CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - *Arrest* #63

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Well now, that's interesting. She couldn't remember telling the FBI if one was missing?

To me, that reads like she couldn't remember the detail about the chamber - not the whole story. But, that's the hard part about the sporadic tweets of information.

I got the sense it was just there. She didn’t think about it until later.

Man, I feel like people in the country feel it’s a super dangerous place. I thought most of those areas were supposed to be low crime?

I think a lot of times it has to do with how long it would take for help to arrive. So, if something happened they need to be ready to handle it themselves and not have to wait for LE.
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So the car she drove had expired tags? Hmm. Maybe indeed she thought she could point that out as an excuse not to move the body. “I could get pulled over.”

Why would her friend let her borrow a car with expired tags? Wasn’t she afraid it would get impounded?
We're not dealing with a bright bunch here. So my guess is probably not.
So it’s supposed to be three weeks. Defense will have their witnesses (that might be super short) and then any rebuttal witnesses. Seems like they should have continued on with whatever witness they had available, skipping over whoever isn’t there.

I think they just want to give the jury time to do the math on MG's gun before moving on. I know I've been thinking hard, and I feel like I'm getting close to understanding the bullet math, but still need some more time IMO
I haven’t seen anything about that? Where did that come from?

I don't know about her actually testifying - that I haven't seen anywhere else. Just on Twitter that she was at the courthouse.

She is not going to be testifying. I just went and confirmed that she's been watching the trial (why she was at the courthouse in the twitter post) so I'm confident she's not a witness.

<modsnip: Do not bring social media comments to Websleuths>
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Has anything been mentioned about where the crime took place. Seems KK mentioned a back room, but I was reading the Search Warrant that specifies a lot of blood in various parts of the bathroom. Did this murder occur in all rooms throughout the townhouse. If so, this gives me nightmares thinking poor Kelsey was trying to get away by running to nearby rooms. Also, there was blood the fireplace and kitchen, too. I can't find it anymore, but I recall reading that there was blood on a cover for the sweet rolls. It's possible this was an item KK was told to remove by orders of PK. From the information I could gather, it seems like KB was attacked while trying to get away, but may have been too injured to get away by running. ( I believe she was athletic and a runner). She may have been trying to protect her baby, as well.

I seem to have read a tweet that she searched for " sweet potato pie" at 2:20pm, but she had texted PF to get some pecans for the "sweet potato casserole" while at Walmart. It makes me think by 2:20 pm, KB was deceased. Me thinks he did that search. I wonder what he was doing all that time in her townhouse? Eating sweet rolls? Ugh

Would love to read others thoughts on this.

Ok back to Lurk mode☺️
I respectfully disagree.

Would JM have finally come forward? Personally, I doubt it. When he did 'come forward', it was after PF had been arrested - and even then, he called PF's attorney, not LE. I suspect the only reason he did call LE was because PF's attorney told him to. PF's attorney could not have kept JM's information from LE.

LE would not have gone looking for evidence of a fire if KK hadn't told them about the fire and even shown them where the fire had been. There was no reason LE would have been interrogating the ranch hands, let alone asking them about a fire that the ranch hands would have had no reason to consider suspicious.

LE would have had no reason to investigate the barn with the stained hay bale without KK's testimony.

Wait! IIRC the recorded phone call between PF and JM mentioned the question " . . . activity around the red barn" and JM called LE and Stiegerwald after?
Finally caught up and here for Kelsey and all of the Berreth Family. Holding my breath (and stomach) for what new revelations may come today. Just when I think I couldn't be more appalled at the depths of the human depravity, directed toward a sweet, hard working woman who offered kindness and grace to them despite their rude and disrespectful behavior toward her. If SF is called upon to testify, maybe someone will ask her what Kelsey ever did to her to create such hatred and animosity on SF's part? :mad:

I would like to know a lot more about growing up Frazee. :eek:

How could SF & EF ever think that they had a prayer of getting custody of Baby K? Couldn't even create a safe space for a curious toddler that could sustain a life changing injury and horrible, unnecessary suffering due to her negligence? :confused::mad:

Hope there are pictures of the interior of the Franchhouse forthcoming. :eek:

So it’s supposed to be three weeks. Defense will have their witnesses (that might be super short) and then any rebuttal witnesses. Seems like they should have continued on with whatever witness they had available, skipping over whoever isn’t there.
It's interesting, isn't it?

My sense of DA May is that he has his ducks all perfectly lined up, and he's very particular about keeping them in sequence.

My guess is that he recognizes there is such a large cast of characters, multiple timelines, and such voluminous amounts of evidence that it would be easy for jurors to get confused as he helps them assemble this 10,000 piece puzzle.

I think Dan wants the case against PF laid out before the jury in the most logical way possible, and he has it all painstakingly plotted out.

I think that's genius.
I'd love to have coffee with this DA.
I'd hate to play chess against him.

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BBM. I know you’re an attorney. Just curious why you think there wouldn’t have been any prosecution at all without KK? I certainly believe it would have been harder. But no body murder convictions occur at a rate of 86% (per . I would say the chances are good that he would have been prosecuted. Even without KK, JM would have come forward and testified that PF said he had a plan to kill her. The ranch hands would have testified about the fire. The video and cell phone evidence was still good. PF’s inconsistent statements. Would MS have been able to testify about what KK told her, or would that be hearsay? At any rate, a mountain of circumstantial evidence.

No body cases are prosecuted with such a conviction rate because they aren’t prosecuted at all unless the circumstantial evidence is more than super solid.

So many cases we see never get prosecuted at all. Like Susan Powell.

Why do you think JM would’ve come forward? Many witnesses were directly approached or only came forward after the arrest. That’s not uncommon.

Yes the statement by MS would be hearsay.

Even with all you listed it would be unlikely to be enough to satisfy the state so that they would’ve taken it to trial.

The evidence that was discoverable without KK’s input is indeed very solid. But they need more than solid when there’s no body.
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Her testimony might be relevant if PF bragged to her that he could kill someone and make sure their body was never found, because 'no body, no crime'. I don't recall exactly, but she may be one that he bragged to about knowing specific places he could hide a body.

Bragging to people that you could kill someone and get away with it isn't actual evidence of a crime, but if you consistently brag to enough people over a long period of time, it's hardly surprising if it makes you a target of suspicion when a body does go missing.

It also makes the defense's job a little more difficult. How many people can the defense discredit and basically call liars when they all say that PF bragged he could kill someone and make a body disappear?
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IIRC, someone posted that in Idaho there's some kind of 'grace period' for expired tags. Where I live, there is a kind of grace period - if your tags expire on the 13th of the month, you are OK unless an officer pulls you over and notices that although your license tab only shows month and year, technically your tags are 'expired' on the 13th, not the end of the month. I don't know if that's the kind of 'grace period' the poster was referring to, however.

Same here. Grace period for the tag renewal itself but no grace period for the state inspection. If the inspection hasn’t been done you will be ticketed.
I got the sense it was just there. She didn’t think about it until later.

Man, I feel like people in the country feel it’s a super dangerous place. I thought most of those areas were supposed to be low crime?
it’s going to seem low crime because of population. Per capita, probably not a lot of difference. Meth is rampant in rural TX where I am. There are people living in dying towns who are stuck there because of poverty, and drugs are a means of escape. Where there are drugs, there will always be related crime.
BBM. I know you’re an attorney. Just curious why you think there wouldn’t have been any prosecution at all without KK? I certainly believe it would have been harder. But no body murder convictions occur at a rate of 86% (per . I would say the chances are good that he would have been prosecuted. Even without KK, JM would have come forward and testified that PF said he had a plan to kill her. The ranch hands would have testified about the fire. The video and cell phone evidence was still good. PF’s inconsistent statements. Would MS have been able to testify about what KK told her, or would that be hearsay? At any rate, a mountain of circumstantial evidence.
JM did not come forward until the jail recorded phone call.
Plus blood is not cicumstantial. Also PF'S LEO brother testimony. It's all adding up.
I got the sense it was just there. She didn’t think about it until later.

Man, I feel like people in the country feel it’s a super dangerous place. I thought most of those areas were supposed to be low crime?


If I'm going to clean up a murder crime scene for my for cowboy boyfriend.

Dang, right I'm locked and loaded. I might be next.

...member she was ..... scared (long southern drawl)
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