TX TX - Heidi Broussard, 33, & Margot Carey, 2 weeks, Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #2

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It's difficult to speculate (but we do because it's what we do) mostly due to shoddy and/or conflicting reporting or unclear information from a stressed out boyfriend/father.

I believe him.

Someone could have followed her from the book sale – either they saw a nearly newborn baby and wanted it or saw a vulnerable mother who could be forced via harm threatened to baby.

Her purse in the car, the car door unlocked, phone turned off would count for abduction to me.

Is it normal for you mothers to dismount and remove those cumbersome baby car seat things every time you get home? Is it miscommunication or just shoddy reporting?

Things that come to my mind for abduction of Mom for herself or for a new baby:
Mother and baby missing. Could have been left at home for dead, but easier to coerce or otherwise manipulate Mom to come with baby. Maybe someone offered to help her with the baby and it went from there.

SC's statements of what an awesome mother she is sound to me like she's speaking directly to her because maybe he worries tgat she left on her own and is afraid for her – maybe he worries she had a breakdown or he knew she was depressed – and he wanted to reassure her that she had all kinds of support from her friends and family.

I don't see a problem at all that he mentions the money spent at the book sale it's just a part of the conversation as part of their communications that day. (I tend to overshare that way normally, and it's much worse when anxious)

Is it changing stories, misspeaking due to stress, bad reporting or a combination:

Baby seat in house
Purse in car
Keys missing
Phone off and missing

I don't believe the front door to the house was open (I believe that he said or meant the car door was unlocked)
I've read every post in thread 1, and 2. Thanks for all of the provided links.

I really dont have an opinion either way. Like always I'm waiting for the facts to come directly from LE.

Hopefully they will have some in tomorrow's press conference.

As an aside: Does anyone remember the case where a mother, and her child, (I believe her child was a little girl), was getting out of their vehicle to go into their home or apartment, and were attacked when the suspect saw them alone? I think it happened the first of this year or maybe last year. Anyway I cant remember if the suspect wound up killing them both or gravely injured the mother iirc. :( For some reason this case reminded me of that particular case. It also happened during the daytime hours too iirc when the victims had just come home. He may have sexually assaulted the mom or little girl. Gosh I hate it when I cant remember the specifics about a case. If anyone does remember it TIA! I don't want to discuss it at all. I just want to know which case it was.

I pray both Heidi and her precious baby are found alive, and safe!


Maybe one of those cases where someone needs to suddenly have a newborn. I sincerely hope LE has tracked her phone and social media records to rule out her meeting anyone and to also see if she was part of some new mommy or mommy to be group.
Did Heidi work as a waitress at Cracker Barrel? If so SC might be feeling a bit of a financial pinch without her daily tips. The one nearest me is non stop filled to capacity and wait staff that I know claim to do very well, tip wise.
Was he agitated she bought books?
I am not accusing him of anything. Merely commenting.
Does anyone recall any MSM articles that mention the boyfriend wandering around the apartment complex and dumpster diving looking for her keys when he got home before calling police?
Yes, beginning at the 7:45 mark in this video, although it's not said that it took place before SC called police. Boyfriend of missing Austin woman, baby speaks out

"The first day, I was going through dumpsters over here (points to his right) to see if [she threw?] her keys or just walked around the apartment complex. I sat outside to see any suspicions; anything that was weird. I didn't see anything.

I asked, like the next morning, I just sat out here for hours and asked everybody if they seen or heard screaming, any, anything that was off or suspicous. Everyone's "no." I mean but, they're all saying, "no."

Yeah, we went across to HEB, we uh, asking everybody if they had cams (again, pointing toward his right) on their car. I don't know, we're just asking all the questions that we can, looking through everything."

ETA: The dumpsters are also mentioned briefly in this article.

Police Search for Missing Texas Mom and Her 2-Week-Old Baby

Carey said that he has been “going through dumpsters” looking for clues and told CBS Austin he even went to a T-Mobile store in an attempt to retrieve her phone records.
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I believe him and I say it without comparing him to recent events, trials, etc.

But, if I were to compare his statements, physical, visual and emotional reactions - his are absolutely NOTHING like Watts' in any way, shape or form.
Just the swaying. It has been said that's a self-soothing mechanism.
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I don't usually wander over to the non-UK threads but after reading through every page of this case so far, I am desperately wanting to know this lady and her baby will soon be found safe and well. There is so much confusion surrounding this entire situation so far, I really don't know what to think. As another poster said, I will be waiting for the presser in hopes that LE will give more information or clarify certain things we've heard so far. It's very late here and I'm very tired, so I don't want to say too much as I'll end up not making sense. But I must admit, I watched the raw footage interview of the fiancée and all I could think was "oh my god, I'd be exactly the same". I have anxiety and suffer panic attacks and the looking at the ground, swaying, not knowing what to do with his hands/whether to hold the phone are all things that I'd be doing in his situation too. I'm not saying that this says anything about his innocence or guilt in this situation, just that a lot of people are commenting about those things being odd or potentially suspicious but in my own experience, I'd be like that even if I had nothing to hide. I know it's a completely different situation but with regards to the smiling and laughter in the raw footage - I recently got married and giggled uncontrollably all the way through the vows because I was a bag of nerves - I also laughed because of nerves in a very serious situation a few years ago and actually got physically assaulted because of it - I was laughing because I was so terrified, not because anything that was happening was funny whatsoever. I think what I'm trying to say is that people respond to immense stress or pressure in many different ways. I'm hoping that the fiancée is not involved in the disappearance but keeping a completely open mind until more information comes to light. All I know is that I want Heidi and her baby to be found safe and sound and I hope the other children and the dog are being cared for and supported right now.
I think it's hard to judge someone just by how they give an interview, if you don't know that person and know how they normally react.
In one of the videos comment was made about him looking down...he said that was what he normally (my word) did and that he would probably look down the whole time.
Is there an msm link stating that the baby's car seat was inside the home after he returned from work ?
If so -- it might show she made it into the house.
Trying to figure out what Heidi did after immediately getting home.
Like fitting a puzzle together.
I am not sure a car seat in the apartment means she made it back home. It would be much easier to carry a seven pound baby up the stairs than to carry a car seat plus baby. JMO
EXACTLY. Thank you.

That screenshot is hardly representative.
You said that he didn't look at his phone which is not correct. I posted the screenshot to show everyone that he did look at it.

That was my only intention for posting it. I wasn't saying anything more than that. I have no problem with you voicing your opinion that he should have taken the call and not ignored it.
I wonder the same. She’s noticeably staying mum, which is good for LE, imo.

I’d like to know at what time he decided to check the dumpsters for the car keys. Surely some of the dumpsters are on cam/video. I can’t even imagine why he would think he’d find clues or the keys in the dumpsters. It makes me wonder if he was seen at several dumpsters and needed to cover his tracks. Jmo

I want to know if he ever walked over to the friend’s house to check to see if she was there. If he thought she was there maybe he assumed she just lost track of time... so did he go check there before calling the cops?
Just the swaying. It's been said that's a self-soothing mechanism.
Ooh . :( . I've done that all my life. If I stand for any length of time, I do it. People have always commented on it, oh well. It is indeed self-soothing. I get especially anxious when having to speak to people for any length of time and I'm terrible with eye contact, too. I'm not a sociopath, just extremely awkward at times and it worsens with stress. Less so, as I've gotten much older, but I still sway a bit.

Also, people that have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome will sway while standing (my mom).
As another poster pointed out earlier, the swaying or rocking is self soothing so it's not indicative of guilt, just stress.

CW showed zero pain when interviewed. Same for Scott Peterson and Frazee said next to nothing. Susan Smith displayed faked emotions and seriously bad acting. Shane is quite obviously in pain and not acting. I can't say what his pain is about but he's not cold like ones who have been convicted of such crimes. Just my observation.

True. I believe his tears are totally real, BTW, and not faked at all. He is experiencing real emotion IMO.

In other news, not all killers are sociopaths.
Ooh . :( . I've done that all my life. If I stand for any length of time, I do it. People have always commented on it, oh well. It is indeed self-soothing. I get especially anxious when having to speak to people for any length of time and I'm terrible with eye contact, too. I'm not a sociopath, just extremely awkward at times and it worsens with stress. Less so, as I've gotten much older, but I still sway a bit.

Also, people that have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome will sway while standing (my mom).
Thank you for your reply . I couldn't remember having seen it. I may have, but it just didn't 'register'.
But, still, it does compare to Watts. Didn't you say NOTHING compared.
I am not sure a car seat in the apartment means she made it back home. It would be much easier to carry a seven pound baby up the stairs than to carry a car seat plus baby. JMO
Rear facing infant car seats have a carrier, it attaches and detaches from the unit in the car. Speaking for myself, when our grand kids were infants we didn't remove them from the carrier when taking them to and from the car. So really we're not looking for a car seat, just a carrier.
It's difficult to speculate (but we do because it's what we do) mostly due to shoddy and/or conflicting reporting or unclear information from a stressed out boyfriend/father.

I believe him.

Someone could have followed her from the book sale – either they saw a nearly newborn baby and wanted it or saw a vulnerable mother who could be forced via harm threatened to baby.

Her purse in the car, the car door unlocked, phone turned off would count for abduction to me.

Is it normal for you mothers to dismount and remove those cumbersome baby car seat things every time you get home? Is it miscommunication or just shoddy reporting?

Things that come to my mind for abduction of Mom for herself or for a new baby:
Mother and baby missing. Could have been left at home for dead, but easier to coerce or otherwise manipulate Mom to come with baby. Maybe someone offered to help her with the baby and it went from there.

SC's statements of what an awesome mother she is sound to me like she's speaking directly to her because maybe he worries tgat she left on her own and is afraid for her – maybe he worries she had a breakdown or he knew she was depressed – and he wanted to reassure her that she had all kinds of support from her friends and family.

I don't see a problem at all that he mentions the money spent at the book sale it's just a part of the conversation as part of their communications that day. (I tend to overshare that way normally, and it's much worse when anxious)

Is it changing stories, misspeaking due to stress, bad reporting or a combination:

Baby seat in house
Purse in car
Keys missing
Phone off and missing

I don't believe the front door to the house was open (I believe that he said or meant the car door was unlocked)
Regarding the car seat: my niece's newborn car seat was part of the stroller, the car seat never ever stayed in the car. If she was staying at my house, the car seat would be in my house. When she started day care, the car seat went on the bus, every baby was dropped off to the bus on their own car seats. If Margo(t) was sleeping during the car ride home, Heidi probably didn't want to take the baby out of it, or maybe they always took the baby's car seat home.
My take on reporters.
They try to keep it as low key as much as possible. They don't want their interview guest to walk off.
It's the cops' job to interrogate.
I did get the feeling he was thinking he was being interrogated, though, because of all the details he was giving.

You’re absolutely right. And I forget that these interviews were mostly all on the same day. They don’t want to alienate him. They hope he will come back again if need be.
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