Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #40

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Just wanted to update you all with some good news! My daughter and SIL had their baby. Welcome baby Willa! Mom and baby are well. She had her last night and hopes to go home this evening if all goes well. Of note, her husband was able to be there with her. Her doctor said it was a good thing the baby came now. She figures by next week they may even restrict partners in the OB ward as Michigan is having a horrible surge in cases.

Say it with me: *viral RNA doesn't necessarily mean live virus was present,*" Smith said on Twitter. "Now you're going to see 'coronavirus can live on surfaces for 17 days!' over and over, but we don't know that based on this study and for those using live virus, it's much shorter."

She told Insider: "There could be infectious virus present, though I'd think that's unlikely based on the other research that has shown SARSCoV2 generally dies on surfaces after 24-72 hours. We couldn't say for sure unless someone did viral culture." A new CDC report found the coronavirus on surfaces aboard the Diamond Princess 17 days after passengers disembarked, but that doesn't necessarily mean it could have infected people
I’m very interested in results from any study on this, no matter how small the study might be, but unable to find any info.
Wonderful and many bright innovations can and will emerge from this present darkness, imo!
"If you look at anything that has been eradicated — viruses, pandemics, it's all come around innovation, whether it's medical or physical. That's what has moved our world forward and has put us in such a position that we can live the lives that we now do," Foster said.

"Without innovation, we'd still be living in the dark ages."

Jason Kindrachuk, an associate professor at the University of Manitoba and Canada research chair in emerging viruses, says the pandemic is bringing people from different fields together — and that's a good thing.''

''Masks, gowns and other personal protective equipment are in short supply all over the world, so some people are taking it upon themselves to fill that need.

Dr. Tarek Loubani, a London, Ont., emergency room doctor, is using equipment from his medical supplies charity to make 3D-printed face shields from plastic, Mylar and elastic for his colleagues in Canada.

Hundreds can be printed at a time.''

''Dyson is also talking about making the leap from vacuums to ventilators.

The British government ordered 10,000 ventilators from the company to help deal with the rising numbers of patients with COVID-19.

And Canada Goose, well known for its pricey but warm coats, is making scrubs and patient gowns for hospitals in light of the shortages.''

''A disease research organization based out of Washington University's St. Louis School of Medicine is asking people to share their unused computer power to help fight COVID-19.

Folding@home is a distributed computing project for disease research. Volunteers contribute their unused computing power to help research potential treatments for various diseases, including the novel coronavirus.''

''According to Kindrachuk, necessity is indeed the mother of invention.

"Ultimately, [COVID-19] is driving innovation," Kindrachuk says.

"What we're seeing very quickly is this impetus to get different really smart, talented people together that maybe normally wouldn't work together, coming together to come up with some really smart solutions."
I find those rankings bizarre. New York is listed among the 10 most prepared-New York has the most cases out of the whole country. California is the most prepared? Louisiana is among top 10?


"FROM @NotifyNYC: This is a challenging time for all New Yorkers. If you need help coping, contact NYC Well, a confidential 24/7 helpline": #mentalhealth NYC Well
Eric.M.Strauss+ on Twitter

This is one of many reasons why New York is the most prepared State in the USA to handle this crisis.
Just wanted to update you all with some good news! My daughter and SIL had their baby. Welcome baby Willa! Mom and baby are well. She had her last night and hopes to go home this evening if all goes well. Of note, her husband was able to be there with her. Her doctor said it was a good thing the baby came now. She figures by next week they may even restrict partners in the OB ward as Michigan is having a horrible surge in cases.
Congrats to the entire family~I love the name Willa
New life~a blessing
Some Americans should start seeing their stimulus checks within three weeks, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Sunday.

That’s when the money will begin to appear in bank accounts of those whose account information is already on file, Mnuchin said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.” The Internal Revenue Service already sends refunds via direct deposit to taxpayers who request it.

For others, Mnuchin said there will be an online system set up to “get the money immediately as opposed to checks in the mail.”

Stimulus checks from coronavirus relief bill will start coming within 3 weeks, treasury secretary says
Maryland man defies coronavirus emergency order, hosts bonfire with 60 people, police say

Maryland man defies coronavirus emergency order, hosts bonfire with 60 people, police say

This is happening all over. Headline should read:
Maryland man proves he has 59 dumb friends.....


(our Gov addressed this yesterday, LE can’t enforce social distancing)
Example of TX LE Police across Texas are enforcing social distancing, but they're hesitant to make arrests
Dolphins in the canals in Venice, Italy; Ducks in the fountains in Rome, Italy; Boars on European city streets:




Venice canals run clear, dolphins appear in Italy’s waterways amid coronavirus... - Classic FM
And I saw a Horny toad in my yard and a rabbit. (Texas)
Cuomo presser tidbits:

Testing and high numbers: Testing is not random. Those being tested are normally symptomatic and/or exposed. They are suspected already of being positive. This is a direct cause of those high positive results.

He expects a curve in upstate NY.

"Patient zero," the lawyer from Westchester County, who was critical at one point, is recovering.

3,572 patients have been discharged thus far.
NEW YORK.....good to know

"A plane from Shanghai arrived at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York Sunday morning carrying an extraordinary load
: 12 million gloves, 130,000 N95 masks, 1.7 million surgical masks, 50,000 gowns, 130,000 hand sanitizer units, and 36,000 thermometers".

Inside the start of the great virus airlift
So maybe it was a good thing that the Feds sent all of those medical supplies to China, back in February?
There’s a middle ground though, it doesn’t have to be one extreme or the other. In Australia domestic travel is stopped, and state borders are closed to all but essential travel. We are not communist and we won’t be killed.

Sorry, no middle ground in the United States of America. The Constitution permits free travel between the states. All lock down orders are suggested, participation of U.S. citizens is voluntary, UNLESS Martial Law is declared.
There is something seriously wrong going on in Florida.

Mary Ellen Klas, the Herald’s bureau chief for the Miami Herald/Tampa Bay Times Tallahassee Bureau, said she was refused entry into the Capitol in Tallahassee to attend a press briefing by the governor, lieutenant governor, director of emergency management and state surgeon general regarding COVID-19 testing, access to medicine and efforts to prevent New Yorkers from flying into the state.

On Twitter, Klas said a reporter for the News Service of Florida was told that he would be shut out as well if he insisted that Klas be allowed to cover the press conference in person. She posted a video of Meredith Beatrice, a state spokeswoman, explaining that Klas could view the press conference on a state-sponsored public affairs media service that live streams state government events.

Klas said later in an interview that Beatrice also told her the state was refusing her access into the Capitol because she had requested “social distancing” at the governor’s briefings. Days earlier, Klas asked that the governor’s staff help protect reporters by holding Zoom-style video conference press briefings so that questions could be asked without requiring reporters to gather in close proximity.

The top editors of the Herald, Times, el Nuevo Herald, Bradenton Herald, Palm Beach Post, Orlando Sentinel and South Florida Sun Sentinel made the same request of DeSantis’ office in a March 20 letter. DeSantis’ office did not respond, according to Miami Herald President & Publisher/Executive Editor Aminda Marqués González.

Florida governor blocks Miami Herald, Tampa Bay Times from coronavirus press conference
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