass shooter before he strikes
'At least 20 dead' after 'gunman armed with an assault rifle' opens fire at a Walmart in El Paso | Daily Mail Online

This article includes a photo of him with his father, brother, and twin sister. They have their arms around each other while he is standing alone.

According to public records, Crusius’ last known address was his family’s home in Allen, Texas, where he lived with his parents, twin sister and older brother.

The home, around 30 minutes outside of Dallas and more than 9 hours drive away from El Paso, is reportedly being raided by police.

Alice Baland, who lives four houses down, said a retired couple lives at the home. She described them as sweet people who regularly attend church.
I really don't think so, gitana. IMO, these guys are, basically, being radicalized online. I truly believe the public is better served knowing what we're up against.

How are we incabaple of knowing what we are up against just because we don't name them or show their faces? Every detail of who they are and what they're into and what they've posted can be described without those two things, as I've already said.
If this is digitally connected with Christchurch 8chan community, then it is about belonging to something, like Daesh, where people join because it sounds nice.
Recent ISIS-inspired terror attacks in South Asia have been quite similar in digital footprint. Somehow these groups are reaching educated, privileged youth.
Pretty standard I think.

You have someone who is antisocial, and is very angry.

These people want to belong to something, and find an outlet in extremist hate.

By doing what he did, he achieves two goals:


Revenge against those he has misdirected his anger against.

Edited to remove “personality” from “antisocial.”

So what did socially awkward, angry, marginalized, different misfit young men do in the 1950s? Or ‘60s or ‘70s or ‘80s? They certainly had easy access to guns. Probably easier then than now. What were they doing instead of planning and committing mass murder? What changed?

Well in 1927 Andrew Kehoe bombed a local school killing 44 people because his taxes increased and he lost an election. He also shot his neighbors dog and beat a horse to death in the weeks before.

There have been other bombings. Fires started intentionally to cause mass casualties. ECT.

If you look up mass murders ( not just shootings) it's shocking.
So what did socially awkward, angry, marginalized, different misfit young men do in the 1950s? Or ‘60s or ‘70s or ‘80s? They certainly had easy access to guns. Probably easier then than now. What were they doing instead of planning and committing mass murder? What changed?

The advent of the internet for one which helped mass murderers become instantly infamous. That appeals to others. The two Columbine cowards predicted this. They knew it was going to be huge news and that it would inspire copy cats. It did.

It's like a row of dominoes. Each incident inspires the next creep who wants to see his name in lights.
Yes, I agree. Many concerned parents have reported their teens to FBI or RCMP.

Some of these young men really restrict their violent thoughts and plans in alternate social media. LE needs to join such groups, but only to disrupt, not entrap.

They do that with pedophiles right? There are people that I think will look out for pedos on their own. Computer savvy people could do something like that too. I know it's harder to prove what someone fantasies about like blowing up a school vs planning to do it. Or if you encourage someone to make their wish a reality that's crosses lines. If you find a manifesto or very detailed plan there might be proof in the real world.
The Walmart killer deserves to be thrown into a cell and throw away the key.
What a pity he didn't go out in his 'blaze of glory'.

In his manifesto he claimed he would not live thru the attack because some armed Texan would take him out. Well, that didn't work out for the creep. Instead, charged with capital murder. Welcome to death row in Texas.

Hope to everything that is holy that he is denied computer privileges.

Couple of other tidbits --
  • Creep appeared to stop shooting because he ran out of ammo.
  • Was quietly driving his car away from the scene when the police blocked him.
  • Despite "lots of gear" he gave up to police without a fight. They were Latino. I guess armed Latinos are different than helpless children.
The AR-15 or AK-47 type weren’t available, but other types of semi-automatic weapons were.

Handguns are used in the overwhelming majority of mass shootings, but the AR-15 type has gotten the most attention.

Doing this type of thing just didn’t occur to people back then, and guys like Charles Whitman (Texas tower shooter) were outliers.

People like this guy used to kill themselves.

Now they tend to take others with them.

Or they maybe just killed their parents and then themselves.

Well in 1927 Andrew Kehoe bombed a local school killing 44 people because his taxes increased and he lost an election. He also shot his neighbors dog and beat a horse to death in the weeks before.

There have been other bombings. Fires started intentionally to cause mass casualties. ECT.

If you look up mass murders ( not just shootings) it's shocking.
Yeah, this sort of thing happened, but not at this frequency.

That Andrew Kehoe one was absolutely crazy, and I only heard about it recently.

This is on everyone’s mind now, and there is no shortage of past acts that serve as inspiration.

Reading a newspaper headline of a mass act of violence decades ago, didn’t inspire people like seeing wall to wall tv coverage today.

We are more connected and informed than we have ever been, and there is a downside to that.
So what did socially awkward, angry, marginalized, different misfit young men do in the 1950s? Or ‘60s or ‘70s or ‘80s? They certainly had easy access to guns. Probably easier then than now. What were they doing instead of planning and committing mass murder? What changed?
They used Anarchist Cookbook and other pamphlets to damage buildings, occasionally killing people. A few joined organized terror groups with guns and military grade stuff.
Websleuths is always the best source of information.

The best because it doesn't devolve into all sorts political screeds. We all have our opinions on that. YET playing up the political angle gives the shooter cred he does deserve. I love that Websleuths treats these horrible things as exactly what they are -- a crime, and the shooter is NOT some glorified...race warrior, I guess - but a criminal and murderer.
I don't know what you are talking about.
I never mentioned a brand.
Carry on?
Stop the Bleed packets only have a tourniquet, untreated gauze, and a bandage in them. They are not QuikClot clotting gauze pads and strips.
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