Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #45

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(This figure is much more than I imagined:()

Nearly a Third of U.S. Apartment Renters Didn’t Pay April Rent

Nearly a third of U.S. apartment renters didn’t pay any of their April rent during the first week of the month, according to new data to be released Wednesday by the National Multifamily Housing Council and a consortium of real-estate data providers.
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Wanted: People who know a half century-old computer language so states can process unemployment claims - CNN

Wanted urgently: People who know a half century-old computer language so states can process unemployment claims

(CNN)On top of ventilators, face masks and health care workers, you can now add COBOL programmers to the list of what several states urgently need as they battle the coronavirus pandemic.

In New Jersey, Gov. Phil Murphy has put out a call for volunteers who know how to code the decades-old computer programming language called COBOL because many of the state's systems still run on older mainframes.

Let us know when your area opens doctors and dentists for non-essential services. My dentist only comes in if it's an emergency, but has to have one staff person there as well (all masked of course). The dentist would still be risking exposure unless she's changed to an N95 or other mask and is wearing goggles. She only had surgical masks when my husband had to go in the day before the mandatory lockdown. Dentist was already doing emergency only.

We were just discussing what it would be like to have to wear masks in the classrooms - we're not reopening where I work until late August.

I will report back when I start hearing anything. Dentist have pretty much closed here unless it is an emergency. However, I am seeing ads for dental implants. Emphasising the protection measures???!!!

Definitely the dentist will be a tricky one.
Economics is different than a virus. If you tell people there will be shortages and people rush out and buy many months supply each there will be shortages and it will cause pain, pain even if it was not true. A self fulfilling prophecy , it was not true and would not have happened but the announcement and resulting panic made it happen.

Example: See Toilet Paper
Thanks for asking :) I sent him some a little money and he tried Instacart yesterday but I don't think it will actually be delivered for a few days or maybe the weekend, apparently I accidentally deleted his texts with the info. It's so tempting to fly down there to be with him, he's stuck all alone in an apartment (apparently his roommate left) with no car, very little food and money, scared to go outside but losing his mind sitting in the apartment all day etc. He's feeling totally overwhelmed.

Awww, it's hard when you're so far away. *hugs*
I don't think you are alone in your concern - here we have had quite a bit of limits placed on pasta, canned goods, rice, beans etc. Even broth is limited and flour and yeast are scarce too. fresh vegetables are still ok but potatoes are a hit or miss. We are set to peak a few weeks earlier and I'm not going out at all except work - we will make our pantry and freezer last. My parents/grandparents taught me to keep a full pantry and freezer in case of lean times. I'm glad.

I've been in quarantine myself for a while due to a COVID-19 test then had another child sick with a fever so we hadn't been to the store in weeks. But it's been really hard trying to get food delivered. I never could get an instacart order through. I got one walmart curbside pick up that was canceled the last minute. Then I finally got another one early in the day. My husband was harassed by a stranger in the parking lot over the amount of food we got.

We weren't allowed to go in a store for a couple of weeks without risking other people. And we have a family of 10. But the stores place the same limits on food no matter the family size.

I have a friend who actually had someone tell them in Costco, "Well you should have thought of that before you had all those kids". LOL Like don't have many kids because one day we might have a global pandemic with grocery shopping restrictions and jerks who comment on family size and food amounts?

I'm just buying my milk directly from a farmer we used to by from again. And I found another farmer to buy bulk meat from. We're going to be fine because I prepared ahead of time and bulk bought starting in January and this from businesses that specialize in selling food in bulk.

But I know large families who are having to take multiple trips to the store and bring multiple family members just so they can get enough bread and milk. I think we might need WW2 style ration books if this goes on much longer. It's unreasonable to expect a family of 6-10 to only be allowed the same amount of staples as an individual. it defeats the purpose of social distancing if you have to go to the store daily.
I will report back when I start hearing anything. Dentist have pretty much closed here unless it is an emergency. However, I am seeing ads for dental implants. Emphasising the protection measures???!!!

Definitely the dentist will be a tricky one.
I am pretty sure Dentists are open in the UK, at least the NHS ones anyway but will check.
Tesco tells people to visit stores to get food

It said in the first weeks of the virus, there was "significant panic buying", with sales up almost a third.

Tesco said that had now subsided with food stocks "returning to normal".

"Between 85% and 90% of all food bought will require a visit to a store and here significant changes to the store environment have been implemented to maximise safety for colleagues and customers," chief executive Dave Lewis said.

Mr Lewis said that during its peak week of stockpiling, Tesco sold:

  • 3.1 million containers of liquid soap, an increase of 363%
  • 6 million tins of beans, more than double the usual amount
  • 3.3 million tins of tomatoes, up 115% compared to a typical week
  • 3.6 million packets of toilet roll, an increase of 76%
In contrast, he said sales of clothing and fuel both fell by 70%.

The chain said it would continue trying to "prioritise home delivery for the most vulnerable in society".

More at link.

(Including how they are having difficulty meeting on line orders)
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