Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #36

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This has a photo of how people are swabbed. I don't believe they could use anything else in place of it. Honestly I don't know. They need to figure something out that is a rapid test.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing: What you should know | UC Davis Health
it sounds like the bottleneck is in processing the sample. Gupta said it should be less than 4 hours, and with the new tests much less time. But i keep hearing of an 8 day wait. That's why I wondered if the fecal samples would be easier to process.
Today I decided to take a little trip out. Our neighborhood school gives out free meals & the weather was beautiful so I took my youngest daughter on a walk. On our way, we noticed the trees budding, saw a robin hopping around in the grass, and even saw the broken shell of some type of bird on the sidewalk beneath a tree. As we approached the school, my heart dropped. A line of 50+people. No social distancing in the line. I explained to my daughter that there were too many people & we didn't really need the food. Let the people who are really in need get it. She was disappointed. She really was looking forward to the familiarity of a school lunch. She asked if we could stop at the corner store instead to get a drink. Ah, we stood there a couple minutes. I glanced at the long line, then at the corner store. Ok. But I told her don't touch anything & don't touch your face. As we walked in, there were only a few customers inside. "Tell me the drink you want and I will grab it." I grabbed her drink, We approached the line, standing at least 6ft back from the one customer ahead of us. "Why are we standing so far away?" She said & giggled. As we left the store, a man sitting on the curb asked for my change. I reached out to drop it in his hand. As I did, my fingertips touched his palm. I quickly pulled away & wiped my hand on my pants. "Sorry," he said. Ugh, my stomach was turning now. I used my tshirt to wipe her drink & open the top. As she sipped, my arm hit her elbow & the can clattered against her teeth. "Ouch," she said as she rubbed her teeth. "You put your hands in your mouth!" I scolded. She said she was sorry & we continued our walk home. As soon as we got home, we washed our hands & our day continued. Now that I am in bed, the day turns in my head. Did I expose her? Will she get sick? My husband has to go into work in just a few hours, he is an essential worker. I tried to tiptoe in the room so I wouldn't wake him. So that I could just lay & think about the day without being bothered. My plan was just to think. I started writing here. All.MOO. She wants to go for another walk tomorrow. I told her nowhere near a store. Sigh...
NATO is a team. At this time, every NATO country has their own exploding problem with the pandemic. Surely no one is expect California to send their doctors and equipment to New York simply because New York needs them too.
The United States is that. United.

I think it would be great if states that are not experiencing shortages of medical personnel and supplies would help the people of New York during this time of great need. JMO
The United States is that. United.

I think it would be great if states that are not experiencing shortages of medical personnel and supplies would help the people of New York during this time of great need. JMO

NATO is united. Every NATO country is in the same situation. Every place that is not currently overwhelmed is 2 weeks away from being overwhelmed. No one can give up their medical support to another place when the illness lasts 3 weeks.

Wuhan, Iran, Italy are epicentres. The next epicentre is the USA. China, Iran and Italy will help the USA when they are through this. Every other country is bracing for the explosion of infected people.
I'm not sure if it's been discussed here this evening. There is a recent video of a nurse speaking out in NY. I watched it on CNN it's still up. She has stated, people have come in for other things (car accident) and they test, do xrays (not clear on wording) and they are showing up as having the virus and damage from it. Take from it what you will. They are ringing alarm bells!!

I watched that. I was shocked by how blindsided she was. I mean, if all of us on WS knew what was coming why didn't she?
NATO is united. Every NATO country is in the same situation. Every place that is not currently overwhelmed is 2 weeks away from being overwhelmed. No one can give up their medical support to another place when the illness lasts 3 weeks.
Agree. We'll be seeing waves, IMO, in two to three weeks. Some states, with sparser populations may see them later, I think.
Today I decided to take a little trip out. Our neighborhood school gives out free meals & the weather was beautiful so I took my youngest daughter on a walk. On our way, we noticed the trees budding, saw a robin hopping around in the grass, and even saw the broken shell of some type of bird on the sidewalk beneath a tree. As we approached the school, my heart dropped. A line of 50+people. No social distancing in the line. I explained to my daughter that there were too many people & we didn't really need the food. Let the people who are really in need get it. She was disappointed. She really was looking forward to the familiarity of a school lunch. She asked if we could stop at the corner store instead to get a drink. Ah, we stood there a couple minutes. I glanced at the long line, then at the corner store. Ok. But I told her don't touch anything & don't touch your face. As we walked in, there were only a few customers inside. "Tell me the drink you want and I will grab it." I grabbed her drink, We approached the line, standing at least 6ft back from the one customer ahead of us. "Why are we standing so far away?" She said & giggled. As we left the store, a man sitting on the curb asked for my change. I reached out to drop it in his hand. As I did, my fingertips touched his palm. I quickly pulled away & wiped my hand on my pants. "Sorry," he said. Ugh, my stomach was turning now. I used my tshirt to wipe her drink & open the top. As she sipped, my arm hit her elbow & the can clattered against her teeth. "Ouch," she said as she rubbed her teeth. "You put your hands in your mouth!" I scolded. She said she was sorry & we continued our walk home. As soon as we got home, we washed our hands & our day continued. Now that I am in bed, the day turns in my head. Did I expose her? Will she get sick? My husband has to go into work in just a few hours, he is an essential worker. I tried to tiptoe in the room so I wouldn't wake him. So that I could just lay & think about the day without being bothered. My plan was just to think. I started writing here. All.MOO. She wants to go for another walk tomorrow. I told her nowhere near a store. Sigh...
Sounds like fiction.
I'm sorry-every day is just bizarre.
I think this is such an evil virus. Keeping the old separated from the young and their families. The family unit that God designed to always be there for one another. It is un-natural, against everything human.
Be safe, stay home.
NATO is united. Every NATO country is in the same situation. Every place that is not currently overwhelmed is 2 weeks away from being overwhelmed. No one can give up their medical support to another place when the illness lasts 3 weeks.
I think it is wise to focus resources where the need is greatest. In the US that's New York right now.

After they peak and begin to drop, resources can be shifted to the next area that needs the most attention. JMO
I watched that. I was shocked by how blindsided she was. I mean, if all of us on WS knew what was coming why didn't she?
1st can you post video here???? Please!! 2nd I think dont quote me I've read soo much in that video or the RED Eyes one, they were told by MGMT that everything was fine they had all they needed with more on the way. The same way we were placated just a few short weeks ago
Not sure how things have changed in 40 years, greatly, I presume. I worked in a pathology lab in NOLA while in grad school. The actual amount of fecal sample for occult blood tests was minimal, teeny tiny. But patients would pack the then glass jar FULL. I’m sure the same can be done now with whatever reagents are in use. Results then were daily.
I think it is wise to focus resources where the need is greatest. In the US that's New York right now.

After they peak and begin to drop, resources can be shifted to the next area that needs the most attention. JMO

Every country has to figure this out on their own. If the states decide to send resources from one virus explosion to the next, that's certainly one approach.

Hopefully peaks will happen before states need their people and equipment locally.
We see the same thing when we have adverse weather. People are compelled to see with their own eyes, they are compelled to drive thru high water or on sheets of ice.

Partying for mardigras is as dumb as a coronavirus party in KY. We routinely have hurricane parties here, while my neighbors party, I pack up and drive like a bat out of h-ll to go north and away from the path.
Agree. We'll be seeing waves, IMO, in two to three weeks. Some states, with sparser populations may see them later, I think.
You're exactly right. Some parts of the US will see infections peak weeks after others.

That's why it makes sense to focus on the areas that are in need now and shift things like ventilator resources to other areas when they are hitting their peak. JMO
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