OH OH - Harley Dilly, 14, enroute to Port Clinton High School, 20 Dec 2019

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It’s been stated that he’s taken off before and stayed with friends. I can understand the family waiting to report it if that’s true. I’m really hoping that that turns out to be the case here again.

I agree. It is not 44 hours, it is 12 hours from when they thought he would come home. If he was pissed on Friday they would have expected him to stay at a friends house that night. He didn't come home after school, so they thought he was still angry and would be back home the next day. When he didn't return home on Saturday they became concerned. It was not like him. So finally, on Saturday night they called law enforcement to report him as missing. This is not rocket science.
Posted Aug 31, 2019

Harley posts a video while his parents are audibly fighting in the background. I transcribed as much as I could. Transcript starts from 10:53 in the video.

Dad screams: GOD DAMNIT!
Mom: Why?
Dad: He just fu*kig spilled the fu*king pop all over the fu*king table by throwing that stupid *advertiser censored* thing at me.
Mom: Marc, he is 4 years old!
Harley: Sorry if you heard that in the background. My dad’s a little….mad right now.
Dad: All over the electrics too.
Mom: Well you don’t have to be a total as*hole about everything. How about you clean it up?
Dad: I am cleaning it up.
Harley: My dad’s being rude. Sorry.
Mom: He needs to learn how to throw s*it.
Mom: You’re mean. I don’t fu*king like this. This s*it that you do is done. You are so fu*king mean. He is a child! It was an accident. He’s gonna sit there and say “Oh I’m gonna fu*k up my mom and dad’s stuff?”
Dad: He knows
Mom: Okay well I think that’s...(inaudible)…fu*king hard. Um that’s not my phone thank you, that’s Nicole’s phone. Keep throwing her s*it.
Dad: Nicole who?
Mom: Last name redacted
Dad: Why do you have her phone? (Something inaudible)
Harley: My dad’s being an as*hole right now. My bad. (Deep sigh)
Dad: There you go with your mouth.
Mom: Oh my mouth?
Dad: Yeah.
Mom: How’s this? Take your *advertiser censored* and get the fu*k out of our lives. Because until you…(inaudible)…if I have to go to a doctor and get whatever….(inaudible). You have been nothing but…
Mom: You need a fu*king counselor.
Harley: Team you can pause the video if you want. There you go… There you go… I’m gonna have to see what’s going on with my family but I’ll see you guys next video. Peace.
That is so freaking sad to hear. Those parents are shameless, IMO. No wonder he runs away. :(
Site is being wonky and parts of posts aren't showing up properly.

But I wanted to say after watching this latest transcribed video (good job, btw) ; the family reminds me strongly of the family of the nine year old who allegedly burned down his family's trailer with the boyfriend and and elderly woman and three toddlers.
Only the boy and his mom escaped.
The video that Harley uploaded gave me the same vibe.
Very sad and disturbing to hear. :(
Sadly, I was thinking the exact same thing. The boys kind of remind me of each other too. Very sincere, emotional, lonely and a little lost---reaching out to the public for what they are missing at home....:(
Can you provide a link to this? Because I’ve seen very little about the sister anywhere and without a name I can’t google the info. I’m meaning this in a positive way because I somewhat agree and if she was truly one (or more) of the reasons LE was called for an unruly child wth is going on? If the dad (biological dad even) is present and lives in the home I just don’t get it. I know kids can get angry but it would take a lot, an enormous amount of something, for me or the husband to call in the cops.
Also I agree that we have so little information it’s hard to make much sense of this entire situation. MOO
There is this link: Authorities weigh next steps for investigation of missing Port Clinton teen

it refers to his home life doesn't give sisters name, I haven't seen her name anywhere. I got the info abt that from what was stated in an interview from a friend of a family in a source that can't be posted here. But, here is something else on the sister as well:

New details emerge in case of missing 14-year-old from northern Ohio
That is so freaking sad to hear. Those parents are shameless, IMO. No wonder he runs away. :(

I told you that I would reserve judgement when I could listen to this video with my software that can separate tracts. Why do you feel it necessary to *advertiser censored* shame these parents that have lost their son. Turn your energy towards the positive. Harley will be back.
Why are people *advertiser censored* shamming the parents? That isn't appropriate right now. If they are suspects, yes, but they aren't.
*advertiser censored* shaming? I don't think my comments fit that definition.

But using the F-Bomb over and over, while berating each other at the table, and talking about the 4 yr old as if he isn't there, wide eyed ,listening to their raging rants and threats to each other, and complaints about him....yes, I am shaming that behaviour. It is child abuse, in my opinion.

And it is on tape, so it is witnessed by others.
*advertiser censored* shaming? I don't think my comments fit that definition.

But using the F-Bomb over and over, while berating each other at the table, and talking about the 4 yr old as if he isn't there, wide eyed ,listening to their raging rants and threats to each other, and complaints about him....yes, I am shaming that behaviour. It is child abuse, in my opinion.

And it is on tape, so it is witnessed by others.

Like I said, I have downloaded the video, I will process it through my sound software tomorrow, which will eliminate Harley and only bring out the background noise.

But I have to think you are terribly young for you to be able to hear all the background. Sub-25 to 35? I'm in the late 60's-70's range. I need electronic help.
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Like I said, I have downloaded the video, I will process it through my sound software tomorrow, which will eliminate Harley and only bring out the background noise.

But I have to think you are terribly young for you to be able to hear all the background. Sub-25?
I am going by the transcript that a member just posted. My laptop speakers aren't good enough to pick it all up clearly.

But I can hear and see Harley's responses to what he is hearing---and it is obviously dysfunctional behaviour he is responding to.

If you listen to it on your sound software---and you determine that they are having a loving tea party and throwing compliments and love around the table, then I will apologise.

Please report back tomorrow ad tell us what you hear.
Why are people *advertiser censored* shamming the parents? That isn't appropriate right now. If they are suspects, yes, but they aren't.

I don’t think that phrase means what you think it does?

*advertiser censored*-shaming is the practice of disparaging women, and occasionally men, for acting in a manner that violates "norms" regarding sexually appropriate behavior.
I don’t think that phrase means what you think it does?

*advertiser censored*-shaming is the practice of disparaging women, and occasionally men, for acting in a manner that violates "norms" regarding sexually appropriate behavior.

No I didn't mean it literally, just figuratively. *advertiser censored* also means placing blame, or the fallible person. We don't know that yet. We need to back off until they are charged with a crime.
While police say no foul play is suspected in the missing case of Port Clinton teen Harley Dilly, the case is sparking communities like Maumee to take a sharper look at human trafficking.

"There's a real problem with human trafficking (in Ohio)," Maumee Mayor Richard Carr (R) said.

Carr recently announced one Maumee police officer will join a federal task force on drug and human trafficking for five years to learn more about the shadowy crimes.

"Our officers would come back to our department" Carr said, "they'd be better trained on what to look for and how to prevent."

Carr said the partnership has been in the works for over a year. But the recent disappearance of Dilly highlights a need for more education on the dangers of human trafficking.

While they're are some tell-tale signs to look for when it comes to human trafficking, Carr urges people the simplest advice of, if you see something, say something, still rings true.

"I'd rather report it, investigate, and find out it was nothing," he said, "then to not say a word and end up having some child abducted and so we're trying to be very proactive."
Maumee police to learn from federal task force on human trafficking
Past videos from a YouTube channel belonging to missing Ohio 14-year-old Harley Dilly are causing concern among community members and others worried about his welfare.

The channel appears to be used by Harley to live stream video games and post “vlog” videos of his life.

In one of the videos posted March 2018, when Harley was just 12 years old, he shared his personal cell phone number and encouraged his viewers to call him.

“I’m going to leak my number in the title of this video. If you want to call me just wait until after it’s after 2:30 in Ohio,” he said in the clip, which lasted a little over a minute.

In another video posted in August 2019, titled “PLAYING MM20 FOR FUN *SORRYFORMYDAD*,” Harley is heard apologizing to viewers after his father begins screaming at another child in the home for spilling a drink.

“My dad’s being an right now, my bad,” Harley said in the video.
Videos from missing 14-year-old Ohio boy cause concern
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