ME ME - Anneliese Heinig, 37, Richmond, 26 Nov 2019 *vehicle found*

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Love the avatar! Beautiful kitty.

I keep going back and forth on this. If she jumped, someone would have seen her at that time in the morning and called 911.

It just seems like an unlikely area to do this. As other locals have said, there is plenty of other places she could have done this if it was self harm, where her family wouldn't have found her.

I guess to me, this just seems too obvious, like a set up. I don't know. I could very well be wrong about this.

I have no opinion yet. You could be right.

I wonder if somebody did see her and that information just hasn't been released to the public. You'd think they'd be having a wider search if they didn't have something specific pointing to that location.
Love the avatar! Beautiful kitty.

I keep going back and forth on this. If she jumped, someone would have seen her at that time in the morning and called 911.

It just seems like an unlikely area to do this. As other locals have said, there is plenty of other places she could have done this if it was self harm, where her family wouldn't have found her.

I guess to me, this just seems too obvious, like a set up. I don't know. I could very well be wrong about this.

p.s. Slick thanks you for the compliments :) He's a love sponge.
p.s. Slick thanks you for the compliments :) He's a love sponge.
Handsome kitty! I bet he's got you wrapped around his little paw. :)

I hear you. I do wonder what new information they got that caused them to broaden their search.

Especially since today, they asked for the public to call in if they saw her walking there and if they have any car video, to call them. That's why I am wondering if someone lead them on a wild goose chase here...
I wonder if LE could have ruled out the one named sighting of her and is leaning toward her having left her car much earlier? Especially, if they think she did go into the water but at a time when she may not have been seen. It might explain why no one else seems to have reported seeing her...
I'd really like to see clarification on the witness and tow truck driver being different people. Hopefully another witness comes up.

Was her vehicle operational? If it moved at all, I'd think she'd limp it towards a shop. If not, why not call AAA?

If witness was not the tow truck driver, and she really was walking away without her stuff, self harm fits, despite my second guessing when seeing how low the bridge is. Unclear thinking from mental state or substances can lead to irrational choices. Cold water shock and quick drowning isn't the worst way to go, and if she was comfortable/comforted by water, plus the sailboat mast(?) cover pic...

If the TTD is the only one claiming to have seen her, I'd be looking very closely at him.

Was her vehicle damaged? Pulling over for an accident seems unlikely, unless it was an intentional bumping to get her to stop.

If it wasn't operational, in the small window between it happening and deciding to do something about it, a not-so-good Samaritan could have happened along and whisked her away.
Walking on the Interstate, and/or jumping off the bridge requires passing vehicles to see that happen and except for tow truck driver who supposedly saw her walking at 6:30 am, not another living souls has come forward with seeing her. That’s not possible. So, she wasn’t walking the Interstate and she didn’t jump off a bridge.

What if she was abducted somewhere else and her car was just dumped in n the Interstate, say at an earlier time when there wasn’t work hour traffic? Who really knows what time the car was left there.
Walking on the Interstate, and/or jumping off the bridge requires passing vehicles to see that happen and except for tow truck driver who supposedly saw her walking at 6:30 am, not another living souls has come forward with seeing her. That’s not possible. So, she wasn’t walking the Interstate and she didn’t jump off a bridge.

What if she was abducted somewhere else and her car was just dumped in n the Interstate, say at an earlier time when there wasn’t work hour traffic? Who really knows what time the car was left there.
This is my line of thinking.
I just can’t fathom her leaving her cellphone. Some of the other stuff, yes. If the car was out of gas or not working, I wouldn’t worry about leaving the car keys, just as long as the house key wasn’t on the ring. And if she had money or a CC, leaving the purse isn’t that big a problem unless she had more credit cards, or her ID.

But the cellphone. I cannot imagine what frame of mind she’d have to be in to not take it. So to me, she was either abducted and was forced to leave it behind or she had a mental break from reality and left it and all her worldly possessions because she wasn’t going to need them ever again. That possibility bothers me because she was planning and was excited about her daughters birthday coming up. So now we are back to abduction. And the car was dumped there on the Interstate but not by Anneliese. IMO
This case has been on my mind nonstop. Someone has to know something, it's all too strange for no one to have any leads. It doesn't help that her social media footprint seems small. I wondered if there is a chance that she is, in fact, with a family member or friend in the Portland area. I think, if I did my research correctly, that she has 2 sisters and one is nearby to Portland. I know that sounds crazy because everyone is looking for her, but you never know what kind of secrets family can keep.
I’m intrigued by the idea regarding what time she really parked there. If it was the middle of the night there would be much less traffic and no one would see her if she jumped. We don’t seem to know her comings and goings because daughter was staying elsewhere. Perhaps this supposed sighting is a red herring.

LE seems to have cause for focusing so heavily on that area, and in the water. With how cold it is, a body won’t float for some time if she went in alive...ugh.

Additionally, as we know people will make plans, or seem completely fine before taking their life, in fact it’s not uncommon for someone to be even more happy than normal once they have a plan and date etc because they feel relieved knowing the end is coming (sadly). So even though she made plans for daughter’s bday that’s not enough for me to point to her not wanting to end her life. Or, it could have been more of a spur of the moment decision.

A dear friend’s sister committed suicide last year, in a place where her kids would be the ones to find her (she was in a contentious divorce and bipolar, unmedicated). Of course to us it doesn’t make sense that someone would make plans or harm themselves right before their child’s birthday, but people in that state of mind aren’t thinking clearly so their actions don’t make sense. I’m not saying I’m 100% convinced that this is what has happened. I think that LE has more info we are not privy to and that they have a reason to say that they are not currently treating it as suspicious.

Especially since today, they asked for the public to call in if they saw her walking there and if they have any car video, to call them. That's why I am wondering if someone lead them on a wild goose chase here...
That's an excellent point and probably the next logical step to take since they haven't found her yet. Like I mentioned earlier, that area is pretty wide open, the river is relatively calm and opens up into a shallow bay that you could technically walk across during low tide. In the pictures here, you can see what it looks like at low tide.


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That road may not be heavily traveled in the time window, not that we have a well defined one.

Not everyone who would have traveled it in the time window, watched the reports.

Carrying ID makes it easier on those who would discover a body.

Since it's a tidal zone, maybe that's the reason they're checking upstream?
What if she was abducted somewhere else and her car was just dumped in n the Interstate, say at an earlier time when there wasn’t work hour traffic? Who really knows what time the car was left there.

Don't these newer model vehicles have a black box type thing that can tell them stuff like what time the car was parked? I've read that possibility in other cases.
That's an excellent point and probably the next logical step to take since they haven't found her yet. Like I mentioned earlier, that area is pretty wide open, the river is relatively calm and opens up into a shallow bay that you could technically walk across during low tide. In the pictures here, you can see what it looks like at low tide.
I know. I suppose if others saw this area, they might understand where we're coming from.

I really do wish that there was other witnesses that came forward or some video of her walking that day. Hopefully someone with a Dash cam will have her walking and where she was headed.

Otherwise, about 3/4 of the people seem convinced this is self harm, going by her last two posts she allegedly made earlier that morning on her FB. They could be right, too.

Yet I just can't let this go yet and convince myself this is self harm. Too many holes in this for me to be comfortable with this conclusion. Hopefully she will be found soon.

To me, this would be a very odd place for self harm.
I know. I suppose if others saw this area, they might understand where we're coming from.

I really do wish that there was other witnesses that came forward or some video of her walking that day. Hopefully someone with a Dash cam will have her walking and where she was headed.

Otherwise, about 3/4 of the people seem convinced this is self harm, going by her last two posts she allegedly made earlier that morning on her FB. They could be right, too.

Yet I just can't let this go yet and convince myself this is self harm. Too many holes in this for me to be comfortable with this conclusion. Hopefully she will be found soon.

To me, this would be a very odd place for self harm.

I agree. I live closeby and that area of 295 is heavily traveled, almost all the time, I would argue. I'm holding out hope. Has the public been asked to help aid in the search effort? I know they are asking for tips, etc., but I didn't know if any of the general public had search parties.
I’m leaning towards she was harmed or abducted somewhere else and her car was ditched on the highway. Maybe staged to appear as not in her right mind/self-harm? I grew up in/currently live in Portland and drive this stretch of 295 all the time. The traffic is heavy between 630 and 830am, as many are driving into Portland from surrounding towns for work. If she got out of her car where they say she did and was walking, she’d have been seen by hundreds of cars. Hard to believe no one else has come forward as a witness to her walking on the side of the road. I’ve never seen a person walking on 295 north of Portland and if I did it would absolutely stand out.

Could something have happened to her in Richmond? Was she ever even actually driving on 295? And at that time? If a woman was walking right there, could it have been someone who looks like her who was involved in her disappearance? Where was her daughter in the days leading up to her disappearance? How did no one realize she was missing until Thanksgiving dinner?

There was a suspicious death in Richmond in October, quite close to where Anneliese lived. A man was found dead in his home and it’s still being investigated as a homicide by the state police. Maine certainly has crime like everywhere else, but not a ton, so to have a suspicious death and a missing woman in the same small town within a month is odd to me. Could be a coincidence, but certainly piques my curiosity.
It’s tough because since her daughter was at a friend’s for a couple of days we have no idea where AH was that night. Surely they have checked where her phone pinged all that night? Like others I wonder if her car was parked there earlier by her or someone else, and the sighting of her was an honest mistake by tow truck driver or intentionally misleading.
Their search is pointing to self harm IMO, but nothing is very clear. I also think it’s a weird place for suicide, but not out of the question I guess.
I know it's only been reported that only one witness saw her walking, but I'm not sure about that. In all the missing cases I've followed, I have to say they started searching pretty quickly once notified and they are continuing to do so, especially with all of the resources/money they are using. That leads me to believe they have MORE information than we are aware of. She was an adult, she could have went missing voluntarily which is how LE tends to think at first. USUALLY (not always of course) LE doesn't get that hot and heavy in searching right away IMO until they have a solid lead on something. I'm truly leaning towards LE having more information than we know about and that is why they are searching the river. And I still lean towards self harm only because of how many have said it's a highly travelled area. I can't see someone parking that far away and hauling a body to the river to be dumped. Ditching the car yes, but because LE is searching the river so heavily, I think whatever info they have has lead them there.

All IMO of course.
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