Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #29

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Ok, some happy news! We got approved to be a foster dog parent with the county humane society. I passed my phone interview with flying colors. I get to go see the dogs on Friday morning. The shelter lady said "You can have your pick of whatever dog you'd like. We just want to get them out of here." I asked what their protocols were as far as being busy because I am of course, a cancer patient and high risk. She stated they implemented a policy of only 5 people in the facility at a time. If more than 5 arrive, they have to wait outside, not inside. I can wear my mask and gloves too.

I can't go help anyone else. Everyone else is helping me to stay isolated. So this is the only way I can help. I am happy to feel needed to be honest and it will help me stay active - playing fetch, wandering around my back yard, making sure my little charge has fun. Stay tuned!!
Toronto distillery producing hand sanitizer during coronavirus outbreak - CityNews Toronto

Workers at the Spirit of York Distillery making hand sanitizer during the COVID-19 outbreak, March 18, 2020. CITYNEWS/Audra Brown

A downtown Toronto distillery is converting a portion of their operation from producing vodka and gin to producing hand sanitizer.

Spirit of York, which operates out of the Distillery District, is working to combat the hand sanitizer shortage by using the alcohol from its facilities to produce an alcohol based hand sanitizer solution.

The hand sanitizer is being mixed following strict guidelines of the World Health Organization.

But they are not doing this to maintain their profits.

The bottles will be given away to those in need or, for those who can afford, be sold for the low price of $3.00.

The money raised from selling this hand sanitizer will go to local food banks.
Ok, some happy news! We got approved to be a foster dog parent with the county humane society. I passed my phone interview with flying colors. I get to go see the dogs on Friday morning. The shelter lady said "You can have your pick of whatever dog you'd like. We just want to get them out of here." I asked what their protocols were as far as being busy because I am of course, a cancer patient and high risk. She stated they implemented a policy of only 5 people in the facility at a time. If more than 5 arrive, they have to wait outside, not inside. I can wear my mask and gloves too.

I can't go help anyone else. Everyone else is helping me to stay isolated. So this is the only way I can help. I am happy to feel needed to be honest and it will help me stay active - playing fetch, wandering around my back yard, making sure my little charge has fun. Stay tuned!!
That is wonderful. Our animal care center in Norfolk VA managed to get all their animals adopted last weekend before they had to close. It was an incredible community response!
I’ve been mindful about thanking bus drivers, cab drivers, retail staff and banking staff today. Everyone I’ve talked to is resolutely upbeat and calm - I can’t imagine the stress they must be under, coming into contact with so many people. On my gratitude list today - the people still working with the public to ensure life remains as *normal* as possible in ever-changing times.
Also - I talk a lot about my Dad here. He was really happy to tell me, when we spoke just now, that he’d been to the greengrocers to get his pre-isolation supplies in. The lady serving him gave him her mobile number and told him to call her when he needs anything and she’ll deliver whatever provisions he needs during quarantine.
The community can be extremely kind, and she’ll likely never know just how grateful I am for her kindness to my lovely Dad ❤️
Ok, some happy news! We got approved to be a foster dog parent with the county humane society. I passed my phone interview with flying colors. I get to go see the dogs on Friday morning. The shelter lady said "You can have your pick of whatever dog you'd like. We just want to get them out of here." I asked what their protocols were as far as being busy because I am of course, a cancer patient and high risk. She stated they implemented a policy of only 5 people in the facility at a time. If more than 5 arrive, they have to wait outside, not inside. I can wear my mask and gloves too.

I can't go help anyone else. Everyone else is helping me to stay isolated. So this is the only way I can help. I am happy to feel needed to be honest and it will help me stay active - playing fetch, wandering around my back yard, making sure my little charge has fun. Stay tuned!!
You are amazing! Fostering is a great distraction. We fostered for years when our children were younger. Big virtual hug!!!
Yes, because coming from the president, it implies that Chinese restaurants and all other Chinese businesses should be avoided. And Chinese people, and Chinese American people who have never even been in China should be avoided. It is really unfortunate, a spitball exchange from our president, because, he JUST said (MSNBC News Conference from the White House 18-3-2020), someone in China said the disease came from US soldiers.

The White House/CDC plan recommends to NOT eat out at all.
Scottish government to back virus-hit businesses

Coronavirus: Scottish government vows to back businesses during outbreak

Economy Secretary Fiona Hyslop said it will offer loans to businesses as part of the measures announced by the chancellor on Tuesday.

Her statement to MSPs came amid calls for rapid financial aid for employers in the wake of the pandemic.

Tracy Black, director of CBI Scotland, said the speed of support was key.

Speaking on BBC's Good Morning Scotland programme she urged everyone to work together to protect livelihoods.

Colin Borland of FSB Scotland also stressed the need for urgent action as developments had moved at "grease lightening" pace.

Under the new plans:

  • Small and rural businesses will be able to apply for a £10,000 grant.
  • Hospitality businesses will be given 12 months of business rates relief.
  • Those with a rateable value of between £18,000 and £51,000 will be able to apply for a £25,000 grant.
Ms Hyslop also called on the chancellor to do more to help companies rather than offering loans, claiming "debt is still debt".
That’s a start. Now they need to suspend interest on student loans & temporarily halt the grace period for loan repayment. With colleges cancelling specialty programs & moving all other courses online, there are many students- including seniors, suddenly unable to continue or complete their degree program. They shouldn’t have to go through the whole rigamarole of applying for a deferment- while interest accrues & capitalizes. So many impacts of this stupid invisible bug!
Ok, some happy news! We got approved to be a foster dog parent with the county humane society. I passed my phone interview with flying colors. I get to go see the dogs on Friday morning. The shelter lady said "You can have your pick of whatever dog you'd like. We just want to get them out of here." I asked what their protocols were as far as being busy because I am of course, a cancer patient and high risk. She stated they implemented a policy of only 5 people in the facility at a time. If more than 5 arrive, they have to wait outside, not inside. I can wear my mask and gloves too.

I can't go help anyone else. Everyone else is helping me to stay isolated. So this is the only way I can help. I am happy to feel needed to be honest and it will help me stay active - playing fetch, wandering around my back yard, making sure my little charge has fun. Stay tuned!!

I’m so happy for you and for your future foster-pup. Wonderful news!
I feel the same way and faced the same obstacles on Monday. I spent 8 hours shopping: 4 of those hours spent driving.

It may not be true of everywhere, but here’s what I found on the north-west shore of Nova Scotia:

-the dollar store had my cat’s brand of food and kitty litter (no kitty litter found in 4 other stores)

-the largest dollar store didn’t have tp, but did have boxed tissues, wet wipes, and paper towels. They also had powdered hot and cold drink mixes.

-I went to Michaels craft store and found they sell and have hand sanitizer in stock (!!)

-check the organic and international sections of the more expensive grocery stores. I found eggs, flour, mystery soups, and mystery breads while the rest of the ‘common’ areas of the store had none of those items.

-check the damaged/reduced section.

-go shopping very early in the day

I know I’m preaching to the choir, but be sure to thank the grocery store staff, especially those loading the shelves. A lot of them are students, and it’s back-breaking, exhausting work.

I found in the lower priced stores, the customers were politely and efficiently shopping, not bothering the staff with questions.

In the high-priced grocery stores, I found people with empty carts chatting in groups, people waiting in the back of the store, asking staff to check for very specific brands of items, and other poor pandemic shopping etiquette.

^^I mean no offence to anyone, but I’ve noticed this pattern for the last few weeks.

Such interesting observations!
Government to meet bank CEOs, Eurovision and Glastonbury cancelled: Today's Covid-19 main points


Here are today’s main Covid-19 points:

  • Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has said that the elderly and people who have a long-term illness will soon be asked to stay at home for several weeks.
  • GPs have agreed to facilitate people who are not normally registered with a practice if they develop Covid-19 symptoms.
  • Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe will meet the five main banks today to discuss measures about how banks can ease pressure on people during the lockdown.
  • Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection Regina Doherty has said that 16,000 people have already applied to her department for Covid-19 social welfare schemes.
  • The Cabinet has signed off on measures that would allow people to be detained if they have Covid-19 but refuse to self-isolate.
  • Ryanair said 80% of its flight schedules will be cut from midnight tonight and that it expects all of its flights to be grounded by Tuesday.
  • Irish Water has appealed to business owners to ensure that their premises are not unnecessarily using water supplies while they are closed or reducing activity. Householders have also been asked to turn off taps during the 20 seconds that they are washing their hands.
  • An Post has postponed a planned 10c increase in the cost of a standard postage stamp.
  • The National and Wildlife Service (NPWS) has reminded the public to maintain social distancing even when walking and hiking outdoors.
  • Trinity College Provost Patrick Prendergast has said that students who have been told to vacate their accommodation will be refunded for the time they don’t stay there.
  • Brown Thomas and Arnotts will close their stores from 5pm today until further notice.
  • Broadcaster Ciara Kelly has tested positive for the virus.
NYC and NY state...Yes to school closings. Yes to bars and restaurants closing with restrictions of takeout only, and 50 was the last number I heard for gatherings, not 10.

May have changed. @Inthedetails ??

ETA NJ, CT & PA in complete agreement as a unit.
I think the number is indeed limited to groups of 10 (going by my memory).

This would be the wisest advice for families with small children to order delivery or curbside pick up than risk infecting or being submitted to COVID-19.
Or ask or pay a neighbor to run to the store for them. Neighbors need to start helping each other out. It's sad we haven't before helped single parents with small children.
Better yet a govt service that could deliver the groceries the same day.
I wouldn't subject a child to going to the grocery stores. Most kids hate it and get overwhelmed, stressed out by it let alone during a pandemic and people are acting irrational and frightening to children.

Luckily all the delivery services I ever used NEVER sent me a wilted produce item or expired dairy product. It would reflect poorly on their company.
I use Aman Prime/pantry and Amazon Fresh/Whole Foods plus local HEB delivery. I'm very impressed! Sometimes they throw in extra goodies like new products to sample.

I cannot believe I wrote Aman instead of AMAZON. lol!
I’ve been reading away, desperately trying to keep up! Just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone for keeping us all updated, and posting your own stories. I truly believe this site will help keep us as sane as possible.
A woman in my neighborhood is complaining on Twitter that she was treated poorly at the post office. She goes on to explain they refused to wait on her because ..... she brought her actively coughing children up to the counter. The postal worker went back thru a doorway and asked her to leave. She feels it was rude and stupid as her kids just have a cough!! Until very recently she was working as a NURSE!! Wth is wrong with people??
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Ok, some happy news! We got approved to be a foster dog parent with the county humane society. I passed my phone interview with flying colors. I get to go see the dogs on Friday morning. The shelter lady said "You can have your pick of whatever dog you'd like. We just want to get them out of here." I asked what their protocols were as far as being busy because I am of course, a cancer patient and high risk. She stated they implemented a policy of only 5 people in the facility at a time. If more than 5 arrive, they have to wait outside, not inside. I can wear my mask and gloves too.

I can't go help anyone else. Everyone else is helping me to stay isolated. So this is the only way I can help. I am happy to feel needed to be honest and it will help me stay active - playing fetch, wandering around my back yard, making sure my little charge has fun. Stay tuned!!
Thank you for happy news- and congrats! With those precautions, it sounds like you are at low risk there for exposure to C-19, but maybe high risk for taking more than one fluffball home? :D
The White House/CDC plan recommends to NOT eat out at all.
Take-out is fine and, as far as I know, it's encouraged to keep restaurants in business (and it keeps food available for those who need it). Didn't Dr. Birx talk about takeout food yesterday in the presser - the importance of drive-through and curb-side service.

Cuomo had some great ideas! I was listening this morning.
He plans to get people who do not have coronavirus out of the hospital and free up the rooms.
This is a fabulous idea to separate the sick from getting exposed!!

"It’s unlikely that the Comfort will treat coronavirus patients because it’s not equipped to handle infectious diseases, Defense Secretary Mark Esper said this week. Instead, the ship could help take non-coronavirus cases to help relieve the stress on New York City’s civilian hospitals."

Navy hospital ship Comfort to deploy to NY for coronavirus aid
High school kids in my area are going. Smh why would a parent allow/fund a vacay at this time.
I am very lucky that my college daughter and her friends have good heads on their shoulders. I have friends whose kids are currently gallivanting around Florida for a week at the beach. Someone said to me: they are adults now, what can we do?

Here's a thought: take their cars, take their phones, take everything YOU pay for and say, "If you are an adult, you can act like one and that starts with ME no longer paying for YOUR stuff."
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